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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 17, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 17, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI -- Published in '¢Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington - For Sale Pets, Livestock '1 Used Cars ..... For Rent .... FOR SALE --- Sawmill and planer, - ............................... ' .... '~ ....7"-- o r.GA--'TEWA'----Y--APTS-~--~ l~hli'-n'~- LET US BOARD YOUR PETS wbile YOUR^~I-IOICY, .7- J96fl Renault $.9o, .e]or apt. In downtown area. A.ll utll- percent down, balance 12 monthly II payments. Low interest O.A,C. ~-:: ~~~-~' ' U " ~ ,' g ' fit odsP( ~:t 877-5309." "~ 6~i0 tfn Cookes, 219 So. First, 426-2412. FOR SALE -- One pa~r el adt li - )lcku s and universals Cooke s 219 ......... 4/22 tfnkingese, one mah! and one female. [ ~o. Its~. Pbonc 426C2412." 4/22 tfn ~;I~RN[SHED MODERN i~pt.downtown ~R A FREE HOUR of beauty-call Also one male Australian Terrier' ......................... -- -- a,'oa. Watcr, heat fm.niM|ed. Ad- male puppy thrce months old. Teann I~()R SA}/~! --;.~i.D2dge pickup, mrs. ,Wio. Inquh'e 119 E. Cedar 426- XOronatration.a Merle ElalnesN°rman phoneCOsmetic426-4582.dem" Kennels, phone 426-6152.6/10 tfn oeu. $ao~. ,J~D-~ozo.~u 6/17 .t895 or 426-4481. G 6/10 tfn _ E 6/4 tfnFOR SALE Two Welch poni,~s. Very ', 1956 CHEV. 2-door hardtop, 6-cylinder, TW•() ROOM CABIN ---TWO) mil[~s fr(ni~ ELECTROLUX SALE~. ~rvlce and gont'ie kirls' ponies: $350. Cal 4~-i stick shift, $460. ]Ludlo, heater. Ph., town lntefesu.'a p.arty c.¢n~u WOl'K supplies..]'ohm Rice• Phon~ 426-6108, 4095. C 6/10-17 ] 426-6539. P 5/6 tfn out part el rent. l-'none d,~-o~/~i ~._ after 2:00 p.m. Demonstration&--- ............ 196d--J~ENAULT for sale, $3-~0-~-"STq'e: ......... ~ w,~ ua R 1/7 tfnBLACK, SMALL MINIATURE Poe- I at the Journal. S 5/27 tfn LAKEFRONT ....Two bedroom" .hjmse, "~-IRISTMA~TO~N ~'.S.A~" rubber die. No papers, $50. M. A. White 7~__-=-=±-:~:--_~_~__ .................. ~ electricity, water furnished, .~8o per Rt 7 Box 581 Olympia 477,6-6152 19{i6 CH~VI~OLET STATION WAGONi month Phone 426-8323 T 6/10 tfn stumps for sale at 'the Journal,$1.~ * " ' W 6/17 I--rebuilt motor. Very reasonable. ] ....... ~_:~. .......... " -.•._---~__ each. 227 West Cola. 12/1 tfn , -~ ............ Phone 4264425 J 1/21 tfn NEWLY I AINTED clean couage zor COCKER SPANIEL PUFS --- $1u~J " - .• ~ • .... r,, ' ................. rent, SUltaDIC couple aria slnall cnlld rOD CAN PUMI* more w|iter and Hoodspo 't 87~-o362 H 6/10 tfn1951 FORD V-8 PICKUP ~-ton, Iour no i)¢ts Call after .I'30 4°6-8129 ' longer wlth Falrbanks Morse pumps. USED SCOTSMAN Ice machine (I~lak- speed, very good motor. I hone 426. ] , U 6/17 tfn 8~ them at Shelt0n Electric Co., er). 350 lb. capac.ity per ~ hours. 2278, " M 4/29 tfu{ ............................................. • ~ ~mlroaa. 8/16 tfn .126-2445. W 6/17 =:ZL:..--::'77.-:"7=.=:WT= .... 77.;::.--~--7.:."';" TIIREE tHCDROOM unfurnished new.q. O~l.lee~;s:?a ~r.t_37~,Sv~_,t~ t~t,tn.> ~'A,£~t 'rIluCxs. -- i,oz v-~s ~or(, home M, Vi(,w oh'( l,'h" tw ,t Ca l ~w~ ~ _~ fhtlbed. 