June 18, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Legal Publications
Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public
Notice is hereby given that on 'Ihles-
day, tile 30th day of June, 1964. com-
mencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of said day. at the Port Orchard
District Headquarters. located at Port
Orchard County of Kitsap. Slate of
Washington, by the District Adminis-
trator of said District. the timber on
the following d6scribed state land will
be mold at public auction to the high-
eat bidder, to-wit:
Application No. 29337
Legal Publications ,
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI --Publishei in "Ch, r stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washingt on
on Monday, May 25, 1964, C, Jack
Jones of Star Route 2, Belfair, Wash-
ington, presented a Petition for tile
Vacation of County road, signed by
himself and ten other property owners
in the vicinity, together with a sketch
of tile area Petitioned, lying within
Government Lots 2 and 3, Section 2,
Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.
M., and requested the Board to bring
the Petition to IIearing.
Said Petition' calls for the Vacation
of the following described portion of
North Shore Cuunty Road. "All that
portion of the old North Shore Road
right of way that lies Souiherly of and
adjacent to the South right of way
Scarification rime located approx- line of the present North Shore Road
lnmtely 10 miles norlbwest of Belfair. and said parcel of land being entirely
The sale is composed of all lodgepole within that area lying between Mason
pine, and all Douglas fir 12" in di- County Engineers Station P.O.T, 211
ameter and under at stump height, + 94 and Mason County Engineers
willfin marked sale area boundary and Station P:O,T, 215 + 42 according tu
property lines on SEl£ of Lot 2, Lot 3,
E1/z SWZA, StAz NW% SW~A, SW% SW North Shore Road Plan Sheet No. 4
~,i of Section 12 and N1/~ NW%, N% of Mason County Federal Aid Project
SW~A N'W~A, NWZ.,i SEW NWk~ of See- No. S-0528 (7) containing 0.1 acres
more or less", and at that time, the
tips ]3, all in Township 23 North, matter was referred to the County
Range 2 Went, W.M., containing 300
acres nlnPe nr- h~.~a n,).~n~.[et.~,~ ~....^.. Engineer for study and
h~'m't'o~..%hV.L'.~.~-;-:L-.-,.-2~.,~ .~pv-~.?- FURTHER that on Monday June
.......... |N *anD,t~J OIl. 1t. OZ t)ougtas lit ~ l~aA ~- '~ V-el- done~ ,)rc~ented
snd 295,000 bd. ft. of lodgepole pine ',*.~: "t'" "~=.Z.:~2 -" ' *: :
or a total of 580,000 bd. ft. ' a cnecK lor ~iluo.oo, its requn'eu m
~It'[ni~Ulnwi~fc~pta~:d~d buts4: :2~3s2~{%r RggR~i~2.1"the Conunissioners did
|!qall|l|l~nf nlnn * ~-'aia FDt~.,I~.~. ~..., then set the date of Hearing and direc-
i)';:'-i.'~:~:'~)~,'~d 'i;r'*l'or't'o"~une'"h~"'l~a"~-."°" ted the Clerk to prepare the necessary
On-~" h~¢,d-, % .... un laaA '., ~:~ Noth;e of Hearing on said Petition in
a.m[ eaeii"'f;llider mu~' ~';;'e 'a n'~i~ °~d;~dth~to2tn~!Jght tb~onPUbh~heodt~)~d
tmum deposit of $2S200 in the torn p s..a, . g: P . . ' ,,
of' ('ash money order or ~,qet~,areport hy the t=ountyEngineer, au
. , .._ .... .,,u and
check. Said depo#lt shall constitute accordingto RCW 36.87.040, .050
au opening bid at the appraised price "u22-.---.. ........
