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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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E 12 Si):l By IAI Chu'k LOST LAI(~ ..... \Ve had six lnore gradl2atos in ou|' area last F]'iday. Three Mason County youngsters graduated them Elma High School, another is f]'(an Shel- ton Valley, one from Cloquallum, and one troln the Lost Lake road, Cathy Saeger gradual, ed fro{n Shelton High. She is the daughter of IvIr, :~nd Mrs. l)on Saegev. Ca- thy has been playing 1,he truth- pet in the high sehool band for about eight years. When she start- ed playing, 'in lhe fom'th grade, she wasn't nmch higger than lhe trumpe~.. Part of the time she has played the french horn, especially for' conceits. S]]e has been teach- ing trtmU)ei l~la\'iug to fifth and sixth graders. ":::-:-:7 : ::::: :: ..... ller skill in typing Karen plans S rELTON--I A 0N' COUNTY 30URNAI;--Pubttahei] tn "0 ;d ma ,own, U.S,A.", ghdton, Wa hlng% ,., , ' . ......... n nil Area Are High ool Graduates This Year H a,',fine Green T um,I 6ardc Cathy also has been serving on arship' award from O.N.C. He Don Wright Jr. fell on his pew- - ............ o' the .... school colnmittee.. s mostly had. a ,3 ........ 97 grade point He was e2' saw while it was going and is ,~y s~tz ~,.nson. , ! .l)mu!res. ~n(t, puc on a s wee mr • • • . .... vice pre,qdent of the senior class severeI cut in the knee qnd handsHARSTINE --:- A good da3 to a,t!tJj,s." om3. .. _ helping with the de,xiratlons fol : . Y ' ' ' !eldd :oPn';~;~?!iiibli~ )i: l~'l~(i!i: ~; (!~¢!!!i ~:!illl !ii!~!,':! S!;~!P~i~ ! . c :;{,e ; Cathy is engaged to Darrell . ','a [,s a:A\:!, n..,ports, ha.v- . I}ONNA . G1 I/LE['T, .. ~ E.. It said on the package they would ale talking" \Ve should have sorne Cochran, Airman Second Class, }ng playea It)OLD;In au Iour years, valley, went in tne. Snelton tie,,[ be ready to eal in two ~nonths night show.~ like wlPm our l'orry who. is serving, with the Air Fo]'ee ~}s~etb"tl~..,t'Itl'..!!u'e.e yea~s and eral H,~np,tal on tne evel~ng g~ Package and seller lied. No sign is off after fi p.m. and we are a't ]n ogillaWa Tile wedding is pl%n- ..aa,~.&...,., t.,'er: .y',~ars fit w'as June 8 lor L lnlno]' oper,t, ........ n£ nnrlo nn AK,axr 9A 1Ll,uxr x, . th,: h ,~ P'' I ,1 o IllleS o a, • ...... • -- ] . ,' .... . (_... -~ ~.v.*,~ ~.* ~..~i.y ~-t, ....~vev(h' t;..e ..(),.~eLv all(, CAL'.. ~, ~et tO ' ' ". - nanle(| as colnl~l(*n(]e(l SUlfleUI: on wras n()n]c a 'all2 on tileuex[ ?re- ' ' " ' ned lm October when ne is ex- , ...... ,: ' . ..: ./ ~.. . . . ." g peas were well up hke over a foot. be aboro. 1 had hnd ,'ll()llgll, and peeted to return to Shelton. They Lne .~xauo~}al ]vlerlt mcnomrska}p nmg. I ran over to Grandpa Glaser enough is too nmch! (Apologies to my lhen be sent overseas quamying test, anu was reeenuy Mr and Mrs Bill Simmons and told him lie said" "(]oodie Green ~vo ...... ~ ~ou"" \Veleh ¢ .... named as one oI Washing- s cnt Saturda visitinwith Mrs " o-"~ Kare ~ Matthews was raduated , ._ .P Y . g .. •for ou I vc~ m l(ed fm two sl~ ]hn -tyh ) '. ' ." g ton l=tigh School seniors to re re- , ' 'l (20 ~ ' ~ ' ' ~ ' " ' '~ ~ "' " -, front Ehna I-hgh She m the daugb- • ...... ' • ~.. P! Earl Whalen and son, Don, u "years tryinff to be a good veget- Mr ar d Mrs Dean I: tiger of sen~ the ~I.ale in COnlDeLIL]I n 1or '. ..... . ' -~ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W ....... . ......... - pahs Crossing. able grower, so a pat on the back Lake Dolhff near l~ederal W'~y, Ma.l.thews who live on the Shafer engmem n,g senomtsmps. Don and Ronnie Wright have from Grandpa set me up no end. and dm ghters Shelly and Dian[2. Park Road. Karen was active in ,, Frank , will help his father been busy with school shop pro- He has the greenest thumb and arrived on Harstine lasl Saturday. G A A and GM's League the pasl ulrougn tne summer a.t their shop jeets Do~ took.apart an antique best vegetable gardcn on Harstine. They will sp,m( • week at their year. She was elected Gwl of tile n .E}ma, .M..o-E1, contza.ctmg and rocker (five generation) and re- Ray McCuUoch ~s second, Gene sumnler home, the ohl Huhn pro- Month, was in Senior Hall of mmmng. Thin tall will fred .Frank