June 17, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 17, 1965 |
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'ith 10 tables
party that
of pot-
meeting and
and Mrs.
a luscious
at the close
and Olaf
first priz-
Matt Kaare
chle par-
.waul) P()t-
c G"
! ,le,,pple
c :ed mill(
11 ~r Or ln.ar-
half cup
ed graham
t, ine 9 x 9
t, ~ixture re-
[ top.ping.
~e to boll
I ;tir to dis-
1 :ken slight-
Cheese, half cup
and add jell0
eazz of milk
together Fold
rnixtur'e and
into erumb-
ith additional
'eral hours or
vhich brou
and was
recipes by
* ,
• Club Has Party Friday tlight ,,on o ,,, .,.i, .o,
eluded lheir \veel~end g~zt,sl, 13ill ;velm is emph)yed at the HoodsporL
()ldenberp:('r ,d" \Vashinglon. D.C., ]lran~4el' Station office. Mr. Hep
inIz ;t tl'ip ah)ne by boqt to New rinp, and ;a df a(.tiviti('s, l'al. sei- Chicap,~), Minneapolis and AJla-I ;llld 5/[IS McGr'ldv's I)rothor nn(tirents a cottage (m llldi~lll l~e:leh.
i sister-in-law. Mr. "t:ld Mls. Viclol" MII,I,IE PAl:l, Gcrl(ensn-~eyer,
YoI'I:. Ci[y an(1 1)y l)llS IO the \'Vest ] ('11(!1~ e(lilor for' the Anlerman (2all- (!,)nd;i, I)al's follner heine in ~¢I()n- } fo:'Ill(':' owners ,)f lhe LilliWal:p
tana. In Minneapolis they sl)eni ,t{obinson of Sih, erdMe, with their i
a \ve,q~end with Mrs. Mc(~l';tdy'.~;JS~)ll, htq'mother. Mrs. Frank M,)lel,were here Monday a.lld
Coast to visit :tgl'Oll]) of CO|ISills]C('F So,:iety, auihm' of Ihe 196./
l)o,)k, "The Sawtge Cell." will \york
in Mason County. She sl)ent throe I 4)r} ;t ill,x\' t)l'oje(!l, ills \\'if(,. (l]'we. sislol'. 5~rs. H. i. Shaffer, wh,) l¢ol)inson, filial l~l'. Illld Mrs. Jack i,l'll(?sd:ly ~:'e('~till~" old p:ttl'OllS. Sill'-
]days in New York, visited the fair :will I)t, ,vritinK, als(), and f()llo\v- enttq'lait~('d with 11 din,m]' party Catl,). 'Pl~e Viclt)l' l¢(fl)insons re-prised !o see them behind the
• |ul'ned SHII(lav to Silver(hHe willie ~ shue qnd hlllch eollnteI's. The
and stopped f(w a visit in Minne-i ng her painiing tmbby, for llwn~ "d her slll)urb'm home. Frank, \vh,) fi~st finished his first Gerkensn~,yers relieved Mr. and
Thre(, ,ills (lone by (3v:~ee Me- Mr. aud Mrs. 13yran \Vis9
Mrs. li'ri(lell speaks litlle Eng- Clrady, were heing sh,)wn Iho fivsl hroughi lho M(Gradys from Seal- .\'ear as a Sill(h'nl lit l.l. of \V., re-]alMmightMrs.?.ot-hlm•Yhlh) Hay'~BellevueS() thatfor theYtlle
lish, but i:4 mal(illg progl'ess get- Of th•is monlh ill an exhibit at lh(, lie :Hid had lul~ch Th;l~,~day at nlailac(I f,n' n few clays' visit be- ]high sch()()l graduati(m Ttlesd'Lv
ting aecloainled \vilh family mem-lCarlleg.ic Illterll ttional Ce ltel' in Ill(' holtl9 o.f Mrs.'MeGrady's six- f,)Pe slallitlp. (~11 a Slllnnlel' job at nighl of lhoir eldest son, John.
})ors here since her arrival last lih(, [Y N 1)laZIl ill NOW Y()I k. t('l', Mr:< .I:~('k C~llo. I),r ,)q,,)' m. .h)hn had finishe(1 his sehool yea.r
week. Bert Sj()hotm aeted as in~,
terl)l*eter for the newcolnel' dllr- I Elll'Olll(? to Lilliwaup (h(, Me- SaluFd;ly eve)~ing there was n Phil Heps Iu-yenr-om (.iltughtel~, , lit Sh('lton mgn scn(),)[, Dtlt J~)im?d
ins 't gathel'illg oi1o evclling" lit lhe I (:l'adys :,topped in Ma,li ~t II \Vis., family yeafo,)d bnffet SlI})I),I' a| ][CLIO0, C;lllle Sllll(lily fl'om Oak his s(.IliOl* elliss }:it l-]ollevlle f()r
ShelLon home of Mr. and Mrs. t3u-i ................................... / .............................................................
ford I~.o st'.
