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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Fay Lindsley Brewer Fay Lindsley Brewer, 81, died Friday, June 10, 2011 after a short stay at Capi- tal Medical Center. He was a resident of Shelton for 46 years. He was born June 12, 1929 in Elma to Emery and Ag- nes (Ray) Brewer. Brewer H e servedin the U.S. Army for two years, serv- ing in Okinawa during the Korean War. He married Ruby Tracy. The marriage ended in di- vorce. He was born in Elma and raised in Porter, one of eleven children. He worked for Simpson Timber Company for 40 years, retiring in 1991. He was a member of Lo- cal Woodworkers Union 338. His hobbies included bowling, hunting and fish- Central Park in Grays Har- bor County in 1962. Her family shared that family was everything to her and she enjoyed host- ing holidays and birthday parties at her home for her children and many grand- children. She and her fam- ily faithfully participated in ,the Hunter and O'Neill family reunions on Hood Canal for more than 60 years. She enjoyed tak- ing family vacations and the monthly cousins' lunch in Shelton. Another pas- sion was attending sport- ing events in which her grandchildren were partici- pating. She later became an avid fan of the Seattle Mariners, She made baby quilts, which she donated to mothers and their new- born babies in the Grays Harbor area. As a young mother, she was active as a Brownie leader and helped in many school ac- tivities. She was a longtime member of Central Park Methodist Church and for the past several years at- ing. He also enjoyed mu~ie ~ended Central Park Bap- and sangwith the band tint Church. She was also Th6" Porter R &blers as: active in the women's Bi- a young man. In his later years, he enjoyed going to the casino. He is survived by his son Todd Brewer (Joni) of Shelton; brothers Wal- ter Brewer of Elma, Nathan Brewer (Beverly) of Auburn, Arland Brewer of Elms and David Brewer of the Olympia area; sisters June Erickson of Elma and Diane Kinnamon of Elma; grandchildren Joel, Tom and ColbyBrewer, Rob and Brittney Lindsey; great- grandchildren Stella and Aaron and numerous niec- ble study group in Central Park. She is survived by her husband of 66 years, Ar- chie Dittman of Central Park; sons Larry Ditt- man (Ren e) of Snohom- ish and Robert Dittman (Cheryl) of Antioch, Calif.; daughters Jane Dittman of Humptulips, Joan Dittman of Montesano and Mary Cronk (Robert) of Tacoma; sister LaDonna Cheney of Shelton; twelve grandchil- dren', eleven great grand- children and numerous nieces and nephews. music and played the pia- no. She is survived by her husband Leo Montoya of Olympia, daughter Lind- suy Haley of Olympia and brother Mark Haley of Tex- as. Her parents Robert and Norma Haley preceded her in death. No service is planned at this time. McComb Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Online condolences may be sent to the family at www. Larry Edwin Harper Larry Edwin Harper, 70, died Saturday, June 11, 2011 peacefully at home in Shelton. He was a resident of Shelton for 45 years. He was born December 1, 1940 to Wilbert and Hel- en (Zwick) Harper in Cen- tralia. He graduated from Mossy-rock High School. H e served in the U.S. Navy from November 1961 to February 1966 and Harper was on the USS En- terprise Attack Squadron 93. He was also on the USS Rang- er and a Vietnam veteran. His rank on discharge was ADJAN (E3). He married Peggy Harp- er and they were married 43 years. Simpson Timber Com- pany employed Harper for 37 years he retired in 2003. He was a life member , es, nephews_and She /w.aa Prec#ded of the VFW Post 1694. !:-Hia..daug _t@r ,Ki mbe omdeath by slle ed out with many Brewe -Lindsey; hrot eva sister, Kathleen Laufer; VFWprojects, pl oh g.tlags Joe and sisters, Joyce and Naomi, preceded him in death. A celebration of life, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, june 21, at the home of Todd and Joni, 505 South 8th St, Shelton. McComb Funeral Home of Shelton is handling the al~rangemente. Online condolences may .be sent to the family at www. brother, Thomas O'Neill; granddaughter, Kimberly Dittman; grandson, Brian Dittman; and daughter-in- law, Marilyn (Murnen) Dit- tman. