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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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?,C !?( !2,' 1965 RHODES School approval by QOnsl ruction nleetin.p_ l'hM. being call- 29. The being plae- C o u n t y Journal as other OF today ? A of milk, Tell the , gave them a Staked your maker, the Where you you knew would when The mak- tlle name. More SLed your You. A keep it, :ry day. pre- en US. 426-2165 426-3327 9:30 to 7:30 " 9:30 6:00 pt Ibica Lion s. (~orresl)on(lencc aml literahn'e l'eg;tl'dixlg- the land Had Water (2onscl'vaiion Act Of 1965, was re- viewed also. IL is I)ข)ssible that at some future dale matching fuuds wouhl be available for further de- velopmenl, of playgrollnttn, stleh a:4 a i-ennin COtU'i, for public nne. Deno Bros. of Bremerton. is starting this week the clearing and grading of the school proper- Ly. This will make possible further landscaping and extended play- grol.ind area. THE PRELIMINARY budget was adopted ill the sum of $80.- 495, which includes money trans- ferred to the general ftmd for the purehane of a bus. Disallowing $10,500 for the new bus, the bud- get is $2,000 more than the pre- ceding year. However, one-sixth of the state funds is being held until July next year ,which makes the budgeting close, a problem con- frnnLed by all school systems. The new btls has been ordered from Jim Pauley Inc. of Shclton. IL is a Ford, 67 passenger, (:(lll- ventional bus, with body by Car- penLer. Delivery in expected ap- proximately tile time school starts in tile fall. The. upper gra(les at Pioneer held their annual picnic at Bel- fair State Park last Wednesday. Those bold enough to brave the chill of the weather enjoyed swim- ruing along with other activities. P-s-s-st was the hound heard by Mrs. Warren Stephens Sunday night after she fired at a raccoon malting way with on of her chick- ens. Hushand Warren had t, empor- arily laid the spare tire from his car on a pile of shakes ill the back yard. As Llle raccoon peered over the tire with chicken in Low, Mrs. Stephens look hurried aim with :: shotgun. As soon as tile tire and tube have been replaced, t)erhaps all the Stephens c, an chuckle at tile incident. The raccoon got away. and took said chicken wiLh him. Molly Taylor and Lois Magelsen spent, last week-end with friends on Hood Canal. Molly took ad- vantage of no school for seniors last week and drove to Seattle for shnpping and dinner with her grandmother. Mrs. Lucille Taylor, a, former Shelton resident. 5CULINE! Qbe M~Culine! Your .~dal and a dia. "~end on genu. i=e Onyx. $29.88 Fiery diamond set in beautiful black onyx. Ele- gant! ,( $3.).88 OPEN AN AOOOUNT NO MONEY DOWN HARD?.,. PLAY iO o~" ;2' B A es Waterproof* SKIFF --- Distinctive styling ~eep second hand. lu. plus rugged shock-resistant ~ial and precision construction. Precision- Ovement. $15,95jeweled movement. $10.95 Eฎ inloข| PrTce; plus f01'~ 8HELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in ขข "f s -- Chr ma town, U.FJ.A.", ghelton, Washington PAGE Mrs. Mounts Writes ,rk ..................................................................................... BY MRS. RAY KRATCHA IN LAB IN CHILE---Mrs. Zella Mounts, left, checks a test in the laboratory which she is help- ,ng establish in Chile. On the right is the Chilean girl who she is teaching to operate the lab when she returns home. :iข Editor's Note: The folhlwing the lights spread around one-story letter from Mrn. Zeil=~ Mmmts, ]ligh for the most part. There is wife of Rev. Horace Mount.~ of the statue of the Immaculate Con- tim First Methodi,~t Cilureh in eeption, the guardian of the city Shellon who in servin~ I~ mis- which was also lit. The gardens ,,;iomlJ'y ass|gnnlent iu ~ hoslli- and some of tile residential areas t~d i, Chili. we drove through were lovely. Now a wm'd about the neighbor- Dear Friends, ing city of Temuce. This is a lovely I'll begin where I left off wiLh city of about 100,000 population, a my last letter and that was my ar- railroad, shipping, and shopping rival at Santiago on a hot sum- center. This 'is tile scene of the mer afternoon ill January. I spent weekly "day off" shopping and three days a,t the Sweet Memorial pleasure trips, since the stores Institution where Florence Prouty have good selections and there are is our missionary. This home cares several theaters (this is pre-tele- for about 110 children ranging in vision culture in tile south--a age from one month to six years, weekly movie is a common habit). They live at the home from 7:30 One difficulty is that the movie a.m. in the morning Lo 7 p.m. Men- changes every day and even be- day Lhrough Friday and a half day tween mantinee and evening shown on Sa,turday. and kee~)ing up with the transla- This day. time home provides tion of titles takes a definite three meals a. day, rest and play knack. The best thing I can do is periods and health care which you take a close