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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IG __ ./ .J L N. f:[O1 ua !,,| CALL (IN I]S[ No frantic fussing-around when we Move you! No worry, regarding safety of your most fragile home-furnishings, H ave certainty in your mind, that we will be at your house on time--and have you comfortably Moved to your n e w h o m e, promptly  and trouble- freed! Rates, for Moving or Storage "Moderate!" SHLLI 0N TRANSFER, Inc. 221 S. 2nd St. Phone 66 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL AUTHOR-HUNTER SEES ANOTHER :STORY IN PRINTI rm I FOOD Bl] :: [:::]: !, 1', (?A1,LIS()N, in the center, retired Union City resident, re- ceives copy of the June issue of Sports Afiekl, nationally cir- culated outdoor lit'e magazine, from Herb Bergeson, representa- tive of the Curtis Circulation Company, its distributors, while q'ony Lesnick, operator of the Lesnick News Company, Thurs- ton and Mason county magazine distribution agency, looks on. Within the pages of the June Sports Afield, now on local news stands, is a graphically written story by Mr. Callison describing a miraculous escape from death at the hands of two charging grizzly bears while hunting in the Cariboo Mountains of Brit- ish Columhia some years ago. KITCHEN An Extra Special Summer Value/ Pm. American GAS RANGES A carload purchase. For value, compare these ranges with any A .... the market at a comparative price but this offer Is only bo.,. o, ,oo, 0, ,o,, ,.. Pro-Gas Liquefi®d Sos Dealer at ............ will last Here's a full-dzedl divided- you four top, beautiful Gas Range with oven broiler and serv- months or Ice comportment. Has all cooking automatic foatur estlme clock, lamp--wAlt* enamel finish. Complete installa- tion, Including regulator set, approximately $120. There'= a Liquefied Gas dealer |n your district. Contact him for this spe- cial value or call on any address below. You con use the O tQched couponbut HURRY because we cannot offer these ranges after th;t  shipment IS cold, ) I'll( fig IN BULK TANKS OR BOTTLES Ci DICK MATHENY, BRANCH MANAGER P. O. Box 24 • Phone 2.2't43 • Olympia, Wash. NAME ............................................................................................... , ............... ADDRESS ................................................ ............................................................ Mr. Callison has authored a hunting trip almost every year, number of big game hunting ar- • and his home at Union is vir- tieles in the past few years, all tually a natural history museum based on his personal exper- of mounted specimens he ha@ iences as a. big game hunter. He bagged during his hunttng trips. makes an etended big game (Photo by Andrews) "[FRIENDLY ALLYN FOLKS HOSTS , TO MANeYshVIoSITORSwhOVMERdWF_dK ,a," j Rev. and Mrs. Lyle Braiser and children of Walla Walls visited her brothers, Earl and Wayne Tre- fethen, and their families most of last week. Mr. ad Mrs. R. Shepherd, Jackie and David and Norman Brown enjoyed seeing the play, • "The Prince and the Pauper." It was put on by the Mountaineers at their Forest Theater north of Bremerton a weel ago Sunday. ALBERT LARSON left a week ago Monday for Warsaw, Ill., where he will visit md tend to some business. Ellen Painter spent last week at Agate visiting with her friend, Dorothy Auseth. Dorothy re- turned with Ellen Sunday and will spend a week here with truer. Mr. and Mrs. George Harthill left last week for Freewater, Ore., where Mr. Harthill has found cm-' I)loynmnt. Mrs. Harold Cleveland and Tom- my went to Portland, Ore., last] Tl'mrsday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy of Port An/;e!os. I They visited ll'q. Clevelaad's is- t ter," returning Monday. Frank Cleveland left last Thurs- day for Neah Bay where he and ,lesse CJevelaud will spend the SlllIIl,er fishing, l.U,', t ELTON CLEVELAND and . . rvl, who left , week ago Satu}'-! day by boat from Allyn, l',:ached] N(;ail }lay safely. They ran into] ,sonl , ..... stornly, weather. TII(,,V . oN-. [ t)eet