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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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c ,00Ds E00+ff c&apos;00i+ g" Shelton NO, 2025 NOTICI.: TO ('llFI)lTOlt. TO I'RI.:4ENT AND FILE CI.AIMS IN TIrE SD'PEB.IOR COU1CP ()li" '1'I11!i STATE ()I," WASIIlNCT()N FOIl MASON COUNTY IN I)ROBATI 'l In the Matter ,ff th,, l']slat of 2vv- gill, fit,, ]htlcllin:< ql, : )(..q lsi!( NOTICE IS IllqI¢.El;Y GIVEN tirol (hly Huh.hillsoll Ii;ls h(q'n apl)oiHh,d and has itHalil'i('d as Ex(q,utl)l" of the Will and el' the PsHt|e i,f Ila)'gllt!f'ite ]t/ltchinson, Dot:ended, )ad (liar :ill NO. 20: NOTICE TO ('itI:I)ITORS TO PRE.ENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN 'L'ilI SIIPERIOR COURT OF TIlE STA Tli] OP WAStI] NGTON 1,'O 1{ MASON (:OI!NTY In llw Malter of tile Estate nf Cody W()tdlard, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY (lIVEN that lhe undersigned, Nell Woollard has }'('i'll all ).tilted and has qualified as Executrix of tilt' Last W II arid T(!.:Ia - )11€'1]l and of the estate of Cody Wool- lard, dvceased; and that all persons ha..iog tin|IllS l)g:lillst the said etate or |:tit! snid det'ensod art} hl!l'Cl)y )'e- quired to SOl'V(' lhe salll( dilly vel'ified ill duplicate with Ill(:! niacos;IFy /on.. ('Ilel's attaclled Ulloa the I)Odcrsig'netl h]xecutrix or ller alto)'ney (if rtcord persons having chiilns against Iho s/t_id nt Ih( law office (if f'J. lVranklin Heus- Dect.asbd ())' Ihe said estal(, al•q ht!l'cb.v I ton. Angle lluilding. Shelton. lgasb- )'oquired to ,ui!l've the shine, duly xori- ; ington, and file such t:lailllS together lied wilh lh(, ne.vsm'v vouchers nt-lwilh proof of servit'o with the Clerk tached Ul)On the unders'b'ned Execuh)r ()17 the above enlitled Cou,'t within ildg. t)r his attorney of )'oc)).d n( tim Iaw F six t6) nlonths after tile dnte of the, office of (;has. 1{. Lewis, 119 S(luthl first l, ul)licatiou Of tiffs n(,tico, to- Fourth Str,'et, Bell Building. Sli(qttm, )wit: May IItb, 1949, or nil t'lai)iis Mason CollntY. Wli.itllin{tqan. the sal)l(!in(.)t st) presented 1111(1 filed, will be bei)lg desigllitt((] its the Ilia(:(' ft)r tbe l forever barred. transact|ell of the busin(.ss of lhe said NELL WOOLLARD. Ex- estate, and file st)oh clailns t(Igetlez' ocutrix of the b]state of with pr(lof of s(,l'vi(,*! with tile clerk Cody Woollard, de(:etlsod. "-R of tilt! hi)ave entithd court w Ill n li Address: montiJs after the date of tlw first Star at. 2, Box 94-B, publication of lhis nolle'e, It>wit: Jam' Sht,lton, Washington 9, 1949, or all clainm not so served B. Ft{ANKLIN HEUSTON, and filed shall be Iorevor )arred, Atto'z.y l'm' sahl Fstate, GUY I-IUTCHINSON, .*.n.t:l(, I:Hdg'., Shelton, Wash. Executor 5-26 .-6-2-9-16--4t CItAS, R. LEWIS, ................................ Attorney for said Estate NO. 5256 Bell Building, 119 South Fourth St. SI'MMON FOR I'I!BI,ICATION Shelton, Mason County, Washington. IN THE SUPERIOR ('CURT OF THE LEWIS 6-9-16-23-a0--a. "STATE OE WASttINOTON FOR MASON COUNTY LAW NO. 040 Jcan.!lte Darlene Streams. Plaintiff, , NOTICF OF HEARING FINAl, I --vs.