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City of Sheiton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes vaccine, wormer,
spay/neuter plus $10 city license.
New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503
or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogsmay be
viewed at shelton.petfinder.com.
The hours are Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. The shelter is closed Saturday and Sunday.
Current listings:
Labrador retriever mix, male, three years old.
Pit Bull, female, five months old.
Pit Bull mix, female, two years old.
Kitten Rescue
Franny is an affectionate young adult kitty. She enjoys
attention and will share rub and purrs, kitty play and hap-
py meows. Franny is looking for a sunny windowsill, daily
food and water, and a safe warm bed. She would like to
have a forever home and family of her own. Frarmy would
really like one of her friends to come too. For information on
Franny and other indoor-only kitties call 584-0594 or leave
a message at 426-2455.
Adopt-A-Pet Dog of the Week
Come meet Annie. She is a four-year-old WaLker Hound
that came from a horrible hoarding situation where she
was used for breeding. She now mothers all the pups that
come through our facility. Despite her difficult past, she is
an extremely loving dog. She enjoys taking long naps in the
sun, going for walks and just loves being doted on. If you
are looking for a less-active dog that just wants to be adored
then this love bug is for you. You can see a short video of
her on our website adoptapet-wa.org or call 432-3091 to set
up an appointment to meet her.
Unless otherwise noted, 11 aan., bridge - signup Monday
all events take place at the the day before. 8 and 8:80 am., tai ChL
Masofi County Senior Ao- Noon lunch: meatloaf 9 aan., beginning line
tivities Center at 826 W. I pan., bingo, dance.
Railroad Ave. The Shelton 2 p.m., treats from Ma- 10-11 am., intermedi-
senior center hours are ple Glen ate/advanced line dancing.
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- 10-12 am., creative
day through Thursday and Friday beading class
from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Noon lunch: deli turkey
Friday. The center's tele- 8 and 8'~0 a.m., tai chi. and cheese sandwich
phone desk (426-7374) is 9-11 am., open line 12:30 p.m., game day.
closed for lunch from noon dance. I pan., watercolor class.
till 12:30 p.m. 9:1~ am., Friday Walk-I p.m., pinoclde.
ers 2 pan., treats from
Thursday 0 a.m,-1 p.m., sewing Capital place
8.q}5 a.m., gentle, re- Noon lunch: sponsored Tuesday
storative yoga. by MCSA~ sweet and sour
9-11 a.m., intermedi- meatballs byKeikoWyatt8.q}~ a.m., gentle, re-
ate/advanced line dancing. 1 p.m., MCSAA goes to storative yoga.
9-12 am., EZ Craiters. the movies 9-11 aan., intermedi-
10:30-11:30 am., blood ate/advanced line dancing.
pressure checks 9 a.m~l pan., sewing
11 a.m., general meet-
iv_g, Bonnnie Pitts of Lean
on Me at Home Care
Noon lunch: chili dog
12.-30 p.m., bridge sign-
up day before.
12"~0 pan., double deck
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
8:30 Olympic Game
Farm van trip
9 aan., beginning live
10 a.m., intermediate/
advanced line dancing.
Noon, lunch: roast
chicken with gravy
12:30 p.m., game day.
I pan., pinochle
Noon and 5:30 p.m., Alcoholics
Anonymous, 125 West Cota Street.
5 p.m., New Community
Church of Union office, 310 Dalby
Road, Suite 3.
5:30 p.m., Overeaters Anony-
mous, Mason General Hospital,
Washington Room.
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anony-
mous, The Right Path, North 80
Tribal Center Road.
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Friends of Bili W. Chap-
ter at Hood Canal Community
Church, 81 Finch Creek Road, Hoed-
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
Mountain View Alliance Church, 314
East J Street.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street.
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anony-
mous, Belfair's New Hope, Belfair
Community Baptist Church.
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous,
Mountain View Alliance Church, 314
East J Street.
7 p.m. AA, Fir Lane Health and
Rehabih'tation Center, 2430 North
13th Street.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West 6:30 p.m., AA open meeting,
Cota Street. Hoodsport Library. .
7 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, 10 a.m., Al-Anon Step study
Elllnor Room at Mason General Hos- AFG at St. David's Episcopal Church
pital, 901 Mountain View Drive. 324 W. Cedar St.
Fridays 10 p.m., The Point Is, EuyDoee7.:15 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
+ It, 125 West C0taStreet. ~' ~+~:!mottd¢~.Mountain- View Alliance
11 a.m., NA, United Methodist ........ Cht~reh, 314 EastJ Street. .......
Church 1900 King Street. Sundays 7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
Noon, AI-Anon family group, the at Mason General Hospital, 901
Saint David's Episcopal Church. Call 8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., Mountain View Drive.
427-6831. AA, 125 West Cota Street.
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., AA, 125 9:30 a.m., NA, PUD Hail, ThirdWedllesdays
West Cota Street. and Cota streets.
6:30 p.m., Celebrate Recovery,3 - 5 p.m., Freedom in Recov- 9:30 a.m., Al-Anon family
419 Railroad Avenue. Childcare pro- ery, New Horizons Church, 307 East group, Skokomish Indian Assembly
vided. Call 426-8461. F Street. of Ged, 1925 Highway 101.
7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport Library. 4 - 6 p.m., Gateway to Recov- 11 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
8 p.m., NA, Ellinor Room, Ma- ery at Gateway Christian Fellow- United Methodist Church 1900 King
son General Hospital, 901 Mountain ship, 405 S. 7th Street. Street.
View Drive. 4:30 p.m., AA, Hoedsport Library 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anony-
for women only. mous, Spinners Gone Straight, St.
Saturdays 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anony-David's Episcopal Church, 324 West
mous, Spinners Gone Straight, St. Cedar Street.
10 a.m., Overeaters Anony- David's Episcopal Church, 324 West 7 p.m., NA at Mountain View Alli-
mous, Saint David's Church. Cedar Street. mace Church, 314 East J Street.
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Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 16, 2011