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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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V:f • RIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921 I Tim MASON CO 3OURNAL -We r Make Paints,. Varnishes i, Women's Use at Home to see the transformation you HOUSANDS of women with keen home pride want to do their own painting and varnishing at home, and thou- 6ands do--with materials we make. 'We mae those materials es- pecially for home use. ou mkTor "Fuller's HomeServlce" [Paint Products. And we malntaln a special "Home Servi6e Department" urnishing/re€ information and" detailed directions which will enable anyone to do his or her. ©wn work. ,You simply deserlbe the art;- el€, how finished now, and the effect you want to get. We tell ' ou how, th'kiffl-of parrt, he kind of brush--the things you seed to.know to do "good work. yourself can make in home thingsfurnlture, floors, walls, woodwork, bric-a-brac, etc. "Just a can of paint or var- nish and a little work that's fun/ works wonders. Our knowledge of paints• and painting practice has been gained through 72 years' experience. We are one of the country's largest manufacturers of paint products and make the very. fin- est kind o1 goods. Don't think because you've nevsr done it that you can't do work like this yourself. Try it with our help. Just follow Fuller's 8 pecificatlons and you'll get the desired effects. Remember--don't allow sur- faces to rot. It €osts less to LYou'U be surprised, delighted paint them, "Home: SePvice00'Painfs :'L WHERE TO BUY: Impor- tant that you get the right ma- terial so be sure to go to the right store for Fuller products. Cut out the coupon to the right as a memo to direct you. VaPnishes - Enamels MTd by W. P. Fuller & Co. cation "Home Serv|ee" Paint Products which tells just what to buy lot the work you have in mind. • I • s Consult our .]h, tsory Depart- Write us now--a .ostcard sent relative to the questio na for booklet of Fuller s Specifi- you may have In mind. For 811 exterior Jbs of p•lntinll It Is advisable to obtsin the 8ervleslof a Muter P81nte, r Fullerwear S'The All-Purpose Varnish" dapted for any surface either inside or outside. The most dur- able varnish obtain- able. Withstands in- tcrior wear and  weather exposure. I I .11 lift Does not scratch, I Iell [f HI peel, rub off or turn I I P"b---II It Ji ,00hite. D,i, over- I1'00 II II II night. I I ,,-. II II H FULLERWEAR IS Ful- L__ I' |er's Specification for -'-=t all-purpose varnish- "* ing at home--for furniture, tables, chairs, linoleum, etc. Boiling water cannot harm it, nor rolling furni- ture. Dries dust-free in four hours. Walk on it overnight. W. P. Fuller & Co. ._ Dept. II, San Francisco Pioncer Paint Manufacturers fo 72 Years Established 1849 ranehes in 16 cities in the West Dealers Evcrywher© Also makers of Rubber-Cement Uloor ]Paint, All.purpose Varnishes, Silken- white Enamel, Fifteen-tor-Floora Var- nish, Washable Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Barn and Roof Paint, Porch and Step Paint.    am  ,m ,m ma am ma am am ,ms m SAVE THIS l(Cut this out and"put it in your pocket, book or handbag as a memo) Fuller's "Home Service" Paints are • •Id by the following in your city: Thomas O'Neill l DECKERVILLE . L Mrs. Jack Stevenson of Olympia has been visiting for a few days with Mr. and-Mrs. S. R. Thasher of Devkerville and friends in Shelton. Vivian and Charles Thasher left last week to spend their summer va- cation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Masse of Estacada, Oregon. Mrs. Fred Ferris of Deck€trill€ visited her sister Mrs. Fred Anderson of Shelton, who has been ailing for the last few months. Mr. John Valley, who had blood poisoning in his arm is improving rapidly. Mrs. S. R. Thasher was a town vis- itor the first of the week. From all reports the wfiinie roast at the Deeke.Hlle school house was a great success in spite of the rain. No. 668 NOX0]I O]r lllA.llJrG FXNk - ]rO DZS'dCBITIOM In th• Superior Court of the State of Washington for .Mason County, in Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of CARL JACOBSEN. