June 17, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 17, 1965 |
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SHELTON-=-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL 'Published in "CChrisfmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
School was
seven grad-
and gowns
upon cool-
hard study-
Mrs. Philip
113nsic for'
as well as
given by
Monte Mar-
Welcome to
friends and
and James
history and
class pro-
re presented
the Shelton
the graduates
sink and all the dish water flows
into the cuphoard; a wonderful
wecken, I was had by all.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Len Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Slans-
bury, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Taylor and son, Edwin were guests
for the evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder.
Olivet" Petty is spending two
weeks at Fort Lewis with the
Shelton Unit of the National
Mrs. Gertie Grate with Karen
and Lynn of Black Lake were
Tuesday aftenmon guests of Mrs.
Edwin Pettys.
Thm'sday Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Simmons went to Mar~wille with
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bissell of
Olympia while they picked up
their new trailer.
Dtnner g~msts Wednesday at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Mr. KeN Pendergraft were Mr. and Mrs.
as Lester Aitkin of Shelttm.
chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitener and
Steve children spent the weekend in
to the Portland, Ore. visiting with Mr.
ley; where and Mrs. Leroy White.
ave been " Several friends surprised Mrs.
Anna Wiles at her home Tuesday
decorated evening with gaily decm'ated cakes
and and well-wishes on her birthday.
by Mrs. THURSDAY aftenmon, Mrs.
Simmons, Florence ,Taylor and her sister,
and Jimmy Mrs. Sarah Butts of Olympia, vis-
s of Lacey, ited with Mrs. Ester "Rheinsdorf
in beautifulof Seattle, who is visiting at the
Phil Sire- home of her brother, O. R. Taylor.
Mrs. Saturday evening guests of Mr.
Ed Fisher and Mrs. Robert Pendergraft were
very ef- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thernew
of Shelton.
the grad]t- Word has been received of the
~teve Hills,death of Rollo Gould grandson of
Marshall, j. Gould; a former resident of the
and Lax'- valley, now of Olympia.
future hold Miss Marliene Otto and Miss
Marilyn Ellison made a trip to
Petty gave Vancouver, B.C. Saturday with a
following group of young people from var-
graduates ious churches in the area. They
traveled by bus as f.~r as Port An-
Marcy geles and then ferried across to
Skookmn Vancouver where they visited the
A desert Parliment Building, museum and
cake Empress Hotel. A guided bus tour
served to afforded them an excellent look
Mrs. at the parks end residential dis-
Stans- triers. The girls topped off the
Mrs. day with a shopping trip before
son, Mrs. returning home.
Ter- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herz of
Lord, Little Skookum were recent Sun-
~.'Ruth WaN day evening guests at the home
and Mrs. of'Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Petty.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chef Max'-
his shall visited Mr. and Mrs. Fritz
dining" at
~veral friends. Fowler of Taeolna.
trip to Ken- Pomona Grange will meet June
20 at 11 a.n]. at Southside Grange
made by Hall.
}b and Jaci¢ Weekend guests at the Cecil
Blackwelder residence were tlmir
La~lbert tray- daughter and family, the William
spent the McFies of Twisp. '
fellow ad- Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nel-
son and Mr. and Mrs. A. Beaudoin
Mrs. Hem'y of Tacoma drove to MeCleary to
Rainier to visit Mr. and Mrs. James Mohney.
Uncle, SaN Ruth Nelson was pleasantly sur-
prised to meet a cousin recently
an]ping andfrom Pennsylvani'l and now living
cop was en-in Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
T_.~. ____BUrkes' W U- Woodward. ~Ihe day ended up as
~Yl~resllfa' a family reunion with many rela-
tives si opping in to visit from
Shelton, Seattle and Tacoma.
eli; but no Thursday evening guests at the
night theY!heme of lVirs. Norms Taylor were
and headecl Mrs. Emma McDonald, Mrs. Car-
a couple tie Durand and Mrs. Florence Tay-
such as for.
~n the lamp A family reunion took place
to the over the Weekend at Eld Inlet.
It was the birthday of Harry Sire-
mons and the children brought
their trailers to spend the week- . ...... ,.
(,nd eamping and relaxing with i;":~
their patents. Birthday cake wilh , . •
the. rest. of the things thai make ,=..
pa,rties so much fun were In'ought .......
by the Ed Johnsons, Carson Sim-
mons', Harry Simmons' Jr., and
the Leland Simmons'. ,.:- .~
Gary Marshall left for West
Point, Calif. Saturday with the ,/:,
Fred Pesie crew to work in the
Christmas trees there for approx-
imately six weeks.
