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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19G4 ,lOlTRNAL''Puhllnh d in"Ch otmm4mv; ; olfon, Wnnh ng on , UELTON--M'ASON ~or lovers of private The loss and fish in the free- b..just be- area and overt he and g'et them to come to a meet- ing? It would have been wonderful to ilave had to move the County Convention over to Loop Field! Has he ever tried to get Republi- cans to serve as Precinct Com- mitteemen in Mason Colmty? Has he ever tried to organize the pr'e- cincts, to hold precincts caucuses that would elect delegates, truly representative groups, to the County Convention? Has he ever tried to solicit campaign funds from this 98 percent ? Has he ever exhorted them to stand up and be counted, and not merely to sneak furtively to the polls on election day? Has he ever urged them to enlighten their friends and neighbors about the true prim ciples of Republicanism, in order to combat and disprove the many lies disseminated' by tile opposi- tion ? All these and many more things have been tried repeatedly by the Republican Central Committee of Mason County during the past 25 years, with only limited success. The 70 odd people who attend the Convention represent the hard core Republicans in the County ~vho do all the work. I contend that they have a right to organize and ~an things' if the other 98 percent are too indifferent, apathetic or down- right lazy to do anything about it. The Convention was announced through the Precinct Committee- men as well as by local news me- dia, but not even the additional 150 to 200 who regularly attend the Lincoln Day dinners or who otherwise contribute financially to the Party, cared enough to show up and join the loyal 70 odd. Yes, Red, until this other 98 percent gets truly aroused and fighting mad, Mason County will remain politically a Democrat stronghold. Judson H. Holloway Former Chairman, Mason County Republican Central Committee E SPORT on Im in STORE LIVES The Shelton City Commission set 11 a.m. June 29 as the time for opening bids on a street pav- ing project on Seattle Street. The work is an LID. The commissioners followed the recommendation of the planning commission to deny a conditional exception to Arne Jolmson to build a duplex 'in the Olympic View ad- dition on the grounds that the on whtoh he wished to build 4-H DELEGATION--Mason County's 4-H Delegation to State 4-H Conference at Washington State University, Pullman, June 8-13 were front row, left to right: Tom Trotzer. Sal y Wolf, Karen Wolf (senior advisor from the college) Beth Crumb, Patty Mell, Bob Cleveland. Second now, left to right, Mrs. Ben Drake, Karen Sternquist, Mrs. Frank Wolf, Pauia Wood, Colleen Shrum, Rita Swearingen, Janice Blake, Sandy Lyman, Clive Troy and David Miltenberger. Back row, left to right: Jane Windsor., Artie Tozier, Barney Lambert, Diane Obremski, Tom Eastgard, Bill Johnson, Danny Ragan and David Williams. Two Local Sludenls Relurn From Workshop By Belty Dean UNION -- The annual Rose luncheon will be held today at 12:30 p.m. in the Hood Canal Waman's clubhouse m Potlatch. This is given by the Hood Canal Garden Club with the proceeds from the luncheon to aid the clubs beauti- first.ion projects. After competitive tests taken in Seattle, John Hough, 18-year-old grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hough has been appointed to the U.S, Coast Guard Academy in New London. Conn. for officer training. WaJlda Nilson and Lucille Wo- jahn attended the open house of the newly remodelled Lilliwaup ")oat office Saturday. Helen Beckman of Seattle spent a few days visiting with Bernice O'Berry, Lois Beckman and Jean Rachel A. Knott, Retired Nurse Succumbs At 88 Rachel A. Knott, 88, a former Shelton nurse, died June 10 in the Tobey Jones Home in Tacoma where she had lived since her re- tirement in 1950. The funeral ser- vice was held in the St. John's Episcopal church in Olympia last Friday with burial in Masonic Memorial Park iu Olyml?ia. Miss Knott was born in Canada August 18, 1875. She received her. nurses training at Buffalo General hospital. She nursed "in Olympia for 20 years before moving to Shelton in 1940 where she contin- ued her profession until her re- tirement in 1950. The local Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild Was na~a- ed in bet' honor. She wa.s a mem- ber of tile Episcopal church. There are no known relatives. Up A decision on whether or not one section of land between Allyn and Grapevicw will be allowed to change from the Grapeview Fire District to the Allyn District was again delayed after a hearing