conditioned it until it looks like Seward. is no slouch, Marie Crouch perty. The Pr gers purchased this Fame, and has a typing pin for ia't the Umvermty of Wastnngton new. Rnnie built a counter for and Esther Goetseh take tops for land' three voars ago and have majoring in Engineering. the Brick Prairie store out of ma- the ladies. I'm trying to push out been frequent \v~el(end visitla,s to go to Dietz Business College A NEW iSRIDGE is going to be hogany, with a fir plywood back Marie or Esther for fourth or fifth since. this fall and study the full bus- built over Cloquallum Creek, ac- and cupboard doors. "" place, and like that! The Ernie Byers hnve had a lot % Neb. t() altend her high school re- union. She is having ~) wonderful lillle ~llld will 2'e[lll'n h(ilne a v/e(?t~ laleu' llmn site planned. 9.00 a.~. Mr. and Mrs. David Allison and S()ll Peler of Ptllln]al], visited on "~ lhe lsl'm(I last week. They re- ~I llll']red It) Pllll]]l~ln in time to ('11- lor SIlllliiler school at VVSU. Wayllt! B~owning of Seattle came l,o the Island Friday night -- hringing wilh him his fine, new h():lt ;111(1 ]nolor. He was tile guest of the Ski Baunsgards where boat will he moored. The Brownings OiVU VVat,erfrllnt property on Sun- set Hill, where, they will retire in la five years. Richard 'Burkhalter and Sictn~u¢ Shera of Lakcwood were guests of their grandparents, tile ~lll Sid Bauusgards all last week. Here Ll2d there alnfll2g our Ab- erdeen we(.lun]ders. Tim and Wen- dy Taft came over last Sunday illessCOll2'Se. Priscilla Smith is tim daughter of Mr 1t]1(:t Mrs Robert C Smith, . o~ a~14n ~ ~ • who hve (m the Cloqualhzm Road .............. O._V ~ILW. A ¢2o~ , .:, .... ' ' ' . ,, _ • t 2'tSellla was 'graouated IrOm "'* oo.y----I Sbelton .igh. She sang in the i,4, ~.c~'---~~ f ~ |]choir the past year. She was mar- I'~A~'~ ~ " ~ ~ |1 ried May 8 to Donaht Lee Hiekam, | ~,r_~['~--~-~ ~ ~~q~.~ ~ | I and ls ;~o,v" making her home in 117 iVal I 11 _ BILL STEWART is another of $ I I I/~T'-~ I ¢3~2-|1 the She]ton graduates He is the I a I lsou of Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. I ~ /_//~x~ ~ ~ |] Stewart, Shelton Valley. Bill has I ! |[been too busy at home this past • --, •~ yea,' to go in for outside activities. , i q~ t ~ / |lHe expects to find work for the I ! I I, I lsummer hnt hasn't decided yet I / ~----@ ~k | ] '%l ] between the University of Wash- 1 ! A {q I Iington and the University of Pu- | |lget Sound for next fall." |,.~._~" j)'-~.---~ *u. I] Mike Lcl)oki has been active in |'~-,'---~ |1 Boy's Club and the Future Farm- • , . . • ers in his senior yea]'. He also | Wed hke to gwe you| built himself a canvas covered advice If you want service that _^~ ~ ... ~_ ~,..~_ ~..=.._,_ I , • .. . . I ca,~u~, nu *s a=* ~,,,=~ el'auu~t~c. • can t be beat, then ar~ve in ?or • --- • ....... " -- -- • .. . . ,. • ta~ is The son OI lvtr.ana ~vlrs. I ou anti gasonne. I George Leboki, Cloquallum. Mike m • tins been working at The Hut and plans to stay there all summer. He hasn't decided yet whether te enlist in the Armed Forces or Ko to Centralia College. If he goes to college he says he will major cording to J. C. Bridger, County Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pete,son in Fore~Lry A farewell party for two ser- ~ ~ ear b~l~,s mt a ~ddln* .... " ....... m~a ~ma~ kFranK welting is the son ot zvtr, vicemen who are retnrning to their ~li~;~l~ and Mrs. Joseph WhiLing. Frank bases in the Armed Forces was finished high school in Elma aslleld last Thursday evening aL the valedictorian of his class and with t2ome of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Willad- a $500 "Slep to Knowledge Schol- son, Shelton Valley. The service- ....................................... 7 ............................................................................................ men were George Rebnlan, U.S. Navy, and Clarence E. Willadson, NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELINO PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason County Savings & Loan 5ssodation Enginee,'. The last bridge out from at:tended the wedding of their Shelton over Cloquallum Creek granddaughter, Gaff Carper, and is gradually deteriorating and Dennis McKeown, Saturday, June must be replaced. Bridger said 5, at .the Methodist Church in the new bridge will have all new Shelton. pile foundation and a treated tim- MABGIE HLIBOKI was hostess ber deck that is expected to last to a' pajama party, June 5. An about 25 year's, early picnic, game's and dancing Most of the work will be done to ,:ecords, and a late barbecue by tile county ground forces but formed the evening's fun. Besides the county will receive bids June the hostess, guests attending the 28 for the treated decking and party were 3eanette Fanning, hopes to be supplied by the first Joan Baxter, Marsha Howe, and of Auguat. Present plans are to Shirley Sykora. have the new bridge in service by Monday afternoon callers at the the first of September. The work home o~'Mr, and Mrs. Axel Wil- on a temporary detour bridge is ladson were Carl Portman and his :expected to begin early in .h21y. mother, Augusta. Bob Huss, son of N[r. and l~Irs. The four grandchildren of Mr. Ed Huss. Beverly Heights, has and Mrs. Harry W. Matthews, been discharged from the navy Jennifer, Clarence, Yvotme, and and was expected home Monday Gregory have been visiting with or Tuesday with his brother, Bud. them and with their mother, Be,- From San Diego, Bob went to tha Carpenter. Their father, Clar- San Mateo to visit Bud and his ence York, brought the children wife, Linda, for a couple days. from Sitka, Alaska, whel'e they Then Bud plamled to have Linda had been living at Radman Bay fly to Sea-Tic and have his par- for the last two years. ents go over and get her while Mrs. Gene Lane's mother, Mrs. he and Bob drove to Shelton. Bill Malone, returned to her home Bob has been in Viet Nam. He in Tacoma June 8. She has been was on the U.S.S. Vancouver, the here hel~ing the Lane's with their helicopter carrier that landed the new billy girl, Lori Mae. Mrs. marines in Viet Nam. Lane's grandnlother, Mrs. Alvena Whitney, also returned to Taco- ma wit'h Mrs. Malone and visited with her a few days before going on to hev own home. WILLIAM WALI~O'S brother, Andrew, recently spent four week's vacation with the Wilkes. U.S. Marine, who returned Lo Camp Pendleton. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Gay Brian, .Lacey, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Loertscher and Tony, Mrs. Lloyd Struiz and chil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Asche, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Asche, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Welander, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mattson, Shel- ton, Mrs. Anna, Marie Hogarth mid children, Everett, and Mof ]'is Rebman, E]ma. Venla Byrns has been in Ab- erdeen Community Hospital with an allergy. TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING .D~le Fle~hman made a trip to :Miltoit-Freewater, Ore., tO attefid Lhe funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. A. E. Courtney. Mrs. Court- , , , , hey dicd at: her honle May 7. ................................................................................... 7 ............................................................................................................................... Mr. and Mrs. Walko took him to the Seattle-Tacoma airport June 13 where he caught a plane for his home in Sitka, Alaska. He works for the Alaska Pulp and Paper Co. William and Andrew Walko vts- ited at the home of A1 LeGault Sr. June 1. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 LeGault Sr. the eve- ning of June 1 were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bliboki. Spending Saturday afternoon and evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson, were Mrs. MarY Chappell and children. Impx~)~e yore', skills, alert your senses, become a better driver than you are .... asks the State Safety Council. / • ~ • II ,,,e. . . ,! • fhey're not the klnd of men who often make new . But they Carry American friendship- and ideas-into some of the most out-of-the- ,, ay places on earth. They are Standard 0il geologists, engineers,, technicians. They explore primitive jungles, deserts, tundras, bayous, even the ocean bottoms, for oil. When they find oil in far-off pIaces, many other benefits follow. The local country gains a new source of energy, new jobs, new revenues, improved iiving standards. American cooperation makes stronger friendly nations. Standard 0il men are more than oil-hunters. They are themg°°dwill,, • everywhereambassad°rS'theyTheYgo Itake American friendship with f:anvidardaOtPoenn,ed asnOa h [rno tioT,FAme }ca,; oru ' tradition, the ma'n at the Sig of Chevro serves you with today's highes~ quality S,O. Produote. The Chevron- Sign of excellence .... ~TA.':~.A,.