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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(;rmt Overbay is honae for a short stay with relatives in town• Wallace 3ohn:sor nlade a business trip to S,attle on Tuesday. Mis. Frank Willey left Monday for a vtsiL ith her son llarrv in Ta- eoll]D, Ti.t Mi:-;ses RbmlUi.% of l"risken Y wer( vi>pping visitors in town on 1 hu I. day. J. V. Moody of Kamilche Valley is visiting- hii brother at Pot'tland this week. "Mrs. F. E. Southard is spending the week with her bro.ther; W. B. Jessup at Bremerton. Mrs. Gusta Lovelace of Tacoma, is spendin the week visiting rela- tives and friends in town. T. A. Smith of Camp 1 left this week for Everett, where he will spend tim sbut-(lowu with rel'atives. Katherine and Dan Wilson left Monday to spend the summer ,ith relatives at Seattle and Suquamish. Mrs. Lefa Ray Allan "rod sons of Frisken t{ went to Olympia Thurs- day to ,have the boys' tonsils re- moved. Mrs. Nettle Dew and Mrs. Tenny- son of Bremerton wel' * over Sunday visitors with Rcv. and Mrs. W. H. Thonms. Barney Stewart is out of the Shel- ton hospital and gaining strength after ihs operation, but still taldng things easy. Frank Reed, who has been attend- ing Culver .Military Academy, Ind., arrived Satu,ld*-evenig, being anx- toys to get home and coming direct to Shelton. The marriage service was perform- ed by Rev. Thomas Thursday for G. R. 'FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921 t '" ClI)WIti- - Local and Personal llillllllll] Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Pauley spent A travelling crane and other equip- Wednesday in Tacoma. men for the new Peninsular foundry.. arrived tiffs week and is being m- stalled in the plant ready for opera- lion. Eugene Taylor is in Spokane this week attending tlle Masonic Grand Lodge, and Miss Jessie Knilvht al::o as reprebentativo of the Eastern Star Chapter. Contractor Dan Anderson received his shipme, n of brick tiffs-week and work is now being rushed on the Wood-Heckman-Shick buihling, the Woods store division being promi:ed by July 1st. h'a Libby onme to town yesterday to "save his face," or the appearance of his face 'by having a cut, sewed um the result of getting,' a blow from the spring of a small but active alder tree. ' Eighth grade examinations the last of the school year, are being held in Shelton this week and a number of students from outside schools .are in town taking the tests to fit them for the high school next term. Monday and Tuesday brought rains more or less heavv at times, and the strawberries were caught at their best. Wednesday the wet spell pass- ed and the ,n'omise of eood weather is iven. Boiler makers will bop:in work Monday on the erection or the two 8100-P.'allon tanks and tim mammoih 7(I,500 gallon gasoline tank al the local station of the Standard OH Companv. Followin recent Ford Car sMes are announced by the Wallace John- son Motor Company: Sedan to Mrs. Lpuis Weinel: Shelton; Touring cars 'to J. T, Durham, Lake Cushman; Jerry Valley, Matlock; Mrs. Lindley, Mud By; Ida Cruson, Delphi; Har- den Nance, Dewatto, and Jay Need- hame, Shelto.._. ___ A. Smith, ho,,,' has opened a resort Stevers and Gladys Thompson, 'and camping grounds at the Palmer who came with an auto party from place on Mason Lake was in town the first of the week. Mr. Smith Bremerton. -- says the tourists are keeping him Miss Antoinette Connolly returned busy most of the time and seem to this week from Astoria, Dregon, have no trouble in locating a good where she taught in the public fishing and recreation spot even if schools the past term, and has earned it is a bit off the main highway. the summer vacation. Melvin George, wh--'--- is again fire Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eells and warden this year for the immediate children from Tumwater were over vicinity, has been busy. the past week Sunday visitors at the Arthur Eells helping make an auto tourist camp home in Upper Skokomish. at Newtzel Lake in Mason County. Mr. George says this is one of the Mrs. George Lovett, who has been finest camp sites in this part of the in Tacoma for the past month under state. The lake is about half way special mddll-treatment, is improv- between Shelton and Matlock.