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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Percy M Pio 6017 S.E. 86th Ore kVO 5 18, 1964 Entered as second cle-ss matter at the pdht office at Shclton, Washington, under Act 5f March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cota. Published in "Ckristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton. Washington 10 Cents per Copy 18 Pages 3 Sections RS--Roxanna the elephant d the llama ready to Brothers Circus ,opens here today. These followers of the sawdust trail are all star performers in their own right. Shelton Rotary Club is sponsor- ing the Graham Brothers Circus which opens hel~e today. Proceeds will be used to help bolster the local Summer Recreation Pro- gram. Rotary extends thanks to John Kneeland for providing tl~e large lot for a small fee. Simpson Timber Company's new dry lumber planing mill at Shel-~ ton has begum operation, marking" attainment of a completely into- grated dry lumber manufacturing: iacility. The new mill, which embraces 27,000 sq. ft., adjoins the 800-foot long dry lumber storage shed. The toting at their tips. keg, manager, fir and hemlock sawmills division. Each shift will employ 11 men once the shake- down is completed and all equip- ment operating. "Now we can keep our dry lum- ber dry from the time it enters the kilns until it is loaded on rail cars," said Ahlskog. "We have to oman handle it, le~u, which means less damage, cleaner lumber and a ,~urfaced lumber sorter jusl behind the planer. Both }.hose pieces of equipment are expecI.ed to be in ~eration soon. ,~tWhen the new planer is operat- lng two sitifts, Planer Two will also run two shifts daily. Work also is progressing on moving Planer One, used to size timbers, mill is being operated one shift, adjacent to Planer Two. It will with a second shift to be added be operated by the Planer Two June 22. according to H. A. Ahls- cxew. much more efficient operation." Previously, lumber taken from the kilns had to be carried a quart:of of a mile away to the old planers, then returned to the dry storag~b shed. The show will be here for one THE DRY PLANER features 4-H ex- day only -- to~ayl There will be ,n Coun- two performanee.~, one beginning Mrs. Gait (Joyce) Dillon, 25, the latest equipment and will be Shelton, was reported in fair con- able to process nearly all Simp- lg delivered at 2 p.m', the other at 8 p.m. dition at St. Peter Hospital, Olym- son's dry lumber. Kilns five and es to start Price of admission for kids is 75 pin, where she was taken after an six started tap recently, bringing each after- cent, adults $1.50. There are no automobile accident early Satur- to 100 lnillion bd. ft. Simpson's 1 the build- reserved Seats. Seating will be on annual drying capacity at Shelton. w LS part ot a first-come, ]~irst-served basis, day. a] Izctt at Since the early part cf the week Mrs. Dillon was driving a car In addition to the planer itself, 'a Boars the circus has "been "setting up" which left the Shelton-Olympia supporting equipment includes art Freeway early Saturday morning, automatic green lumber sorter, ay evening, on the vacant Kneehmd lot across smashing into a light standard, which sorts lumber by lengths be- ~simers the street from KMAS. in Shcl- The Washington State Patrol fore it is dried, and an autmnatic AS SOON as the kids in the said Mrs. Dillon apparently fell neighborhood saw the big red asleep while driving. She was alone Manager, gave trucks with fancy gold lettera on in the car. organizations their sides roll in, excitement be- SHE SUFFERED a broken arm, ommittco was gan filling the air. nmltiple cuts, a fractured ankle, decisions on As soon as they were parked, collapsed lung and seven fractured !d concessions l;~tg show. This the tlrmks began "giving up their ribs, according to the State Patrol. • we Troy, as. assorted and fascinating cargoes. She was thrown from the car when Drake, Mrs. The air was sudderfly filled with it hit the light standard. Criminal charges were filed I Taylor, Mrs: ~' strange assortment of animal The vehicle was a total loss and against two men in Mason C0uUty sounds. Men were everywhere unty- about $500 damage was done to Superior Court Friday on inf,,ma- Id Jane Wind- ing ropes, rolling bacl~ canvas, lay- the light st~mdard, the State Pa- ties filed by Prosecuting Attorney USETH listeo ing huge poles in neat piles here trol saidl The accident was in. Byron McClanahan. ~etions that and there, vestigated by State Trooper Lorcn William L • Temple, 55, Seattle, ~r, ~l~ A man, stripped to the waist, Anderson and Thurston County )A~as' charged .wlth~negitg~!~ hol~t, piOked'tip a(:,h$avy t~ge ,and:be-. ,Sherff£'s deputies. ...... : " 'cld e in c6,ndcti0n; urith the traf- ate~t, a gan driving stakes in the grouhd ~ -" fic death of'Steven Ross Hastings, ,, In$ian that soon, formed a large~ 0val, 5, Port Orchard, June 6. Pulaifer Other v~,n were bust setting the fo. ih ,'ee. long main-poles. In what Temple was the driver :of a car and seemed like a very slmrt time the • which collided with one driven by three poles were standing erect, the boy's father, Sanford Hast~ that with gaily-colored pennants flut- ings, about six miles north of Shel ton on Highway 3. By this t'ime the "Big Top" had been laid Out on the ferncovered lot like a huge pancake, and men Vohmtccrc0 were busy malting any last-minute ow flowers repairs under the wa'tchful eye of fluting. 