~D OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA , Different things took my time for a week prior to June 8. I did not visit my vegetable garden .... just turned on the sprinkler. On the eighth visited garden, elcarly seen, peas in pods! Rushed to tell grandpa and see if I beat him with peas in pods ready to eat He said, "Goodie for you, I'didn't plant any peas this year". He then of- fered me a beautiful mess of beets and greens. I was really sunk for my beets are only up two inches. So, I came home lower than snakes hips and told my husband Grey Hairs all about being low and like that• In fact said, I was damn low. He said, "that's a fine way for a respectable married wo- man to talk, that is: Further more, "Rome wasn't built in a day and who do you think you are to get up there with greenthumb gar- deners"! Anyhow said he, "We just got the donkey, if you keep at it, you might between the two of you get a, good garden some- d,.~y""" this time I was in a white heat, changed subject. Brought up to Grey hairs how he tried to be a logger overnight. Organized a chain saw gang and landed in the Hospital. Suggested he confine his activities to something more doe- fie, like giving lectures to some- one else instead of me. How about organizing a show in the Hall, haul out your Hawaiian bikini pictures, get your friends over from Shelton with their Australian of hard hw.k lately. Ab, m( a montll for fhe (b~y an(t a picnic in their ago their (ar wns wrecked in a .-. "z ~- t I)llisioll" or " ': rye with "t:aDaua. ~ ith them was Ann t~ey- ~, , ]a mum eu' . .; 2qn" nolds of Aberdeen. Wendy and other e~]:'. ~(,xt day then' ou 2111.- Ann were just graduated' from name DleV, r lip Sl)OI all ow ' every- _. , h:°f s(hool t11(1 l ecu~ • ' " ' ' • , /~Der(leel]IF,' • ,' ] [ ' io" thing. No\v ear }s fixed,and house, cratingfrom the all night party e lr!tnes, ea~ nna not cw~j.k~hagam, afler graduation held in Aberdeen. things Lack tO norlna] W en We l~ ' ~ ~ ,~+ XXr~TT home ¢ ,. -- ., ' ' ' . " L~]nl 1S tt ~opnonlore aL w ~o,., . 9a.c . 2und Mary Byms [max-for the sunnner. rag..m ner r~eaeh sine g~mana, John Neimie was here for a wn~ she. made he,.se~,d)il:e ;rift il°ng weekend. With him ,,,'as Mike lt;l rile on th( v~ or I "~ lI:ll z ch " " ' ' a ~ ' r Novak. \~ ith Lhe assistance of Bob ' saw, as usua,. , ....... BurneUe they cleared the back 40 fi, u~ (~ROWN 1TI S /~21 m.OS ton the Neimies Property. The Hen- a~cCe~e(, tne.r~'s,:me.SC,am~ ~C-[ry Ellis Burches did not come . st wemc ~evej'm ~' ~.o2" over from Aberdeen the past nosta,gie. • reasons a,m just a social ,,~e--kmal~,. The-.., went. to the Grad- ' APPLE gathefp),,. M!'s. Lee. Ca~'lson: Mrs. uation exereisez, of their son-Bri- ~!~fl VVllSOn N1]'s unarJes /~/llson~ m the U of W We are cer ' ' attm an z2,o , - PEAS, B:Et and Mrs. John HRchc()cl~ , ' ~ded . • , o +o miss Brian He has the picnic and then called on Mrs ~almy g'~t~gpe ce' Co'f-- "Di, ectl'"6 for ' o " joinea t a 'p. ' y Helny Steele in the honle f Mr " • • " Several hiked around on a person- Y ...... R -. , ally conducted tour with Ted Nessevenumt~y go to lnma to ms posu DOXSe~ and heard his plans fo," develop- ---- CI[(}~,v- ing the property. Mrs .tbur Wingert senti ~ 4tor card thanking the flower commit- ~ ~ ~-~ ~ tee for the flowers they" sent to I] [~, ~z'~ ['~.q~[~/~d] ! the services for her late husband, i[ 1"~41~llL2/7~k~--,'7~t ] Mr. and Mrs. T. Green have ~ -- moved back to their home in Bre- merton. Mrs. Green was Hm'stine School teacher, Mr. Green is al- Windows for ways helpful on the Island, in ev- eryone's projects. The Greens will be greatly missed. Your Car... MRS. STANLICV YATES went east two weeks ago to Bradley, Tour Of " By nora Hearing MATLOCK -- Gene Brehmeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Breh- meyer