Upon award of this sale. the respec: ...~.~V~'~ll:~tz~' ,,u(!ated~lnl,,sexpen,:~,(o~uh~nd
tl~ deposits shall be returned to tbe ...... *~,,, ~,~¢t¢i .... s b~n~|'l*
tmsueea~asful bidders. On the day of | .to ne patq o y ......... .,~,,,?,.~,'._ ~ .' ]~ ~-
s~e the nuchaser must ,,av" th, ~.~z I lag to sues ClOSUre prior to the enl.er-
~...:' ..e._.~:2 ......... .Y_ ~.. ~"". ~.'t'v ] ing of the Board's Order of Vacation
",,co v~twt-'*j rue mu uepostt anu tile - *~"~- "~""t"s "nn'th"t ~ nnani*
full bid Iu'ice phm a $5.00 bill of sale upon .... *, ..................
fee, or may, if the purchaser so elects motto vote of the Board be required to
at the time of sale, pay an additional make such closure.
amount, to bring the total amount That said Hearing be held at the Of-
of tile deposit, exclusive of fees, to
equal 25% of the full bid price based fire of the County Comnlissioners in
on the cruise estimate, provided that the Courthouse at Shelton, Washing-
vuch deposit shall not be less than ton, at 11:00 a.m., Monday, July 6,
$2,000.00, This balance may be paltd 1964, and all interested persons may
by personal check. Upon award of sale, appear and be heard for or against
purchaser must also furnish a cash said proposal.
bond of $500.00, In the form of cash, Dated this 1st day of June, 1964,
Board of County Conunisstoncrs
money order or certified check, to of Mason County, Washington.
guarantee compliance with all terms
of the hill of sale. All checks, money by C. NOLAN MASON
o~ders etc are to be made payable to , Clerk of the Board.
the Conunlasiuner of Public Lands. 6J18-25-gt
Accessibility: Via public road.
Complete contract and spccifiea(ions
nlay be examined at Port Orchard
District Headquarters, County ~udi-
tor's office, and office of Commission-
er of Public Lands, Olympia.
To be sold at Port Orchard District
Headquarters on Tuesday, June 30,
1964, at 10 o'clock a;m.
Any sale which has 'been offered,
• Legal Publications
1963 No. 1 *
Public notice is hereby given illat
pursuant to the provisions of Section t
5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congres:l ~i'l~~,
(58 Stat. ]32-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), ~ ~ ,~,~ by Mrs. Ray Kratcha
aad the Cooperative Agl'eement fur i
the Management of the Participating :~ ..... SOUTHSIDE---Live Wires 4-H
Forest Propertie:~ in the Silelton Ca- ~*]i~:i,i; COUNTY BUILDING PEBMITS Club members attending State 4-H
opcrattve Sustained Yield Unit en- ~.~.~,, Building permits approved by Camp at Pullman last week were
toted into by and between the Unite(
States of America and the Sial)son *'~ the Mason County Comnlission Karen Wolf who was head advisor
Timber Company, dated December 12, Monday were to Harold Wilson of State ,I-H Camp, Mrs. Betty
orlgd6'designatedall nmrchantablefor cuttingtimberon anmarkedaret , wood residence, $8,000; C.W. Prep- Wolf leader of the Live Wires,
clnbracblg 261 acres, more or less 3el'nau, remodel residence, $500;Sally Wolf, Patty Jo Mall and
within Sections 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 1.1, Roland J. Bisson, wood residence Paula Woods. Sally Wolf reported
T. 22N., tL 6W., Section 25. T. 23N. , $4,000; Herr Homes, wood rest- it was quite hot over at Pullman
R. 6W., W.M, unsurveycd, Skoko-
mish Block, Mason County, Shelton dence $6,000; Ray B. Sawhill last week.
Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit, wood residence, $6,000; Charles A.Karen Wolf daughter of Mrs.
