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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO 1 i,i THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL STADIUM I Mrs. K. Sund returned home from Portlandi Oregon, last week after spending ten days with her sister. Mi's. C. W. Baird 9f the Dew Drop Inn. had as her guest Mrs. E. J. Miner of Bremerton for the week. Mrs. Miner and Mrs. Baird and their chihh'en had a basket luncheon on tle beach one day, as Mrs. Miner had never dug clams before and want- ed to try her luck. They report a good time. S. Hansen and Ed. Cronquist have been busy the last week plowing. Mrs. Ed• Hansen was calling on Mrs. Ell: Cronquist one (lay last week. Mr. Fox, one of our new settlers, was out yesterday trying his skill at fishing. Mrs. C. W. Baird was calling on Mrs. K. Sund yesterday. Win. Blomgren and son Carl are employetl at the Goodro Logging Co. "George Spillman and wife and Mas- ter Spilhnan were callers on Mr. Erick Odegard yesterday. They say Washington is a dry state but it has been rather damp at times here for the last few (lays, 'as the shower man does some hard sprink- ling at timcs. Walter Eckert of Detroit was a Stadium caller on Saturday on busi- ness. He had dinner at the Dew Drop Inn. Everybody is busy these days. LUMBER t • .AND.. BUILDING MATERIALS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR NEXT ORDER Will Also Saw. Your ...... " Logs on Order Mill Located on the Bay near Shelton BERT HUllS]' unty Correspondence i!i .u¢..:....:..:..:. 0:.€..:o 0:o .:o 0:o .:o .:.go ¢..:..:o o:..:..:..:, o::o  .:o ¢:o ,:,: ¢o 0:o 0:o . 0::o €o .:: o::o .:o .:::o .::o i I Agate Grange will celebrate the 4th wilh a picnic this y,ar. : Cil(ste' ltose IJcrg' spent last week- end at. holne. Mr. and Mrs. Vooda]l visit(d at l:lneh's last Sunday. iMr. aBd /J rS. k. (I. 1'(!1 (!rson and fanlily ealh'd on hlrs. 5]oa.d( and son last Sunday. 1] I'S. Solon ]*]v an s l/as beotl oil lllo sic I( list. thu last ve(d¢ but is iml)ro, - lily'. ,.\\;lfr(!(I Llllton vJsiled witil iI'. John SioK oils al't(tl'llOOll last, W(!cl(, Mr. and lrs. J. I i'. .la(x, by and l'anl- ily \\;ver(! dinn(w gtleSts at SLotsbcry's last Sunday. 5it. iLlld i{l'S. .]ohn Lahor and bahy w(!re visiting at Melntosh's last Sull- day. 2,1re, V( and ][iss Mabie Sehn- llReilel" VCI'O Sunday afternoon callers at thc, l,inton honle. Mr. and Mrs. Englehorn of ldllens- burg visited aL Finch's a I!ew clays (list wlck wilill (nl'ol.lte tO the Moose convellttOll at ,lJerdl2en. Mrs. Martin Johtlson visited at M.c- ] ntosh's V(!thlt!sday. ltarry and ])(,rotily Netdy of C(!n- traits are sl)ending a SOUl)Is of We0kS at tile Win. l)anttds heine. ll:lr, slid iMrs. Gen. St, errtit r'eturno(t to" their h(Inl( in Seattle after spend- ing a week visiting Mrs, Sterritt's. par- cnls, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1.. Meacham. Marlam Meaeham went with them for a visit to the elty. r The V(es[ ' and I,aJocque families spent last Thtlrsday (?venlIl:" aL the Finch hemc, lr. t{aney returned to his Items tn l=uekley last Tuesday after Sl)('.nding three montis at the home of his sistdr, t VICTOR I I Mrs. F. M. Sisson deightfu]ly en- tertained on We(Incsday aft(.rm)on at her pleasant home at Victor, the oc- casion being a shower for her (lau'h- let-in-law, Mrs. ] i'. B. Sisson. The rooms were tastefully decorated with ('hoicc ro.¢;es and other flowers. Games were in order, Mrs. Chas. Kertz tM¢- ing first prize at a gue:sing cdntest. An elaborate luncheon was served on the tong. (lining table, younlz Mrs. Sison, the honor guesl, being' at the head of the table. Mrs. Skene made the presentation address, after all were through eating, an(1 Mrs.-Sb;son proceeded to open the beribboned parceb;, each of which brought forth an exclamation of delight from her admiring audience. The gifts were many, useful and pretty, for which she tlmnkcd them profusely. It was nearly six o'clock before the depart- ing guests extended their thanks t:ol the hostess for a most pleasant af- ternoon. Those present • were: Mesdames Carl Smith, F. M. Sisson, Baker, F. B. Sisson, H. Dahl, Henderson, An- derson, S. Nelson, A. Nelson, Thomp- son, Skene, K. Dahl, Kertz, Chris Smith, Morgan, Brown and the Miss- es Dab:mar and Clara Smith. ............. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs Halvor lrs. Grover W(.4St 2,'iF. l.alley Will De D •, *s ,'s • ' ". ( ) --) ......... el. ),,, ,,,-',,one Sill recelve(t (,'liters it Delnf r her Mrs. McCall of Seattle spent a cou-bltqh(tav, l hey left many good wlsn- pie of days last week with her niece, lee wth' thoh. '=;€*= ,,, i, Mrs. Matthes, and ls now visiting at ......... e, ............... n e on th{ Sko Mesdames Zandell and Johnson of the home of another lee,  ," - -: komisia river, where she is quarantined I A]]vn were callers on this side Thurs- on account ofsearlet fever in the faro- ]dav ily. ; " Mr. Don Roderlck of "Venatehee anti ! the County Engineer was 0yer son Ray and wife of Tacoma are carol)- I from Shelton Thursday to look over lng near MeIntosh's. The Roderielis ]tho nvnnoe,A  ....... l +^ . o 'o are old residents of this section, oneet • . ' ....... Y ' o having owned the L(:renzo farm, and [ YomL Yne engineer working on this everyone Is glad of the opportunity for survey expects to complete his work ewm a short visit. Satur(la,, Warren Whittaker has moved his ] HangS- " " family on their ranch and they are • Dam came home Thursday busy as the rest of us now. as the Hawthorne camp has closed Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hilton returned last Saturday from Seattle where they spent the last two weeks on aeuount of the sickness and death of Mrs. Hllton's mother. Mr. Don Roderlek, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roderlck were Sunday guests at the Anderson home. Mrs. Geo. Wlss returned last Satur- day from Tacoma where she spent the week visiting relatives. She reports little Teddy Danlels as raptly ecover- ing from a recent operation and that Mrs. i:)anlels expccts to bring him home the last .of this week If he con- tinues to improve as he has been. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ltbby returned last Saturday front Colvllle where they at- down for the present. Clayton Vaughn spent Wednesday and Thursday in Shelton. He left Saturday for a visit in the East and will go to Montana and Kansas. Annie Nelson arrived home on Sat- urday evenin for a week end visit. Mabel Smith motored over from Shelton on Saturday to attend the camp bonfire. On Saturday evening-the old and young people of the Morgan logging camp entertained every one in and around Victor also several from Al- FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1021 I Me-o-my, j how you'll take to a pipe--and P.A.! Before you're a day older from bite and parch (cut you want to let the idea slip out by our exclusive pat- under your hat that this ented process)are a reve- ls tbe open season to start the.manwho never something with a joy'us, could get acquainted with a jimmy pipe--and some pii)e! P. A. has made a Prince Albert[ ' ";:' ': "" pipe'a:tti'ing of joy to four men where one was smoked Because, a pipe packed before! with l>rince Albert satisfies Ever roll up a cigarette a man as he was never saris- with Prince Albert? Man, fled before--and keeps him man--but you've got a satisfied[ And, you can party coming your wayl eri,,,, Alber ill sold in toppy rsd bags, tidy red tins, prove it[ Why--1 >. A.'s Talk about a cigarette handsome pound and halt pound tin flavor and fragrance and smoke; we tell you it's a humtdaraandinho coolness and its freedom peachl humidorPOUnd'ry'talglass:with spongo molstnlr- PRINgE ALBEltT " the national lay smoke ISLAND HAPPENINGS ] Manufacturer and Dealer SHELTON WASH. • o.,,y effective on and after Sept. 15. ] Leave Shdton Leave Olympia [ 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. I 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. I 80o 00___080 :. I ghelton to Old Kamtlche.$ 0 ] Shelton to Sniders Prairie .... 75 I Shelton to Mud Bay ...... 1.00 I Shelton to OlymIga ...... 