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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 192I C&amp;"r- TOI BXDM 7035 7111[,Y PROFESSIONAL CARDS " UNION I of County Commissioners of Mason "av I€ Ttt'YT" : County, Washington, will receive sealed N[, J. lUJJL','ll' [ [ bids for operating County Ferry be- - DIlI! BIMP tween the mainland and Harstine Is- Physician and Surgeon GOODRICH M,s Thos ,urdv made" F0R L0CAL DUILVilI lend. Ferry to be operated three days a trip to Port Angeles this week. per week. Tuesday, Saturday and un- Succeeding and located in the ofl]e day, at the following hours 8 a. m.. of the late Dr. Wells. They report the roads in fine con- W. G. REX URGES REOPENING 10 a. m.. 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Operator ' dition. OF BRICK YARI)AND BAKING to furnish own fuel. State rate per ,ans"ea=- ale'r'r- mug'"'ea-e day or per month. Bids to be opt-ned • Mrs. W. A. Nobles and (laughter, OF KILN OF BRICK FOR at 10 a. m., Tuesday. July 5, 1921. Marie and Lucille Coombs have re- JOCA, L USE ,Commissioners reserve right to reject J, T. SHIMEK and Unexcelled Service and Satisfaction. turned home after a week's visit at and all bids. Puyallup. W. G. Rex, who now owns the Date of first publicatlOnloNE w.JuneDOYLE.10' 1921. DENTIST Lieutenant Governor Coyle and tract of land above town where the Seal) Auditor of Mason County. Postoice Building, Shelton, Walfls. Goodrich Fabric and Cord Tires at the Mrs. Coyle and daughter spent the brickyard was started a dozen years 6-I0-7-i-4t Open 9 to 12,--1 to 5 i week enl with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. ago, is emieavoring to interest brick- 20 per cent reduction in price are your Dalby. makers in again opening up the yard T- . Al 4- Evening by avpointmentL Cleve Hauptly was shaking€ hands and putting up a kiln for local use. Jt aCLS K-LxOUl. best and safest choice, wth old friends in Union Sunday and All brick now used in Shelton and CANADA Come here for your Goodrich Tires. explaining, the,, good points of his vicinity must be shipped here from . L. BF_J new Essex. outside points and in addition to cost- ABSTRACTS Note. the new price list in the accom- Mr,. David Daiby of Seattle spent ing around $25 a thousand the freight panymg advertisement, te week end with her husbandin iSanda cementC°nsiderableare alsoitem'beingH°ll°Wused tileas Thosefarm andinterestedindustrialin Canada'Soppor. Real F.ate,lmmranLoam am] Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Robison, Mrs. substitutes, but for the same reMon tunities are cordially melt- Hero Bldg. ShAm, Wula Goodrich Dealer llen Richter and G. N. Adams have add materially ot the cost of building ed to come and secure first , to Svokane as delegates to the here. hand information. On Thurs- " ' - ) Grand Lodge and Grand While the original company failed day, June 23 at the HOTEL  ] LW ," ,uCLe;'"n u -ara" :., of o. E.S. to make ago for several reasons m- SHELTER, Sbelton, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Nelson made eluding a poor burn of the kiln and Mr. W. F. Anderson will tell ,t'IORN]lf--4kT--IMkW) a'businees trip to Seattle this week. lack of demand for its products for you the facts about Canada, iae 468. B]gLTON, WASH. S/H)|IrOI% W8(@M No. 877 several years afterwards, it proved _ You are welcome (Room 7 & S Imbeme ]) m'o'xo or DmG Ore' ]mrr, that the clay was very good brick & and will not put AoOo or AmTA%'Om material and the last of the brick yourself under ob- _., , ... ]m'm'o 'o s)zI'l't- has only just been used. The original ligation by hearing this talk. BIPO  Dn. kiln contained some 40,000 brick and ALDEN C. BAYLEY In the Superior Court of the State of C{II N|olI|| ilw| Washington in and for the C.ounty the project was financed by local AWfl ' ' i of Ma41on, in Probate. business men. Industrial & Resources Dept. In the atter of the Estate of JOHN If the making of brick here was Dewitt Foster, Supt. Mm)om County Almtract & Title Co. NEW DOLINGTON HOTEL NotteeBRANDSTROM' Deceued-ts hereby given that Oscar taken upby an experienced man and Marquette Bldg. ld. Oppoadte :@,te B of gh,toa Ahl, Administrator of the Estate of a kiln of good brick turned out it is Chicago, Ill. PHONE 281. Sh(flton, Wash. FIRST AVENUE AT SPRING STREET, SEATTLE John Brandstrom. deceased, h file4 certain that all future business build- W.F. Anderson, Agt. with the clerk of the above entitled .4 200 Rooms---150 at $I O0 Dos., .,. ,,n., .ooo--* petition ing would be of the home material 902 Second AwashV.e. • for distribution of the estate of sgld and the brick would also be in de- Seattle, THIS HOTEL IS NOT OWNED BY JAPANESE 1 deceased, wherein the court is asked to mand all over the