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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i ¸ i &apos; ] RATES ] 25 words or less (mlnlmum [ charge) 75c single insertion, $1.25 [ two insertions, $1.50 three inser- ] tlon. Addltlonal Insertions 20c [ .each. Larger ads at .rate of 10c : i 'for each 5 words shove 25. ] ttd I" ¢][r Jt:t3 15C per fide. 75e I rnlnlrounl charge on each notice. | Card o1 ThanRs, $I.00; orlginal i poetry 50c per inch; casslficd dis- | play rates on request:' ; |, .dvertisements accepted over |,the telephone from phone sub- : ],scribers,- Cash should accompany . ] all other orders or payment made ,: | within five i5) days of the first i [ insertion to save expense of bill- m ing. An extra charge of 10e will ( [ be made when billing is neces- i: arY • [: PHONE 100 ' Classified Service i for i: IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS SEE ! EDDY BJSINESS i SERVICE !(i PHONE 540 120 South Third Street,  Shelton, W. ash. i I! .................... 2 ......... i vvv v gladly given If desi1=. Reasonable ing throughout, fireplace, garage Airway Court, Airport, phone 761R5. may keep nmtmy but nmil me the prices lee pickup and de,very, atta,:hed. Located on 115  7cor- A5-26tfn. papers. Mrs. F. A. Dswley, Gray- Closed Friday eveaings and Satur net lot in Northcliff Schultz Addl- -GI--R'YIY:---TJdr---ain--'T}ie stone I-iotel, Scc, uim, Wash. days, or iem'e work at Killmer Elec- tion. Call 1000 during the day, 861- Pines MountainView L'5-19tfn 6-9-23 W evenings. S5-5tfn ............... ' ........................  .................................................................................... trio. BUR(ESON RADIO SERVICE. I=IAVE $1300000 eqtlity"ln $1950000 FOR RENT: 3-r(pom apartln?nt. eler- L{)ST: bifocal glasses, gray and gold t221 Franklin, near Loop Field. Not(' , ' ' ' ences requlrefl o OO]ectl¢ 11 IU "ll s t " ' t ' { [ " ] new phone No. 8.15-W. 5-20-tf Seattle N?rth endLake '_Washington [ child. Phone Olymt)ia 5786 a'ftcr 8 p.m. )'fl{:{: Itvud. R ,tmn t, J6_I67 'DRESSMAKING, de,dgnlng and'h'iie?h= waterfront property (o room naut, I  o o .... lions. Expert work. Machine made la)n:t, hforu°n:agIght  t[d°rwf°2 T.-'-,D-TCT{T}-IITT9--Ta:[-i *vvv ............... vvv' button imles, 10 t.o 5 p.m.. front or view .Property near Shelton. j road Avenue, O6-9-,3 FOl SALE 408, Cota Street, S2-24tfn Call Union 34 Fl-13tfn. " .......  .................................................. ........................ :_ ................................................... FOR RENT: two be.droom uafurnished vvvvvv'vv'vvvv'vwvvv #REeCIP'riON sRi,' 6n-me¢li= FOR BALE: 3 room modern home with apartment and garage, also 3-room cal Contracts, old ago aIstmaee, or direct with you on your doctor's large utillty room near Union, 200 apt. and bath, partly furnished. FOR SALE: new 8-fl. boat. Choap. order. Prepp's Drug Store, Second fcct frontage on highway, beautiful Phone 693W nlornings or evenings. Has been in v,'ater once. 128 East and Ratlr=:. 10-'tfn. view, wired for range. R. C. Vigor. D6-16tfn. Cc{lar St. Phone ll,l-J. T6-16 New hardwood floors installed, ohl or new homes. J. A. Schlange, Box °.28, Bclfair. Phone Belfah' 5-393L 7-17-47tfn. i LAWNMOWERS Sharpened - Adjusted JIM MOORE 1627 Summit Drive 6-16-tfn phone Union 427. 6-2-16 F6R--R-lN'rT--pb.i;iiy-furiiisii(dc0tiagb.s "<ORSXLE:.