125 ] Leaving Shelton from Ho,l | Shelton. Phone 421. [ I Olympia to'Snider's Prairie...80  [ Olympia to Old Kamilche...75 I Olympia to Cushman'e .... 1.00 I Olympia to Shelton ....... 1.25 [ Leaving Olympia | from Braeger' a Place. Phone 27 | THOMPS0& DUNBAR [ [ Owners and Operators [ I tended the State Grange convention. They report a very interesting meeting. Mrs. Meade and son have bought the i Mrs. Edna West place on the bay near i the Grange hall and expect to make it their home. Mrs. Meade is recently from Pennsylvania, but her son has been in the west for some time and as usual prefers the Sound climate (o that of the Eastern states, Mrs. Ed. Whaley gave a party Tues- day in honor of her son Roy's ninth birthday. About lift'een of the little folks were present, The rooms were tastifully decorated witi bouquets of roses. A bounteous lunch was served whie'h with games occupied the time. Mrs. Whaley was ably assisted by her two daughters Benlah and Bernice. Mrs. Pcetrson and Mrs. Harrlman were pres- ent having taken their little girls. Everyone enjoyed themselves and went home hoping fur many more such birth- days for the little trust. SHELTON LAUNDRY Now equipped with power ma- chinery for first class work. FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENrRAL HOTEL Rooms for transients , T. HAGIWARA, Prop. JUST A LOOK at a glass of our soda is temptation. Just a taste is a swallow of delight. Our soda isn't the ordinary kind. It has a flavor all its own and once you have had a glass of its you'll surely stop in for another when you fell the need of or de- sire for refreshment• PAU00N'S SOFT DRINK STORE A GoodLine of Late at all times Journal. Stationery Shop lyn and Detroit. People gathered from all dire'ctions to the big bonfire on the green below the camp and proceeded to have a good time. Games for the young; in age or spirit and visiting for the tired ones. Later in the evening all were invited to the school house, which is close by, and there the surprise of the evemng was brought forth in the shape of a large dish of ice cream, crushed strawberries and lots of cake for each one present. After the feast the dancers enjoyed themselves for awhile. Everyone voting this the best evenlpg yet and extending their i thsnks to the good people of the Mo-- gan Logging company who "have made themselves such a welcome ad- dition to our social 'community. Raymond Cole was an over Sun- day visitor at the Thompson home. Several of the youn men from the state oyster camp were over Sunday visitors" in the city.. This camp has quite a force of workers near the head of the bay who are improving the oyster'beds ith cement (lykes Mr. Weir with his force of helpers Messrs. Kertz, Skene, Thomnson and Vaughn have completed the road survey and now every one is hopimr for further developments in road work soon. The Zande]l and A. Nelson families were over for the bonfire treat Sat- urday evening. Mr. Turnhardt culled on families at North Bay on Wednesday. Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Henderson gave a Sunday dinner to friends from Vic- tor. Mr. Emil Larsen took his family and Mr. aml Mrs. Chas Kertz for a ride in his launch on Sunday. They called on the Curtis and Medley fam- ilies at Croman's Point. DANDY LITTLE HOME Neat 4-room house in good order, lot 60x125, on Pine street, shed and year's wood,, has its own water sup- ply and fully furnished and ready for occupancy. Only $1000 to own it all. Apply at this office. FIRESTONE TIRE PRICES ARE AT NEW LOW LEVEL LOCA,L DEALER SAYS FIGURES ARE AT LOWEST POINT IN HISTORY Commentin_ on Secretary of Com- merce Hoover s recent speech appeal- ing to-the retailers of the country that they reduce their prices in ac- cord with recessions made by the manufacturer, M. H. Needham, .of Needham & Clothier, local agents for the Frestone Tire & Rubber Com- pany, pointed out that Firestone tire prices were now at the lowest point in tire history. "Back in 1.913," Mr. Needham con- tinued, car owners figured they were doing pretty well to obtain 400(} miles or even 3000 from their