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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR SHS GIRLS REPRESENT SHELTON AT EVERGREEN THIS WEEK THE GWCE CAMPUS STUDYING A STATE MAP to see how far it was Linda LaBissoniere and Patsy Wolfe. The girls to Ellensburg before they left for Girls' State Men- have been studying government at Central Wash- day were (I to r) Judy Antonsen, Mary C,onnolly, ton College of Education all week. ! A week long session of Ever- rally by the Fred B. Wivell Unit • n rim n • ' green Girls' State on the campus No. 31 American Legion Auxiliary JOll race lo Drlnff of Central Washington College of of Shelton and the riced Canal "--" Educatiml in Ellensburg began on American Legion Auxiliary. Fin- l~lti~ 1~*~¢1 Alej~lr¢, Monday. Representing Shelton ancial assistance is given by the aJZlU[:; 1' ILPl[[ Z']kl¢~i~llkfl[ High Sctmol art; Judy Antonsen,Kiwanis and Zonta Clubs. Arriving from Alaska this Week- Mary Connolly, Linda LaBisSon- - ..................................... end will be recently wed Mr. and niere, and Patsy Wolfe. At Girls' State, sponsored each year by the American Legion aux- iliaries of Washington, girls are given the opportunity to partici- pate in' simulated government at boLh the local and state level.. They learn about government and the party system ranging from the import:ance and power of the precinct committee man to the intricate workings of the state tegislatm e. Senior Parly Held Friday At Tyee The senior all-night party given Ihe Class of 1965 by parents and friends of the graduates was held :'.t the Tyee in Olympia Friday night following commencement ex- ercises. Busses transported 162 seniors and their guests to the Tyee ball- Mrs. Jon Q. Pace. They were married March 6 in the post 'chapel in Fort Greely, Alaska where.the bridegroom has been stationed with the U.S. Army. The bride is the former Judith Marie Baarstad. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baarstad, pre- sently of Fort Greely and formerly of Enumclaw. He iS the son Of Mr. and Mrs. LeOnard Q. Pace, Shel- ton. and will be returning to St. Martins college in the fall to com- plete his final year of school. Each citizen of Girls' State is room, which was decorated in the given the opportunity of voting, red and white colors of the Class working on election boards, run- of '65. ning for office, presenting bills in Although snacks and pop were Marrla~e Licenses the legislature or wor!dng as a served throughout, seniors were lobbyist, treated ~o steak dimmrs at 12:30 Applying f~or marriage licenses Girls' Sta/,ers are sponsored 1o- a.m. in the Mason County Auditor's ............................................................................................................. office this past week were: PLANS MARRIAGE IN FRANCE Robert L. McKeown, 23, Salem, Ore. and Donna Hulbert 2~. Fed- eral Way. Donald W. Scott 25, Shelton and Jenny Knautz, 23, Redmond. Gary Brumfield. 20, Aberdeen and Jnlie Baer. 1.8. Aberdeen. Allan McIrvin. 21. Shelton and Susan K. Hardy, 17, Shelton. Joseph Marmoft. 68. Seattle and Theresa O. Davis, 58. Shelton. Gordon Klein, 26. Everett and Rita Utter, 23, Shclton. Kenneth LeBresh, 21, Shelton and RiLa Swayze, 18, Shelton. G. E. Dunsmoor, 51, Bremerton, and Erleen Bernier, 40, Bremer- EldCal L. Todd Jr., 20, Shelter[, and Sarah Huston, 17, Sheltom Woman's Club Slates Pancake Breakfast Fakher's Day will be observed by the Hood Canal Woman's Club with a public pancake breakfast from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday. I Members will serve fathers and their families with a breakfast menu of juice, hotcakes, ham and eggs and coffee. Donations for adults will be and 50 cents for children un- der 12, Mrs, D. H. Pierce of Pot- latch is chairman of the event. AN EARLY JULY WED- DING in France is being planned by Miss Linda Sue Glover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Temple and T,ony (Wool- dridge) Wytnan~ and Ui:@>, ' R icha'r~ ' ' Wooldmdge, all of Shelton. Miss GIover will meet her fiance in France where he is stationed at the Eaton Ain Force Base. Both are Shelton High school graduates. ...... i;/g:i:i:; ::: The Journal , :,:~F::.,..,:.,:::~y:::!:~;;:::::::;~:.:: ::,i:.~:::...::... ; ======================= ::>::,::: ............ LOCAl. ffO fiH ELECTED REGION FF OE RECENT CO VEKTION Poetry And Publishing Problems Discussed By Canal Writer's Group Poetry and poetry publishing" problems were discussed at the monthly meeting of the ~q'iter's Workshop held Thursday after- noon in the Hoodspovt home of Mrs. Herbert Boeck. Members read original verse for group comment. The hostess served refreshment~ at the close of the interesting pro- g'ram which was chairmaned by Mrs. J. L. Carte. Skit and play writing will be the topic for the July 8 meeting to be held in the Lilliwaup Indian Beach apartment of Mrs. Frank Robinson in the J. L. carte home. Interested writers are welcome to the group which is sponsored by the Fine Arts department of the Hood Canal Woman's Club. Mrs. Carl Hansen is department chair- man. its A Late Today. Thursday, June 17 Toastmasters Club 6:45 am., Timbers Restaurant. PorL Commission meeting, 8 p.m.. courthouse. Navy Mothers Club. 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall. Saturday, June 19 Drivers' license exami~ter, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Mt. View Community Club card party, 8 p.m., at the clubhouse. Sunday, June 20 Hood Canal Woman's Club Fa- ther's Day Breakfast. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Yacht Club social, 6 p.m., club- )louse. Monday, June 21 PUD No. 3 commission meet- ing, 1 p.m., PUD commission room. County commission meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse, Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD Auditorium. Shelton Garden Club picnic at Point Defiance Park. :Meet at 10 a.m. in Evergreen Square. lv[t. View Community Club pot- luck dinner. 6:30 p.m.,at the clubhouse. Tuesday, June 22 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. City commission meeting, 2 p. m.. city hall. Goodwill truck in towm Phone 426-484.7 for pickups. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport hall. Degree of Honor Protective As- sociation dinner, 6:30 p.m., Mem- orial Hall. Dirt Dobbers Garden Club plan- ting party at the fairgrounds. Meet at 9 a.m. at the PUD build- ing. ' ~'' ' Wednesday, June 28 Drivers' license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. '£hursday, June 24 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., ['imbers restaurant. Welcome Chapter OES Past Matrons potluck luncheon,12:30 p.m., home of Florence Taylor. Dirt Dobbers Win Richfield 0il Corporation Award The Dirt i)ebher: Chl] won the coveted Riehi'ield ()i] Cor- poration aw:~rd for [he C(m~:( Fva- tion of Civic 1L'e:mty at the rcc~m Spokane convenliol/ of |he ~¢Vasll-. ington State Federation oi (;arcl(']~ Clubs. Mrs. Leigh H. Hume of S('ahec'k. Cross Sound Distriel I)ire('~or. re- ceived tile award from Richfield's northern division n~am~g(,r. L. Vv'. Sutton who paid tributo to th, DirL Dobbers for their beautifica- tion projcc~ at the f'-dr g roun(ls az~d for their reputation as one of th( most civic, conservation fill(:[ beau- ty minded ch|bs in the entire dis- trict. The award consists of an era- graved redwood plaque, a. certi- ficate of recognition and $50 h, be used for the purchase qnd planting of a tree in Shelton as '~ living award. President of the winning' club is Mrs. A. H. Goodwin. ARRIVALS Summer Reading Club At Library Gets Underway Monday The Flying Dragon Summer Reading Club began Monday at the I Shelton Public Library. The Libra- rian, ~rs. Shirley Beelik, extend- eft an invitation in person by visit- ng all the grade school classes n ShelLon before the end of school. ~.11 boys and girls who are interest- ed are invited to take part. Members gel the Dragon book- mark, designed by the well-known children's illustrator, Maurice Sen-' dak, when they Join. On complet- ing the first book, the member re- ceives his member's card, on which to record the name and au- thor of the book he has read. When 13 books are completed, and the 13 stars on the card outline the constellatiOn Draco, the Dragon, the member will receive a Dragon. button. it is not necessary to read books about dragons, although some good ones come to mind - Kenneth Grahame's "Reluctant dragon", "Dragons of Blueland", for ex- ample. & sort of dragon cousin is the central figure in ' The Grlf, fin and the Minor Canon". "Chil- dren Of Odin" has some wonder- ful dragons. "The Book Of Three':, based On old Welsh tales, is filled With strange creatures. Dinosaurs may be the source of dragon stories. For those who like to find out about real ahcient ahl- mals, there are such books as "Giant Golden Book of DinosaUrs", "Millions of Years Ago", "In Pre. historic Seas" and "Search for a Living Fossil". "The Enormous Egg" is a very funny story about' a boy whose chicken produced an egg which hatched a dinosaur! Family reading aloud would be fun during the summer. Collections of stories like "The Lost Half Houi'" or Way Of the St0ryteller" or "Time for Tales, Old and New" might be good to try, or "Just So Stories", "Doctor Dolittle", or "The Hobbit". "Let's Read To- gether" is a.list of books suita- ble for family enjoyment, publish- ed by the American Library Asso- ciation. OES REGULAR STATED MEETING IS SATURDAY Worthy Matron Evelyn Ellison and Worthy Patron Samuel Ma- gruder extend a cordial invita- tion t0 rnefi~b~rs of Welcome Chap- ter No. 40, Order of Eastern Star to attend the regular stated meet- ing to be held at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Masonic temple, i Slmiton General ltospiial Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hines. Ronte 2 Box 20. a boy, June 3. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, 1911 Lain'el St.. a boy, June 3. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deemer. 1924 Stevens St.. a girl, June 9. ,Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larson. 1520 Union St., a boy, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Short. Box 161 Hoodspolt. a boy, June 14 * :I; :t: Cnnic Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Theron Perkins. Route 1 Box 588, a boy, June 11. ELECTED TO THE POSITION of Vice President of Region Seven, Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers Association was Morley Kramer, active Shelton PTA member. Mrs. Kramer l~ook office June 1. The election was held at State Convention May 4-6 in Spokane. Locally Mrs. Kramer has acted as secretary and president of Preschool PTA and president of Mason County PTA. She has also held the first and second vice president and president positions in District 17. In her new positi,on Mrs. Kramer will act as Washington Congress representative to Washington State Li- brary Association, chairman of the Border Conference to be held in Seattle this fall and as Health Service chairman fen Washing- ton Congress. Hood Canal Lions To Honor Graduates Shelton Bridge Graduating high school seniors Club Winners Winners in Monday nighFs Shel- ton Bridge Club game with 10 tables in play we]'e for north- south: ,lira Thomas and Ya,~ Ire (Olympia}. Dick Perly and Lou Stewart (Olynll)ia ,. Ed Tveden and Gary Foote IOlympia). and Katherine Van Arsdale and Gof don B(mnet L. East-west winnol's wel'e Agnes :Murray and Tom Halpin (Olym- pia), Elsa Sehlosser and l)exLel Edge, Mike McNeil :rod Boil Ben- nett, and Com~ic Travis and Etta Rector. All bridge, pla.yers arc invited to join the play which begins nt 7:30 p.m. Monday nighls in the PIID Auditorium. NATIONAL EDITORIAL from the Union-HoodsporL-Lilli- waup area will be honored tonight by the Hood Canal Lions Club aL a dinner Lo be held at the Hood Canal We, man's Club in Potlatch. Guest speaker for this special event will be State Rep. Paul H. Conner from Port Angeles. Also to be present as special guest will be Howard Grimm, International Counsellor and Past Chairman, Multiple District 19, Lions Inter- national. The Ladies' Night dinner is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m., with entertainment to be provided by Lions Bill Wolfe and Jack Grubb, program committee. ................................ . Through May 13, 1965, there were already 195 traffic deaths on Washington streets and highways. Only by more careful driving can we cut this tragic toll this year, says the State Safety Council. DIRT DOBBERS PLANTING PARTY AT FAIRGROUNDS The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club will do some planting at: the fair- grounds next Tuesday. Member~+ are to mceL at 9 a.m. at the PUD building and bring a sack hmch. At hmel~l.ime the group will go to Mrs. F. Borst's on Island Lake Drive for coffee. Fraternal Order of Eagles 2079 Meeting Place Shelton Airport 8 p.m. 2nd & 4th Tuesdays President Fred Stuck Visiting Eagles Welcome Room w~th zoom! Now you can add America's newest, most-advanced engine--the 325-hp Turbo-Jet V81 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport Come on in. Have a plus]i vinyl-covered bucke seal. Stretch out and relax. You'll find the '65 Chevrolet gives you more room Lo live in. And wait'll you see what's under the hood: Living room ! But the thing that should really gel you going the prlce of one of these racy Impala Super Spor! Coupes or Convertibles, The cos of living in one isn' as nigh as it looks, Eight Officers For The s(,n County :tltd l~orl y ing in the Mal tie 13ackltlll I],e l)oLllml~ The meeting ct)rdillK to p,'esent. L'Arc |.¢poried lhe h: mailed Io the lll&ll. Election th:~ following Chapeau, Petit Ch'a Ho~f; Le xieme, Alice cy Edmiston Witsiers; La ncs Alexander" Elected as Marche in Wenatehee lian Norvold, Rae MelcUm Jenny Hoff, ley Clinton a.s alternates. Plans for 12 at the Smith were mailed. Mary Dc the cemetery name of CARD Winners party he! Cc Avis Saeger, Jack Smith. Viola Laugen well. There ~vil 8 p.m. this house. The PII tend. At SEE THE U.S.A. THE NO. 1 WAY _...Red.Ho.t.andRol!!ng_!.S_e.e..your_CheVro!et dealer for a new CHEVROLET. CHEVELLE CHEVROLET CO. Shelton 1st & Grove 426-4426