--Elma d expected home this week. Chronicle. inFioy dgan Fredson and Harold Brown D.W. RoderWenatche'e, and left Tuesday morning for California son Ray and wife, of Tacoma, were avhere they will enter an art school visitors in town Saturday and went to take a course in drawing and car- down the bay to spend Sunday near tooning. - the old home place, the .origida) Mr. and Mrs.Tegtmeyer and Walter farm down the bay. It hag been thirty years since the Rodericks children and Mrs. M. B. Myers and left this county and took up fruit daughter Dorcas spent Sunday in Ta- farming.near Wenatchee. Mr. Rod- coma with Mr. and Mrs. • W. A. erick's visits since have been rare, Tegtmeyer. __ but the county still looks good to him. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson and The rains of the week put a damp- daughters have returned to their er on the strawberries and there has Skokomish valley farm after spend- been no glut of local, markets. In ins the winter in Bucoda,' where the fact the price has been held up to former are teachers. "$2.25 per case of 24 pint boxes;, or Mrs. H. E. 'ord, Clifford Ford and ten cents each. The prices prevamng :Miss Helen I, ord drove to Tacoma in the city markets for the past week Saturday. Mrs. Ford and Miss Ford has been around $1.50 a case, so the went on to Seattle where the latter home growers have been favored by is consulting a specialist. Shelton merchants and should have no complaint. Future prices are un- George Simpson and daughter, Miss Frances Simpson, are removing from Potlatch to Ehna, where they will occupy the Simpson home on Waldrip street.--Elma Chronicle. Mrs. Walter Garven of Greensboro, Vt., arrived Monday for a two mohths' visit with her father, J. F. Moody in the Kamilche Valley. Mrs. Gmwen has not seen hdr people,f0r fifteen years• Miss Deborah Connolly was among the graduates of Providence Academy at Olympia last Friday evening, .and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Connolly were among the appreciative audience at the closing exercises. M. E. Reed "left Monday morning for a ten-day business trio to San Francisco, where he will be joined by Sol. S. Reed, who is returning from Culver Military Academy for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs, William Shorter re- turned last week from a stay at Cen- tralia, but the former failed to find relief. Mrs. M. B. Jones, daughter of Mr. Shorter, is expected soon from Jerome, Idaho, for a visit. James A. A£kins, an old-time resi- dent of the lower Satsop district, has leased his farm to Milton LaBrec, and will return to the Skokomish reservation to live after an absence of thirty years. The larties were in town last week completing the ar- certain and unless.the berries get too plentiful may not be much lower for canning purposes. SALUTE THE FLAG Legion men commented on the fact that not a few persons failed to sa- lute or raise their hats when the colors passed by.. on Memorial Day, and acted as thhgh their hats were gluexl on. This mark of respect to the flag is required in the army, and observed by all citizens everywhere --t,o uncover when the flag is being raised or is passing by in parade. CROSSED OLYMPICS Two men who (lid not, give their names or other information were passengers from Lake Cushman last Saturday, after having crossed the Olympic mountaing' on the old Lieut. ONeill trail from Lake Quiniault. They said they had been nine days on {he trip, two nights being-spent in the snow, which ,as found 40 feet deep in some of the drifts, and were pretty vell pla'ed out before getting out of the mountains. WILL "TOUR CALIFORNIA Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Nelson of Pick- ering left Thursday morning in their new Buick for Los Angeles .to visit Mr. Nelson's father and mother who are staying in the California city. THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAI* 1 " BARRETr.SAEGER CHURCH NOTES The marriage of Miss Jessie Ger- M.E. CHURCH trude Barrett and Mr. Merrill Sat- her was solemnized at high noon on Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock. Wednesday; June 15th, at the home Preaching 11 o'clock. of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evening services at 8 o'clock. W. W. Barrett, in Shelton. The scr- Preaching at Skokomish first Sun- vice was read by Rev. W. H. Thomas day of each month at 3 p. m. of the Methodist Church in the pres- Prayer Meeting 8 o'clock Thursday eme of tim immediate families, evening. Both are poputm" old-time families The public is cordially invited to and native born to Mon County these meetings. i The bride is the daughter of Mr. and W.H. Thomas, Pastor. Mrs. Barrett who have one of the ohlest lmsinesses in the community, BAPTIST CHURCH and for some time hast has been as- .