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Saint Martin's
University issues
spring semester 2Oll
Dean's List
Saint Martin's University has issued its
spring semester 2011 Dean's List for outstand-
ing academic achievement.
To earn the academic honor, undergraduate
students must receive a 3.5 grade point average
or higher tbased on a 4.0 scale), carry at least a
12-semester-hour course load and complete all
coursework undertaken for the semester. An as-
terisk (*) following a student's name indicates a
perfect 4.0 CA") grade point average for fall se-
mester. Student earning academic honors from
Mason County:
Rebecca J. Blanton, junior, accounting, Shel-
Samantha N. Hull, sophomore, biology, Allyn
Alicia S. Keith,* sophomore, biology, Shelton
Joscelyn M. Minton, junior, history, Shelton
Emilie E. Schnabel, senior, music, Shelton
Cicely M. Visser,* senior, elementary educa-
tion, Shelton
Kaden R. Wulf, junior, civil engineering, Shel-
Saint Martin's University is an independent
four-year, Catholic, coeducational university lo-
cated on a 380-acre wooded campus in Lacey.
Gilman selected to go to Washington, D.C.
Brianne Gilman of Shel- lifetime experience is $1616. year to raise the rest of the deduction and donators will
ton has been selected as one Brianne's parents have money. Along with fund- receive receipts for any do-
of the fifty students to par- paid $100 to secure this trip, raisers, Brianne is seeking nations received.
ticipate in the Washington, it is up to Brianne to and businesses and community For additional informa-
D.C. trip, by WorldStrides, the other students to par- members for any amount oftion contact Brianne Gil-
the summer of 2012. The ticipate in fundraisers and money they would be able man at P.O. Box 1775, Shel-
total cost for this once in a activities during the next to contribute. This is a tax ton, WA 98584.
NJROTC shows off at car show, plans meet and greet
The Shelton Car Show-Off on Sun- the proceeds from this event will help N/ROTC to welcome new cadets
day June 5, was a great way to end an us provide leadership training oppor- The Shelton NJROTC Booster Club
outstanding Forest Festival weekend tunities for our cadets." will hold its Freshman Meet and Greet
of events. Warm weather brought out Several months of work go into put- at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 17 at the
car enthusiasts who filled seven city ting on this show. Oakland Bay Junior High School Com-
blocks of Olympic Highway North. "We had cars come from as far mons. All incoming cadets and any other
The Shelton High School Navy Ju- away as Seattle, Ocean Shores andinterested students and their parents/
nior ROTC Booster Club organized Port Angeles" Shelton Car Show-Off guardians are invited to attend. Ca-
and ran this car show as a fundraiser Coordinator, Randy Howard, said. If dets and naval science instructors will
for the NJROTC and the Forest Fes- you would like to purchase advertising be available to answer all questions
tival, or make a donation to help sponsor the about this outstanding leadership pro-
According to Booster Club Presi- Shelton Car Show-Off for next year, gram. The Booster Club will serve hot
dent, Gary Ward, "We registered 410 contact the NJROTC Booster Club dogs and asks attendees to bring a salad
cars for this event and our cadets did at P.O. Box 82, Shelton, WA 98584or dessert to share. For more informa-
an outstanding job getting them all or email ForestFestivalCarShowOff@ tion contact NJROCBoosterClub@gmail.
parked." "The NJROTC's portion ofgmail.com corn or Helen at 427-9373.
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Reed scholarships awarded to area students
Eight recipients of 2011This is the 64th year
Mark E. Reed Scholarships that scholarships have been
were recently named by presented in the memory
the program's Washingtonof Mark E. Reed, who was
Board, according to Kev-Simpson Logging Company
in Lyle, beard chairman,president from 1914 until
The winners each received his death in 1933. Today,
$3,000 awards on June 2, af- eligible individuals must be
ter touring Green Diamond Green Diamond employees,
Resource Company timber-sons or daughters of era-
lands and dinner,at the his- ployees, or reside in one of
toric Colonial House. the company's Washington
Wishing all fathers a
Father's Day
from our family
to yours.
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
(36 26-1664
The scholarship recipients accept their
in Shelton.
Courtesy photo
operating communities, education. Her parents are
The scholarship ipi- Chris and -: haron Hobsorr
ents from Mason County are: of Shelton. This is her third7
Alanna Flynn, who will award.
graduate from Central Kit- Kathryn Myers will be
sap High School and attend graduating from Shelton
the University of Portland High School. She plans to
where she plans to majormajor in physical therapy
in engineering or biology, at a Washington university.
Her parents are Bob, who is Her parents are Steven and
an IT analyst/developer for Mary Myers of Shelton.
Green Diamond in Shelton, Abe Schlauderaff, a 2008
and Rose Flynn of Silver- graduate of Shelton High
dale. School, is currently attend-
Natalie Hobson, a 2009 ing the University of Utah.
Shelton High School gradu- He is majoring in exercise
ate, attends the Univer-physiology. His parents are
sity of Washington. She is Mark and Pam Schiauderaff
majoring in mathematics/of Shelton.
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Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 16, 2011