-4:i.oni-iiohs-c--{h--tiifi: one mile north of Itoodsport, $25 crest, oil floor furnace and range, per month. Inquire Dusty Rhodes fh'oplace, some furniture, basement Resort. Phone Hoodsport 15-W-ll, has one room and garage. Will 3-10tfn. saeriflce, Phone 943W, ask for COLD-STOOGE BOXES l'orrem: 6--16-80 Phone 992. Mt. View Lockers. Star Mrs. Edwards. '-0R--S--AII- right in Hoodsport, fro'n- Route 1. Box 32-B. 3-24tfn Ished 3-bedroom house, Good condi- "TYPE'WR'iTF,RS'-'FOR----R-_F--I'nq'u(re ties. Level 100 ft. lot. $5,000, terms. Journal Office. 4-21tfn See H. R. Dickinson. Phone Hoods- lort 2M. 6-9-16 'OR-REN¥i 3-x;ooi"h0use'witll batl completely furnished on Island Lake "IWdR---'XL"-w-o'-6e:o{;m---h-ome--i'n about 2 miles from town, 2% good location, one block from shop- acres, 50 feet waterfront. Phone 908. ping center, dose to school, large Ask for Mr. Slater. 6-16-23 lawn, shade trees and flowers, fenc- .............................................................................................. ed. $4650 or completely furnished, $5650. Everything new. Large refrig- erator, electric range, automatic E. F. FULMER DECORATOR Painting,, Paper Hang- ing, SprayPainting PIIONE I00 or write me, Star Route, Allyn EXPERt WELDING AND ARC With the Latest Type Equipment FAST, EFFICIENT, REASONABLE SERVICE O BOAT, UTILITY, AND STOCK TRAILERS FOR RENT OR SALE O AL'S WELI)ING SHOP MT, VIEW PHONE 826 2 Blocks North of Needham Food Center SIWING MACI-IINII llg4*,Lm ,00RT WOR00 00oasooabio ,00harge. Itimates made in your florae by t I i.xmrteou, bonded employe. No olI. llgatlon. Leaw calls at The Journal h I vvwvv,vvvwvvvvvvwww Shitoa. Phone I00. I ' SINGER SEWING MACHINPI CO. l 10OR SAI,E: priced for quick sale. ' §IO 4th Ave. Olympia ] ]i'¢)ur !,ull{loztd {!t(.y lots, $500. Will ]'11 I ' t I t'  ] v!tdl s,tl}arah,ly for $100 end up. To . : ................ see phon, 823J or 605. P6-2-16 / iiY)R •sALE:-Mainland on saiUW-at-eE , Title Insurance-Ahetracis- .Escrows ? SIIELTON-BE1, L o Abstract & Title Co., lie, 19 S 4th (Bell Bldg.} Shelton, Wn. :, PHONE 65 ,,saon County agent for Puget ,,und Title Insurance Coin- lnY of Seattle West of Steamboat lslan,l near Ar- cadia. 600 ft. depth to road, pretty trees, view, good soil. 108 ft. along shore. Splendid fishing. $1575, ternm including oyster land fronting on Oyster Bay. Charles Seiners, Grapcvicw, Pllone 871-J-1 6,12 tfn EQIJ 1TY iii {we=y&£i,6i -ifioieriTt bedroom home, completely furnished, electric range and hot water heater, garage, four blocks from high st:heel. Write Box I% c-o Jotu'nal. .... P4-21tfn. on Hamrnersly InlOt, close in, No clearing or road building, :lust bring your lumber and start building. Will sell all or lmrt to one party. Phone 601. KB-16tfn Iz'-OR-t-ALI--i'Ti,W:" lots at Birch 'a- 10th St. Phone 601, K6-16tfn. Your Headquarters FOR EMEI00ON Radio and Television 5-19-tfn i i ill J LTLY "sXLE-atHiiicrest£- H al:d-- ware starts today. Look for spe- cial prices in ad on page 2 of ..... this ed!t!0n. ................... 6-16 FOR SALE: 18 foot cabin I}oat with 5 h.p. air-cooled motor. Phone 891J. L6-9-16 FOR SALE: 1946 I-£:i7-a,--:idn--0-: V. motorcycle. Phone 859J. P6-16 lliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Maon County Medical Asia. Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 I Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents llaUlCd Away • Quick Service 1714 East 9th, Olympia Phone 3486 or 7026 1-15--tfn, i_ i - -- SIGNS - Of All Kinds Neon Sales & Servlde MODERN SIGN SERVICE "  1 Phone Shelton 2 -17-th i i KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tank (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 465-W "1[ [L I I NEW, 2 BEDROOM HOME FOR SALE Best materials and con- struction, insulated, t ile floors, knotty pine living room and dinette. • Service room and laundry trays, electric hot water, pressure w a t e r system. Over 2 acres, located mil from Hillcrest on Ar- cadia Road. $8500 - Reasonable Terms E-4-14-tfn i BARGAINS OF THE YEAR 1. 