-- St. REPORT AND PETITION Robert V. Streams. Defendant. FOR I)ISTRIBIFrlON TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON to IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THFJ Ill(' said R.obcrt V. Streams, Defend- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ant: MASON COUN'IY i You arc hcrehy summoned to al) - In the Matter of the Estate of Mar- i pea|' within 60 days after tile date of gret Martin, Deceased. the first publication of this suture,ins. NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN: that to-wit: within 60 days after the 16th A'LEY Mary Wright, Administratrlx ,if the day of June, 1949, and defend the estate of Marg'ret Martin, deceased, has above entitled action ill the .'tl)ove T LAW filed ill the offit:o of the Ch'rk of entitled conrt and answer the anlend- above entitled court, her Iin&l report ed complaint (if tim Phhintiff and s('rv( and petition for distribution, asking it t:Ol)y of your answer upon the un- the court to settle said report, to dersignod attorney for Plaintiff at Bank distribute the llropcrty to the persons his tiff ice below stated and in vase " " Shelton thereunto entitled, an(l to discbarg(, of your failure so to d(, judg'nfent said Administratrix; and that said re- will Im rendered against you accord- port and pete(bin will be heard on tlw ing to ale denmnds of the amended 8th day of July, lfflg, at the hour of complain-t, which has been filed with 10 o'eloek a.m. on said day at the the Clerk of tile said court. The ob o SPRING con,,t house in Shelton, Washington. jeet of this action is to secure a gi: Dated this 3rd day of June, 1949. vorce by Plaintiff from you as (SEAL) tlAIIYY. DEYETTE. fondant upon tile grounds of non- Clerk of said Conrt, support, desertion and abandonment ilX ervlcell BY DOIISANN MOREHOUSE, nnd for restoration of Plaintiff's maid- Deputy, 6-9-16-23--3t. en name. CHAS" R. LEWIS llltems NO. 2093 Attorney for Plaintiff Phon 65 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Belt Building', 119 South IN THE SUPERIOR COUR'D OF THE lou)'th Street, Shelton, STATE OE WASHINGTON FOR Mas,m County, Washington. MASON COUNTY 6-16-23-30--7-7-14-21-28--7t. In the Matter of the Estate of W. C. Warren. deceased. NOTICE OF PECIAL SCHOOL The undersigned is tile appointed ELI':CTION and qualified Executor of the above Notice is hereby given that a special G, estata. All persons having clainls election of the legal school eloqtors against mild de 'cased are required to of Gral)eview School District No. 54 serve same on said Executor or his of Mason County, Washington, will be attorneys at the address below stated, held at the Grapeview School Honsc BUilding anti file same with Clerk of said Court, in said district on tile 25th day of togetl)er with proof of service within June, 1949, for the purpose of voting six months after first publication of 20 Mill Tax Levy for General School tiffs noti(,o, Fund. Flr:t lmblication: 3une 2, 199. Polls will be open from 1:00 p.m. EARL R. WARREN. to 8:00 p.m, Executor Dated this 6th day of June, 1949. HOl RALPH PURVIS, I3y order of the Board of Directors. JAMES B. SANCHEZ, H. M, STRICKLAND, Clerk, Attorneys for Estate, 6-9-16--2t. 245 Fourth Street Building, B,'emerton, Washing'ton CALL I,'OR BIDH 6--2-9-16--3t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that snaled bids will be opened bY the Wash. NOTI(!E O1 o MEETING OF Board of Commissloner of :tlblic BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Utility, District No. 1 at a meeting of The Board of Equalization of Mason the Commisslon on July II, 1949 at County. Washington will meet Tues- the Department Offices, Star Route 1, CORREA day, July 5, 1949 at th0 hour of 9 Box 203, Shelton, Washington, at 8'.00 a+m., Standard Tim(, at the oft'tee of P,M, for the following: the County Asessor in the Ct)urt One 1940 :!i ton Chevrolet Panel IIouse. SheltSn, Washington for the truck. l)urpose of equali;.'ing the assessments The Board reserves the right to ac- ll'.o of the property ill the t:ounty and will cept or reject ally or all bids. continue ill session t'rom time to time Dated this 16 day of June, 1949, J'-r a period not to exceed two weeks. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, VINCENT E. PAUL, Public Utility District No. 1 Assessor, Mason County DICK BUECHEL, Secretary. 6--16-23-30--3t 6-16-23-30---3t. . then THINK I I geBACK in blazing Hin&ley, death was hunting out most of the remaining inhabitants. More than a hundred took refuge in a swale /along the " railroad tracks and there they were burned to black crisps or gray-white ashes, every last one. Allen Fraier was near enough to hear 'them die. 'When the fire wave hit that swamp,' he said, 'there was .... one piercing cry of anguish, then everything was still except for the howling of the wind.' Fraser and his family withstood the fiery blast by getting into barrels of water .... What started this e , . that became such a, tremendous sea of flame and rolled for twenty miles and took 418 lives?" -from Burning an Empire, the first book about Amerlcan forest area, by Stewart Rolbrook, publllhed by The Macmillan Company. Quoted by special permission. orest fires are started by little acts of carelessness, and every conflagrations destroy millions of dollars worth of trees-. that once were no more than single sparks. explosive horror of a great "forest fire can't be be seen. If you have ever seen one, you will stop . •, and ask yourself . . . EELTON-MAON ('anse Nu. 5316 N()TICE OF SIIFR1FF"S Y, AI,I!" O1," REAL I.:,'i'A'rE Indcr GeIH.ral |,N(.I, tit 14ill IN Ttl] SUI'I,HIOI¢. (+Ot;l',T (it,' 'I?ITE s'r ATI,] ( )I(' WASH INCT( )N I,'( )1 , MAS(')N (OU'NTY Ah +l'tl+ en ]P(!t(.l'a[ Sa%illgr: (" L(.;tn A,;s()(:ialic)n, a corl)())'alio)L I)l:;illlill' -VS. .... (71Uy S. Stopheo; :)))(I Daisy It. ,(4(+.1)- hens. hus[I/lnd nnd wife. |)(q'Plld;lll[L Undel' all(l by virtt)( ()r ;) :(,ll(.l'.¢ll ('X,'('uti;)u ]SSl) 'd eLI( t)l' ;Hid tllld('l" Ill+' seal el lhe Superior Co 't (d + tlw S!:)h Of WtlshitlK(on. in alld fop (Nm v. (in th(' 24th day of May, 19,19, till4111 a (1 t.t4 • (' 1 .olldred iO ;;aid (h.ttt'l tin the J:lttl dlly el Mny. 19:19. i l f:)x'.,r of Ab(q'deen lOed('ral Savillb4s alld I..):tll A:lsochtti(in and ag'f)int.t (: (5" b;, Si"I) • b('ll+ alld lit S: D. Sl('l;)ll(!ll'L h|lsh:llld and will!, jH(lglutqlt del)l(li's, f(ir tlll SUl)l of $3.0,16,76 i)(dla)'.% loK eliilq' wiih atto'n(,y's |'(!t:Lq, int !l.,St, c()sls :llllt in- creasc(l t'r/sts, and [(i iile dil" :{+'t illid dclive)'ed, i did ()a tlw 25th d;ly of May, 1,€),t9. h,vy Hp(in ,'ill tl|p riE'hl. title and Inh.i'(.st id' said .jlldFlll('lil d('bit)r. in alld to t)l(, f(db)WillK de'- a-. s('rilmd ]lroporty h) slit s y sa (] , tK" inch|, to-wil : Tim Southt,ast Qunrter (.qI,Pl) -f the SNuthoast Quartm' fSEl) d' S*..- tion :ll, Town.hip 19 North. Rmge (i West (,f tim I.Villali|elh' M(q'itliao, (!xcellling t li(!i•(q'l,i mi p|)l)lic l't)ad rights-of-way. NOW TIIEI:H,]FORE, NOTIC, I,; 1,'4 ItI'IItEBY GIVEN, Tllat on Satt|rday the 2nd (lay of July, 1949, at 11") -'('h.'k in the l'o),enoon .f said day. 1 will sell tbe above described p|'ol.'rty. (w SO Inueh thereof as nlt]y be neC(!H,IIM'Y to satisfy said judgnienl, togelher wilh aL|l)rney'8 fib'S, i))tol'('st, costs nlld in- c)'ensc.d co.uts, in all 8alounttng t() the sum of $i1.:151.01 Dolla)'s. Said sale will take place nt lhe ('a.'t doe)' of the C'(ml't House at Shot(on in said County .and State, ill)(+| will be at I)ublic auctiOll, Iol' ('.ash in hnlld [O the highest and best l.