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Sophus Jacobsen. administrator of the estate of Carl Jacob•on, deceased, has filed in the office of the clerk of said eourt l his Final Report and Petition for Dis- tribution, asking the Court to ,settle said Report. distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to d/s- charge said administrator; that •aid Report and Petition will be heard on Saturday, the 25th day of June. 1921, at ten (10) o'clock a. m.. at the court house in the court room thereof in helton. Mason Count Washingtou. Dated this 26th day of May, 1921. STELLA C. JENSEN. Clerk of said Court. By RUBY CARLSON, Deputy ANNAPOLIS VACANCIES NOW OPEN TO BOYS OF SOUTHWEST COUNTIES LIMITATIONS NO LIMIT We all have our limitations, but few of us realize when we have reached them. The average American is a peculiar individual. An obstacle may seem mountain high tq him, but he has an inherent objection to acknowledging that it is insurmountable. The ap- parently impossible only whets his de- termination to conquer. Perhaps it is just as well that limi- tations do not bother us. We are not afflicted with the doubts and uncer- tainties and vacillation that retard the progress of some countries. We accomnlish our tasks while many other peoples are debating their pos- sibility. It is an American trait, and a good one.--Kent Journal. CHAS. 1. LEWIS, Attorney for •aid Estate. Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermen's Building, Shelton, Washington. 5-27-0-17-4t THE UNIVERSAL CAR PRICES REDUCED! On JUNE 7th the followingnew prices on Ford o, Cars were put into effect: Runabout - $440 Touring - - Coupe - - - Sedan - - - Truck - - - Tractor - - F. O. B. Detroit $48{$ $695 $760 $49{$ $625 This is the Second time the Ford Motor Co. has reduced prices since the war, and is in line with Mr. Ford's policy to give the public the benefit of economms effected by large production and in- creased efficiency in manufacture. CONGRESSMAN JOHNSON TO PICK THREE MAKING HIGH- EST MARKS IN COMPET- ITIVE EXAMINATIONS Washington, D, C., June 12.--On receiving notification from the Navy Department that he will have four vacancies at the Annapolis Naval Academy in June, 1922, Congressman have gone home with the feeling that Albert Johnson announced that he infested with bandits. It will throw three of the places open has gen the leading city of the to competition among 3 ounr men of [ Northwest a big black eye, and other the ten counties of Southwestern I cities in the Northwest have suffered Washington. The fourth wcancy will jby reason of that unsavory reputat- be offered to Theodore Reimer, son tion." of Capt, Alfred Reimer, who has l 'r, made a notable record as a lifesaver For+ Cnnby Coast Guard sta-L--OGED OFF at the tion near Ilwaco. Winners of the three competitive places will be those making highest marks in an examination to be con- ducted in Mr. Johnson's behalf by the U. S. Civil Service Commission early in January, 1922. The exam- ination will be hehl at various joints in the district, and will be open to all young men of Southwestern Wash- |ngton who will not be less than 16 pears nor more than 20 years of age in Jun.e, 192.2. Congressman Jbhnson asks that competitors notify him of their in- tention to take part in the examina- tions. Upon request addressed to him at Washington, D. C., he will send pamphlets containing Annap- olis entrance requirements ami stun- pie examination questions, HARSTINE I Sunshine and show(!rs--tl](,.lntler es- pecially welcome, haxe be¢'n the order of the day for the past week. A new family for the neighborhood, a Mr. and :Mrs. Peterson aml (hiltlren from the nlatnland, have lnoved Jnlo Martin Lorenzen's tmuse near the post- office. The Arrow Is making two trips a week to Olympia now to accommodate the berry gr rowers of the island. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dolan arrived on the island last week and are at Iome with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Goetsch. Mrs, Dolan will be remember- ed as Mrs. Alma Allen. -Miss Johnson of Gate, Wash., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson. E. R. Andrews is a busy man these day•. He Is the Harstine ferryman (not char o_n however), general manager of the Harstlne telephone line• and rancher. Mrs. Andrew John•on and •on Sun- dius were Sunday caller• at the Ed. Wilson home. Oscar Jacobsen was a Shelton via|tot on Tuesday, going over on the Marie. Ed. Anderson and family and Edwin Newman of Olympia were Sunday guest• of the ,.ee warlson family. Plans are being perfected for a rou•- ing Fourth of July celebration picnic, dance and all the tmmmn's. J. John•on and wife of the "Finn Camp" visited friends on the Island last Sunday. The Marie, Capt: Raymond I-Iaakell, is making frequent trips to Shelton carrying the Justly celebrated Harstlne Island strawberries to appreciative con- sumers in that city. Shelton is a good market for the better grades of fruit. l TAHUYA I John Sheffner has gone to Port An- geles for the summer. S. Carlson was home from Shelton Over Sunday. Olaf Coldevln has gone to Seattie to work. ! Mrs. Wheeler has returned to Seattle after a short visit to her new home here, Mr..Wheeler will remain awile to fiaish Up the painting. Mr. Coldevin was home over Sunday ¢rom Bclfair where he is doing some work. Mrs. De Forest spent a very delight- ful Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Rendsland. Mr. Castcnsen's sister and children, of Seattle are visiting the Carstensen faro|fly here. MY. G. Rendsland is still working a crew on the road at Dewatto. --a Emil Johnson of Self air was a T- huya visitor Friday, Knowlton Mrs. Lodwick Mrs. V. L, aturda and children went to Dewatto S th y e night to stay over Sunday with .aru.en Nanc family. Sunday they en- Joyeu a delightful trip up the valley [tl their new car and Mr. Wheeler •nce also took his share of the load, visited the Betts chicken and bee rich and saw many interesting things, e Betts farm has between 1600 and 00 young white leghorns and 800 ns but like other chicken raisers, are ndlng small profit with the unequal 'ice of feed and eggs. After a short -but pleasant visit at the Whee!,ler Nance farm.( or are they all ranches r?) they returned to H. Nance's one of the best dinners you heard about, They stopped at rs, F. Rendsland's for tea and re- turned home well stuffed and happy. Chas, Sundbcrg is carrying the mall during the absence of Mr. Coldevin. Mr. Luark has been appointed fire warden for this district. Hc had better stay at home and watch that wonderful strawberry patch of his. Z,Ir, and ,lrs. Clifford Silverston were down to see the folks Sunday. OZO]g O BJLI]S O ZMB]] 01T SfATII Notice is hereby given that on Tues- the 5th day of July, 1921, be- tween the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the after- noon, commencing at ten o'clock lu th• forenoon of •aid day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in th :',r of Shelton, County of Mason,  : Washington, either by the County . .dltor of •aid county, or by a member of the Board of State Land Commissioners of the Stats of Washington, the timber on the follow- Ing desvrlbed •tats land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: AppUotion Z$o. 10803. Timber" on NE' ot section 36, town- ship 2 north, range 4 west, W. M., 160 acres, more or lees, ac- to the government •urvey appraised at $8,803.00. on SEA of NW% of •ection 36, township 23 north, range 4 west, W. 1%I., containing 40 acre•, more or less, according to the government sur- vey thereof, appraised at $2,114.00. Application o. 11241. Timber on NENt of SE of section 24, townshiv 23 north, range 5 west M., contain|ng 40 acres, more or according to the government survey thereof, appraised at $5,703,00. Said timber on •aid land will be sold for not los• than the appraised as appraised by th• Board of Stats Land Commis•loners In the manner provided by law, a •tatement of which l• now on file in ths office of the Auditor of •aid county. Terms of sale are: Cash to b• paid on the day of sale. " . .....  ,, m  The purchaser of timber on state -x'ne uotme ox rromp uerv*ce [lands will have five (5) years within lwhich to remove •aid timber, with th• m m    In m /IP --  • ] privilege of securing extensions of lkJk/,rlll,,,.. II.,lL.,m.,.l IlrllJ''l"' • "A •ltime under the statute• governing. ¥¥ lllCtq€ OOI|IiUII £:IULUI" U. •1 • rrhe Umber on the above described • ell•rids is offered for sais in purstmmes • •lot an order of the Board of 8tte Ldtnd • z,.wnM Wt.q H I lComml•aioners, and an order of sale • ......... , ...... Ilduly issued and csrUfled by the Corn- • • [mlssioner of l>ubUc Ln &" of the Brute • I Jof Wlmh|ngton, now on AIo in the oce I I I st the Cotmty AtOr of ss/6 eonty. I Commissioner of Pubilo Iambs. I I I I PAOE SEVEN ,AIL00 cm00Es ,: Rufus Woods'n t'he Wenatcheell LOWER MATLOCK l World, protests against featuring in[ [ / scare-heads in the daily press the[$ ...... ,,, • crimes, murders and scandals of the| Mrs Sarah Fletcher and s6ns Will world, and especially does he protest|and John, Mr Asa Bat€man and son against emphasizing the weaknesses]Ane r motoret to Seattle Saturday ann meannesses ox manKina--rne m-fora few da,,s' visit With frieii,ts-,,a ews, the garbage sween'ngs of weak|rel lives humanity. In the case of Seattle, Mr. ,.€ 'Alao, Wl,doh., ,, h;1 Woods believes the sensational press dre"n'iVra'ces  ]'re'('f"'a'l'ber"t-n" ''i' has worked almost Irreparable injury. M , M # u,¢ .......... ,,."News.papers,"wr!tes ,Mr Wood%: S"un]ia°,"wit']i.s.-m:"eis'aan" naxe given eat¢le ne repogtion oi €,;]., being a lawless city. We can point "M'"::'and Mrs. Wm. Evers are the to specific instances where visitors proud parents of a 9-pound girl bot " LAND For mile in this County to Actual Settlers on.easy Serms. Price $5.00der acre andup. Write for, map giving all information. Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. Tacoma, Washington tqOTlOE O:F SZ.E o' BTATE &ND8 Noticd'is hereby given that on Tues- day, th•, 5th day of July, 1921, be- tween the hours of ten o's'lock in the forenoon 'find 4 o'ctocl in the afternoon commencing at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of gaid day, in front of the main :entrancoLdoor to the County Court House in the City of Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, either :by the County Auditor of said county, !or by a member of the Board of State Land Commissioners of the State of i Vashington, the following described state lands, together with the improve- ments situated thereon, will bc •old at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Application 'o. 11170. NV¢; of Nli]% of section 20, town- ship 23 north, range 4 west, W. M., containing 40 acres, more or less, ac- cordln to the government survey thereol,' appraised at $400.00, subject to application No. 9488 heretofore filed by the City of Tacoma, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 15 of the laws of 1907 to perpetually back and hold water upon the SE of NW, of NETjLpplicaIoa' o. 11171. NE of SE of section $9, town- ship 23 north, range 4 west, .W.M., containing 40 acres, more or less. ac- cording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $400.00, subject to appncatlon No. 9488 heretofore filed by the City of Tacoma, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 15S of the laws of 1907 to perpetually back and hold water upon the W of NE of SEK.Applio O. "IML NE of NW of section |1, town- ship 23 north, range 1 West. W. M containing 40 acre•, more or lea•. ac- cording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $600.00. Said lands will be sold for not II than the 84)pcsJlod value above st41,ted and upon t,e terlnl and oondftloml fob Io--'--"  Oodttlm of llll---Not than one-tenth of the puroimae price must b• Paid at the time of male to the officer maktng tho sale. The purchaser, if he bs not the owner of the improvements° must forthwith pa to the officer making the sale the full amount of th• appraised value of tle improvements, as above stated. One- tenth of the purchase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per centum per annum, together with accrued interest on any blance the •ame rate: ]Pgovid hat any may make full payment ot Interest and a.tatutory fees at and obta|u deed or state The purchaser of land contain- ng timber or othe valuable materlais s prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands or th• board, lntil ths full amount of the purchusc price has been paid aud deed issued. All sal of state land are made June 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evers and son Gene were business callers in Montesano Saturday. Mr. Win. Rediska and daughter Mrs. A. J. Beck spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Daniels. Mrs. Goggin called on