8 room house. 5 bedrooms, 2 bedrboms downstairs, 3 upstairs, living room, dining room and kitchen. Full basement furn- ace, utility in basement. Right down town. Close to schools and shopping center. Price $6300.00. $1500.00 down, $50.00 a month. 2. 7 room lmuse. 4 bedrooms, full basement, furnace and fireplace. Utility in hasement. Price $5350,00, 3. 5 room house. 3 bedrooms, floor hlrnace, utility room, one lot 100' by ]05'. Down town. Price 5500.00. $1000.00 down, $30.00 n'lonthly. 4. 5 roorrl hOtlSe. 1 ,'lCl'(] of glOUfl(l, Skokomish Valley. Price $4200. $12(0 d{}wn. $35.00 mont.hly. 5. 40 acrc,. 4 room house and 1 (:{bin. 22 a{:r{,s ('.h'ared. BaN alt(; in good 2nd growth. All fentwd and cross fenced. Elec. tric pump. Pt'ice $500,Q0. $1000 dawn, $.t5.(10 a month. 6. (m Hammcrsley's Inlet. 6 room modern ]lome and 1 cabin. Grav- ity water system, 5 acres of land, practically all cleared, 132' frontage. Price $8400.00, Terms if desired, FARMS. HOMES AND WATER- FRONT. IF INTERESTED IN BUYING, SEE WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 North First St., Shelton .1 t washer. Phone 468. F6-16 FOR SALE: small 2-room house with bath on Beverly Heights, completely furnished with oil range, living room set, refrigerator, washing ma- chine, electric roaster, table and ehatrs, table radio, two chests of drawers plus two 60 x 100 lots, only $2,200 nr $1800 unfurnished. R6-1tfn "6R'-SXLE{-"{V{)" r06iii -)iome--ifi= terlor in knotty cedar, on lot ap- proximately 901200 feet. $1700. L, B. White, Route 3, Box 13, phone 772M. 6-2-16 FOR SALE: by owner, modern 6-room home, utlllty, double garage, wori shop, four lots, all fenced, Arcadia road Just outside cry limits. Phone 763R1, after 4:30. VS-ltfn. 0R-SXiE'-22be{li;oom home on Mt. View. Electric heat, fireplace, hard- wood floors. Lots of closets. Corner lot with view of Olympics. 105 1st St. Phone 945J. 8-2-18 iii ii i i ZINTHEO'S VALUES ANGLESIDE HOME of 4 rooms and bath; wired for range, auto- matic hot water tank, laundry trays; one corner and one inside lot all cleared, 120x100 ft. Should sell quickly at $4250, on terms. $ $ $ FIVE ROOMS AND ATTIC in this modern home on corner lot on Hillcrest; cement basement, oil burning furnace, laundry trays; hardwood floors, fireplace; room for two cars. Only $8000, reason- able terms. $ $ $ 40 ACRES, 3 cleared, 3-room house and large porch, machine s h o p 20x40 ft., well and elec. pump; 100 M. ft. of fir and cedar; creek bottom soil; 6 miles N.E. of Shel- ton. All for $3800 on terms. $ $ $ 8-ROOM HOME at Union over- looking Hood Canal; large firs- place; fruit trees, shrubs; corner lot. * $ $ NEARLY NEW 4-ROOM modern on East Ellinor; hardwood floors, automatic electric tank; linen clos- et; large lot; a buy at $5650, very easy terms. NEW MT. VIEW home, 2 bed- rooms; oil floor furnace, wired for range, automatic electric wa- ter heater; hardwood floors; gar- age. Very desirable. $8,200. $ $ $ FOUR-ROOM MODERN house on large plot just outside city limits; furnace in basement; good condi- tion; fruit, berries and garden, $6,000. vI. (2. ZINTHEO Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 157 Shelton, Wash. i HOME? Build It Yourselt 8 Lots in Olympic View Addition Reasonable Price Reasonable Tern Sewers Installed and Paid For. Water to the Alley.. Inquire at 1419 Mason St. or Phone 58-M P-5-12-tfn FOR SALE Completely furnished two-Ied- room modern homo.