|Iddcr. Dated at Shell(,n, ,Wash., this 251h day <,f May, 1949. ROY ROFqSEL, She)'if of said C()unty. 6-2-9-16-23 --4t. NO. 2O5O NOTICE OF HEARINti ON FINAL ACCOUNT REPORT AND I'ETI- TION O1" AI, MINITRATOR Felt SETTLEM ENT, 1)ITRIIIITION AND DISCIIARGI': IN TItE SUPERIOR COIH.T OF THE STATE O1" WASHINGTON IN AND FOR TIIE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE In the Matte|' of the Combined Es- tates of Horace Dunbar and blinni(' 1 .... Dunbar. both Deceased. NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN, that Alden C. Bayley, Administrator of tim above estate, has filed herein his final account, report and petILion for set- tlement and distrlbutl()n of the ('state of the deceased, wh(#rein the, Court is asked to approve said account nnd report, and make dist|'ibutlon (if ttw estate,, and discharge the adndnistra- tot. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that hl accordance with an order of said (h)urt made and entered i))l the 27ili flay of May, 1.+#49. a hearing will I)e had before the Court on snlid fhull account, report and pctithm on Fri- day. the 1st day of' July, 19,19, +it 10 o'clock, a.m., on said date in the Clun't Room of said Court in tbe (3OlU't }4quse at Shelton, Washington. Dated this 27th (lay of May, I919. HARRY I)EYETTE, Clerk of the Superior Cour for Mason County, Washing- ton. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for the Estatc, Title Insurant'e Building. Shelton, Washington. 6-2-9-16-23 .tt, Classified Servic COITNTY .IOUrtNAL Air Drift hick written GAA test::; SaLurd;ty. Ray Braun, Le& Jbs!in, Jack Smite( Glen Stuart and I+.ol,e,'t Allen sat MOUIT OLIVE BIBLE !Bishop Bayne To Lead re, (heel CaR (Cvil A<,o::.u,: SCHOOL ENDS BUSY,  Confirmation Service -Legtl]ations) tests, and I<oy alld + "1  l  f Frank Travis, Jr., lheir navigtt.ion. SIJCCESSFI L TERM I At St. David's Church l)]xanlinations wore lield tinder Lhc snlJervision of CA A ins,pectol' ll.ob- ei't Jones of Seattle, .ht4,t¢ Howard, in spite of a re- cent injt|ry fronl a power-saw, took and passed his instl'uctoF.'; i'lioht test. CongraLulations. Five-year-old Janiec Lee Tiffany, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaraes I,. Tiffany this week flew from Olympia to Portland, shine. Her parents put her aboard a West Coa,t Airliner, :rod she was met at PorLIand by her aunt, with whom she will visit for a few wocks. :I: tb :',: Joe Duffey, line mechanic for Montgomery Electric Company, ii the latest student to be approved for flight training by the Veter- ans Administration. Joe is enr(tll- ed for the commercial course. The Norris Rau's made a quick trip to Wenatchee Sunday after- noon where they visited with Kcn and Fay Ensley. :}: :!: :3 Travel by airliner seenls to be increasing considerably among Sheltonites if the number of in- quiries for information which Shel- ton Air Service receives each (lay is any indication. Hardly a day passes without four or five re. quests for assistance m planning flight itineraries. Another local 'bird' will ,-mon bc added to the fast growing list of airplane owners, Berlc St(lording is dealing for a Cessna 140. