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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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oF a mother during syrup formula every three hours, with the ~x:?P" hindered the growth tion of an eight-hour period from 10 p.m. to • ," 'en-week-old oMt be- during which time the Sehmidts got some F:::" r. family of Arcadia The colt now Sucks down larger portions a~ ,,-.." i~; Sandy; alcd of old hour intervals• Since school's been out ths fnu2; 'Y 1E, two wceks after time Flicka-feedinff responsibility has been, tur ~Sult the "mother role"over tO Marlcne. In appearance the filly stlim ,~; Mr, and Mrs, Schmidt thin possibly because of her I,~ng gangling. '~. ," M ,' ene. "At n,st (she stand t ree high w ers), OWn her--opening her tan and white spotted colt which has a u,,.-, ;that isn't a problemwhite face and blue eyes "has shown norm a= It, For the first sev- growth," said Mrs. Schmidt. Much Of the.°;e;'~ wa~ bottle-fed, eightfor Ftioka's health goes to her ',adopted 11~gtn , Ime water and Karo ]tEST O)5" MONT'IPH q~n R~', BUSY ONE ~-~-~v"~ ..~.ts Of action ia.scheduled for ~nelton Golf ineh, bers ii~ the re- maining days of June. Last night it started,with the monthly me .... , ,_. ': etmg of the men s 1.9h~ rmle Club at the Bayshore Clu:h°use; fdll~wiiii~ i~ .. eompeti- t w event wllich preceded dinner. A.~.~..e .meeting ~he payoffs were (I1SLrlDUte(I for ' " 1 "'" the sprinff league p clOSed une 2. ~: L z nu)'sday the ~,~.aT's second mi:¢ed tWo:b~tlj fO{ii'some event is scheduled for a 5:30 tee-off follow- ed byAhe always popular potluck dinner. , The following day June 25, the ~eC~ml)di:n~!,aI Junto;. g61f tourna- m,. ~ oated for an 8:30 a.m. tee-o~f ~n four age divis{ons. Competition Will be over 18 holes in all but the under-ll divi- men, which ha ' " s been reduced to nine holes. There wiP ~ • .... ~-I tun- - • De SI,,~..,~ pu g and driving competitions ~Jsohannad all_ entrieS will be fed re[reshments as guests of the ~9tH Hole Club, §~onsor o~ the event. - - •~°""..==~ ~!cloy, chairman of tho ~Uceive~Omnam.ent,row- reports he bas i en entries so far but expects the ' "'eld to _ final starting *~ ..~ exoeed eonsi~lerably the lover zo part ticipanls of the" ]964 ~ournament. Entries should be went .., .~.- o,owit~°'l'~'l~th~2" w°st J ~t The' en- . ',h may be used. , Following tl~e junior ) the "c~r' ...... t( urnament .. ? ~,' ~,: Zmal Inter-club matcl~ will be field Stlnday, June 27, when Vaslmu com~s to the Bavshoze links. Sign-i(r) i.- . ~ " -~ hOVe IlI, Oer way ~/t the eIubh0use for 19[ii Hole Club members who wish to partic- ipate .... , Meanwhile~ the 19th Hole Club's second tounliillleht of the yeai" the President's Cup went, gets under way this Saturday. At.this writing over 20 entriei/l~ad signed up with additional competitors .ex- pected to get into tlie action dur- ing last night's club meet!ng. This is a 54-hole str0ke-play competition at full handicap. * $ * OLTMAN-TUSd:)N, CAPTURE TEAM CAPTAIN'S TITLE Rudy Oltman and Andy Tus01! wrapped up the 1965 Team Cap- tains tournament title on the 17th hole Tuesday night when they beat Bob Coots and Dan Carl in the finals. It was a tight match until the wtnners won both points on the 16(h to go 4-up, then put it away with one more on tbe ,!7th. Carl and Coots had gone into the sec- ond nin~ with a one-point lead which they had originally Gained on the opening lmle. OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor'~ prescription, our product called Odrt- nex. You. must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrincx ~i$ a tiny tablet and easily ~waIlow~d. C~t rid of excess fat aod live longer. O~lrinex costs $8.00 and i~ ~old on this guarantee: If,not satisfied for any reason, Just return the package to your~ druggist and get your full money back, No questions asked, Odrinex is sold with this guar- a0C~ R/ili'~a~ avenue MMI Orddi~ ¥111~ DULLETIN: No mason to hem off buyl~ a new FoRD oar! E~Jso tax eul, If passed Is proposed, will be retroactive to May 15, 1965. Ford Gnlaxle 500/XL 2.Door Hardtop Success has brought Pacific NoRhwest Ford Dealers special allocations-s ecial cars at special prices *Total car Increase, ~Veshlngton--Oregon--N, #deho ^rid Alas~, Ist quarter, 1965. TOPS.. .S IS...Sl E YOg [iR B D ,.. ][ALIll !! ilroad Ave. Shelttm, WasiL :, i) ii, i i/! iii!i