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By ARLA S.ZPHASV "My manager refuses E. Theler Community Center over the
center's water bills.
The Pelf air
Water District has set- to negotiate with me Pope, who was tasked with being
tled a public records lawsuit filed by
Don Cady and Cady Tree Farm, under in good
faith I can't the negotiation point person with Whe-
• • • • ler, said that Tipton set him up to fail
the agreement that the district corn- do anything without when the manager did not send him
missioners and employees undergo legal correspondence from Theler in
public records training over the course information." a timely manner and did not allow
of the next several years, him access to the Theler account docu-
Under the terms of the settlement, ments.
the district has agreed to pay Cady's placement project beneath State Route "I'm kind of in limbo," Pope said.
lawyer fees in the amount of $3,200 3, in light of the Washington State De- "My manager refuses to negotiate with
and it must follow a set of conditions p~rtment of Transportation (WSDOT) me in good faith ... I can't do anything
spelled out in a seven-page settlement changing the scope of the highway without information."
document, widening project that required Belfair Following the filing of six candi-
Some of the conditions include con- Water to move its pipeline, dates for the two open commissioner
ducting public records training and "By the looks of this, we're signing a positions this election year, Phillips
refresher courses in 2012 and sub- blank check," said Commissioner Mike made a statement regarding the Pub-
sequent years and creating a media Pope, who voted against the motion lic Disclosure Commission (PDC) un-
statement, though the board did not to approve the consulting agreement, der old business.
specify what that might entail. The motion passed 2-to-1. "This is a political time, you know
"[Cady] sued us for a violation of the Engineer Pat McCullough of ESA we want to be neutral," he said.
Public Records Act and other things, will file a $2 million loan application His comment was likely in refer-
and we settled," said Commission to the U.S. Department of Agriculture ence to when the PDC found Tipton in
Chair John Phillips at the district's (USDA) for the project, since the state violation of state law, RCW 42.17.130,
regular meeting on Tuesday. "It's at- legislature opted not to fund a loan for when he used the facilities of Belfair
torney fees, training and a bunch of the water district in its capital budget. Water on three occasions to assist in
hoop-jumping ... that has to go on for "We are adapting to what WSDOT the 2009 campaign Of Irene Werdall.
the next five years. Something for the told us last week," said Water District At a 2010 enforcement hearing, the
next regimen to deal with." Manager Dave Tipton. PDC presiding officer fined Tipton
The district also entered into an- The water district also re-submitted $500, suspending $400 on the condi-
other agreement with the engineering its proposal to the county to annex the tion that he coordinate with Belfair
firm ESA, Inc. in Belfair to conduct Riverhill and Blue Star properties and Water commissioners to discuss RCW
more design work on the pipeline re- is still in negotiations with the Mary 42.17.130 at an open public meeting.
2011 MCFF Paul Bunyan Parade Awards
Grand Sweepstakes
McCleary Bear Festival
ist Place Community
American Legion
ist Place Float from city
under 5K:
McCleary Bear Festival
Grand Marshals Award:
Sequim Irrigation Festival
1st Place Float from city
over 5K:
Soquim Irrigation Festival
President's Award:
"United We Stand..." Forks,
Governor's Award:
West S~attle I-I~-yt~:~ , .... ,~,
%:, ::_:~... {. .~;" .
Mayor's Award:
Mason County Senior Ac-
2nd Place Community
Down Home Fiddle & Blue-
ist Place Mounted Eques-
Equestrienne of Mason
1st Place Equestrian Sup-
~questrienne of Mason
ist Place Dance/Drill:
North Queens Drill Team '"
2nd P!ace Dance/Drill:
Hawkins Middle School
Flag Team
1st Place Classic Car:
Wanda Sheets
2nd Place Classic Car:
Hood Canal Communica-
Chairman's Awards:
Spirit Award:
Daffodil Festival
Creativity Award:
Mason Co. Rodeo
ist Place Automotive:
Greg Coverdale
ist Place Marching Band:
North Mason High School
Novelty Award:
Kiwanis Klowns - NM
Community Service:
North Mason HS Band
Journal photo by Kelly Rioden
Organizers for the parade called the event a success.
2nd Place Marching Band:
Hawkins Middle School
Community Service:
Mason Co. Sheriff K-9
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June 16, 2011 - Page A-5