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Phillips were Rose Festival visitors at Portland over the week end. Mrs. Phillips operates the Airport Cafe. DOWNDRAFT . . . Pat and Mike, fresh from h'eland observed a traffic light turning from red to orange to green. Noticing the short time the orange ligh-was lit, one remarked to the other, "They sure don't give the protes- tants nltlCh time to get across." • "vvv'vv v v v v'r v,,v,v vv v,v-,vl ,vv v v v,l Harstine Island lp'V 'v v v lP v'.- v v r v v ,iv - v v ',11 ,. v v lV -,l#., By rs. Earl Harriman Those attending the Denzel Page wedding in Elma Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. h'vie Wingert, Lyle Hiteheock, Mrs. Earl Herr|. man and son Clyde. Miss Corn Horton, recently from Alaska, is visiting at the home of her sisLer and htlsl);nd, Ml'. and Mrs. W. E. Gillette. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Carnes and PLOWING, BLADING, ¢O,>lmg, exca- vating, harrowing with tractor. (hill son Marvin Fordon of Ol.mpia Philllp Hard(e, Route 1, Box 137, .'.rpent the week end with Grand- ._P_lmne 7_66j]_I. _ ............................ 3i0tfn. ma and Grandpa ,l:ohn L. Hiteh- t4MSTITCHINO: 10¢ yar, also but- cock. tonhollng. Mrs. Ellis Well, 405 Ar- eadla Avenue. (Corner Arcadla an4 C. W, Streckenbach reLurned Boundary Streets.) 2-28-tf Oil stoves and furnaces vacuum cleaned. Free estimates. Phone 3486 days, 7026 evenings. Olylnpta, Wash. P3-24tfn, IV (5+R BPEN CER FOUN t:)A Ti(JNS b::n{ supports, phone 799-J for appoint- nlent or call at 14:1 Stllllp|  D,'h'e. 9-26-46tfn, WE REPAIR All makes of RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES and SMALL APPLIANCES Expertly and Reasonably honle :unday evening from lhc Gt'angi convention in Pulhnan. Mrs. Earl Harriman and son Clyde and Mrs. Leone Otterstad and children of Aberdeen..will leave Wednesday nlorning:.-fof San Francisco to visit Mr: and Mr:+. Ted V. Hill and family• Mrs. Lillie Owens of Seattle is spending a few weeks at her is- land summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Page ac- companied their dangh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crock- ett of Eugene, Oregon, on a wtea- tion trip around the Canadian loop. Mrs. Bnd G]aser, Mrq. Lottie Uggen and. Mrs. Laura Olinger were business ::hoppcrs in Shelton Monday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thor Johnson are living in he Carl Mat(us homc. Classified Service PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures. Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Swearirgen Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton 12-9tfn. Stoves and Furnaces RIIDIO LtillRII VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. DILLENBURG BROS. Modern Equipment Opera(ted by EXPERIENCED MEN For BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING LOGGING HAULING Phone 667-J 6-16-30-3t + --" I I " I I State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Collision Coverage On Cars as Old as 1937 For Qualified Applicants Rates, Service for Policy Holders " Transfers Now A'vailabl at ,.. my cigarette OUT? , •. is that match OUT? BOB ERVIN MOTORS Phone 673 s 633 outh Flret 6treet .. is my campfire OUT? ENGINEERED ELECTRICAL SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY WIRING J. 00TERPI0000 CRAIG P. ELIOT COH00[000H C0 REGISTERED ' LICENSED and BONDED a Engineer - Electrical  Contractor YONIER INCORPORA00 .oow....o,,...,,,. v. P, O, Box 158 = Sh,elton i- Phone "788 b'( Mount Olive Lutheran Church Menlber; of St, David'.'; Ei)ico- eonchlded its m4)sL sueecs.;ful Va- pal (.'hnrch are rejoicing in the cation Bible Soil,,el with a (:h)sing facL tiiat lhe ILight l-{everend prograni of reciLat;ion and song Stephen 1. B'iyne, ,It'., S.T.1)., last Fri(.hly evening.  