be- ported incident of improper ope- fore the Mason County Commis- ration of a motor boat on the sion Monday. lake and that some of the infer- The commission two weeks ago mation put out by mlpporters of had asked Prosecuting Attorney the ban before the vote was mis- Byron McClanahan to look into leading. some aspects of the matter. Me- TWO applications for permits to Clanahan told the cbmmisaion that he had requested an opinion from the state Attorney General's of- rice but he had received no reply. The question on which an opini0~ is sought is on whether or not the area (Section 29) would be liabl~e for taxation to help pay for a new truck being purchased by the Grapeview District and at th,e slime time be liable for a tax levy from the Allyn District. El) GARNER, executive secre- lary of the Washington Fire Corn- missioners Association, told thg commission that he would suggest they delay a decision until the At- torney General's opinion was rg- ceived. The commission agreed to post- pone any action until the ruling is made. The commission also set over for one week a decision on whe- ther or not to ban boat motors on Maggie Lake. After a hearing" last December the commission had as- ked the Mag, gie Lake Improvement Club to poll its members a.s to whether or not tile ban should be made. '/'he results of the poll were 147 in favor, 53 against and 166 who did not retm'n their ballots. Supporters of the motor ban say the poll shows that the ma jor- ity of the property owners on the lake want the ban. Opponents that the number of votes in favor is not a majority of the property owners, that there has nevej: been an officially re- sell "safe and sane" fireworks were received, one from tile Jun- ior Chamber of Commerce and ono from L. L. Blackwell of the Sun- set Beach Grocery. The requests were turned over to the Fire Chiefs of the two districts where the stands would be located for recommendation. Both applications were accompanied by a signed permit from the state. The commission opened two bids on a station wagon for the County Engineer's office. Bids were re- ceived from Jim Pauly Inc. $1,640 with $928.42 trade in and Mell Chevrolet $1.647.60 with a trade in of $890. The commission held over the bids one week for con- sideration. A conh;act for two dump trucks for the Road Department was awarded to Kimble Motors, Shel- ton, FOR SUMMER PLAY SANOALS ,. TENNIS SHOES AND UP MEN'S BOATING OXFORDS $ AND ~aa too small. Read .... The city engineer and city clerk Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hanson left 'its= were instructed to start pIoceed V[onday for their new home in 'r:'" ings to set up a hearing on a re- Honolulu, Hawaii. The Hansons /n~many quest from Faith Lutheran Church 'sad lived on the canal 38 years. .~_u for the vacation of an alley in a ~Jl~ ..... *~e~ We would like to welcome the lot they want to purchase on Mt. ~::~ sew family that purchased the ~A • View. ~ tansons home, Mr. and Mrs. ~,--- Nh's. Ruth Willard appeared at ~ ' ~eorge Simmons and their five ~.~AW the meeting to ask if something 2hildren. They are from Newport, Ore. ut.:~'umi could be done about the tennis STUDENTS ATTEND WORKSHOP---Miek Wagener, of Shelton. Residents of Union join in ex- a n courts behind the school. The and Clye Fain, Belfair, attended the Newspaper Workshop for High ending their sympathy to Mr. and '1~1- courts are on city-owned property.School Students on the University of Washington campus in Seat- VIrs. Lyle Bittle whose son David ,la=.G.ING Mayor Frank Travis Jr. said tie last week. They were among 67 young journalists from Wash- ~o,. that the city and school district vassed away Saturday morning. ,~Unly would have to get together to dis-ington State who participated in the workshop. Seated is Janet" A DATE to remember, Sunday Loreen of Snohomish. Standing from left to right are Dick Bald- Tune 21, the Hood Canal Woman's cuss the matter, win, Edmonds; Clye, Howard Voland, Monroe and Mick. (Univer- __~ ~ sity of Washington photo),t ~lub will hold a pancake breakfast to honor the fathers. It's to be ,W AND USED ia Two young Shelton area journa- by tile UW School of Communi. Phe public is invited. l'. lists were among 67 students who carious. A going away dinner party was " - Hi ...... I The high school writers toured ettenrlea agn ~cnooi ~ewspaper the Edmonds .... riven by Mr. and Mrs. Max'Dean IPPLIANOES , .,,o,,,...v. Workshop last week on the Uni- I weekly newspaper and the Seattle ~unday for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Halbert and family. They will • versity ot washington campus in I Times