tires. Now with manufacturing processes at such a high degree of perfection, as pre- vailing in the Firestone plants 10,000 miles, or even more, is nothing out of the ordinary." Referring again to Mr. Hoover's speech, Mr. Needham pointed out that le, and, he felt sure all Fire- stone dealers, had reduced their prices at onte. As a matter of fact he was now selling a 30 x 3 Firestone Non-Skid for the sensational price of $13.95. • According to Mr. Needham, there are good grounds for the claim that Firestone Tires are lower than many • other necessities, and that their prices have been lowered faster, for a com- parison of 80 other everyday needs show that in the majority of cases the percent o price recessions is very considerably in favor of tires. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jones were visi- tors at Mr. B. W. Howard's Monday. The death of John Cline was caus- ed by drowning while at work on a raft at Jarrell's Cove. No one was resent at the time of the ac'cident, ut William Goetsch reported him missing about noon Monday and a search revealed the body in the water near the raft. Attempts to revive him failed. The body was taken to the home at Olympia on the Arrow II. Mr. Cline is survived by a wife, two sons and a da.uhter. Mr. Cline was on( of the pioneer loggers of this section and will be mourned by many friends. The Andrews were Sunday visitors at the homes of J. L. Miller, his son, Horace Miller and Somman of Ar- cadia. Mr. Paul Hitchcock and family were Ballow visitors Sunday. I Mrs. Henry Droscher was a visitor of the Andrews Tuesday and Wed- nesday, i Mr. Antone Goetsch and family l drove to Shelton by way of the ferry --and we hope that more of the Islanders will follow the good ex- ample now that we have a way to get off the Island. The operation of the ferry at time of extreme low tides is a problem, as the beach is so soft that cars or even stock might easily become mired and the in'coming tide cause damage. HOME COOKING QUALITY AND SERVICE THE BEST PLACE TO EAT IS AT Paine's Restaurant SHORT ORDERS ICE CREAM QUICK SERVICE AND LUNCHES This condition lasts but a few hours each day and will probably be over- come later. Crops are in good condition this year with the strawberries in full season and cherries beginning to turn. The pear crop is doubtful but vther fruits are about average. Hay will be plentiful if old Sol will only shine at the proper time for curing the crops. Miss Calista Whitney of Buckley is visiting her cousin Perry W. An- drews at aplewood Manor. The Islander. HOME-MADE FLY DOPE When you drain the old oil from the crank case of your car do not throw it out. It makes a good spray for flies by mixing as follows: Half :gallon old 'cylinder oil, half gallon coal oil and one quart crude carbolic: acid. Spray this on the cows when they come in to be milked and you will not be bothered by flies. It does' not injure the coat and is very effec- tive.--Chehalis Bee-Nugget. CALL FOR BIDS Call is hereby made by School Dis- trier No. 43 for bids to supply said' district with 40 ricks of fir or hard: wood and 5 ricks of dry cedar for- kindling, to be dried, cut and put in wood shed by September 1, 1921. Bids to be opened Saturday, June, 25th. The board reserves the right. to reject any or all bids. FRED R. BELL, Clerk of School Distrit No. 43,. Potlatch, Wash. 6-10-24-3t IIII i 'I I il fill II i ii C, DRD TIRES r Selling at the Lowest Price Level in Tire History 30x300 i $24.50 32x4 i. 46.30 34X400 54.90 ,, (And Other ea ! Prop?rtlon) _.Tire repair men, who judge values ]est, class these 6res E ]roving the sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high-- ade car manufactUrere Uke themms standard equipment. hey are the quality choice of' cord user This new low price ii made poible by strictest economiee ar, d speci&lized production. . Plant ,,No. 2 ,.was. erected for the eole purpoee of making Non-Skid fabric tima With a 0z3Y4nch daily caimdW of 16;000 tireSm,d 20,000 tuba, this plant permite rn', pmdix d' n Og sitty basiS. ' " • - fidsdo,o,,ImM.0o-ho