Olympic National Forest. Washington. Clinton, wood cabin, $1,000; Roy Betty Wolf has completed her see-
willcompany,be sOldstmttle,tO tllC~¥ashington,Simps(m unTimberjuly K. Bogrand, wood summer cabin ond year of college at Washing-
8, 1964. The estimated volumes arc: $500 and Arthur C. Hayes, addi- ton State University at Pullman,
7,000 M board feet of Douglas-fir,
7,000 M board feet of western hem-
~i:~: tion to cabin, $50. Karen retunmd home Saturday
iock and other species and 100 M board :':':'~i FERRY RECEIPTS with Mrs. Betty Wolf and Sally,
feet of western redccdar. The mini- ~ Receipts from the Harstine Is- to spend the summer,
munl acceptable bid per M board feet .:~
is as follows: Douglas-fir $20.35, wes- / land Ferry for the week ending Bell Riders Saddle Club met last
tern henllock and other species $11.50, i. June 13 were $173, the Mason Thursday evening. Secretary Cleo
theWeSternfollowingredcedar'rates,$11'25'perThisMincludeSboard, Counl.y Engineer's office reported. Rowe has resigned and Goldie Wil-
feet for stunlpage (including deposit CITY BUILDING PERMITS llama was nominated. Board of di-
for sale area betterment). $3.00 base City building permits issued dur- rectors was named and they are
rate plus an additional $16.75 for ing tile past week were to Slap-Blackie Graham, Jim Taylor, Leo
Douglas-fir, $2,00 base rate 1)lus an
additional $8,90 for western henllock son Timber Company, warehouse, Bishop and John Dukes. Bell Rid-
and other species, $10.65 for wc'stern $115,000; Leonard Speece, fence, era will have a trail ride starting
redecdar and $0.60 for slasll disposal
h,r all species. Tile prices bid for $600; Charles "W. McAuley, garagefrom Bud Eveleth June 21 at 10
stumpagc shall be considered as ten- and workshop, $1,046; Sunset a.m. All bring a sack lunch. Jun-
tative rates subject to quarterly eel- Landscaping, fence, $220. ior horse show will be July 5
endar adjustment upward or down-
ward by 0,5 of the difference between POLICE COUBT at the Posse grounds. '
the average of the monthly Douglas- Appearing on the docket in Shel-Bell Riders meet on July 10 at
fir region indices, as calculated by ton Police Court Monday night 7 p.m. at the Ben Williams for a
the Forest Service for the three prev-
ious months, and the following base before Judge Rolls Halbert were I trail ride and bring your horses,
indices: Douglas-fir 116.85(E), western .... Robert Dillcnberg, negligent driv- there will be a boa fire, bring hot
hemlock and other species 93.78(A), : i,~'~,~
western redcedar None. Such adjust- ~ ing, $30 forfeit; Jack H. Allen, dogs, buns and marshmallows for
ments in the price for sfhnlIzage shall ~}~ drunkenness, $10 forfeit; Harold your family.
be applicable to timber scaled dur- i F. Allen. drunkeness, $10 forfeit; CPL BILL NINEMIRE recent
ink the three-nlontl~s period follow- Edward Beatty Jr. drunkenness, lv left" for Cherz-,, P,,*,,* ~ o o¢"
ink tile quarter for which the ad-
justment ls computed. In no event, $10 forfeit;Francis X Beattv, ;~ ....... ~--~':'~' "".'::' ?"