82.) x 20 tn'es. $500. Terms n~(n or .,fter 5 d26-2')']3 R 6/17 thl V~ an~{~{1 posslble. Lun)bermens of Shelton .......... g. Dnelton Junk Co. I~Irst and 1st and Pine. Phone 426-4393. ATTRACTIVE I~IRNISHED or un- Mill, phone 426-8626.' 9/8 tfnWANTED .... A " w(' ( ,' " Conla('t L 6/10 tfn hn'nisi..d on('. bedroom duplex aI)art. g6KKQ]i-z:C-Lai-~¢~--g~i'e%ii~ii~-~-/:d, s~ qion Mobil th,m !s m tin mngai-. 7~'r~--2. /:, "- ;: ........... 5,] ........ ~ ....... ] ment. Includ,:s stove, refrigerator. r.,',ndt(mned ranges, refrlgerator~ Shellon airpn't. ' It 6/17,x)^~I~RCuRY ,M50...C! seen at j Full basement. Phone 426-3343. -", ....... a..~..s. Eel)~ & Valley Al~- .................... vet .~em~vuc or cau ,t~-o~vi. V 6/10 tfa pliancs Center. 6/5 tf~TIMBEP~ WANTED -- Second growti~ A 6/10-2,1 [ ................................. ---=- -- .......... :~TK--OD~NF:-'~o'ck'-o't- flreplace fir milling timber wauted with or4--~p-Fj'~]_)---~i~'i~--~ji'_~l-8--~(i~..-~in~." I WAREHOUSE FOR RENT, downtown equ~plnent, Fron, fireglc~ to Frank-wilhoul, land. Highest c'~sh In'Ices location, clean, dry storage. Phom~ for large or an)all h'acts. T(qephou(~ opy, trailer hlich. Runs good. M;tke426-8211. L 8/4 tfn lln ~.aovcn grates to glass doore offer. "I'hon,, 426-8521. K 6/1.0 tfn i;NV~d~ii~5-~i;E-L~,ii 4~6:3343 Carlsons~'lloand Firepb, ce. Mt.[ 35')M)gSq. Evenings 943-205], or write View. 11/15 tfn lAtthq'ock :Milling Company, P.O. 1,40t~'SALE _. Clean 195S Oldsmohilc. or 426-6545, V 6/17 tfn .... Box 8, Littlerock, Washington. I Needs transmissiol), work. $350. Ph. 1~Ot(- RENT "~-~"'W~t~-(~iq:r~)nt'-two bed- DON'T SELL IT! Have your upl]ol- 6/3-24!426-8177 after 6:00. 6/10 6/24 s cry throned by Cleaning Services ................................................... Real Estate OWNER MUST SELL three large bedroom, la/~ bath, large living room with fireplace, Large convenient kit- chen, utility, extra room, "all on one level with view across town to Olym- pic Mts. Price reduced from F.It,A. appraisal o£ $10,500 to $9,950. Call 426-2007. H 2/25 tfn large living room, 2-car garage, guest house, large front yard, back yard with patio and fir~tflaoe, l~h acres. Six miles out Bayshore. $13,500. Ph. 426-37').1. M 5/13 tfn Yi,1,; nc O y.n: pitt 948-0046, P 6/10-24 ',it LAK~ NAHWATZEL twO)'l~ed,'0om home planters, win(low boxes Moun- talu view 85" waterfront deel) h)t $11,500. Phone Shelton 426-6798 or 01ylnpi.a 352-5801. H 6/10 tfn T--~'Wb--'LEVEI~-'({hmr,~d (':my0n ed~." betiding lois. Inside city on Capitol Hill. $350 each. Your terms. Phone 426-8536. N 6/10 tfn LOST LAKE 117 ft. fronlnge. 425 ft. d(~(~p, i(')v(?ly 3-roonl ruslic house. Un- lhulled possibilili*~s $12,500. Sub- stantial dn. 1), lnY cent, ('.nil or writ(,. 352-8372 or Box 802 Olyml)ia. B 6/10 tfn FOR SALE'OR TRADE in N,)rth S,'at- tie, $3,600eqt 1},, iu small tmme, large /,)l.full I)as(,m,qlt. ('h'cl ri(: best, aim) four |flus acr('s, well weod(!(I, small creek near Ar]inglon, Wash. Will trade for c(lna] Vt%[ue, Real Estat(' TWO BEDROOM HOM~ on Arcadia Avenue. Large living room and kit- chen. Good location, close zo stores and school. See to appreciate this buy at $6 950. Call 426-2278. ' M 12/8 tfn bedroom, one 2-bedroom. and one 1-bedroom house. Good condition close to school end business district. 