1.1~. °tlle e~nvas'b'b~'. .............. Today, everything is ready. The Fair Board "Big Top" is up, the pcrf()rmers .and Mrs. are making last-minute checks of Rhodes, their wardrobes, the a~ntmals are M'acRae, a bit restless, knowing that they John Hob will soon be in the ring doing their and Mrs. routines, and kids from all over s. Martin are getting ready to participate M'rs. AI in that glorious bit of Americana - Windsor. going to the circus, el~ from chance i ng the crew can tell where it ends [mm o,,o days work and should begin the next. The mixture is a product of the International Pa p e r Company which the StaLe Highway Depart- ment has only recently adopted. , "me ~nelton-Olympia freeway ia take part. This information in- one of the early projects to make. eludes the person's name, age, ad- use of the new method of sowing dress, telephone number, name ot highway medimls. family doctor, signature of parent t~ndel~ay giving permission. Also on the blank ia included a space to write even~in the child's past swimming rec- ord and classification. Charge for the swim classes, running Monda.y through Friday of each week, will be 15¢ per day : available, to cover the cost of transportation taken in and use of the pool. The schedule of indivdual class- es, which will last for an hour Randi each, during the first week is: turn- beginner (non swimmers) and ad- assistants vanced beginner swimmers start- ArmstrOng ing at 9, 10, and 11 ram. and 1 Painting time ground green~ After the accident Temple was I - " charged ~ith driving while intoxi. t seemed so to ntotorists using cated, being drunk in public and the newly opened section of the reckless driving. His bond was set Shelton-Olympia freeway recently, at $1,000. He had already posted when they saw a large lank truck $1,025 bond on the other charges. moving slowly while a rider spray- JOIIN M. WILSON, 34, Star Rt, ed what appeared to be green I was charged with taking inde- paint on the dirt in the median be. cent liberties with three girls un- twecn the high way sections, der 15 years of age. Not paint, friends! The ]nan was Bail was set at $1,000 which was planting grass, resembling some- posted. what the method used by the McClauahan, acting as eotn't Game Department to plant fish. commissioner in the absence of a Through the hose pumped a mix. judge, ordered a psychiah~c exa- ture of wood cellulose fiber, grass nunation for Wilson. seed, water, green coloring. Thelat- Shclton attorney Glenn Correa ter element is put in simply so represented both Wilson and Temple in the proceedings Friday morning at McClanallan's request since there was no judge present to appoint an attm-aey for them if they so desired. THE NEW PROCESS is fast-- a 2-nlan crew can SOW five acres in an 8-hour shift in a one-step operation instead of three steps under the former method. Thcs. can also reach steeper banks more easily and effectively, reports Doug Mauldin, information offi- cer for the Highways Department, wire adds that grassing the medi- ans eliminates weed problems an0 controls soil erosion. Hc is enthusiastic about the wood celhflose fiber mixture for it tends to hold moisture better and is far superior to the old meth- od of covering the seed with hay until it sprouts and roots. But best of all, he points out, it's far more economical--and sure prettier thmt paint.. Mason County NEWS BRIEFS Order to LILLIWAUP .._ Almost 100 per. attended the open house in the newly-relnodcled quarters of the Lilliwaup Post Office last Sa- turday afternoon. Welcoming the visitors was Postmaster ~aith Evans. and 2 p.m.; intermediates startiltg at noon, and intermediates ann junior life savers starting at 3 .p.m: ....... "Come according to schedule ancl time best suited for the child," the tnstt~lctor said. Site emphasized that the schedule for the first week is subject to chmlgc after that time "after we see how not things work out", but will the 1964 change during the first week. the bust- Bus driver Mrs. George Mag~tctt KAMILCHE ..... Fire last weck deal.,Dyed the home of Mr. and M!rs. Jack Avery at Kamilcbe Point. The fire started in the at.. 4 tic. The family lost almost every- thing in the fire. They were not will nmke regular daily stops at Bordeaux Gl-adc School at 20 min- utes to the hour, Lincoht 15 min- utes to the hour and Mr. View eeting school 10 minutes before the hour. Festi- Present following to program supervisor: ~LIMMER SWIM PROGRAM / It was announced Wednesday that Laurence Bedell ,owner o] the Bcdell Drilling Co. of Shelton; Olivet. Ashford of the Simpson Norman Sanders, Manson, was ]tired as super|n~endanc of the North Mason School District, the school board announced this week. He will succeed Robert K. John- sen, who is leaving to become superintendent of the White River School District at Buckley. Sanders has been supcrintendant at Manson for the past four years. Manson is located on Lake Chelan about six miles above Che- lansanders has been superintendent educated in Eastern Washington and received his,superintcndenL's crcdent2Rls from Washington State University~ Timber Company; and Robert Slettedahl, general manager of the Lumbermen's Mercantile Co. ot Shelton have been appointed as Directors of the National Bank ot Mason County (organizing). It was also announced that SUCCESSFUL GOEDUCKERS---These four young- in nine years. Showing three goeducks and assort- Frank Watson, formerly manager stets, three of whom are from Shelton, displayed ed clams are (from left to right) Dave Nutt, and Director of the Northshore the fruits of some fast digging efforts at the Eagle 10; Melvin Morgan Jr., six; George Nash, nine; Bank at Bothell, Washington has Creek public beach about three miles north of and Debbic Morgan, seven. George is the Morgans' been appointed Manager of the Lilliwaup ,an Hood Canal Thursday when low tide cousin from Seattle. ~aLional Bank of Mason Comfly dipped to a predicted minus 3.9 feet, the lowest As manager, Watson will also bc : ,~ :; a Director mid it is also antici- i,y l~enny llinion pated that he will bc elected as President. It was a shell fisherman's de- All of the amtounccd appoint- light on many miles of Mason ments are, under Federal regu- ~ County and I'~uget Sound's salt lations, subject ~o the aPi)roval ot I.~ water frontage last Thursday af- the office of the Conlptrollcr el lernoon as tidies dipped to ,~ can Currency in Washington, D. C. Ap- cul lied mimls 3 9 feet the lowest plications for approval have been The 3.8 ]nile section of the abel- The new limited access road is .... ' " (h op innine, ,years, and one not submitted to that office and are ton-Olympia Freeway from I