' • ~ ~vv ~penutng ~wo weeks wi~n his
however, shall tile paylnent rates for FLAG RAISED--Scene is during flag-raising at drunk and disorderly, petit lar-parents, Mr and Mrs Geor,~e
each quarter be less than the base the Washington Corrections Center, June 12. Del ceny $100 fine and" $250 costs"Nine " "" ...... "
rates as stated above. When the ad- "' ' ' ,' mire oz ~ittle ~KOOKUm Bill
lusted rates by species are lower Weston, Commander ,of Fred B. Wivell Post 31 James R. Deyette, no operators is with the Marine Co"
than the base rates, tim differonce 0f the American Legion (nearest camera), Tom license, $15 forfeit; Paepheal L 'v"
between the total dollar value of tim- Townsend of Legion Post 31 (directly in front of Johnnid,} negligent driving', $44" .~ , , '
bar cut at adjusted rates and at Weston), and Frank Kokett, Commander of Post fine and $2.50 costs; Ernie Corn- SHERIFFS OFFICE
base rates will be recorded for caeb
species. The stumpage rate~ for any 1694, Veterans of Foreign Wars, run the Wash- adore, drunkenness, $10 forfeit. Albert Windell reported that
species will not be Increased above ington .State flag up to join the "Stars and Stripes," SHERIFF'S OFFICE All.RESTS he came on someone trying to re-
the base rate until the ~ubsequcnt as an nonor guard composed of members of both Booked at the Mason County move articles from a cabin on
adjusted l'ate~ above base rates dev-
elop an accumulated total dollar val- veteran's organizations stands by. After both Sheriff's office during the past Isabella Lake. They left when he
ue In exces~ of the rcc.rded accumu- flags were flying, Ernest Timpani, Superintendent week were Albert W. Allen, driv- showed up.
requestedlated differenCeby the Statef°r allot "WashingtonSpecies" If: of the Corrections Center introduced Dr. Ga,'rett ink while intoxicated and carry- Bruce Paris reported hub caps
or by Mason County or by any pec- Heyns, State Director of Institutions, and Law- ing loaded pistol; Michael West- stolen.
son deemed to haw: a reasonable iu-
NO. 8682
vs. JOHN POPOVICH, Defendant.
last week
home of
24, this
held at Vi
er's of
worked o~
bird and"
cha. and i:
rence Delmore, Assistant Superintendent ,of In- lund, minor in possession of liquor; Mr. Scott at the Agate Store
and for which no bids arc received YOU ARE tIEREBY SUMMONED to terest in the proposed sale or in its stitution- t^ *"- --": ........
• ~ : : '. ....": ~ u u,~ ,*uu,~nce a~xeno,ng tne ceremony Colin Sutherland, negligent driv- reported a theft.
shall not be reoffered until it has appear within sixty days after theterms, a puulic hearmg win PC n(uu F II i ' '
e z ( f est ~u)ez~isot O OW ng mtroductmns all three men s ok r
been readvcrtised. If all sales cannot date of the first publication of this in th. off c.~ o the For' " i "'~ ", p e b iefly, ing, minor in possession of liquor; It was reported that sameone
be offered within the specified time Summons to wit within sixty daysPost Office Building, Olympia, Wash- Later a reception was held in the visiting room of Gerald P. West, minor in possesion; entered a cabin belonging to Jack
vn the advertised date, the sale shall after the '18 day of June, 1964 and de- ington on the 26th day of June 1967 th~ "^n" ....... ": .........
' " . ' ~ ~*~ ~,, aL wmun COTTer and oougnnuts were (if ]iqnor; Roxie Boedecker, Port Cairo at Indian Beach.
~ontinue on the following day between fend t:he above entitled action tn the at 2:00 p.m, PDT, Requests lot' 1)ub-
the hours of ten o'clock a,m. and four above entitled court, and answer the lie hearing will not bc considered • Orchard, driving while intoxicat- Ted Morris reported a boat als-
o'flock p,m.. . . . complaint of the plaintiff and serve unless received ill the office of the ..... ~ ed; John M. Wilson, indecent liber- sing.