county. It is very GRANT C. ANGI settle such account, distribute the prop- likely that other buildings will be -- -- Notary Public FREE BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS AND BOATS erty of the estate to the heirs entitled J. J. RYAN R.P. KELLY tOstrator.the same and discharge the Admin- : constructedand next, anninthatShelt°na kiln thisas largeSeaS°nas Passengers, Baggage Real Estate, Immrance and Notice is further given, that In ae- that originally put up in the yard and Freight Conveyancing ' cordanc with an order of said court made and entered on the 28th day of here would be disposed of within two REASONABLE RATES Fire, Life, Health and Accident t t " May. 1921, a hearing will be had before years, if not (his season, and return PHONE 41. and Bond Inurance. the court on said final account and a handsome profit for the investment. petition for distribution on Saturday, the 2nd day of July. 1921, at the hour As the raw material is abundant and D.E. BARRET]P JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTER of 10 o'clock, a. m.. of said day in the inexpensive the cost of brick-making Lumber and omg000000'n-'es ,r, room of (his court, tn the court is in the labor, and made hero cheap house at ,helton, Washington. brick should encourage more building Dated this 3rd day of June, 1921. STELLA C. JENSEN. of the better class. Clrk of the said Superior Court. NOWISTHE. TII. "O BEGIN BUILDING. 'AL]H"C'AYL" HARRY FORD, . I Attorney for Administrator. Shelton. TIRE SETS NEW ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER XVashlngton. 0-3-24-4t AND SHINGLES, CEDAR FENCE POSTS, dressed STANDARDS; and tapered, SIDEWALK LUMBER in6 ft ]engtl, " SKOKOMISH VALLEY ' MILEAGE ! POPULARITY ,|]! I if desired. CEDAR BEE BOX LUMBER. I GAINS IN Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldivgs, -- [i Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook ALL OF THE ABOVE CAN BE FURNISHED AND Miss Aileen Weaver has returned MOTORLqT OF TODAY GETTING the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY OR home to spen(I her summer vacation MORE THAN rwl L MIIA,kGE A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards COUNTRY, ON SHORT NOTICE. WRITE OR on the farm. AND AT L()WER PRICES at Shelton. " PHONE US YOUR ORDER. PHONE 333. The May,'and brothers, t)'avlin THAN TEN YEARS salesmen of .Seattle. wore vi:diing" AGO their slate.r, Mr.. J. C. Mongrain on - , ...... Shelton Lumber & Shingle Company ,,,,, ,,,,, DO ,,,,,,r ,o,,,= """'" ,o,,, ,,,,, ',,, ,,<, ,,, -, ]()me thor R)ok their niece.% Misses[ ri'e to l)Ol)UL)' f'tvor ha, ).iol })co)) Ma)'i(,n :rod Ma)'celine Harris for a spect'w)dar, <t(,adily :m.l t ]]'€)],L]'} visit t<> their home in Seattle. sheer m(,ri( i( ha, (,,.(fl)ihcd i(.!f :ecoverin' nicely after ,everal week. years ago c,))'d tir,, w'.:'re con.-id,,red I Ill III '* I beth Butler of Shelton clled on Mrs. it" illne with the scarlet favor, only as e(l),i),,)l(m l'()r !,x,,,'i,u' c.)'s. i Frank Bennett last Saturday after- The mill ,)f E. Al lIar)'i and Bet, Thch' co.t w:L (.o)whl(,r,,d p)'ohibiiiv,, Ice Plant Wilh'y which is now located a Pot- by lhe ave)'a.e m,)i-)'i.'.!:. They were SHELTER VALLEY /noon. latch is again in operation, used h'lmost e×(.lus/v(!ly (m tho I)oulo- Veto. Shearer and family were over Mrs. E. A. Harris is visiting her yards of the big cities during their ' fron" (:harleston Sunday and spent husband and sister, M)'s. J. C. Mon- ea)ly (lays Today (hey are found on every The Best of Meats and a Reliable Mrs. Win. Madden and Dan and Jac- I the (lay at the Shafer home. grain. ltta Madder of PorEan. ¢$me<last[ George t[untley is home to stayl Mr F, 5[. Randall of F.orndale, type of pa.senger car and have (wen Service at Right Prices 'hursday' fol- a iit  Wi[h" /Ir." and till the camps start up again, f Wash., is in the valley to m?r?ve invaded the tazck field and in some :Mrs. J. Sharer. I T E Wvell was art)and taking the ion his properv aHjoining that o ivlr. oustedlines ofihe)nOt,)rsolid t)'anSl)OrtatiOnrubber tire. Prac-have "BICHSE 'Mrs. Lina Nelgen and Miss Eliza-)school'census last week. 'Warren Lincoln. J.F. ______L, Prop. tically every make of passenger car has adopted them as standard equip- ment. The popular demand is for cords for replacements and cord equipped new cars are the most at- tractive "buy." The cor4 has been .lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll m III fouml as rugged for rough country  ........ _ roads as for city pavements. = lt I"]"=1""! - t%t3 "J I=a=¢%1'P = A America's nie million motorists---- ..........  ......... " "-- g/ are deeply indebted to the cord tire.  