__ sistant to the County Supm'intendent. Sumlay school at 10 a. m. Mr. Saeger is the son of a prancer Morning service at 11 a. m. Young people's meeting' at 7:15 on the farm in Isabella valley. Both l. I .,, s t are held in hie'lees( esteem and be- 1 t ,'. "g .,  21 ?2, J,"  *" ' m, widely known will c,nrry with Shick. The meeting will begin them tlm be: wishes of all. promptly at 7:15 so please be on After a boun:iful we(hlin feast time. the hnn,w couple left in their auto Evening s,,rvice at 8 p. m. Subject I for harts unknown and Shelton will "The Gospel o£ Mm•IC ' be for',)uen for at least a whole[ Prayer meeting on Thursday night week. They will make their home at 8 o'clock. on the Saeger farm after their re- Every one cordially irvited to at- turn. tend these Selwices, - • , Addison Self, Pastor. DR. AND MRS. 'ROBERTS CATHO IC CHURCH " TAKE LONG AUTO TRIP I L Dr. nnd Mrs. N. E. Roberts retu}- . " St. Edawrds Catholic Church. ed Satm'dav night from thefr trip On second Sundays first glass is at of ten days over Eastm'n Washinr,-8:00 a. m. and second Mass at 10:45 .ton. From the meeting at Chelan alsoqn Shelton. On fourth.Sundays they toured to Spokane over the Mass at Shelton at 9:00 a. m. Northmm route and then reached the Send all calls and messages to i Columbia at Pasco just in time to I?ev. Jolm Maher, Laceey, Wash. take the lnsi trio of the ferry, lfigh waters making the voyage hazard- pus. They wet over the Blewett nass and say that they found the °1. ........ T". ' Vrm(ls ffenerallv .oorl, n fact tbe bi00hwa,,s e.ual those on ,he 00unr 00tlrih0000 West sMe, They encmmtered some roads of riven dust in *be bet coun- tl.v n.,l no sneh camping' soots as n,,,. Kneotand Pm'k. Mr. Roberts flinks wo sholfld nqt some signs nlenre the hifrhwnvs toll;n' about the Shelton cammne rounds. STOLEN FUNDS FOUND H. E. Loop, who lost money orders, checks and coin to the amount of nearly $200, part of the funds col- lecte(i in the Red Cross membership campaign in December, was pleased to have returned the money orders i i ii i PAGE i KODAK AS YOU GO "'V " ';a - 'h Fi Dr g stdre From Sg.{}l) U|) r U From $2.00 Up i , • , : | The Shelton Pharmacy A Prompt and Reliable Prescription Service '" and a good place to buy your Drugs and Toilet Staples Fine Candies and Gift Novelties Try our fountain service for ice cream and cooling drinks WynneStewart, rpp, and paper lost, although the cash lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllll|lllllll part of the fund was missing. The A gift of ,- funds were stolen from the school house and the restored portion was .sillerware. I | found tucked under the old Schu- m ne mos .I---- , reacher building and exposed when useut ana  the building was moved a short time acceptame o J[] ago. The Prof. has no-clue to the presents for I ffi THERE'S SUMMER JOY i thief . me bride. I ---- "" You will find ! FORMER RESIDENT STRICKEN Sat ::.set;t°e IE AND UNDERWEAR COMFORT IN -- beautiful I  A repm has reached the local .... - Sanitary Sealpax ] camp Woodmen of the World that ..... I_-- Fent. Spencer, an early resident of wn)cn m ]___ Shelton who left here more than make your []== twenty ears ago, had recently been cnmce. [] strickenYwith paralysis in Seattle, "Gifts That Last" I-- where he has been living with his /, .. x 1 , AthuletinC Garments second wife and a young family of _lra l. llIlIll3 '= three children. JEWELER ffi Shelton, Wash. --- TOURING IN.EUROPE . ..... _ ....  ............. -I mtt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bordeaux,  .... I = who have been touring in Europe,] ' I_ , When yo get i to. the cool Sealpax were last heard from in Genoa;ttaly.l ...... I'--'--  where they were making extended 1 " I-- you get away from the heat. They are - motor trips. They have already I 11' g FTql 1'1 - spent some time in France making] i ,¥1|. I ffi made of the cr6ss barred Dimity with trips out of Paris, where it is re-t;. . I elastic non-binding back band. We ported that American touri,ts must/   !-I   .  I [] ,av fancy prices for the privilege of / T tl t5 i= ,= have them for the men, women and living. ' . " • l-=t = children. = STUDENTS ARRIVING HOME ....... ,= now starts a t p. m. snarp. I-- " Following are some of the students -  I [] --- of outside schools who have arrived .t,,tlr I,,. 