Sunday aftelmoon, M].,s. Frances
Simmons entertained Mrs. Gertie :.,
Olfers of Tacoma as her guest. ~.. ,,
The weatber cooperated just
long enough Sunday for a picnic
dinner at Mrs. Florence Taylors
with guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ton]
Roberson of Wofford Heights, Cal .....
ifmnia. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mc- ~. "
Mahon and children, l~ina and ~' ....
Tommy of Seattle, and Mr. and
Mrs. Justin Taylor with children,
Billy, Paul and Janet of Olympia.
.T~aylors visited with the Cecil
Blackwelders and played a few
games of cribbage. No comment
as to the scores; but the men are ~..-
wearing real wide smiles.
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Drain with
children Mark and Marcy of Re-
no, Nev., are vacationing at the
home of her brother, Neff Me-
Donald this week.
Saturday evening Mr and Mrs.
Edwin Taylor attended the wed- :::~
dins of Mr. and Mrs. Bmme Mc-
Lemore at Shelton. Mrs. McLe-
mm'e is the former Neva Auseth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Sunday afternoon, the Cecil
Blackwelders entertained Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Stansbury at their home.
at the Monday night meeting of
the Kamilche Missionaires, new
officers were elected fox' the corn-i
ing year. Mrs. Eleanor Krise as l
13~esident, Mrs. LcAnn Bradley
as vice president, Jeannie Sigo ms
secretary-treasurer and Mrs. Mau-
reen Johnson as the new social
The Vancouver Youth for Christ
Choir under the direction of Dave
George will perform at; the Ka-
milche Community Church June
17 at 7 p.m.
Daily Vacation Bible School will
start June 21 at 10 a.m. until
12:30 p.m. ~md continue through
until June 25 at the Kamilche
Church. Children from ages 4-14
are invited to attend.
,hme ]S at 8 p.m. is the mend1 y
district Fellowship meeUng at the
Kamilche Community Church.
Grant To Kansas
Jon Gosser, 24, Irene S. Reed
graduate of 1959, who received his
master of psychology degree at
the Univer.°ity of Washington last
week, has been granted a renewal
,if" a three-year United States
Public t-lealti~ Service fellowship
to ful/t]ltq• his educaUon at the
University of Kansas medical
school. "
Gosser was granted Ills Bachelor
of Science degree from Washing-
ton in 1962 after thr~e years of
study. At Kansas he will be work-
ing toward his doct(~rate in Psy-
chology with special research in
teacher training in child behavior.
Gosser i~ the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Gosser, Shelton.
can be
Up to is
er out, Pa-
BELFAIR---The June meeting
of the Evergreen Garden Club will
be held 'at the North Shore. home
Of Mrs. Claire Bogle with Mrs.
Stan Freelin, co-hostess. New offi-
cers for the coming year will be
installed with Mrs. Ethel Randall
as president; Mrs. Lolita Harris,
vice-president; Mrs. Winona Hop-
pc, secretary; and Mrs. June
Hunter, treasurer, Also on the
program will be a review of the
past year and a preview of next.
The club will not meet in July or
August, but will start out with
their yearly project hi September
of the Junior Gardepers Show at
the Elementary School. Vegetable
and flower seeds of their choice
were given to the grade school
students in the spring and the re-
sults of the summer's work will
be displayed at the show. Incident-
ly, Mrs. Bogle has e~ltertatned the
club in June for sew.ral years and
the lunch and meeting have been
held outdoors, so count on a good
day this Thursday.
ALSO ON thursday the Beach-
combers Garden Club will hold a
Flower Show at the Masonic Tem-
ple. This is open to the public,
not only to attend but to enter
flower arrangements or plants for
judging. The show may be view-
ed from 1:30 to 8 p.m. The Kiwan..
is Chlb of North Mason will spon-
so,' a Fireworks Display on July
4 again this year and we hope the
wind and tides are more favorable
this time. Booster Buttons, selling
for $1, are being displayed in Bel-
fair. Proceeds will go fox" youth
activities in the area and for
lights for the football field.