Sr., is home on a 30-day leave after spending 13 months overseas. Orpha Mae Cockburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cock- burn, left Thursday for Seattle to join U.S. Army and will fly to Fort McCall in Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sell return- ed Saturday evening after spend- ing a few days at Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cockburn spent the weekend in Bremerton with the Don Swanson family. MR. AND MRS. HERBERT Brehmeyer Sr. and sons Gene, Mike and Brian and Mrs. Paul Johnston a~d children of Elma spent Wednesday with the Walt Breckinridge family of Chimacum. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift spent the weekend in Seattle. Many friends from this vicinity attended the wedding of Sharon Kemery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kemery, former Matlock residents at the Naza2.ine Church in Olympia Saturday evening. The groom is Ronald Matson of Olyfn- :pia. Sharor~ is a graduate of Mary IV[. Knight ~chool and attended school here 12 year's. They have many friends here wishing them happiness. ; Mr. and Mrs. James Fredenburg of Hoquiam were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ,and Mrs. Elvin Hear- ing. Other drop-in guests at the Hearing home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. N. P. McLeod of Seattle, and 1V[r. and Mrs. Bud Humphrey and son and wife of Liberty Lake near Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. 1V[erland Good-. burn and family of Shelton were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry. Thursday evening the Bradber- rys spent with Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Mary M. Knight school is ask- ing for applications for bus driv- ers for the coming year. Please put your application in to Helen Stodden, clerk of the district. Mr. and Mrs, Bud Millican and son Tobby, of Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and fam- ily of South Bend spent Sunday at the I. C. Ford home. They took Dave and Wade Boothe back :who spent a week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmey- er Jr. and family spent Sunday evening at the I. C. Ford home and left Debbie Brehw/eyer to visit. Tyler Boothe of South Bend stayed to spend the week with the Fords. , MANY FRIENDS here attended the wedding of Miss Neva Aus- eth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Martin Auseth and Richard Mc- Lemore at the Methodist Church in Shelton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier at- tended the graduation of Grant Grim at North Thurston High School in Olympia Friday evening. Mrs. Edward Valley and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier visited their aunt, Mrs. Harry Lee of Centralia Fri- day, Mrs. Ernie Adams and Dan Da- vis of Enumclaw were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier in the afternoon they all visited at the Edward Valley home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent Saturday in Tacoma and on Sun- day, for dinner they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Walker of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard and family of Sequim were Sunday dinner gue~ts at the Kenneth Ho- ward home. Miss Susan Scl2oening of Aber- deen is spending the week with her grandparents,, M2'. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. Miss Nancy McGarvie went on a trail ride in back of Lake Nah- watzel Sunday. Mrs. Laurence Hansen also went with Lhe saddle ch2b. Friends will be interested to know grandma Crowell is in the Broadway Nursing Home in Mon- tesano. She fell last week and was in the Shelton General Hospital for" a few days. Whatever your car needs in glass, we can install it • . . curved wind- shields, tinted or clear and guaran- teed not to leak. Grimes & McNeil 3rd & Grove 3 Lbs. 2 Lbs. 10 OZ, AD GO00 Electric Heat is clean because there is no, to cause dirt to collect. Electric Heat is good because once you set the at a given temperature it stays right there. It i ate. All dads would be the best if they chose for tiles the safest and cleanest fuel for their homes. :: MASON COUNTY = \ EDWIN TAYLOR, presidentt JACK COLE, secretary T. WEBB, vice president JERRY SAMPLES,