I)i,hop of the I)iocesc of Olympia, i The Bible School, meeting daily i will mal(e a .,;pecial visitation to from 9 t,o t2 a.m,, began on Tues- I St. David':;, wilt adninister the (lay, May 31, tile week ariel' the I rite of confil'ination aud l)reach at closing of the public st,heels. I the regular eleven o'clock serv- Despite the f'wt that nlof;L 4)!' the licc St nday morning, July 24. child)'en had ,jLst (:Oml)lete(l nine hi anLi('ipation t)f the bishop',; I,nonths of school, 91 children on- vise(alien, the leverend Francis rolled on the opening day, ill. Bali, vicas f St,. David's, will The well-organized pr(igram, the hold reguhu' ehtsses for confirna- xeellent worn books, handicraft ation in the church on P'ri(ay projects, movies, and supervised I evenings beginning at e i g h t play sold themselves, Exccpt for lo'elock. To these services of in- the last day, the enrolhmnt in-  strnetion all interested person.'; are creased daily, bringing the total cordially invited. enrollntent to 153. There was an " ................................................ average daily attendance or 102 Baptist Bible Pupils with 66 children receiving ce,'tifi-= TO Give Demonstration tales for not missing nlore than ,)no day in each of the two weeks. The Vacalion Bible Sc.hcol of A large staff of 20 teachers and the Baptist Church will 9resent assistants contributed much to the its delnonstration program Friday, ,ma,c, ess of the program. June 17, at 7:45 p.m. The songs, verses and lessons learned will be i Me)lINT OI, IVE l',Ir'l'lll']ll'AN given by the boys an(t girls. Fol- CHUR(|I lowing the program the parents Win. !1. AII)aeh, l)ustor and friends will be shown the ltlg'hway and Caseitde handwork made Chu'inff Lhe school. Tonight: The Choir meets at 8 The Baptist. Chm'ch is well p.ra. The LuLheran Hour Chorus, pleased with the splendid response on tour, will give a concert at of the children to the Vacation Zion Lutheran Chu:'ch, South 16th Bible School, The attendamm has anti L, Tacorna, beginning at 8 ranged between 100 and 130 and p,ln. There is no adrnis:ion charge, the interest has been keen. Snnday: Stm(hty S4,.hool begins Tlle st:heel will (;lose with a i)ie- aL 9:45 ll.m. "Worship Serviees dur- nie on Saturday at 10 All illg (he sItHllllel' lnonths begin at (the boys and girl:; v::ho have :1t- 8:30 and 11 a.n I. The V¢altlier Lea- } tended are cordially invited. gue will have t picnic at Delight, ...................... Park, on Lake lslbel. Leagners( FIR.'4T BAPTIST (+HUR(+il will meet at Mount Olive chapel Fifth and Cota St.r(,els at 2 l).nl. Bl'illg' a hlnch for the ,I, O. I$ovee, l)a.Mor evening.  Wlll'rPIi llale, AsMM:unl Wednesday: The Lutheran \\;ro- Stlnday school, 9:45 DolTt men's Missionary League will be fooled into thinking yoll cio not mcet at 8 p.m. need the StlndIly Sch(101 in the .......................... sllnnnel'. FAITH LUTilERAN (IHUR(?II M(/rning worship, ;11 P,,m. A set'- John DeBoer, |)astor vice of real inspiration and help. Serwi('es are held in Lhe I.O.O,F, Young People's servi('es, 6:45 p, Hall. in, l'ro/ranm which almeal Lo Sunday school for all age groups y()nng people. and adult Bible class start at 9:4,5 EveninK service, 7:d5 p.m, A ser- e'clock, vice yell can't :fffortl to miss. Divine worship stal:ts at 11 a.m, Prayer a, nd )' '- • ]-lftl.,( Service, Thltl's- Pastor has been in Morris, day at 7:30 p.m. Minn., and expects to return t(5 A cordial invitatioil is exLended Shelton this week. fo' you to attend the services of ................................. "r Lhe Baptis'L Church. I[OOD CANAL COMMIrNITY ., - .................................................................................. CIlUItCil Mt. View Alliance Chapel SixLy-four chil(h'en e n r o I I e 41 Rev. Thee. W. Chapman, Monday morning for the five-day Pastor Bible Study course given under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. 