to spend I:lmo suinnler fishing, i The Cub Scouts met at .lae, kte[ Sh('p Kwd's la.t FrJday. Aft.el' the l IE( ,ling th,'v !)rmticed Cub Sc(.'tlt ytdls and lflucd "hang lag-." Mr. and Mrs. 2vin Brown and four children of Cmflee Dam wore week end guests at time horn,.', of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Yietner. IVlrs. Inez Hendrix and Bill llfland of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs, Yeitner, Apms Smith and Mr. and IVh's. Grecnwad Sunday. C'Dale H:trthid, Pat Austin and i Harry Austin l.enL Saturday in i Tacoma. JimnW, Emmet and Richard Knight left Friday morning, a.nd Mr. and Mrs. John Schofieht left Saturday mornin,; for Los Angeles, California, wher.e, they will attend Maurcen I,:night': graduation ex- ercises. They expect to visit witi friends and rclatlves aiso. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Danielson arc enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Benway of Watsonville, Calif. Mrs. Benway is a sister of Mrs. l)anielson. SHARON AND CAROL, Vi'hite of Port Orchard are vJsitip.g their ley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Valley mind their families were in Repub- lic oa their vacab.on, they motored t: Grand Forks, tritish Columbia, on vn interesting fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kowalczyk and children, Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Nelson and children and lIr. and Mrs. Lewis Brewer of Tacoma spent Sunday at Copalis Beach. Wilson Jumps Into iSalmon Derby Lead With 20-Lb. King George Wilson of Woodfiber snagged two more fat Kings in Hood Canal over the week end to keep" his hold on first place in the Simpson Salmon Derby. Wilson weighed in two beau- ties at The Grove boathouse near Hoodsport, one weighing 20!,: pounds, and time other :17}iz pounds. Until he lost the lead Albert Bell, employed at Joint Power, had the biggest fish with a 19- pound King taken from Hood Can- al and weighed at Smith's' Ma- rine. Other heavy fish entered were F. W. Rawding, Woodfiber, 12 pounds 1 ounce, and Lcn Wal- ton, Wood fiber, 14 pounds 4. otlnees. Simpson employees competing this year are trying for outboard nlotors offered to the persons catching the largest King and largest Silver before the derby on(Is on Octoi)er 30. Fish entered in the derby may be caught in Hood Canal as far north as Seal t.ock, in Hammersly Inlet and in the Chehalis River. IIokie Hokonson, recreation di- rect(w, said derby contestants may fm'nish their own boats or rent Ii fron any ]'esort of their choosing. Official weighing stations are The Grove and Smith's Marine on Hood Canal; McMillan's Market at McCleary and Saeger's Store on Arcadia Road. ICMi'I.OYEES MAY get derby entries fl'oln Pat C{ddwell at Shops; Eddie Biers, Walt Johan- nes, Ike Taylor, Ellsworth Curran or Paul Pekola at MeCleary; Buck Armstrong, Boom; Roy Longacre, Olympic Plant; Marvin Leman, Joint Power; Bill Schermer, Reed Mill Two; paul Marshall, Mill Of- rice; Rollie Russell, Ken Fredson or Val Sienko at Woodfiber; Joe Batie, Shelton main office; George Adams, Grisdale; Jack Bishop, Reed Mill One, or Hokie Hokonson. Prices Ib Jiille I{: * . r -", z , 18th t For Summer Days Ahead l-lave a Supply of Armour's Meats Corned Beef Hash 16-ounce Can for 32' CHOPPED HAM 47' Can for DEVILED HAM 2 3A-oz. cans for 33' Armour's TREET 12-ounce Caa for 37€ HAMBURGER RELISH ,,,,,s ,-o,.,a, ...... 22C FRUIT COCKTAIL Shurfine 2 eT::s 3SC PEA S0Ul' MIX " .e....o Ve,. o,e ...... ,g. 11c KRISPY CRACKBI$ ' h. ,g ............. 2SC CRI$C0 SHORIENING ............ '"" .. 81c TEN.B-LOW ICE CREAM MIX'°" ,,. 37c MISSION Salad MACARONI ,,.o.. .g. 16C L ' .................... lib: GLASS SMALL TAPIOCA e,,o 23c SWANSDOWN CAKE MIX ,.-o,. ,.,,g. 33C 14'/.)-Ounce Packages DUFF'S HOT ROLL MIX .... 25¢ In Heavy Syrup - No. 2 tins LARGE IVORY ................... MEDIUM 2 IVORY ............ REGULAR CAMAY BATH CAMAY ............ PERSONAL 3 SlZE IVORY.... DUZ GRANULATED .... IVORY SOAP FLAKES .............. OXYDOL GRANULATED .... FLOTILLA PEACHES ...... 