2328 Adams St Phone 426-4238, • P 7/16 tfn W/W carpeting, fir(q)lac.e, full bath down, half bath upstairs;I~ull base- lnel]t, wood ful'nac¢~ will) vented heat, ihree out-buildings. Beautiful grounds with fruit trees. C~ose to Montesano. Call 2'19"3194"S 6/17 tfn I0 ACRES, logged oft, ranch, mostly fenced, two bedroom house with wa- ter and lights on highway, Route 3, Box 394 Arcadia Road. No agents. ' S 2/4 tfn meet, recreation room, with two fireplaces on Lal[e _/,~hwatzel, ~a 5nn Phone 426-688/) or Ylnr 4- 2838 Kent. A 2/4 tfn ~IO]-C~--~,VATERFRONT property -- Split-level tour bedroomhome.-, uwn. er can handle contract, Ph, 426-3575. J 2/11 tfn Legal Publications Legal , NO. 8(~19 SUMM(INS llY I UI|I,ICATION UMMON~ IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE IN THE SUP STATE 09" XVASHINGTON FOR STATE Of MASON COUNTY AND FOI~ STEWART D. I-IO2D, JR., Plaintiff, MASONMILDRlg.'. SAID WINONA PI,~ IIOOD, D('f(!ndaut: YoU are h(q'('hv .'ulmnoned to nl)l)(,ar TIlE STAT] within sixty (60") days afi,u' the date BERNARD (,f the fir.~t publica[ion of lhis sum- ani: nl,)ns, to-wit, within sixty (fi0) days YOU AJRE afte," the 10th (tay of Jm{() 1,965 a~'*d OPl)car witl defend the above '('niitl,,d action in lhc the date of 1 above entitled court, and answer tile SI-nlUllOnS' conH)laint of the Plaintiff, and serve days from a copy of your Ilnsw(H" upon the un- lind defend dcrsigned Attorney at his office below iu tile above ,dated; and in cast; of your failure the Compla SO to dO, judgnlent will be rendered serve a col l against you at'cording to lhe (lensed the attorneY of the complaint, wl)ieh lies i)een filcd add,-css beh wilh the Ch:rlc of said Court. your failure That the cause of action herein is l)e rendered for a divorce between the parties above the demandl named wherein Plaintiff seeks a div- has been fil OI'C(~ from the Def(u)dant, WINONA P. said Court; ItOOD, on the grotmds of cruel treat- for divorce. nlent by the D,d'endaut. .P/}o~I~ JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Plainliff Office & Post Office Address: Tille Insurance Building ]22 Raih'oad Av(.nue Shelton, Washinghm 9858,1. 6/10-17-24 7/1-8-15 6t ENTII)`E equipment for Beauiy Shop, $300 'including inventory, 426-8744. ' B 6/17-PH i .......... . , ii Prompt- Guaranteed Service Pets• Lwestoek ,I WHEATLEY & KEARY ~EW SUPPLY of turtles and fish ave [ 817 8, 1St 426-4553 in. Also Kreeting cards of all kinds, ] ' ....... 5e apiece. Call evening~ ~26-4378. [ '~ 'k * ' ......................................... v 1 Classffmd Servw, e FOR SALE -- U.K.C. registered Am- erican Eskimo (Spitz) puppieS. Plh ] ~ BU~ ~rap Iron, laatterles, yad[a- 426-3788. or 426-6152. F 5/6 tfn[ tors, copper, salvage of all .Rl.~a~ STUI~"SEI%VicE--.z.-CI{~p~--Ch-8o-~'-i~5~j Shelton Junk Co.. lflrst ~a mill ~iamcsc. Phone Tacoma GR 5-2336. [Streets. Phot~ 4~6-66~. S 4f( tfm S/~i,~TCXND-]q)-I~Y-F'(Lrt'gXL, E :2 TW(; I stallations, oil conversions. She ton year ohi nmre, $100. Call 426-6794.,~ Sheet Metal Co., 821 So. Third. Dial, or 426-8556. V 6/3 tfn 426-4792 S 5/1 tfn' ONE TEAM Clyd(:.~dali;,~. 3 and 4 years G~[-C~ PI.~TO' SEI~VlC'~-'--'~---~-~ and technician. "Regular Care Pre- old. Phone Essex 3-6095, St. Rt. 1, ventS Costly Repairn. ~_a.ll .Olympia I),ox 36.i. l~,r(mmrton. S 6/17 7/1 943-8712 or 857-662~, or sne,zon ~6- BOB'S FIREWOOD Any Length ALDER or FIR @ • ,), Phone 4~6-8L2 I~i Y i =-Art's Bulldozing! 