--centrally located--e x,c e 11 e n t view of town, Furnishings included, electi'ic range, refrigerator, el- ectric hot water tank, laundry trays, dining room set, living room furniture, bedroom sets and excellent floor coverings throughout. This home must hc seen to be appreciated. Priced at $8,500. PHONE 427J I I L6-2-23 II SEE OUR NEW HOMES ON.ANGLESIDE - 12TH AND TURNER DICK KIEBURTZ CONSTRUCTION CO. PHONE 899 Builders of Shelton's •Finest Homes 4-14-tfn thre.e rooms and shower bath, $35 per month, water and lights in- cluded. Phone 763J5. H6-16 ii ii i APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco Electric Floor Sanders Johnson Electric Floo Polish- ers Sterling Electric portable hand Sanders Reavy Duty Clark Electrlc Floor Waxer, LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone 56 2-10-tfn I WANTED WANTED: Route man with ca*'. Steady year-round. No layoffs. Average $2 to $3 per hour. Write J. R. Watkins Co. 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle. Wash. "V 5-26--6-2-9-16 WANTED: repair work or rcnmdeling of all kind. Any odd Job, large or small. Also rototlller plowing. Call 59-W, C3-31tfn WANTW.D- wiii -p-.( -6aTl*r6F tiirii;er • stumpage. Write Daniel and Flof ?her.Logging Co., P.O. Box 85, Olal- m. wasla, li-4tfn. W-'--'NTEb--/ de. sto prompt-f{ee courteous rvlcs. 'lloe us collect. Elma 121-J. Grays Harbor Render. Ing, In. s-Tffn. in the home. Mrs. Hannah C. Mi- chael, 410 Falrmont. Phone 456W. M6-16 age children in 720mYMh°me' Some housework. Phone . U6-16-30 of children or house work by the hour or ay. Phone 110J, 6-2-3 CATTLE: want to buy. sell or ex- change cattle of any kind. J. Clark, Box 232. Elms. Wash. 2-17tfn. AN TO BU': old horses for Ml-n feed. Mye and HanNn lnk Farm, Olympia. Phons 4876 collect, 1-1tfn laying. Free estimates. Write Camp Newatzel, Star Route 2. Sheltron. _ C/o_ R!e_ha_rd_Re_ck: ......... C5:2-1 WANTED: P. 1:. paper carrier. Tele- phone 728. M6-9-23 WANTJD': couple with one child wish to rent n|odcrn ullfurnished house with at least two bedrooms, in or near town. Phone 859J, P6-16 LOGS WANTED Highest Cash Price Paid COSELMAN MILL CO; RFD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road 2 Miles East-of Hillcrest To the "Sign" 'p,v,vqp,,qr v v,qp-wgv,qP, v,qP.p, p  ,q',qp"v ,w .q v'q Miscellaneous ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS meet Thulsday evenings at 8 at Wo- man's Club BIdg., 10th & Washing- ton. Olympia, Wash. 8-17tfn. lease. River bottom. All good soil. For information write Box B, Jour- nal. B6-2-16 R tiT0 if' i fiIS i N-G - -Eff El-- -   i'T iiTg --fffi-d garden service. Phone 9,11-W or Box H, Journal. H3-31tfn. i ill ill ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Shelton 650 i25 Cota  Shelton Jack Manley 7-15tfn NIC FAT WORMS FOR FISHING Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch 1st & Harvard Postpaid Anywhere n U.S. 3-10-tfn I I I • USED FURNITURE 1-LDaveno and chair ........ $39.50 1--Swing Rocker ................ $19.50 1--Swing Rocket' . ............... $29.50 l--Daybed .............................. $24.50 1--Wood Range .................. $29.50 1--Electric Range ................ $69.50 1--Oil Range ........................ $89.50 {burns wood or oil) 1---Mohair Davenport ........ $29.50 1--Reeker, with matching Occasional Chair .... ea. $14.95 1---Washer ............................ $19.50 Olsen Furniture Co. 321 Railroad Phone 102 i Jgl i i Many a man of any persuasion, But who can say on any occasion; "I know Coselman's will always make good, And do a square deal as always one should." Besides lower prices prevail as a result of Coselman's "mill to consumer" marketing pol- icy. 2x4 $4S, good ................ $49.50 2x4 $4S ............................ $30.00 2x6 $4S, good ................ $49.50 2" Dimension Shorts good-g20 Selected knqtty cedar panel- ing v jointed ' ' .............. 12 "zz¢ Surfaced lumber in all sizes and quality in fir and cedar. Fir logs custom sawed. Wood $11.00 load delivered, about 2 cords. R.F.D. 3, Shelton, 2 miles East of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign." COSELMAN MILL CO. Plmnc 867-R-1 Evenings PLOWING AND DISCING. Henry ONE OWNER: 19.11 vpccial DeLUxc Boysen, Phone 923. 3-17tfn. Chevrolet. A good buy at. $825. OPPORTUNITY'"fol;"a-man'eJr'wonlan: Tern|s. Also 16-ft. Bh'chcraft boat. selling leading appliances line. Apply Will take $75. See day or evening. in person at Lumbermen's Mercan- .on(; mile south Union. Mrs. Enoeh tile. 6-9-i6 Nelson. 6-16-30 -- -N E E-E-gS-X--A EY--g l--q'q'lrT----- Reliable high st:hoot gh'ts. Night or day. Phone 206W or 543M. H6-16tfn LFf00 PUBLEATIOI00 • qw ,qF V'Wp, V N V V 'Wp.'qW'V VNr 'qr qp '%v 'V V 'V tp V t Mtate of Washington Office of upervlsor of Hydraulics Olympia NOTICE OF %VATER RIGRT APPLICATION NO. 8757 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notlce is hereby given that Charles E. Cartwright of Bremerton, Stale of Washlngton, under dat of April 15, 1949, filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olylnpla, Washington, an application for a permit to dh,ert the public waters of all unnamed spring tributary of final drainage, Un- Ion River, ill lhe amount of 0.05 sec- ond-foot, subject to existing right, from April 15 to October 1 of each }'cat- for the purpose of irrigation and continuously for domestic supply; Di- version works: height of dam 2%', length 8'4"; that the approximate point of diversion is I)cated within SE% of SE! of Section 4. Township 23 N.. Range 1 W.W.M., ill Mason County. A *nap showing the loratlon and plan of said diversion and the place of the proposed use is on file in lhe office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, O]y)npia, Washh|gton, to- go.thor with snch othcr informatlou as Is required hy law. Ally person, firm or corporation whose right will he injuriously af- feelcd by said npplleath,n may file with tile Slate Supervisor of llydrau- ic, at OlymlMa. Washington, such ,bJcctloas or rcl}resentations, in "wt'ii- rig, as he may desire to make, withi :hirty (30) days after date of last mblication, which date la June I6. 99. Witness my hand and official sual lille 6th day of May, A,D. 1949. {SEAL) CHAS. J. BARTHoLET, State Supervisor of Hydraulics. 8-9-18--2t. qv'q'qP'rvq'qrv'qrtv"qrw'vvv'qP"qrvv= t vvvvvvv'vvvv'vvvvvv'qvp'vv'qP'v JULY SALE at Itillcrest Hard-[ FO[% SAUl'l: ,',:gistero(l" Nubian goats, ware starts today Look for she- / buck anti d(,e. Dolt A(lams. Sar .... ";"  ,- t Route 2 Box 76 Shelton (Dayt(n clal prmes in aa on pa,e  o| Road) ' " ' " 6-2-]6 this edition. 6-16 ' ....... ; ": .......... FLOOR COVERINGS: tile or linoleum, ware starts installed or lay It yourself. Easy cial price ia est prieed on market. $139.50. See it terms. 