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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ON STRE :T What? Innocent? Editor, the Journal In the matter of the idiot who shot the brush picker, I would like to voice my opinion of this sad state of affairs. When I was five years old, I told my father I wanted to take his gun and go hunting. He said if you want to take a gun out of the house you have to know how to take care of it. So began my education on guns and their care. He taught me how to clean it and to handle it so that I didn't hurt someone with it. He taught me that a gun is always loaded and never to point it at another person unless you intended to kill them. Obviously I was a little small and young to go hunting. But by the time I was 12 or 14, I had taken several deer and lots of ducks and grouse. I am 76 now and I too know what it is like to be shot at in the woods. Also, I had two hunting partners get shot while hunting, one in the arm the other grazed across the neck. In all those years of hunting, I never shot at anything until I had a clear view of the animal. My opinion is when that man left his house the morning that brush picker was shot he left it with full intentions of killing something. Hence the charge should have been murder one - premeditated murder. Furthermore, he should have lost his second amendment rights period. What? Innocent? Is there open season on brush pickers now? Is it okay to kill Guatemalans or Mexicans because they pick brush without hunter orange on like one idiot suggested? The court was 100 percent wrong on this one. How can anyone respect the court of law that lets one person murder another without repercussion? Charles Anderson Dayton Good times in Editor, the Journal The production, "Good Timer" presented June 4 at the Shelton High School auditorium by the Other Guys Theater Company during the Forest Festival was a truly wonderful show. My wife and I would like to sincerely thank the Shelton Schools Foundation, Joan Zook, Patty Case, Green Diamond, Norm Eveleth, Len Hunter and all the many other contributors and sponsors who made it possible. What a relief to see long overdue credit given to those hardy individuals who toiled in the forest enabling this community to develop and prosper. It was high time for this town's unique heritage to be positively highlighted after months and months of negative and denigrating rhetoric on blog and editorial pages vilifying our town's founding citizens. Hopefully this event helped our young citizens appreciate the true history of Shelton. Thanks again to all those caring and responsible Mason County citizens who made this accurate portrayal possible. It was exciting to witness. Jack Krause Shelton is your reaction to the not-guilty verdict in the brush picker shooting case? Jim Rogers Barbara Herman Tricia Brown "I'd say it's pretty hard to "I don't think that's right. I look like you're a bear if think he's guilty. People see you're a human." people in the woods." Kelly Short versus spin Editor, the Journal The Mason County Journal's column entitled Port Okays agreement for 2011 fairgrounds in the June 2 edition, said, Port to make contracts in "The 2011 agreement coming years or to guage follows the Port's standard whether the children fairgrounds rental in the port district are rate sheet." This is not helped are harmed if the true. Nothing about the profit margins are secret? financial aspect of the No other contractors Mason Area Fair (not have a profit-sharing the Mason County Fair) arrangement that serves contract is standard Port to keep their books secret. business and certainly not And why is the a standard fairgrounds amount of profit being rental rate sheet kept secret if this is, as valuation, frequently stated, "for The standard rental the kids?" For the kids, rate sheet, if followed, frequently intoned by the would have been Hansens,, appears to be $15,463.50; pus utilities, a euphemism of for the for 2011 and those sums money. The words are, would have had to be paid this is for the kids, but up front. Please be advised the actions are this is for that this is following the money. Common sense the standard rate sheet, dictates that when words The Hansens' contract is and actions contradict anything but this in all its themselves, to find the particulars. To. reiterate: truth follow the actions, the fee would have been not the words. $25,463.50 plus utilities Further, the sources in and the sums would have the article imply that there had to be paid up front, is a Port investigation of The Hansens are only the Hansens involvement obligated to pay $1,200, with the fair. While it is plus utilities. However, true that there has been this obligation is mitigated a complaint involving by the Port agreeing to another matter with the give them as a sponsor Hansens, it I not true that $5,000, which means the complaint was about they are only obligated the fair. There could be a to make a $3,800 profit, complaint about the fair, This is different than but there was not. the standard obligation It is neither true that to pay $15,463.50. The the Port is doing an difference between investigation nor that the two obligations is the Port in particular is $19,263.50 for running doing an investigation of a three-day fair. That, the complaint. Rather, the again, is not standard. Port's insurance company And the Hansens' are not is doing an investigation required to pay anything and it