9:45 am, Sunday School 1Lichard BaLes in the Hoodsport 11 a.m. Morninff Service Chulch. 7:30 p.m. Inspirational Servim Prizes were awarded for merits A ttearty Velcome to All and attendance. Those assisting with the week's work wcr(, Mes- dames Thehna Brinson, C;eorge Eaton, IL':t.her Qui?ley, Fhtiiw t&!;t, i:n'y ,I11c Sutut, Cal'ol Bajes, Ads Yocum, Miss iY'aith Gray, Richard Bates, the Revel'- end and M r:. Paul Sweeney. ST. DAVll)' EPIS(?OI)A1, Cli U RCll l,'onrth and Cedar The l{ev. Francis !i. Bail in eharge Chllrch school sol'vice, 9:'t5 Morhing prayer and scrmon il, Confirmation Class (in Cllurch, Friday, 8 p.m. Plans Convention ROBERT A. YOTHERS State VFW Commander VETERANS TO RALL AT SPOKANE MEET Five thonsand persons are ex- pected to attend the four-day state convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Spokane June 29 to July 2, HIGHIAGtlT OF the 29th an- nual convention will be a parade on July i which will take more than three hem's to pass in re- view, according to Robert A. Yo- thers, state comm*ander, Among speakers scheduled to address the convention are Chat'- les C. Rails, Seattle, national jun- ior vice commander in c'bief of the V.F.W.; Gov. Arthur B. Lang- lie; Maj. Gem Harry J. Collins, commanding officer of the 2d Di- vision, Fort Lewis, Rear Adm. E. W. Sylvester, commander, Puget Sound Naval hipyard, Brentcrton; Brig. Gem E. M. Llewellyn, chief of the Washington National Guard. Spo- kane Mayor Arthltr Meehan, and Congressman Hugh B. Mitchell. A PAT STATE commander of the V.F,W., Edward M. Waye of Spokane, is general chairman for this year's convention, which will heralc[ the organization's 50th an- niversary. Among resolutions the dele- gates will con,,;ider will be a re- qhest for a stand on tlle Cohunbia yalley Authority; 'opposition to formation of a general staff un- der tile secretary" of deferme; ave- quest for a national bomls for World War II veterans, and an- other demand for congressional enactment of universal military training. Page, 1 , . ,, , ,. , III L I]1 St. David's a Episcopal Chureh I 4th & Cedar St. I ('htll'ch Sl'ilN,)i iilll l:)';ldt's). I,t:4P) I ;i,lll, ,\\;[(Iriii)li4 l'l'a)'er n))d erll)l)li, I I I :l.lil. I;Iw. Fraa(.b+ 11, B,+ill, lleehlr UNITY TRUTH CENTER Mina Hockett. Leader 408 Cots Street Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School; 8:00 p.m. Service=. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation t.Tcaling Work - All Welcome BAPTIST CHURCH J, O. BOVEE, Pastor WARREN HALE, Assistant Preaching services: Bible School, 9:45 A,M. Morning Worshlp, 11 A.M. Young People's, 6:30! p.m, Evening Worship, 7:30 p.rn. W'e preach Christ Crucified, B.isen and Coming Again, A cordial invitation is extended to all. TO ALL INTERESTED IN CHURCH 0F CHRN I Meetings Each Sunday A.M. For Bible Study and Communion Call MRS. H. L. MILLER Phone 72-R -- Or W. KOBEL, Phone 614-R-1 For Information Foursquare Cfiureb ] 910 E. Dearborn It. Sunday School---9:46 Worship Serviee11:@$  Crusader Service--6:45 