3 years Io pay. Lawton Lure- at E. A. Carr Electric, Title Insur- bet', 420 S. First St., phone 56. this edition. ance Bldg. R6-2t fn. 3-3tfn. PlANe ]-R-SAcEi--Chiikii--iClzufizerfc0w tt(JI:N]T-13ovER (!tiX1-N---8'k/-8 Must reposseSS. lnanure, Skokomish top soil, tractor sales p trts and SCl'Vh'e. Kilnbel Me- vDrdiort StudioS, plowing. Phone 483-W. O2-24tfn tots,'707 S. First Street, Sheiton. Seattle. iSR-SXLEi " Dr:/7-SYE-i:6wii--/ii:, _ . 5-19tfn. FOR SALE : wood. not slab wood, any length. FOR SAI..E: 6 yPar ohl Jer:cy cow or (.rate. One load or a hundred. Pronlpt de- livery. C. R. (Cliff) Borden, Phone 216-J-3 or Dick Burden, 1028 Rail- road. 5-26-tfn BOWLS MIXERSs id- j uic6.i's f,)i;Mix 2- masters at Eclls & Valley Appliance _ Ceylter: ........................................... 6:2t f2L FOR SALE: uecd furniture, decora- tive windmills and bird iouses. Mrs. Al Chase, Jefferson and Lee. 405R. 6-9-23 FOR SALE: General Electric range with clock. Less than one )'car old. 119 E, Cedar. Phone 951J, M6-2-16 -F-6 i( "-S-X E E T-£ ]i 7E.- 6 iin , ;}h-%'iiio-r (i motor, recently overhanled, fine me- chanical condition. I. L. Wilson, phone 160J exenings. 6-2-16 MISKELLA SUPPLY B Olympia Highway [] Your "BEST BET" for REFRIGERATION, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, Aluminum, Etc. 9-2-tfn SPECIAL Universal Washing Machines $i09.95 to $169.95 With clothes hampers and cor- domatic clothes line r e el FREE. SHELTON ELECTRIC Gooey Bldg. Phone 154-W LOOK FOLKS, IT'S MILL WOOD Many prudent ones who lost out last Fall, account mill closing down for the winter are now ordering their win- ,ter's supply. Quick delivery now, $11.00 load. About 2 cords, slabs, edgings, planer ends. COSELMAN MILL CO. Arcadia Road East to the Sign Phone 867-R-1 with calf. Phi,no 87l}{2 or iuquire raspberries K. E. (;ronttuist, Grapeview. Phone i 6-16-30 {Olympic 'I'()R SAI, I':: 300 say{g,, rifl,:£alin(,St FOR SALE: new, .h,)t 10 times, 88(} cmh. .lay eqtlippcd. Look. phone 587J or iuquire Star Angeles. • Route 2, Box 12 (Railroad Ave.)6.16 FO-SA--L-I" or cns, ere. ' /{ii -SXls3--iiMiiiiz",; W6;: Aove and llot w::t(!r t:tnk. W,,llld oxcilange f,n' trash hurner. Pitone 706M after 4 p.m. B6-16-23 '£)" sXi;i- 6 -w(;Sk-];id-fui"kTy-7-$:72",g each lit O. L. Gates, Route 2, 1t(, 3{)7 (]3ayshore ,'{rod). 6-16 • /13E - - -S £ I£ F: --'a t--Hi i icT e-- -HTaT ware starts today. Look for spe- cial prices in ad on page 2 of this edition. 6-16 -(SR--ST.I]Ei- ?i:6i iiit':, -,,{iiiC-fbiiiiTE at First Slrc,,t Gtoe,,ry. 833 South First St., Shelton. Ph,me 982. 6-9-23 FOR SALE OR TirADE: garageT-al-d service station, new concrete block bldg., 30x4i} inside mdasurements. 15 ntiles south Puyallup on Meridian hiway. 4-room home with fireplace, full basement. 20 acres. Drilled well. wheels. Value St. -X)R SALE: s Lawrence and Navajo fitlts, four North 'qA iLS, $123 want at FOR 30-gallon, heater. Phone quire A. L. pia. FOR SALE: oak Wall mirror, FOR SALE: with chair. aY First St. FOI SALts: see for auto Three cabins. C. R. Ely, at. 1, Box and Mill 197A, Grahant, Wash. 6-2-16 FOB. SALE: MILL WOOD $10 a load Delivered In Shelton Our Wood Is Always a Cord or Better to the Load. Enitai Lumber Co. blinerva Park Phone Hoodsport 38-V-12 3-24-tfn range. condition, 582W. CHICKS ' ANY BREED U.S. Also key poults, I-Iillcrest " i ii i SAW MILL FOR SALE i' This is the Airport Mill Co., lo- i cated % mile east of Shelton Air- [port on Island Lake Road. Want $5,000.00 but will consider any