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. on Sat- urday, June 18, 2011, at the Central, Park Baptist • Church,:6308 Central Park Drive, Aberdeen. The family suggests that memorial contributions be made to the Central Park Jeanette Dittman Lions Club. Arrangements are by the Jeanette Dittman, 87, Coleman Mortuary, 422 - died Monday, June 6, 2011, 5th Street, Hoquiam, WA at Grays Harbor Commu, 98550, nity Hospital surrounded~ Please take a few by l~er family: She was a moments to record your resident of Central 'PaTk thoughts for the family by in Grays signing the online register H a r b or at www.colemanmortuary. ~imty. net, She was.born Lisa Ann Haley to Shelton " pioneers D o n Dlttman ald and Gladys (Huntbr) ORNeill. She was raised in Shel- ton and graduated from Shelton High School in 1941. She then attended business college in Port- land and worked at the courthouse in Shelton for several years. On April 21, 1945, she and Archie Dittman were married in Hoodsport. The couple made their home • in Shelton until moving to Lisa Ann Haley,. 48, died Monday, June 13, 2011 at Mason General Hospital in Shelton. She was a resident of Olympia for 38 years. Prior to moving to Olym- pia, she resided in Shelton. She was born on July 18, 1962 to Robert and No.rma (Christensen) Haley in Downey, Calif. She graduated ~ from Downey High School, Downey, Calif. and attend- ed South Puget Sound Col- lege. She married Leo Mon- toys in Olympia. She enjoyed listening to around the town during special holidays and the poppy project. He served on the cemetery board and was a side walker for Hap- py Trails. He enjoyed fish- ing, hunting and picking wild blackberries for pies. He is survived by his wife Peggy of Shelton; son Tom Harper (Tammy) of Fairbanks, Alaska; sister Nancy of Mossyrock; an aunt, cousins and many, many friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, son Tracy and brother Ralph. In lieu of flowers, please make memorial donations to the VFW Post1694 in memory Of Larry Ha'rper. : McComb Funeral" Home of Shelton is handling the arrangement~. Please contact them for service information. Online condolences may be sent to the family at www. Donald E. Lynn, Sr. Donald E. Lynn, Sr., 80, died June 2, 2011 in Olym- pia. He was a resident of Shelton all of his life. He was bern on June 22, 1930 to Walter and Lu- cille (Fisk) Lynn in Lynn Shelton. He was educated through ninth grade at Skokomish Grade School. He served in the Korean conflict and was discharged as private 1. He was a heavy equip- ment operator for Simpson Timber Co. Lynn was a member of the VFW and American Le- gion in Shelton. He is survived by his son Donald E. Lynn Jr. (Mar- tha) of Glenmora; stepson Grog Mattocks of Yelm; stepdaughters Brenda Cleveland of Shelton, Lin- da Kilgrove of Olympia and Debts Watters of Brady; grandchildren Shane, Hol- ly and Karen and namer- ous great-grandchildren. His brothers James and Kenneth, and sisters Jen- nette and Delpia preceded him in death. Services will be held at a later date. McComb Funeral Home of Shelton is handling the arrangements. Online con- dolences may be sent to the family at www.mccombfh. corn. Dennis Collins Marshall Dennis Collins Marshall, 70, died of cancer Wednes- day, June 8, 2011 at his home in Mason Lake. He was a resident of Mason Lake for 12 years. He was born April 24, 1941 in Seattle to Wal- ter Marshall and Corrine (Gregg) Marshall. Mar- shall in 1971; the marriage ended in divorce. He immigrated to Can- ada in 1974 and became a naturalized Canadian citi- zen in 1978. Mfltenberger worked as a professional forester, communications consul- tant, commercial fisher- man, sport-fishing guide, petroleum industry regula- ter, adventure tourism and wilderness guide, and small business owner/operator. He was a registered British