1Rh i [] NU-WAY STRETCH SUSPE N DERS home for toe nohdavs: Wm, m]t,n, ...... . -- Jr., from St. Min'tins College; wmmm Fox presents J[] ----- Charles ConnoIlv, Gonzaga College, SHIRLEY MASON in I [] The Nu-Way Stretch Suspender is sure ffi Spokane; Mike Kennedy, Jr., Pacific [] Dental College, Portland; and Millard THE LAMPLIGHTER ffi ffi Thompson, State School for Blind, Vancouver, Wash. It might be"of interest to note that one of the ew laws prolongs the spell between divorce and re- marniage to one year, as the decree .is held up for si months before it becomes effective and the six months of prohibition begin• S. H. S. ALUMNI MEETS MONDAY S. H. S. Alumni will meet Monday, June 20th, at  the High School. It is very important that all mem- bers should attend. STRAWBERRY SOCIAL The Agate Yeomen will give a StrawbemT Social at the H. L. Miller home on the Arcadia road, Friday evening, June 18th. Everybody in- vited t0a real strawberry "teas;c: it EAWrERN STAR BALL It has been years since the O, E. S. i gave the public one of its enjoyable h61iday danceS, hn,, nothin will be forgotten for the ,, :ffaii; of Sat- urday, Jnly 2nd. Tlis will be Shel= t0n's Celebrition: Don't miss it. it Aster plaiits and bedding Gerani- rims in many beautiful varieties and Enroute they planned to take in the shades. Now is the properttime to Rose Festival in Portland; visit Mrs; set them out. Order them of me .The ladies otokom.ish Yalley have been taking a aeep merest, m the Cushman power' site cases in volving their homes, and have been daily auditors to the proceedings. Among the "delegation are noted Mrs. Arthur Eells, Mrs. Hugh Eaton, Mrs. Fred Bell, Mrs. George Cameron, Mrs. Victor Roberts, Mrs. J. C. Mort- ain, Mrs. Teofll Richert and Mrs. . A. Huter. Pomibly:i;the hg at thd outset visions .spiting boniiets at tlle expense of T-  MILIaNERY coma, but they milch( now be saris- tied with the bargam-sal e variety; '. =. -' ":" '', . , " ,- ,'i " : ,'" :':",' , '': , In which loyalty and 10ve res- cue a child of wealth from rags and a hovel. A FOX WORLD NEWS REEL Sunday, June 19th Metro Pictures present JACK LONDON'S "THE STAR ROVER" The vast army of Jack London readers everywhere will hail this opportunity to see a living reprodtiction of his master woE. Also Sunday Episode No. 10 "The Lost City" The great wild animal serial Wednesday, June 22nd William Fox Presents TOM MIX in "HANDS OFF" A Wescern Whirlwind And  FORD EDUCATIONAL --" to give pleasure to the wearer. The [] [] phosphor bronze springs used in their = - . [] make up do not rust, heat or wear out, . [- anti you can't kill the stretch. If they , -. _ [] prove defective within a year from: .... ' =-" I --= ,, date of purchase "• we will h've them re- i ]--[] paired or will replace with a new pair. -=__ Price 85c "] i :i co i • - [] m -- [] m t  \\; .i AIRPLANE RIDES i' JLII I I rangement. Nelson's brother at Dyer, Cal.; stop early. Esther Munson Shelton. " F t. at Shasta Springs, also San Fran- ' Mr. and Mrs. B. • Plemons and cisco and many other well known 6-17-It __........__..__ --...__2.. Prairie P 1100.1100.1100 I ,00rntt family left this week for San Dieg% I points of interest along the way. Be-. • SPRINKHOURS HARKET Califo,mia after spenmng a montliiYond Los Angeles they will visit San SHL--. I Diego and Tia Juana, the Mexican Beginning June 1st sprinklingmus hore. They drove over. frown Eastern iMote Carlo. Camping equipment only be done between the hours of nealth but is in'eluded, so a very enjoyable trip. 6 to 8 a. m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday this climate no better for:.hei', and is anticipated. They will return home R. LEE, Mr' Pldmons: decided.,to con'tnue the lab°u( the middle of July through 6-17-3t Supt. Water ?epartment. trip on soutkearlter man ne had Or- Easteim Washington and over the LJ • 9th iglnally plarmed, " i ' .Snpqalmie Pass. ,' , VISIONS OF NEWBONNETS "' """ • . Three and Tw0-Passenger Machines . J,J:., Olrg I=W v.x OR RHEUMATISM, LAME BACK, SPRAINS, i:i [|J:t FANCY.HuMANVEILS " 0LD-USE-sc0TCH ' The Aralei .,! I[ , HAIR NETS Tours Co t J | i:We have added this newline LIN00E00 = "  I | in answer to the many call. , MUNTER--Pilots--MILLER 'rm J J Come in and look it over. Th's Liniment Will Remove | | ." k. NEW SHi'PMEN'T OF SUM- Warts from Man or Beast i I | | rER HATS IS NOW ON . XY AND SRVlC '' • , ,. ,, , HELTON--P-HARMA00 e ladilil .j':, ' r " :" ' ' = " ) ,a S : .': " SHICK S 1 W. E. STEWART -The Ladies Aid of the M. EI: Chiqken •thieves were busy about ., with Mrs. Thomas on Wednedday,| made awayr,with several hens-belunnight :,, .. '-' . June 22nd a 2 IS..m. ', , . : [ ins to Mrs. ar0hn :Wyatt .......... ... . ...... -._ :"-'-" .....  _.i ...... , .L ............