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Continued from page B-1
"I said, 'I used to use this
pot to fetch water," Heard
explained in her speech.
Then, aider seeing a
bottled water on the stage,
she drank from it, show-
ing how her circumstances
have changed dramatically
and how fortunate we are to
have clean drinking water
at hand when others do not.
While Heard is proud
of the work she's done, she
said that she couldn't have
done any of it without help
from many people in her
community and the motiva-
tion she gets from her two
"they make my journey
worth it, she said. "It's good
to model positively for the
Heard has been a good
role model too and said she
has inspired her daughters
to work hard in school.
"They're very proud - it
makes them aspire high-
er," she said. "[Georgette]
is pretty competitive. Her
GPA is a 4.0."
While she just finished
her time at OCS, Heard said
her education is just begin-
ning. In the fall she plans
to begin a Bachelors degree
in international relations
at the Evergreen State Col-
lege. Ultimately Heard said
"1 don't believe in a
picture perfect life- it
misleads people. That's
why I tell my story.
her goal is to get a doctorate
degree in the subject.
"I had a thirst for educa-
tion at an early age," she
said. "Even when I was a
kid in the village I would
hear about the educated
boys in the village and all
of the mothers said 'I want
my daughters to marry into
that family."
Heard said that while
many mothers in the village
just wanted "their daugh-
ters to marry into rich, edu-
cated families, she wanted
to become educated as well
and strove to read whenev-
er possible. She would even
take newspaper meant to
be used as toilet paper to
"And you'd just read
the signs on the road - on
a public vehicle, my neck
would hurt from trying to
read the signs," she said.
"At school we didn't have
any textbooks ... in the vil-
lage it was so hard to get a
Heard confessed " that
now she has a fascination
with pens and hoards at
least ten in her purse at
any given time.
"Fll walk out without
my wallet but I will have a
pen," she said.
Heards ultimate goal
though, is to secure safe,
clean drinking water for
her village. Her passion for
helping people like those
in her village even led her
to pursue a career in the
Army, but she stopped just
short of enlisting after find-
ing out that she wouldn't be
able to get such a job.
"I think I'm just an am-
bitious person - if you can
leave Kenya for America
you can join the military,"
she said.
Heard is optimistic but
realistic. She works hard to
better herself, provide for
her family, and help her vil-
lage, but she said that life
is never a fairy tale come
"I don't believe in a pic-
ture perfect life - it misleads
people," she said. "That's
why I tell my story. Although
it's embarrassing it's liberat-
ing and it's the truth."
Continued from page B-1
day. Learn about improving Puget
Sound water quality through septic
system care, maintenance and
landscaping; composting kitchen
scraps and yard waste; cleaning
your home and maintaining a
beautiful yard and garden without
chemicals. This is a free event;
registration is suggested to save
a place for your family. Parking
is very limited, please walk or
carpool if possible and don't forget
to wear beach shoes or boots.
Jacoby's Shorecrest County Park
is located at 120 E Shorecrest
Parkway, Shelton. For more
information and to register, please
contact Janis McNeal, Washington
Sea Grant, at 432-3054 or email
to wsgcanal@uw.edu. This
project has been funded wholly
or in part by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency
under assistance agreement WS-
96073501 to the Squaxin Island treats at noon, a guided beach
Tribe. walk at 1:30 p.m. and fun exhibits
Family fun with the stars-sea throughout the day. Participate
stars on July 3, meet the stars of "in hands-on activities and learn
Oakland Bay at Walker County
Park on a beach tour guided by
Washington Sea Grant's Teri
King, sample tasty seafood by chef
Xinh Dwelley and check out the
bountiful bivalves found in Oak-
land Bay.
This free family event from 11
a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, July
3 will feature delicious seafood
about identifying marine life at
low tide; cleaning your home with-
out toxic chemicals; maintaining
your septic system; composting
kitchen scraps and yard waste and
landscaping with native plants.
Although this is a free event, reg-
istration is suggested to save a
place for your family. Parking is
limited, so please walk or carpool
if possible. Dress for the weather
and don't forget your beach shoes
or boots. Walker County Park
is located at 2400 Walker Park
Road, Shelton. For more informa-
• tion and to register, please contact
Janis McNeal, Washington Sea
Grant, at 360-432-3054 or email
to wsgcanal@uw.edu. This project
has been funded wholly or in part
by the United States Environmen-
tal Protection Agency under assis-
tance agreement WS-96073501 to
the Squaxin Island Tribe.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 16, 2011 - Page B-5