Colambia professional for- ester and founding partner of Steelhead Valhalla Lodge in 1984. The family shared that he loved outdoors, espe- Bussing and John Tanner and her daughter Delcie Van Wormer preceded her in death. Her inurnment is being handled by Funeral Alter- natives, and by her wishes there will be no memorial service. Ransom (Fritz) Winder graduated cially salmon and steelhead from Lin- fishing, caribou and moose coin High hunting and flying. School in He is survived by his 1959 and brothers Scott Miltenberg. he com- er of Chehalis and David Marshall pleted two Miltenberger Of Henderson, years at Nev.;, siste~ ]~tey Miltem~, Business Communications .... Everett bergerofS~e;serm~ :Inc., both were printing Community College for art studies. He married Glenda Mar- shall. They were married 35 years until he was wid- owed in 1999. He was retired from Inchcape Shipping as Pa- cific Northwest Regional Operations Manager. He was a member of Yes- teryear Classic Car Club and Mason Lake Milfoil Committee. He enjoyed tin- kering and wintering in Ari- zona. He is survived by his life partner Donna Sowers of Al- lyn, son Gregg Marshall of Gig Harbor, grandsons Jor- dan and Andrew Marshall • of Gig Harbor. He was preceded in death by his parents and wife Glenda Marshall. A memorial service will be had at a later date at the Mason Bensen Club. Miltenberger of Nanaimo, British :~hnnbia :~ Torg-: er Mil~rger. of Victo- ria, Britmh Colmnbia daughter Svea "Mfltenberger of Whitehorse, Yukon, Can- ada. His parents Joseph and Juanita Miltenberger of Shelton preceded him in death. As per his wishes, there will be neither memorial nor funeral services. Do- nations in remembrance of him may be made to the University of Washington College of Forest Resources. Lael Utter Tanner Lael Utter Tanner, 93, died Sunday, June 5, 2011 after a brain hemor- rhage. She was a resident at Fir Lane Nursing home for three years and had lived here in Shelton for a total of six years prior. Ransom (Fritz) Winder, 92 died Tuesday, June 7, 2011 of in Bremerton, of heart failure. He was a resi- dent of Mason Lake for 10 years. He was born August 18, 1918 in Rigby, Idaho. He served in the military from 1938 to 1948 during WWII and was discharged at the 'rank of major. He married Jeanne Alle- gandro in Tacoma. Winder worked at Pio- neer Business Forms and later retired from his firm, businesses. Hewas a lifetime mem- ber of Tacoma Elks, a mem- bor of Allenmore Golf Club and Lake Limerick Golf and Coun- try Club. He shot his age 22 consecu- tive years• He was a bowler Winder who main- tained a 200 aver- age and he operated many bowling alleys including the Tacoma Elks. He is survived by his sons Robert Winder (Lori) of Tacoma and Randy Winder (Miehelle) of Taco- ma; 'Companion of 10 years Anne Wooten of Grape- view; daughter in law Doris Winder of Del. and many grandchildren. He was preceded in death She was born on June 11, by his parents, wife and son Terry Winder. A celebration of life will be held at 3 p,m. on July 16, at the Mason Benson Club at Mason Lake. Memorial donations can be made to the American Heart Fund or the Kidney 1918 in Sumus. She is survived by her four sons, James Jr., Da- vid, Harvey, Bill Bussing, as well as 16 grandchildren and numerous great- and great-great-grandchildren. Two sisters, one brother, two husbands James Lewis Foundation. A Reputation Built on Service Shehon - (360) 427-8044 Gary Wayne Mfltenberger Gary Wayne Miltenberg- er, 61, died May 23, 2011 in Meziadin Lake, British Columbia. He was raised on a small family farm near Shelten. He was bern February 13, 1950 in Seattle to L. Joseph Miltenberger and Juanita G. Miltenberger of Shelton. He graduated from Shel- ton High School class of 1968 and University of Washington College of For- est Resources class of 1972. He married Dawn A. Olli Funeral Alternatives often a variety of simple, cost-effective options. Direct Cremation 943-6363 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday. June 16, 2011 - Page 8-7