2/35¢ Vienna SAUSAGE Durkee's OLD DUTCI[ 9 MAYONNAISE ..... pint 33¢ CLEANSER ...... 4 4-0Z. 41Jl Solid Pack - 2 k' Tins ......... cans for l DUCHESS TOMATOES .... 2//41¢ GLO COAT Ideal Pint can .............. DOG FOOD ............ 2 tall cans 27¢ * Our meats are selected from the highest quality obtainable. All are government inspected and graded either good or choice. NIBLETS CORN 2 ';= (-tion u Delicious Sliced Cold - Boneless Brisket CORNED BEEF. lb. 59' Skinless or Regular - Swell for Picnics WEINERS ...... lb. 49* Serve Hot or Cold POLISH RINGS. lb. 49* Spiced Pork- Pound CITY ........................................................ ...... : ............................................ aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.Fred ,'alley, thisweek. LUNC3-IEON LOAF 55 ¢ --- ---'- PICKERING i "?HE WASHER THAT Mr. and Mrs. T. M. White and CHILI ROLLS .. ea 49 ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Lou Markey of Se- attle, and Mr, R. Beaumont of Fresh Dressed COU LDN'T HAPPEN" at a price you Won't believe! Bendix announces the newest, simplest auto. matic washer at the world's lowest price l Its secret is the utterly different Wondcrtub* -,th': ttc,xiblc tub madc of magic mctcxaloy, that rev01uti(mizcs automatic washing, draining a.l squccze=drying. The Wom]crtub eliminates many expensive parts, tu,! M;dcs thc liconomat the simplest, lowcst price automatic washcr in the world. * ]'"0/i/, ;'fl#/)g[;.;'*d)//t[t/;J ' #t'[' yc¢¢r,[f |NCLUDS NORMAl, NSTALLATION! COSTS LESS TO MAKE! COSTS LESS TO BUYI NO WRINGER! NO SPINNING! NO BOLTING DOWtI[ DOES SO MUCH! COSTS SO LITTLE! SEE IT HERE: Shelton Electric CO. San Francisco spent Sunday, June 5, with Mrs, Alice Gray. Mr. White and Mr. Markey are associates in the Seattle office of the advertis- ing firm of whici Mr. Beaumont is iead. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hqward and Jack and Don spent Saturday in Aberdeen attending the wedding of a former neighbor at Brooklyn, and visiting Mr. Howard's sister, Mrs. Homer Blaine and family. Ernest Anderson became ill last Wednesday and spent three days in a Slmlton hospital. He is get- ting Mong satisfactorily but on doctor's advice will be on the in- active list for three weeks: Frank Wylie entered a Shelton hospital last Friday on account of a bad cold which settled in his lungs and is responding to rest and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Riclmrd Hoskins and their daughter and son-in,law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryenton, ,all of Seattle, were Sunday guests of the Erik Christensens. Friends and neighbors of T. C. Thomas are glad Lo sqe him II t) and about and ablc to go to town after his maj'or operation. Ben Babcock of Osagc, Minn., arrived Saturday by plane for an extended visit with his hro- 'ther, Amos Babcock, and his four sisters residing in this coramun- ity. A fsmity picnic was held Sun- day at the Gordon Simmons home on Harstine. Dixie Simmons had a guest Miss Pearl Bendicltson of Tacoma and the Ralph ttoward family had with them Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'Tahja and George Wolff of Shelton. I'i('lering Holnemakcr;; Club will meet Friday, June /7, with Mrs. T. C. Tllonlml and Mabel Wylie as hostesses. , Fred Nynmn's father, Oscar Ny- man of Aberdeen, and his nephew, Leonard Dickey of Hoquiam, have been with him for the Iaast ten days helping complete the new store building, l-lb. jar.. 39  ;,-Lb. 61' JUICE ORANGES 5 lb JUMBO CANTS ............... . CALIFORNIA KLONDYKE (I/2 Cuts 5€ Lb.) WATERMELON • • • • • e • • * • e,e • • lb, RABBITS ...... lb. 65* We Will Be Featuring Ken Frank's Delicious BAKED BEANS Friday and Saturday B, W, Soper COVEY BLDG. PHONE 154-W WASHINGTON BING CHERRIES .................. CARROTS ............... 2 CORN ...................  4 LOCAL Green Onions or Radishes ... 3 TOMATOES 2 YELLOW BOLE PIPES Sl,OO Sl,So ALL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETrES s PRINCE ALBERT 1-Pound Cans .................. Carton $1 69" Established 1895 V2