of- for, cash or terms. For informa- tion see : Elliot B. Spring Shelton, Wash. 6-9-16-2t ' .AS 'to 12-ft. Cedar 16-foot trailer 14-foot motor 16-foot motor 22-ft. cruiser, SEE U$,ED FOR SALE: 19.11 Hudson four-door sedan, good condition throughout. Radio. heater, overdrive. Priced to soil at $750. Phone 427J. L6-2-23 FOR- SALE : onii-i936 F})t:d-V'8 c6aPel Good paint and tires, $225. (?all 949M. • ' ' J6-9-23 "FOR S AL E i " i§46 - -P1 y n)} u {i-(6n-ve . t- ible. 853 Fairntont Street, phone 58::1- M. B6-2-16 bed truck, $800. Bill Pearson, 120 E. Grove. 6-2tfn, ]946" HUDS6N suitor six -two-do0r mi= dan, $1125. Bill Pearson, 120 E, Grove, 6-2tfn. FOR SALE: '34 Plymouth Coupe: Good transporlation. $175.00 cash. Phone Hoodsport 8. C 5-26 tfn FOR PACKARD CARS AND MARINE MOTORS See Your Packard Deale Frank Thorp Motors Packard Sales and Service PHONE 6558 222 No, Capitol Way OLYMPIA Quality Used Cars i Guaranteed Used Cars & Trucks By Kimbel Motors 1941 Ford Sedm, 4-door $885 New finisiL new seat covers, radio and heater. 1940 Plymouth Sedan, 4-door $735 New finish, heater. 1940 Plymouth Sedan, 4-door ............ $675 Heater. 1941 Ford Sedan 2-Door 2. ................... $825 Heater, New Pa-int. 1946 Hudson Super Six 2-Door ........ $1250 Radio, Heater, Seat Covers, lots of Extras, new rubber 1934 Plymouth Coupe - as is ............ $125 Running Condition 1947 FORD LOGGING TRUCK ........ $2550 Complete with bunks and cab guard, ready for the road. 5-speed main trunsmbmion, 3-speed auxiliary transmission, heavy duty Clark rear-end, 9:00 tires. e 3 Ton 1947 D0dg 4" Pickup ................ $1185 A-1 Condition 1942 International "Metro" ...: ............ $1200 (Largc Pancl) A-1 Condition 1940 Oldsmobile Sedan, 4-door. ......... $825 Radio and Heater. O IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New 'International Vz, J,. and 1-Ton Panel= and Pickup= KIMBEL MOTORS ist & Mill . Phone 601 • i FOR SALE: 19,10 Packard coupe, $700 FOR LE: Inquire William White, 1028 Rail-' radio and road. 6-9-16 David FOR SALE: by original owner, ate 4 1946 model Ford cabriolet.. Driven less than 20,000 miles. Fully equip- ped. New tires, Call mornings 820, afternoons 530, . G6-9-23 FOR SALE: I937-Tudor -Oldsn-bile six, call be seen at Anderson Motor Co. Bids accepted. Shelton Branch Seattle-First :National Bank. 5-Stfn W-E--F[N--ANCE-on bank terms. Up to 24 months to pay at Bob Ervin Mo- tors, 633 SouthFirst Street, Shelton, Phone 673. 5-Stfn F--q SA--------LE :-----iiV-%vi=ofd.-C:D%. : uemxe sedan. Will consider trade. Phone 759-J. G4-14tfn. (Army). excellent tPailer for 665M. fect paint. Cook mile north 15W11. FOR SALE 000 miles, $1295. H{ Phone 441. OUR PRICES ARE 1947 Frazer heater & overdrive 1946 DeSoto, R. & H., auto. drive 1941 Chrysler Sedan 1940 Ford Tudor Deluxe. /937 Buick, runs good" 1940 Hudson Coach /934 Chevrolet Coupe ....................... i OLYMPIC MOTOR First & Mill Sis. . USED CARS TERMS AND TRADN 1947 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan Overdrive, radio and heater, Io 1942 Chevrolet Sedan .................... : Motor, paint, upholstery good. 1940 Ford Sedan ....... Radio and Heater. 1941 Dodge Sedan New Paint 1936 Ford Sedan .............. " ............... i Radio and Heater AL HUERBY PHONE 16 5TH GOOD USED 1947 FORD 4-DOOR SEDA)I Radio - Heater - Colulytbia Axle 1941 CHEV. COACH, Radio - Heater ....::.'" 1935 FORD COACH, Good Motor MODEL A FORD ..... ............................................ Anderson M00tor Ph0p 52 ,u i'