6/10 i.fn CARPETS ~fKTY? Company Coning? call Cleaning Services Company, ph. 426-4376 or 426-8138. 1/7 tfn LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. F-~ expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Painting company, 426-.~248 B 11/8 tfn PI~EES TOPPED, i.~l~e(~, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 4:/6. 4823, u/18 tfn HOME BEA LARSON • Corner Lot LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE ~ 2 Baths Phone 426-3376 PHONE 426,6309 By Appointment Only ....... 4/15 tfn S 6/17 - 6/24 EXPERT AUTO GLASS im)tal'lath)n • l irn Pauley Inc. 5{)1 Railroad Ave ,, ::-- ~'~T"-~:f~"--" Phnn,, 426-'231. 4/28 (fO i RSCKCK¢ff.--5[Wwn ;b~ -Woo~-~i'6 11 Slaughtering Unit II Wise People 2 Bedroom Cooling, cutting "bk)K'ch ,lneys :xPg1 'i" 'X-S-6 f,rci,iaee;,: . Furnished Apt. planters, call w;. Not uomprom,se Lcmke's Service 426-677g " ................. _ tfn ,, ..... - $40 per mo., Glenn L. Probst H-A~--~TI~ ~q'[LL SPRAY! ~.xte~i O11 Their • Olympia 352-2255 and interior• Free estimates. Work 11/21 tfn g~aranteed. Bennett Painting ons 426. . 5/10 Summit Lake Excavating -- Cement Grave] Fill Dirt Art Indahl Plz. 877-5454 Hoodeport, Wash. , 5/17 tt~ ~m.w----,=------, BOOTH Construction & Lane House Moving m HOUSES RAISED, FU'NDA- TIONS & IBULKHEADS Phone 426-8147 4/22 tfn ~$E~ F~RH~~~RE All Types Evergreen Second Hand, Store 4 mi. West on Dayton Road Lillian Wilson 6/3 - 6/17 c'HAIN SAW S~-I~(~, specdy. accurate preclsion grindingNc ow at ~,~e.ger Motor Shol~ Hillcrest. Phone ~4602 " ~11~ trn LAWN MOWING, otber yard work. Dependable college student. Call 426- 4201 evenings. F 5/27 tfn SAND AND GRAVEL. top ~oll, peat[I soil, custom tractor work. Johns [I Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- [| 9/12 tfn ~XV~cS-~tJELT56ziN~--.--L-i~h-d-'di~-ai.: ing, road building, excavating, grad.. ing, terracing, leveling. Dave Dick, 426-4360, Shelton, D 4/15 tfn IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE At the beautiful new HOLIDAY HOUSE 1 bedroom garden court apartment. Sparkling new, carpets, drapes, Westinghouse appliances, off- street parking. Drive by 7th & Cedar Street, Just a few steps from complete shopping Sorry, NO Pets! $89.50 per month. See , THE MANAGER APT. NO. II 426-2549 They Will INSIST on Johns Manville It will withstand hurricane winds, and it costs no more at the SOUND MILLWORK CO. )/2 Mile South of Shelt.on on Hiway 101 WHERE THE SMART PEOPLE BUY THEIR BUILDING MATERIALS Mt. View ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS Now Available • Unfurnished • 2-bedroom • Wall-to-wall carpeting • Draperies • Laundry facilities • Applihnces • Private parking • Private Storage • Swimming Pool month Contact Manager, 426-3100 i/7.tfn Waterfront Lots 3 Bedroom Older Home Elec. Baseboard Heat $4,500 4 Bedroom Home on 10 Acres $5,500 2 Bedroom Home Furnished, 2 Acres $5,850 We have several modern units which can be purchased with $500 down on FHA tcrms. 2 Bedroom Apt. --~ Furnished. $50 pcr nlonth. McCLEARY Insurance & Real Estate JAMES W. HODGES McCleary 495-3398; Eves 495-3259 / •/;/ / >i:¸ ,/ I TI I Ill