Sam umuer on saia tans will be a copy of your answer on the under- Forest Supervisor, Post Office Build- ties; William A. Ashley, vagrancy. Aubrey Thomas reported an of-
sohl for not less than the appraisedsigned attorneys for plaintiff at their inK, Olympia, Washington, on or be- il~l dlL • I [] I •
value, as appraised I)y the Co:minis'- 0ffiee below .~tated; and in case of fore June. 19. 1964. Dated .hme 1, 1,(,64, ~,l~ |ilaaaa ~]l~i#idl~ll~k~l~ N~.~===~.J SHELTON POLICE fice and'storage shed on Highway
sion(T of Public Lands in the mannor your failure so to do, judgment will Lloyd G. Gillnlor, Forest Supervisor, IIII tIIIIiIIIII;RII I II _[IIIII IIlW IIIIIIIIIgI H Louis Layton reported someone 101 North broken into.
provided by law. a notice of whichbe rendered against you according to Olynlpic National Forest. , I~ll[][]VI~t|lY~I1~|sVl41~Ii[ Bll~|~llt~U drove on his lawn. George Barker reported concrete
is now ou file in the office of the the demands of the compbdnt, wlliell 6/4-11-18-25 4t ~ ~ Cars driven by Mary Morgan and metal pipe stolen fronI his
Auditor of Mason county, and ]~ts- has been tiled with the Clerk uf the ~ by Mabel Kidd J~tmcs Itickson home were Mr. and and .lohn Auster'muhl collided on lot on Shorecrest. •
triet Administrator of said district, said Court. The object of this action
Ternls of sale are: Cash or install- is 'to oblain, a degreh of d vorce on the NOTI( IN'O'DI;¢549NA! I Ol~ DAYTON---Mrs. Gary Dillon J Mrs. Burwin Carver and son, Dav- Laurel St.
ment plan basis, grounds of desertion and abandon- " " ""~'- J"s'" :": ~ (Joyce Kidd) was critical'ly injured I id of Auburn. Thomas Turner reported a tool
BERT L. COLE ment and to secure the absoluie care. nr, a~, ,:, ','aTr: • : .
IN THE SUPEIIlOR COURT OF THE, Satnrday when her car hlL a hght I Elizabeth Hickson attended the ~ John Munger rcported a bench box and tools taken from a house,
Commissioner ol Public Landscustody and control of tlle nflnur child STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR I standard between Tacoma and ] Matlock Community Church picnic ] taken from the Dairy Queen. on Highway 106.
'EAL / " ' of the parties
S 6.4-11-18-25 4t ~ -l' " MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE O1--m ia Sh dozed ~t ........ ' " . Dan Millet' repot'ted someone Douglas "Evers reported items
................... RTI UR & ItANLEY Ill th, Matter of the Esttlh~ ff L M y p ' • e l u~e wneel btmuay with the Alle ~ Hicksons [
--" Attorneys for Plaintiff KINGSBURY " Deceas~d. ..... I causing the car to go out of con- I held at Schafer Park. had scratched marks on his ca]'. taken front a cabin on 'Mason
NO. 3503 ~ By JAMES O. ARTHUR NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN lhat trol. She is in the St Peler's Hos- La~-P :r ........ I] WentZand Eaglea sparerep°rtedtire a license Lake.
NOTICI,,' OF IIEARING FINAL OFFICE AND POST OFFICE ON n he~ t ~) zt~ ' " " " , ''y t, son Ol ~eaLtl( ls
Rt';PORT AND PETITION FOR ADDRESS: DELORES SIMM S, "l ' :lIac'.z pital in Olympia and at this writ- , " ~' ~' ~ ""
as exceutri× of lhe above ~state will. . " • dov, n tos)(,nd thc snlnlllP.l" wi h ltab
: DISTRIBI/TION ARTHUR & tIANLEY sell at private.sale and to,' cash th'e for mg is not allowed company, his eTu ~d~arents Mr arl~ ~zl!~ were taken from a car owned by New Case-Irlo.vd Bnrris against
IN TtIE SU'PERIOR COI)'RT OF THE 400 Washington Avenue
" " e" • o, ~ .............. Dic.k Valley and parked at hi's Mr. and Mrs. P~'eston Armstrong,
lowing Described real estat ]
STATE OF WASHINGTON ~'OR Bremerton. Washington " ' ' . " -. A stork shower was held June ISeab Combs. I
( ) 11 l~ the home of M~s A ]~
MAS()N COUNTY IN PROBATE 6/18-25-7/2-9-16-23-6t Tracts thr~e (3) and f( ur (,l) of ' . • : '. . E. [ .... home. " debt.