Cousins l)eing visited by Mrs.
Fridell include Mrs. Rose, l,'rank
Ahl and M~s. Orin Elllson ,)l Shel-
ton and Mrs. l)ess Ilaines, Mrs.
Oran B. Lee, Richard aIl(t Lol.lis
, Sehauflor of this vicinity.
Another June visitor was J. A,
Borer of Los Angeles who spent
me'st of last week at tile home of
his bl'other-tn-law and sisLer, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthm' Paulv on Canal
View Terrace. The I)aulys left
Tuesday for Moscow, Ida., and will
retm~ with a couple of young
granddaughters, Cindy and Jean-
ette Cook, who will visit them
An annual event, p]easureably
anticipated by her friends in the
Eklon vicinity, was the smorgas-
bord party given Thursday after-
noon by "Mrs I-Iattie Arthur of
Seattle 'at her summer home here.
Featuring nal:ive Danish delica-
cies, this party, a bit delayed this
year, shares l~rs. Arthur's birth-
day celebration with her North
Liiliwaup neighbors.
In celebration of the birthday
of Mrs. Elizabeth Daily, Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Moake entertain-
ed Mrs. Daily and her sister, Mrs.
E. O. Beardsley, of Olympia. Sun-
day. After a delicious dinner, the
group enjoyed a drive to Eagle-
mount pbove Discovery Bay to
view the beautiful roekery gardens
there. Mrs. Daily and Mrs. Beard-
sley spent the weekend at their
Lilliwaup apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGrady of
Fridell of New York City, are in their Lil-
a eourageus liwaup home hmking fomvard to
te feel, tak- l another summer of writing, paint-
: raN=R:;
:¢1 lzz I-IOodsport on Hwy. 101
We Feature Steaks & Seafoods
Dancing o, The Water After 9 p.m.
,._ We Take Pride in Our
~Pe~lalize_ in a wide variety of homecooked meals.
Se'ving---Breakfast __ Lunch -- Dinner
eafoods -- Steaks -- Chicken, etc.
6 a.m. for Breakfast - Luncheon Special Daily
Launching - Any TiUe
Gas --- Storage Phone 877-5362
Une Fredrickson owners Next to Aquarium
near Potlatch on Hwy. 101 near power house
* ~RO--- --- Our Specialty ......
~TED CHICKEN (finger-lickin' good)
.= We feature SEAFOOD, too!
Phone 877-9788 -- Take-Out Orders!
of Union on Beautiful Hood Canal
LUNc,. Open 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.
ng: Steaks, Seafoods and Southern
Fried Chicken
Our Fabulous Home Baked Pies
7th & Raih'oad
[~eatu rin-g F I av;r --c ri-~,-- Ch icke n
HOme Made Pastries and Bread
(~- Open 6 - 10 Daily
°~rteous Service and Go,od Coffee
I~=e Orders To Go Call 426-2441
Dining-Cuisine at ItsBest
Specializing in
Open 6-10 weekdays
6-12 Friday & Saturday
to Live Music Fri. & Sat. Nights
gradllalion exereises.
With a Bellevue sehool friend,
Greg Beaver, John \\'ill do 'oyster
work this smmner for Oliver Gray.
Another friend, Dick Windllmn of
Bellevue, came for a visiL Sunday,
Visitors at the homes of Lilli-
W'Ulp relatives over the weetrend
were Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Tee of
Medford, Ore. They spent Friday
and Sal.urday nights as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and
Snnday at the Nell Vance home..
Mr. Tee is the uncle of Mrs. John-
ston and brother of Mrs. Vance.
Sunday dinner at the Vance's
celebrated the birthday ,)f Mrs.
Johnston, Mrs. Vance's daughter.
Mrs. N. J. Sceva went to q'a-
eonla Friday to allond exercises
in which her nephew, Bill Knox,
WaS gradllated fl'om high school.
She stayed for vtsils with rela-
tives and friends ill '[':/('t)nlt~ ovcr
the weekend. Bill is lho son of
Mrs. Scewl's brothe~-ill-law aI/(t
sisl0r, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knox.
Mrs. Jack Calto :lll(t }lcl. lno-
lher, Mrs. Frank Robinson, went
to Olympia Friday• They were
hlncht':Oll g•n(}sts at t},,, hollle of
Mr. and Mrs. Herhm A. F(ill's
dtt~lghteP. Mrs. Wes Bnl'clift nnd
two sons, David and Mark.
U.S.D.A. Choice or
7-BONE Blade Cut LB.
• • • • •
' U.S.D.A. Choice BONELESS Bottom Cut Round & Sirloin Tip LB. . . . I(.
,o~ ~~ , I 1
$ ~ 1
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