June 17, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 17, 1921 |
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the garage or dealer dilplaylng
the sign shown hereit means
"Better oteration and longer cn-
gin* life.'" A service promptly
given at a nominal cost.
about your crankcase
Road dust, carbon, fine metal particles and other
impurities accumulate in your crankcase oil from
engine operation.
The gritty oil circulates through your engine,
impairing its performance, and ultimately leads to
rapid depreciation and repairs.
Automobile manufacturers recognize this dan-
ger, and in their Instruction Ekoks, carefully ad-
vise regular draining and flushing of the crankcase.
These important instructions are often disre.
garded; cleaning the crankcase is a job generally
To meet this need, Modern Crankcase Cleaning
Service has been established by first-class garages
and other dealers, co-operating with the Stand.
ard Oil Company. These garages and dealers use
CAlol Flushing Off, the scientific,agent that
cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other impurities,
and does not impair the lubriCating efficiency of
fresh oil used.
The cleaned crankcase is refilled with the prop-
er grade of Zerolene.
• better operation-.-
&and longer engine life"
(Continued from last week.)
Fred Mayer et el, appeare(i before
the Board tn interest of the establish-
ment of the Ford Mayer road.
Petition and bond of T. W. McD, mald
et al for the establlslmaent of a County
road to be known as McDonald Road,
described as follows: Commencing at
intersection of the Moody road with
present County road between section 26
and 27 township 19N, range 4 V.rest,
running thence Southweslcrly direction
and ending at intersection of County
load at the SWx A of 11/4 section '/,
township 19, range 4, the whole dis-
lance being about % mlle. Tabled until
later in the meeting.
Hearing held on the Ford Mayer road
at 2 p. m. No objections presented at
this time. It was moved and carried that
this road be established according to
the Engineer's report. Road to be 30
feet in width•
Board adjourned to meet the follow-
tng day.
Tuesday, June 7th, 1921.
Board all present.
Letter received from the Chief As-
sistant Director of Agriculture In re-
ard to sending an exhibit to the State
air at Yaklma. Letter referred to the
County Agent.
The following amounts from the fol-
lowing funds were allowed;
Current Expense ............. $2,267.46
Game Fund 331.50
Road District''No:''1"'::::::::: 378.40
Road District No. 2 .......... 1,307.18
Road District No. 3 .......... 318•88
Road District No. 4 .......... 229.08
Road District No. 5 .......... 12.40
Road District No. 6 .......... 396.84
Road District No.' 7 ......... 501.74
Road District No. 8 .......... 137.77
Road and Bridge ............ 1,220.81
Special Road Fund ........... 65
Liquor Fund ................. 57.65
Bills and Pay Rolls for the primary
State Highways including tle Olympic
and Navy Yard Highways were allowed
pin the amount of $1752.16. for the
month of May, 1921.
Elias Glenn et el, appeared before the
Board presenting a petition and bond
for the abandonment o£ 1 1-3 miles of
the Cooper-Pelishaok road, also a pe-
tition and bond for the establishment
of a County road to be known as the
Burkwood road, Petitions and Bonds
tabled until Commissioners make an
Board adjourned to meet thd follow-
ing day.
Wednesday, June 8, 1921.
All present.
Moved by S. W. 131anton and second-
ed by %Vs. E. J)anlels tiler the deputy
sheriff be allowed $4.00 per day for
actua] time sl2ent as deputy SilCl•ifl ', to
Lake effect as of .hmc 1st. 1921.
Part of the day spent ln.pectlng
roads, convened in office at 1 p• m. All
I)elegatlon from Harsttne Island ap-
peared hefore the Board.. urging and
Stl/ggi2s|lng In('![tns LO operate and Dlain-
taln tleir ferry.
Moved and carried timt tim Auditor
be instructed to call Ir')r bids for an
oi)ertllor LO run : tlle llarsttne - ],'(!rry.
Bids to Im oI)cn(!d at 10 a. In., Tues-
(lily, July 51i. 1921. Ferry Io he oper-
ai(:(] three days per %peck nn Tuesday,
Saturday mid Sun(lty, Lit. tile l',)llewlng
tmurs: 8 a• m.: 10 a. m.' 2 p'. m. and
5 t). m. 1)1 rrat(;r to furnish owl] fuel.
Zloved and seconded tbat Mr. F,. TL
Andr(,ws I)e alh,,ed $5.00 ;,vr (lay to
roe the fert'y fi'om date until July 5.
1921r. the same schedule ef days and
tinle to be used as Statcd ill [lie call
for bids for a i'er#y operator, i LaLes
for s;)ccla] runs as follows: bk, r(Is nnd
l%unnhouts, ;50: M(,dtun size cnrs .75;'
Large T(,uring cars. $I.00: Truck f'lnpty
Mr. a0d Mrs. Waldl/erger of Olympia
• spent scvera.l days last week visiting
In this vicinity.
Mrs. Linds,w who fell and broke her
ankle is still ie ()lytnoto
Mr. and Mrs; Langford wore in Ol:ln-
pla ThursdaY.
Contractors Woods and Tomei with
a crew of about fifty men are now
ready to start concreting,
lIr. and Mrs.. Frank Cheadle were
]£amtlche visitors Thursday.
Mrs. Sam Ball of Aberdeen is visit-
ing at the home of her parents, Mr.
" and Mrs. IA Cart.
]V[rs, Roy Greenwood was in Shelton
Mrs. Cilas. (l'rigs, who has been very 1 ton. .75: l Ton Truck leaded. $1.25;
Ill is improving. 2 ton enlply l,Ofl ,and 2 ton loaded $2.
Mr. and.lrs, Guy Weaver.. of Mud llbard adjourned LO meet tie folh,w-
Bay:arc staying at Mrs. Valdbc]•gers. tng day.
Mr. Weaver is working for Mr. iiur-] Timrsday, June !L 1921.
I.:'YI I All present.
rank Greenwood and wife and Frank letitlon an(1 bond of T. W. McDonald
Cheadle and wife spent Sunday at Roy et el, ['or tib establishment of a C(,ua-
ty rt,ad to be callc(t the Mel),ma]d
Contradtor Tomei has moved his faro- road taken up by the rioard. Moved
tly here from Port Angeles. and carried tiut this l)etliien and bond
Mr, and Mrs Vm Gris w 0 .., be ai)provcd and that the petitioners be
B l" " ' • .......... allowed to change the Right o£. %Vq¥,
ay ca lore Sunday. 1 from 30 feet to 40 feet and thai tile
[r. and ]fl'S, Twentter sl)ent Sunday Engineee be instructed to survey' and
at Arcadia.
report to the Board.
Mrs. Thornton and son Vernon and Lctter received from the Stims(n
daughter VIarlc spent the past week Timber Company in regard to Right of
visiting in Tacom'a.
Way, for the Volgt road. elatming that
We have a quantity of dry, sound wood for sale•
Cut sixty days and in I6 and 18 inch lengths, at
very reasonable prices. Now is the time to buy
your winter supply.
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