AD cUl14k 11111 i'lUJ" = it has set new standards for mileage [] (OUS|I   .l,lJr) 0 and tire economy. With cords de- _---- - • ' "" d]   livering remarkable service it was  Bring your shoes to us for a neat job of repair- | necessary or manufacturers to im- -- .... prove the materials and construction I mg qmckly done. We are here to give you real The last word in uality of fabric tires to the new service [] service. You'll find our nrices right. standard of cords. Consequently the = r o The best word in Pric [motorist of today is getting "more _-" L C wOUSE Shelton-Wash I than double the mileage and at low- r=_ .... ' ' " / IliL''Oqllll']ll [er T)rices than he did in the tires of i Sddm[  ]ten years ago. Cords have strength- mumim"ip ffi_=.   "ened" the entire tire line-up. " II Probably the biggest single ad-IIIIjIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill l vance m the career of the cord tire -- S00.a300i 1 .300..9o I I'2.9o I Iwas when a 2() per cent price reduc- ' -- . 'I I " :-" "$.5 """ ' ' "'ff ." I ..L1[.. = ' '' J I I$.S, ,tion was announc#d in the price of'5 ............... : /Si]venown cords by the B. F. Good-I---- I=IgtTll I=lll T/|lqld ' .' , rich Rubber, Co., on May 2. Cord]--" IINJ.lll 3111lL J¢ll . ,: I *4s.Xo .I 1'3.7ol tires were placed within the reach of, I thousands of motorists who had pre-/I == __'47.30 .. - I 1'400o! viouslv considered their price pro-[---- BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT _ ': hibiti,e. Today tir sales are run-I _ ................ -- ,' *-o." .,o .,v o,o, heavilYMadetO cords.F,rst..Cords [[--_----"" oxec,mner¥, u, gars ana all O:, rm --='== al Il :=. --0A"'= I[ TM| 11.o7 s The modern cord tire was evo,ved'== EDWARD H FAUBERT. M-- =. from the Palmer bicycle tire. While l----- I *ss.9o I I*ss i the patents were owned by.. J. M. Pal-,----= , " ----" • mar of England, Goodrich manufac-!_-- IIIIIIIIII -- I ,6x.9o I tared them exclusive, y in the Un,ted : IIIIIImlllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIII!11111111111111 ' " States for a number of years. Later I .. . II when Palmer soh] his patent. to a Fabric Tires rubber company in Silvb.rtown, Eng- Tand, thc American rights under these SAVE YOUR SHOES Many changes an(] improvements 1130$[*1.451 ) n ostructio, , tho( o a- by letting us repair them at the proper time. It Il° "W'Vll"'l'ol'nn | isdt,13.l,7.L facture of this type of tire have been made durin the past ten years but means a great saving at the present price of shoes I I * ,.' the o,J.a ord pnut tre ,o YOU can rely on our work absolutely. We han.dl.e a Cnorc 0X½ for bicycles has been the fundament- dftrd 1ectiv Mty ) alprincip|e throughout. • line of the best loggers boots and heavy and light r)l tr¢ Automobiles would have been im- work slses at prices that are lower. practicable without pneumtaic rubber tires and since neumatics were first transportation history must reserve r O ) a vrominent chapter for the bicycle's contribution. , ii i i ii i i i I I • I No. 595 " NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE OLAIMS In the Superior Court of the State of Good00ch3000300.--fivefb00ntsofFxcellen00e InPr°bate'Washingt°n for Mason County, inBROsEthe matterw, ofREED,the Estatedeceased.Of AM- STR, S. G. Sl HPSON , Notice is hereby given, that letters ' , of Administration on the Estate of 1. One quality The name of Goodrich on a tire means Ambrose W. Reed, deceased, were THE SHELTeR-TACOMA ROUTE one quality only. Like all other Goodrich / granted to the 'undersigned. on the 2nd day of June, 1921, by the sai 4 Single Fare $1.61. Round Trip. 1|31 , 2. 6xtra size tires this 3Ox3½ is one quality. This stand- Su.erior Court. , All persos having 'claims agains CHANGE OF .HOME-BOUND SCHEDULE 'F """!€"C:"II" "'-°°6--A°';'neX ard is a fixed principle, and that quality 'saidthem estate,with thearenecessaryrequired voucherst° presento EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1921 • must be the best our resources, skill and me at the law office of M. W. Logan Leaves Shelton Monday, Weanesday and Friday at 8:80 a. m. O in Shelton, Washington, within one Retundn from Tacoma Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4. ti-skid , experience can produce, year fft:eY the date of this notice, 1:00 p, m. Dock open till 6 p.m. " ....... they shah be forever barred. ...... .,- . "." . " ............. Dated at Slett)), V)rh., this Seattle freight should be delivemed to Pier . , ). Fair price THB B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY' day of June, .:) ' ' , ] i " i[ , ..... i' ii 'i |, ' ......... SHELTON TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ....... ., , .... ,, . ..... r "DAlton, Ohio Adminlstratrix of the ]state of " - : brose W. Reed, Deceased. M. W. LOGAN, Attorney for Admin|stratrlx I)