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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Port "1 find this among them why the commissioners were provided with a "summary re- Continued from page A-1 " "" --"-- ~',nvesugauon to port" as the investigator describes it, rather than be a comprehensive benefit financially from running the incomplete and report including the actual evidence reviewed event rather than turning it over to a• • by Norberg. tenant," Norberg writes in the report.In ace u rate." "There is no evidence provided, no Rebo also argued that work done by statements provided by those inter- the port to improve the fairgrounds, has not yet been considered by the viewed, only mine and it is inaccu- such as replacing a~ hazardous elec- commission, is for $3,000 per month, rate," Miles said. "Based on the lack trigal system, was done solely to ben~ Overall, the investigator found "no of evidence in this final report, I can- eflt the Hansens. In fact, Norber~ con- factual support" for any of Rebo's ac- not accept this investigation as being c|udes that the port was required to re- cusations, complete, accurate or comprehensive place the frayed wires after L&I cited While commissioners Hupp and by any means." the port for safety violations. Tom Wallitner were satisfied with Miles vowed to forward the report As to the third allegation, that Dob- the in-depth 21-page report from the to Washington State Attorney Gen- son had a conflict of interest, the re- Seabold Group and voted to accept the eral Rob McKenna's office for further port states that the investigator found group's decision, Commissioner Jack review. no evidence to support the assertion. Miles, who the investigator found ad- Despite Miles' intention to contin- The report also indicates that the vised Rebo on how to make her origi- ue the investigation, commissioners port commission had to know about the nal complaint, voiced several concerns Hupp and Wallitner expressed a de- lease, because Dobson is only autho- about the investigation, sire to move on. rized to sign leases under $2,000 per "I find this investigation to be in- "The beard will continue to move month without commission approval, complete and inaccurate," he said. the port forward in a positive direc- and the lease with the Hansens, which Miles raised several questions, tion," Hupp said. *SeCond of equal or IBgser value. Flat of 18 I Pam~l[es or Vlola's - Mix or Match ~ I 613 N. 3rd St. EImo 1 block north of Los Schwab I ADOPT-A-PET'S 18TH ANNUAL 4 PAWS DOG WALK June 25~ at the Huff-N-Puff Trail on ~ Shelton Springs Road from 9am- 3pm ~/~ ~ ~'~ All dogs must be on a leash, t You can also have our mascot walk for your contribution to all the dogs at the kennels. There are hot dogs & cake plus water for dogs & their humans. There will be a gift for each entrant, also vendors & raffles. Come and enjoy a walk while you support our no-kill dog rescue.: , i ii I i Journal photo by Aria Shephard Nine-year-old Justin Elkins from Laurie McGovern's third-grade class at Pioneer Primary School shows offhis sea anemone sculpture during the class' "Eye on Hood Canal" showcase this Tuesday. The class has been working all year on science and art projects that explore the uniqueness of Hood Canal. Pi Jennifer Hopper visited the and music overlay, and cre- oneer classroom to talk about ma- ated clay sculptures on e Continued from page A-1 rine life. sea creature and showcased "It's been really impres- their work to parents and University Extension Office, sive for me to see the way community members earlier taught the students how to they've achieved by the end this week. study watershed models to of the year," Hopper said. "I "I qever knew how to understand how pollutants; can really see the difference do that~w said nine~year- affect ~Hood ~Caxlal, "m~d! from ~nea I first startedold Sam~Winter, who:~iked~ Washington Sea Grhnt coming, that they under- studying "~harks so much' biologist Teri King helped stand the concepts, whichthat he made two Power- the students collect water might not have happened if Point presentations on the quality data at Twanoh I came onlY" once. I think it's animal. "Now I do, and it's State Park earlier thisawesome how much Lauriefun, and you get to show month, has integrated Hood Canal people what you did." U.S. Fish and Wildlifeand Puget Sound into the biologist Daniel Spencercurriculum." To see videos, photos showed the students how For a culminating proj- and more of the students' to dissect salmon, and each ect, the students made Pow- work this year, visit www. month, Taylor Shellfish out- erPoint presentations, with eyeonhoodcanal.blogspot. reach educator and biologist their own voice narration com. Call or enlail, dby at Spm " classifieds as Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 16, 2011 - Page A-7