Rediska's Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Martha Evers and daughter Mary of Mon tesano are visiting in this vicinity this week. Mr. Joe Carstairs and N, C. Nel- sen motored to Shelton Tuesday in the former's car. IN T=E. JUSTlCE COURT S IELTON PI:tEINCT NO. 1, MASON COUNTY, WASIt]NC, TON. lefo,'e A. N. Ward, .... lsq., Justlffe of the Peace, To J. F. VAIDELI.,. ])efendant: In the name ef the State of %Vash- ingLon, you are hereby notittcd that Sam A. Watson hss I/]e(1 a complaint against you ie said court, which will coin€ on to be heard at my olllce tn She]ton, Bason County, Vashingten, oU the 1Sth day of July, 192], at the hour of 10 &cluck a, n., and unless you appear and th(n ,.nt lhere a.nswer, tho sanle %vi]l le |ukon as confoss(!d, Illl(l the demand of 1he plaintiff granted. The ob.]ect and demand )i' said com- j)laint ts Lo l'e(over jlldg'nWqt agatnst 3"ou fer an lndcbtedt,ss to the plain- tiff iu, the sum of $49.22, and eosLs of suit. C, omp]aitt filed June 11, 1921, Date ef first )ublieation Jnne 17, li 21. A. N. WARD. J. P. ALDEN. C. 12AYI.HV, Atttorney for Plaintiff, Slclton, Wash. -17-7-1-3t No. 576. ROT][(E O]S' XEJUI2TO Olq.'lA- AO C O UlJ .OZ  ADZNZST&TOW AID PETrION TO OgIgI- BUTZO AND ZSC£.G e In the Superior Court of the State of Washington In and for the County" of Mason. in Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of HELEN" ADELE LEWIS, Deceased. Notice is beroby given, that Charles H. Wivell, Adminl•trator of the Estate of Helen Adele Lewis, decesaed, ha filed with the Clerk of the abov sn* titled court his final account and pc- titles for dl•tribution of the estate of said deceased, wherein the Court iS asked to settle •uch account, distbute the property of the estate to the ,heirs entitled to the •amo and discharge ths Administrator. l • Notlce is further given that fn ac- cordance with an order of said Court made and entered on the |Sth day of ,May, .,1921. a hearing will be had before I the court on said final account and petition for distribution on Saturday, the 9th day of July, 1921, at the hour of I0 o'clock, a. m., of said day in the court room of thl• court. In_the court house at Shelton, Washingtot.. Dated this Srd day of June, 191. STELLA C. JENSEN Clerk of the Superior Court. ALDEN C. BAYLEY0 Attorney for Administrator, Shelton, Washinton. 6-S-4-4t SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS subject to the reservations of oils, 'i. gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every .am€, ki. a.d d.crip.o., Cigars, Tobaos and ' and to the additional terms and con- d/tlons prescribed in. the act of the l•g- High raae Candies, islature approved March 20, 1907, being ........... section 3 of chapter '6 of the Laws Guns, Ammunition & of 1907. Said land will b, •old ,ub.t to .qn0rt;n a' Good the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 109 of the SeaBlon Laws of 1911, relating to easements for ri hts- of-way and the carrying of ti aber, stone, mineral and other products over .... the •amo. Try our fresh roasted peanuts The abov• de•cribed land• are offered for sale in pursuance of an order of the Board of Stat• Land Comm,s•lon. W B S ers, and an order of •ale duly l•sued and certified by the Commissioner Of r • Public Land• of the State of Wa.hlng- ton now on file in the office of the n;| T).. county auditor of said county. All the -----a --ers CLARK V. SAVlDGE, . Commissioner of Public Lands. 5-27-7-1-6t. W" r WO BARRETT t THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, 011s, Varnishes and Brushes, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing guaranteed as to work and material for one year. Achievement is fist acidenta, l. There are sound reasons back of eve, bank. Ambition is the firs t :teed because a purposeless man is a shiftless man. : I Industry is indispensable because lazy people do not get far in life. Thrift nets gains. Without it the fruit of effort is lost. Foresigh illumines future needs and opportunities. Initiative turns intention into action, making pgress possible. These qualities make up the winning punch of achievement.. And they are all rePresene in me ae o opening a bank account. PUT YOUR PUNCH IN THE FORM OF DEPOSITS WIH State Bank of Shelton i i ! i ¸t! : €,: :? i/( -i,Jj !i! i!:/