squint at the adverti~ can easily see is quite a contrast ing pictures at the bottom and see with the honlc situation. Sweet if I can recognize a familiar title is colorful, warm, spotless and ---sometimes I can tell by the star Iull of activity equipment much if I wanL to see it or not. The as our mwsery department in our other day we saw a, Clark Gable Sunday schools. The mothers of picLure but I still don ot know hese children are the providers what Lhe title was. for their families who live in l.he Till,; BAPTISTS have a hu'ge )oorer sections of the community, school in Temuce where the Low- These mothers work in small cry lwinn, Carl and Panl board mtories or ill domestic work during the weelc. The Anglican where 50 percent of lhem earn mission is British, and there are between $4 and $17 per month and neveral evangelical groups who the "high" incomen are between have workers here. I've met many $27 and $q,4. In addition to having of these people and it is a varied her children taken care of while group since misnionaries, if there I she works, the nu)lher has oppof is a. emnmon trait, are all highly tunitics to have faufily-counseling, tndividualisUe. The Glenn Kellers classes ill sewing, healLh, child live ill Temuco and he is engaged care "(nil recreation, home visit, n, ill doing rural agricultural work and attention. Each nlother in this sauLhern l'cgion and spends pays a small sunl a(.(.mding to hal' a lnt of lime ill Lhe "campe". ability Lo l)aY hut in the main part They are the only other Merlin- the institution in supported by disls. c,)ntribu/ion fronl C h i l e a n s The pride of the Temuce eom- )Jlrough their own local organiza- munity at the moment is their new tions. Church Worht Service helps "football" stadium seating 30,000. supply staple tim(in and I saw the It was opened this Fall (March) store room of Goodwill bags which and the couple of times I have been in attendance it was nearly helps supply clothes for those who full of enthusiastic need. falls. The game One of the nlain objectn of this is soccer and much more to my institute is to provide an nbser- taste than the home football. They vation, practice, and ntudy cenLer )lay Lwo 45 minute halves on a fro" nurses, doctors, nocial workers green turf and a good game has all midwives, and nursery school tea- the motion of a good fast basket- chern for all of Latin America who ball and hockey game combined. come here for post-gradua.te work. l The skill of the individual players II in also a training ground f()r as well ag coordinaLcd teamworlข the staff of 15 girls who live and mal(es iL beautiful to watch. SOUTt-IS1DE - Dear e ng Frida, Right ir-- 0i law, Mrs. Eileen Collins of Olvn-~. - e\( nnvrr' ? ' ", ~\ ' ~ ( ' " - ? 1~.'..~ :rod Ikll".,n Glep Sotlthside pia. t(]'ai.cha and family of Siletz, Ore., • friends and neighbors: We would like to take tiffs op- portunity to thank you for your Lhoughfulness and generousity Lo us, due to ou rrecent loss by fire. The Vern Bedell and family Southside Grange meeting will be held this Friday evening. Sherilyn Byrd Guild met last Tuesday aL Marie Frazier's for election of officers and the last meeting until September. Officers elected are Ann Vv'heeler, presi- dent; Ruth Snyder, vice president; Marie Frazier, secretary; Joyee Byrd, treasurer and Doris Neff publicity. Attending the Guild meeting were Toni Matson, Dee Crank, Helen Kunkel, Marie Fraz- ier, Carol Corssan, Doris Neff, Ruth Snyder, Doyle Dawson, Vi Height, Joyce Byrd, Ruth Neff and Ann Wheeler. Guild members talked about a new project for the coming year. Guild members had a baby shower for Dee Cra.nk and Carol Crossan and baby. Both received nice gifts. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck of Cole road Sunday were Mrs. James McCord and family of Tacoma, Mrs. Will Coles who re- turned from a trip to Washington D.C., Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbard and family of Fort Lewis, Mr. and MYs. Venlon Stuck; Mr. and Mrs. Merle Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman and Steve and Ernest Sthck. Guest of Mr .and Mrs. David Hardie and family of Arca diu staying a couple of days this week is Mrs. Hardie's sister-in- GUESTS OF MR. and M;~s. OJa Cool and family of Cole road Fri- day evening for dinner were Mrs, Cool's sister and family Mr. and Mrs. ,lee Morrin and sons of Great Lakes, Ill. and Mrs. Roy Willis of Black Lake. Brownie 'Creep 109 met last, Tuesday at the home of troop lead- er JoAnn Herriek wiLh assistanl troop leader Patty Sheppard helping. Sixteen Brownies attended the meeting, Dana Christensen, Darlene Ferris and Ruth Ann Thompson first graders were visi- tors, all made wall plaques for their mothers. Carol H e r r i c k brought the treats. This was the.. last meeting of tim Brownies for the year. Mr.' and Mrs. Melvin Arnold of Arcadia Saturday attended the wedding of Joyce Savage and Tint Rose. Andrea, Miehal and Dale Arn- old arc attending Bible School. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kadoun, Steve, Kim and Jodi spending the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Michael and Shelley of Siletz, Ore. Mrs. era Cool and family of Cole road and Mrs. Charles Per- rine and family Thursday spent the day with Mrs. Roy Willis of Black Lake. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Guyett of Agate Wednes- day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. WalLer Kratcha, Linda and Susan Friday ,lohn Kratcim of Siletz, John I;.z'a- teha Jr., of Bl'emert,on, Dolly Clark of t3remerton sad Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krateha. Sunday visiLors of Mr, and Mrs. Ors Cool and fa, mily were Mr. and ~'Irs. ,10e Morris and stills md Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V~rare ot Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ioe Morri:, az~d sons stayed Sunday overnight with the Cools. MUSIG BOX 205 Cota Sheiton, Wash. for GARS, TRUGKS & TRAGTORS Over-Night Service on those hard-to-get parts • Cylinder Head valve grinding - Cylinder Heads resurfaced • Piston Pin Fitting- Pistons Expanded '. • Cylinder Block Reboring - Brake Drums Renewed • Hi-Pressure Lines for Industrial Equipment • Crank Shaft Kits 229 So. First St. New and Exciting Items Are Being Added Each Week During Our Month Long Anniversary Celebration. The Prices are Terrific and the Merchandise Is All New. Shop Miller's in Shelton -- Where the Smart Shopper Shops. • • • • L • Short Sleeve --- Reg. $3.98 f • • • • • • • • 100% Banlon --- Reg. $1.00 Each TS s' • • GI • • • • • • • • • Pima Cotton -- Reg. $2.98 III • • m • Phone 426-3351 ฝ urines and this is tile place I want- be finishing .her work within a ed the nlicroscope for. Now theynlonth but so far we do not have a 2 Tables will be al)le to do a complete blood depm'ture date. I hope she gets the ~mm ~ m m m m mmm count and some bacteriology work, next instalhnent sent soon but if • -" .......... "" ......... "- ~ which as you can imagine is ra- not she will write some articles on thor important, her Work upon her return. It is I'lorenee ProuLy is the deserving reeipicnL of one of the highest winter there now and she will be nmsL happy to return to a home awards that is given by the ChiUan where there is heat. govermncnt for her outstanding" i~ RiN iEsAlimNsS contribution to the people of Chili. Airlines,Oceallliners,dinillg C IL has truly been a [hrill for me , $I to meet and know some of thesecara and hotels can usually a - fine missionaries, co nm~.o(.iate vacationers with spec- • • • • • I had the privilege of going up ml (uetary requirement:s Wash- • .-- Reg. $2.98 on the San Cristobal Hill, 1,000ingto, n StaLe Heart Association re- Regular & fLi;dhilgh in the center of the city nun as you. Low-sodium, low fat GIRLS )eked down on this city of or row-ca}erie meals can be pro- two rail,ion aL l, ight. Impressive, vided by arrangenle.nL in advance 1/3 OFF to say the least, when you see through YOur travel agent. I work here with the children. Some The hospital aL Temuce is the of the girls like Terena, the girl regional one serving a huge popu- whom I anl training now, work lation in seven provinces. It was here in order Lo take night sclmol completed in 1962 and is wain- classes ill the hcee, which is the scoated inside and out with aqua- HAWAIIAN PRINT same as our high school, marine tile. It is the medical cen- NORMA IS A GIIIL who took ter to whieh all patients from lm- her practical nurses' training ill perial (20 miles by gravel road)go • lilts way and she ]1as decided to for X-ray, lllaternity and refer- continue her servie, e by worldng rain to specialists. The doctor ill Reg. $5.98 at. the San Ramon Clinic in the charge of the laboratory at this "suburbs' of SanLiago. They have hospital has been mosL helpful. LAST 3 DAYS! a d~intal clinic there. Norn(~ spent Will write more later, a \~eekฐ with me here in Imperial ZELLA MOUNTS learning to do hemogh)bins and Note from husband: ZelIa should Sizes 2 Toddlers - Girls 14 Some To The SUB-TEEN SUITS... OFF Knits & Stretch ONE GROUP Sizcs 3 - 6 ONE GROUP .. L/2 and Pull,over & Zippers ml CORDUROY • • • • Many Colors to Choose From SEERSUCKER OR LINEN ฝ ....... 8.99 Regular $12.95 ENTIRE STOCK • , V3OFF DOUBLE KNIT KNIT By ANDREA KNITS -- Reg. $10.98 By PHIL ROSE -- Reg. $16.98 mm mw~ mmm~m~mm~m m ~mmm~m ~mmm ~ ~ ~ m~ m ~ ~mm~m~m 4 GROUPS / • • • •1 m m • Prints & Plains -- Values to $1.98 OR I'A[tS..... 1.88 By LEIGHTON CREATIONS Leather, Assorted Colors-- Reg, $2.98 OVAL & OBLONG., 2"/x 48 size . , . . , . . . 36 x 60 size . . . . . . . . Shop NOW and SAVE! 50ฉ Down Holds The Blankel of Your Ghoiฉe. Ai RAUSGHER'S 2226 Olympic Hwy. No. BLACK METAL • • • • • Includes 1 Pt. Thermos -- Reg. $3.25 PLASTIC 9 PC. • • • • • 4 Bowls & 5 PC. Measuring SpoonSet Regular 98c II • Includcs Pan & Roller-- Reg. $1.49 PROCTOR • li • Metal with 12 Height Adjustnlents --- Reg, $7.95