daily. They also assisted in 'eaw soon for St. Louis, Me. where Seattle. _ I putting out one issue of the Wash- their home is. Carl has been work- ~]~1~,~' ~ ' _ Mick Wagener, Sbelton, and [ ington Daily on ca~npus. Ing at the Washington Corrections tl~ Single Door, day after five days of lectures,[ The Shelton- Mason County Jour- dinner they went to Twanoh Clye Fain, Belfair, returned Fri-I Mick was locally sponsored by ~enter for the past year. After " ' ............................................... Double Door tours and actual writing exper-/nal and Clye by the Brcmerton State park to swim. • Across top, Small Apartment size, or ience, at the workshop, sponsored | Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Blake's ~'r ' J ""V:"t'arge Family size, Chest and Upright. daughter, Pat of Seattle spent thre~ days visiting at home this • week. Their other daughter Janice, ~pent the week at Washington State University with 23 4-H mere- )era of this area. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton went to the Washington State Univers- ity at Pullman for the 68th an- nual commancement, to see their Try Journal Want Ads They Really Get Results ress By ARROW $ from to David L. Kelley, boilerman third man apprentice, USN, son ofniece, Fay Cochran, among the class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.and Mrs. Robert J. Scrafford, Shel. 1.400 wire received their degrees. Archie L. Kelley, Matloek, is serv- ton, participated aboard the Navy IVay will be teaching near Los An- ink aboard the Navy anti-subma-dock landing ship USS Monticello. geles, Calif. this year. This is her from To Choose From rine warfare aircraft carrier USS in a combined sea-assault and air- third summer to work on Flag- ' ' borne combat training exercise utaff mountain at a look tower Reconditioned and Lexington operating out of Pen- called "LIGTAS" May 12 to June for the Department of Natural Re- sacola, Fla. 10 under the direc'tion of the ~ources. in Writing, Lexington serves as the train- South:East Asia Treaty Organi- A bela~ed conSratulations to ing aircraft carrier for student zation (SEATO)in the Philip-Nine Miller who was elected ore- I $OIT EVERY BUDGET • aviators at the various Naval Air pines, sident of the Hood Canal Woman's ~F,.?: .: Stations scattered throughout the ------------------------_ Club. ] I I • country. Each of the students must Dexter D. Day, seaman, USN, MR. AND MRS, Donglas Keyes I I qualify aboard the Lexington be- son of Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes E. 3f Olympia anti Mr. and Mrs. Her- fore they are designated Naval Day, Union, is particlpatingaboard ry Mawson and family of Cres .... : ockey Ban-Lea aviators, the Navy anti-submarine warfare well, Ore, had an anniversary par- ~ .... Phone 426-2445 support aircraft carrier USS Ben- ty honoring their parents Mr. and 100% Nylon Michael J, Scrafford, interior nington in a combined sea-assault Mrs. Harry Mawson. It was held communications technicianfire-and airborne combat training exer- ~n the Keyes home m Olympia. else called "LIGTAS" May 12 to Those attending from Union were ! .hme 10 under the direction of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean, Mr. and South-East Asia Treaty Organi- Mrs. Lloyd Cook, Tillie Sherman zation (SEATO) in the Philippines. ~nd ChesT1 and Gary Cowan. Jockey Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Kenny, Mrs. Bertha McDonald and Mrs. Blends 100% Orlon Tuttle of Seattle spent Monday visiting the Harry Mawsons. The Ira Morse's sons are feeling - ~ ~retty low this week. Some time ~, ,,. between Saturday night and Sun- day morning someone turned their 'PIPE RACKS B.R'USH SETS boat loose or took it from the dock where they kept it next to the ,, Waterwheel Grocery Store. t'f any- one sees it they would appreciate it if you called them. It is a 14 ft. round bottom colored turquoise .... land red. Donnie and Steve Morris little ELEGTRIG 'RAZORS O Maureen Jell and broke her arm in two places. She is three, then their ~ive year old boy fell & mxd sprained his leg. Little Casey had to stay off his leg for three OPEN 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Marine Private CIIffred M. Ev- days and thats pretty hard for a ans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif- five 3,ear old. ON FA~][-][EI~'S DAY" fred C. Evans, Shelton complet- ed recruit training last month It Pays To Use at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Galif~ 3our. l Want Ads to Arrow 100% Dupont Nylon MR, GOLF by Arrow 50% Dacnon - 50% Cotton Mens' Shop 409 Railroad Ave. ' Ih I i~ , i'I