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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- ii i Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton,, Washington TEA BAGS .od Ro,e ............................................... 100 Count SYRUP Su.ny Jim ............................................................ 20 Ounce IV0i1Y L I UaD ............................................ :, Giant ZEE TGWELS ............................. G,ant Re,, Sl Betty Crocker Yellow --- White --~ Devil's Food --~ Dark Choc.-- Lemon Velvet --~ Tropical Mist Boxes PANGAKE FLOUR Bo. Crocker ......... : ............................. 4 Lb. SHARP GHEESE Kraft Cracker Bar,'e, .................................... 13~4 oz. TANG DRIHK, ................................................ .. 18 oz. DINHERS Chun .,.o Shrimp-- Chicken Chop Sucy-Sukiyaki Frozen .................... Ea. 59 Chun King Chow Mein ....... : ..................... 2Y2 Tin GHOW MEIN Chu, K,ng Ch,oken GHOW MEIN Chun K,ng Ch,cken ................................ 25~ oz. BEEF STEW D,nt. Moore ................................ 24 Ounce 49, Green Giant ~1 ................................ 303 Size 5 Tins GORN ,,,,b,ets w.o,o Kernel 5 0,. Sl .................................... Tin 12 oz. $1 Corn ........................ 5 Tins FRUIT DRINKS ORANGEGRAPE '"oz 4/91 THRILL SOAP .................................................. G,.nt 69 DASH SOAP ............................................ G,ant Box MR, GLEAN ............................................. K,n. s,zo 99 10 POUND BAG / POLAR 5 $= FROZEN BOXES a SHOP-RITE 3 LB. NALLEY'S SHOP-RITE -3-BAGGER PIES 'w"'°"- 5 BEEF, CHICKEN, PIES TURKEY DARIGOLD QUALITY --- JUNE .- ..... : IS DAIRY MONTH..-- POUND MJB LB. 3-$d LB. Hrs BAKERY .................... DOZEN TREAT POP TO A DECORATED CAKE --- PItONE 426- 3179 FRESH Dozen Chloken i ........... • ............................... Pound 25 Fresh , " ........................... Pound Fresh Medium "'"',,, ...... ................... '. ........ Pound VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF WITH A MARVELOUS FLAVOR . . • EyERpouND SO TENDER AND TASTY. VNF U,S. Choice Beef ........................................ Pound First Guts Small End Lb, 89 ............ Breasts, Thighs or Drumsticks.. • POUND SHORT RIBS VNF ,.,.s. Ghoioe ......................................... Pound 39 WlEHERS M.waukeo Pound 49' CORN BEEF Milwaukee Lb. Boneless ............................ No. 1 Quality, California Long White Shafters. The Vegetable Powerhouse J Fresh From Hawaii Each Shady Oak Fancy Large Pound Olle Spring Treat POUND We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smile. Prices Effective June 17 - 18 - 19. Lindt Rights. New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 PAGE 11 I II I #isitors BY BETTY DEAN UNION ..... Mr, and Mrs. Jay Wright and children Randy, Mike, Judy and Raymond arrived this ~vcclc from Murry, Utah to spend week with Mrs. Wrights par- ents Mr, and Mrs, Howard Walter. Sunday the Hood Canal Wom- en's club will have a Fathers Day breakfast, at the club house In Potlatch. Hot cakes and ham is their specialty. The public is in- vited. They will be serving from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults $1°00, and children. $.50. Sunday evening Lil and Vivian took their husbm~ds Randall Up- dyke and Paul Jones to the Sea Tac Airport in Seattle. The men will spend a few days in Los Ange- les, Calif.' Good news about Bob Gwin, they brought him home Monday from the Clinic hospital.' Mr .and Mrs. Da~nny Johnson arrived home Friday evening from a trip that took them to Detroit Lakes, Minn. where they visited with Dmmy's sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Feyen. They were gone 12 days and enjoyed many sights such as the Yellow- stone National Park and Black Hills. WEEKEND GUESTS at Mr. and M~'s. Jack Bishops were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Regal of Kcnnewick (Mrs. Bishops sister) and their niece and husband Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roebuck of Port Angeles. Nell and Lud Andcrsou wcrc happy to have their niece and hus- band l:), O. and Jean Hall spend Saturday with them. They are front Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slcti.edahl were happy to have their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slet- tedahl and da,ughter Renec visit with them last week, Terry has just received his Masters degree from the University of Alabama, They will make their home in Washougal. Another son. Rick. was holn(b for the week end from the Um- versity of Washington. where hc is ~ sophmnore. Mrs. Slettcdahl entertained the Ehna Bridge club at her home Monday, Jnnc 7. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawson sl)ent the wcel£ end at White Rock B.C. visiting will] Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mawsen. Mr.' and Mrs. Olaf Nesscth have sold their home in Aberdeen and are now residents ot Union. WeN come folks. JUNE 9 MR. AND Mrs. Perry Dilworth :Hid Mr .and Mrs. ICrank Dean motored ah)ng tim (:cast t9 Long Beach, Ash)ria, Ore. and came I mck the Longview bridge. Edna Gat.ewood is spending some l.ime with her daughter and family m Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean tlllCi family and Ronnie and Bonnie AI, len drove to Brcmerton Sunda.V to see the movie "It's at Mad Mad Mad Mad World". A reminder of the Hood Czmal Improvement club's game night aL the community hall June 25 at 8 p.m. Allyn Girl Married In June 2 Geremony By CHARLOTTE VAN SLYKE ALLYN - Wedding bells were ringing June 2 for Margie Green of All3rn and Ken Robinson of Olympia. They were married in the home of his parents with fam- ily attending. Mr. and Mrs, Chuck Amacher and daughter and son, Vicki and Mike. of Allyn also at- tended. The newlyweds went to Canada for a three-day honey- moon. Ken has left for the se~ice and Margie will resume her job at Bangor. June 10 Margie Robinson was honored guest at the home of Echo Matson for a bridal shower. The hostesses were Echo Matson and Vicki Amacher with 26 people at- tending. Gene and Sharon Floyd were over from Seattle visiting her par- cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jollcy Sunday afternoon So ong to Viola Newell who has been a house guest of Mark and June Wilkerson this last year while her parents have been tray- clinK. Viola has attended Allyn grade setlool and is in the sixth grade. Her mother. ,ludy Hagman, has Colne frona Colorado. wtlcrc they will be living, to take lmr home, Hope you'll be back. Cheryl and M, ikc Ferrier of l?oulsbo spent Sunday evcmng with her parents, Leigh and Mel Noggle. Jean and Ed Wold have hooked their home to their car slid moved to Idaho last Sunday. Charl6ttc Vtin Slyke was hon- ored with a triple party last Fri- day in the home of Bernie Bradlev of Gig 1-1'arbor. It started off with a pink and blue show- cr for Chm:lotte and cousin Joan Watson for Juli Watson and Jon Van Slyke. Later in the evening" Charlotte was given a behtccd birthday. A prosperous night! GET DICGREEN Several MasOn COullly sltldentN arc among those who received de- grees from the U]liversHy of Wa- shington at CtllllUlCllC~c'~lYlelli2 ex0f cises Saturday, They included James Ah~, Stanley Carlson, Kei- l:o Fujimm,a, Sheri, tan Halbert and Shirley Jaeea]'d, all of Sllel- ton: Gerald Blakefieht, C'arolyn Freelin, l