is not necessarily until up to 15 days after an investigation of the the area fair. Again, this complaint itself but is not standard. None rather may in fact be of the relevant facts are an investigation of the standard, person who issued the The Hansens' under complaint. The very people the contract also will who are the subject of pay up to an additional the complaint authorized $10,703.50 in order the investigation by the to keep the Port from insurance company. Do you inspecting their books, think it was to investigate This is characterized as them? a 50-50 profit splitting This isn't about the fair. arrangement. However, Making it about the fair is a 50-50 profit sharing part of the ruse. Everyone arrangement does not is in favor of the fair. No usually have a maximum one, further, has an axe to associated with it. grind against the Hansens. Usually, on the contrary, The allegation, rather, there is a minimum is about inappropriate use guaranteed in lieu of of public assets (property, the risk taken but no time, money) and the abuse maximum. How is the of public trust as well as "Brushpickers should know when hunting season is and they should wear an orange vest. At the same time I think there should be desig- nated hunting areas - they shouldn't be mixed." "I think it's B.S." power versus openness andissue about the fair, there would be effective the day transparency that makes are issues beyond the fair. of their letter to me. In the for good government. The But we'll save that forinterest of public relations allegation is not about the another day. and goodwill, they reduced Hansens, and their making Teresa Rebothe second charge by it about them is a bit self- Wauna $1,000, which I appreciate. centered. The allegations However, the bigger are about your government issue here is that Medicare and the favoritism shown Rising gets billed more than the Hansens at the expense is reasonable and our of good government. I Hospital Medicare costs keep going would think that the up and up. If I had not Hansens would be for this questioned the charge, investigation to clear them the higher amount would of the odor that surrounds Editor, the Journal continue to be paid by recent dealings with the I recently had two Medicare. Regardless of port. Why don't they open Magnetic Resonance the circumstances, we the books if there is no Imaging procedures (MRIs) must all challenge charges issue? Why don't they done at Mason General when they occur. I hope make the whole process Hospital. When I received Mason General reviews transparent if they are the bill from Mason their rates more frequently truly trying to assist the General, I was shocked without community community? The answer, at the charges. One wasmembers having to ask so clearly, if there is not a $3,186.30 and the otherwe, the taxpayers, aren't transparent process, is that was $3,436.70, more than paying too much for our they are a business and are double what I previously medical care. in the business of making paid at South Sound, People such as myself a profit not the business of Radiology, which were in donate to Mason General helping the P~t of Shelton the $1,200-$1,400 range, to help buy the equipment citizens. South Sound Radiology we need locally. The In conclusion, let's make estimated their currenthospital should properly it perfectly clear that we cost would be $1,370 price services to encourage all support the fair. We each. Northwest Hospital customers to shop locally. support the Mason County estimated $1,400 each. I encourage everyone Fair and maybe not the From where I live on the to review their medical Mason Area Fair. Whose Canal, it takes me 1.5 bills and question any fair is it? This is about hours to drive to Olympia. that seem out of line. I protecting the fair and I chose Mason General also encourage people protecting public funds and because it is closer and to make their concerns other much larger issues I assumed prices were known to our elected at hand. So, it is important competitive, representatives, Senators to get the facts right and I questioned the charges Maria Cantwell and Patty stop the spin. We also are and received a letter Murray and Congressman not against the Hansens. from the Business Office Norm Dicks and ask them We just want them treated Director at Mason General, to adjust the system to the same as everyone else. who advised me they price require more frequent The suggestion that they their services based inoversight to control costs. are treated the same is part on the South Sound Paul Shoening part of the spin, spin, spin area hospital market. They Lilliwaup that has been going on for reviewed their pricing on some time and needs to be the two services I had and exposed, determined one needed As much as the Hansens adjustment. Unfortunately are trying to make this their price adjustment County USPS 492-800 Shelton-Mason County Joumal is a member of Rick Kennedy, publisher Advertising: Cempesing room: Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. Jesse Mullen, general Dave Pierik, advertising manager William Adams, graphics manager Harvey Morris, ad representative Koleen Wood, classifieds/legals POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shaiton-Mason SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mat Taylor, ad representative Becky Corr, typing County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton. 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