Evangelistic Servlce7:45 REV. E. E. FITCH Pastor First Methodist Church "A Friendly Churoh In a Friendly Community" 1 4th & Pine ...... Parsonage 320 N. 4th  Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 1"1 a.r. i WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister . i_Jl[t JJJ , ASSEMBLY OF Gel) TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Sunday Scliool, 9:,t5 a.m. Worship service 11 a,m, Evangelistic, 7:45 p,m. Young People's erwc¢--Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. Jubilee Service ...... Friday, 7:45 p,nt. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISl6 Jl£1 First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Sclentlet Boston, Mass, Subject Next Sunday: "Is The Universe, hicluding Man, Evolved by Aatomic Force." SUNDAY SCHOOL ,,T 9:4 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock, and Wednesdays fern'6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the ervices and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET , ., v WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister JUNE 16, 1949 But, despite this impenitence, the Lord God has evidenoed till now that he is Iongsuffering to usward, "not willing that any shall perish." Yet, he has also commented that becauae sentence against an evil work is not e×ecuted'peedily the heart of man becomes fully set to do evil." Since that is ao, it i$ not In line with man's welfare for Divine forbearance to be con- tinued indefinitely. Therefore from a purely humane viewpoint God must summarily end this grace, and this he has warned he will do. Said he, As the lightning appeareth in the eaet and shineth unto the west. so shall the coming of the Son of man be." No man can know beforehand when the lightning will appear. A cloudy sky may be a sign, but it reveals nothing till the lightning breaks forth without warning. Today is the day of salvation: today if ye hear his voice, repent, and turn steadfastly from your evil ways. By his holy prophets from Moses on down to today the Lord has warned man that he has prepared a wapon of his indigna- tion against all mcn. Saith the Scripture, "because thou served. est not the Lord thy God (Jud'ge) with joyfulness and with gladness of heart for the abundance of ali things; therefore snalt thou serve thine enemies which THE LORD SHALL SEND a0atnst thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and In nakedneHi nd in want of all things: and he shall put a YOKE OF IRONJpon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. The Lord shall br|ng A NATION againot thee from far, from the en¢$ of the earth, a= swift as the eagle fiieth; a nation whose tongue thou canst not understand; a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not re= gard the person of the old, nor shew favor to the young." (Dut. 28:15-68). By the propiLq Jeremiah and Ezekiel (Jet. 1:9-15. Jet. 4:6, 13, Jet. 25:4-33), and Ezekiel more expllolty reveals the name of that northern nation (Ezekiel 38:1-23), It's name today i: Russia, and her scat of government, Mo=oow (Mcsheeh, in Europe), snd Tobolsk (T0bal)in Asia. At Mo=¢ow she will direct and mobilize her European foroes; and at "robel=k shel will do Lhe same for her Asiatic hordes, The time revealed for this aggression to 9o trlto effect is under the =lxth p!agge (Ezekiel 39:2 with Inargirt connotation 7, and Revelation 1:13- 16). Swiftly followin 9 the sixth comes the eeventh pttgue. (Revo 16:17-21./ (Contintled from hcre in "the next issue of Th0 Journal.y