High School graduations have
been much in the news lately, and
the Bclfair Comnmnity Church
would also like to co~lgratttlate
some of their young people gradu-
ating from eollege. From the I.rni.
versity of Washington: Caroyn
Freelin, B.A. in English; Carol
Mattus I~euning, B.A. in Educa-
tion; Karen Kovacl¢, and Linda
Spooner, B.S. in Nursing. Also,
:Carolyn Kunzl, B.A. in Educa-
tion and Jim Wilson, Jr., a B.A.
froth Lififield College. Jim will be
the pulpit guest at both morning
Worship Services on June 20 while :
Rev. Wendell Harder is attending
as a delegate to the National
Youth Conference at Green Lake,
Wis. June 20 to 25. New officers
for the Senior High BYF group of
the Community Church are Charles
Frltiz, president; Alan Cady, vice-
president; Dorothy Beard, seers-
tary; Nancy Saffer, treasurer; and
Jim Bead, fellowship chairman.
During the summer, the group will
meet Mondays at 5:30 p.m. at var..
ious homes or at the State Parks.
Last Saturday, Miss Cheryl
Pond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Kimball became the bride
of Thornton Maim son of lY~r. and
Mrs. J. R. Main in a ceremony at
the Belfair Community Churcl].
Miss Pond is a 1965 graduate of
North' Mason and the couple plan
to live in Belfair June 26 will be
the wedding dale'of Miss Dee Lyn-
da Griffith, daughter of Mrs.
Clarence O. Sherman and Bill
Griffith ,also to be held at the
Belfair Community Church. She
will become the bride of James
Paul Wisher. The couple plan to
live in Bremerton. Also on June 26,
Miss Paulette Hedstrom, daughter
of Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Heds-
trom will become the bride of Don
Cady, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W.:
Cady, Jr The wedding will be l~c
in Bremerton at Star of the Sea.
At least three recent North Ma-
son graSuates arc hard at wo!'k
this summer with Tim Wing pacK]
ins salmon at Pelican Island ana
Maxi6 Tapscott and Pete l~Iel'rill
picking' peas for the Jolly Green
Giant He, He, He.
wishes to thank all the volun¢.eers
and cont[ibntors who made the
1965 American Cancer Crusade
such a success in the Belfair area~
A total of $6,t3.96 has been turnca
over to the trcasttrer of the Ma-
son County Unit. White money 1~
vitally necessary to the t)rogrant o :
he Society, of equal importance]
s the distribution of lelfflets llst ]
ins the seven danger signals a,}o[
emphasizing the urgency of earlyI
aiagnosis and treatment, !n the
fight against cancer. Tl~flrs t(n
their time and effort go to Mrs.
I~ reenn
,lohn Cooper, Mrs. stan " • ,
and Mesdames: John jacobsen,
Minnie Irwin, O. E. Hardcasue,
C. W. Hcnningscn. Jim Lane, Leo
Livingston, Charles Williams, N~-
well Bisson, Glenn Criss John ~-
let], Robert PolhamUS, Harvey
Rendsland, Kenneth Rothlein, Ed-
ward Rommcn, Frank Schantz,
Kenneth Leathcrman, A. Hannan,
Lee Lopriore, J. A. Schla~ge, oac~
B:_D_ean," S. C, DeLeo, and a specm
nKS to Mrs. Rex Orossen for
LI1D, I1
her organizing of the North Shore
i Alomic Force Is
Scientist Subject
"Is the Universe. Including Man.
ii evolved by Atomic Force?" will be
the subject of the Bible Lesson to
be heard at Christian Science ser-
: vices throughout the world on Sun-
~;!~ day.
; ~'~: Scriptural passages wil linclude
this verse from Isaiah: "I wiI/
bring the blind hy a way that they
knew no~: I will lead them in
paths ttmt they have nol kno\vn:
I will nmke darkness light befort~
them. and crooked things straight."
The concluding Bible citation i.~
from Revelation: "And lie that sat
tlp()]] the throne said, Behold, l
make all things new."
The theme will be t.aken up fur-
ther in readings from the Christ
lan Science textbook: "The trnc
theory of the universe, including
man, is not in material history but
in spiritual development . . . Spir-
itual evolution ah)ne is worthy el
the exercise of divine power"
(Science and Itealth with Key to
the Scriptures by Mary Baker Ed.
dy, pp. 547, 135).
Ten people can be ldlled over
a weekend but no national head-
lines tell the fact. Three people
can be killed in an earthquake and
the entire world is alarmed,
claims the State Safety Council.
Guard against
*£: ~5"
,, .. 21:
that may be p~esent on the skim
when a minor cut, burn or
scrape occurs.
Mycitracin °
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OLSEN FURNITURE is sporting a new side en-
trance, these days. The new entrance is complete
with a new paved parking area. Those shown in
the picture reclining on lawn chairs are, Mrs.
Esther Umphenour and Miss Rosalie Hanson. They
are employes of Olsen Furniture.
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