In lhe Matter of the Estate of ~ the Tyee Dick Traets, in SectionI Lemke honoring Mrs. Janlcs ~ ~~~ -- --"
CHESTERNoTICE IsL' TAYLOR,HEREBY DeeeasCd,GiVEN that l NATIONAl). FoicFORESTSALE TIMBERtwo (2), TownshiI) 21 North, Range I Dou~hertv~, a. Co-hostin• ~, ....... .. .... ~,~,.,~ ..... H ~
4 West, W.M., according to the IT ................ •
s 2~. I'IDDILS uecoraEln tne lit
ALLAN TAYLOR, Executor of tlt0d BINGHAM 1963 ~(o. 1 plat ef ~he s dd Tyee Ditk T :ti6t .... '. - ' g g : @ '
above entlth, d estate, ties flied in the / Public nOtice Is hereby given that in Hie offh:e (,f the Auditor of [table were flow(,)'s and a stork fig- .~. ~ ! b
o~f!ee of the Ck, rk of. said Cm~rt ,a/pm'suant tu the pro;'isions of gee- Mason C(:unty Wasl,ingtun SUB-J nre Plizes were .... h,r Mr,, ,~- . : v ~~~
vH,at .tteporL sn(l - eLztlOn ior uzstrz-/ti0n 5 of Public Law 273 78th Con- TO lUbllC) ,,ads,' I ......... .............. :-' ....... I
bution~ asking the Court: to settle said |.~ress .... (58 Stat 132-16, U'-~ ....... ~ ^ 5~3. ~ ' | ups t.osta, Mrs. l~u(! Willis IVIrN. ¢ ~~~ '. +~
r'porL distribute the prol)crty to tile [ 583L) and tho Coo,)erative A,q'ee to tl e h g]lesl and best bidd ' B d~[Jalnes DOllghcrty Mrs John An-I _ .:~,~:~.~.i
t,);:~:=2ns tb,~rot~i,t.,~ntttled a11d' to Ills; ]mcnt fur the Managenlent of the Par- • • ". " " • ..... Z ....
mUSt be subnl[tl:d lZz wrlinzg and lnay [ dorsolt "lnd ~r'[r'~ li'ri~, ~ ...... h,.I ] ~ 1~!~'~~2~ ~ ':! "
'~i;2;g~.~'' ='~'~r2~'n':t~as ~"~xyeu~0v.;.anu|tcipating Forest Prupertes in the he left with Ule executrix at 12t /oti;er fiesta w('":" .... ": ....... _'~..'.1 ~" ~'~':~~k~ll
• a, ~ .... revo '~ an~ peudon wh, ue 1 ' ' Sout~ F( ' S eet, Shelton. We. ll-/ . • , . 2' ~. ., ' j ~, ..! ::
. ." . ~- . ,'. ~ ..... /She toll Cooperative Sustained Yield
n~al~ (~l ~,l~((~raiaa~,.ot jtt~y, jsb.?.|Unit entered Into by and between tile ington. Bids will be received unttl J Ovlst, Ray Gudger, Don Smith, [ r
• :,~ '., ~,,, . m.ure.[ze. u~ IUnited .~tate- "f A.~..;.. .,.~ ~h.
¢ ....................... thL. date.°f ~.~.~,. . .. /w. L. Price Bruce McQuilkin [
saidday, or as soon thereafteras ]S mn.~on Timber Comnanv dated De Tn! sale wzu t)e nm(le tn ~r mt ~r, C]if~ ,.~ , ..... ' ~.
r. ~OlO ~vans Wal£(l Ch i ) ( V
flit ...... mattrrcan be heard st the. Court /c(.ni"-. h u(r az,"~ au~o,'n'2 an" nmrcnantame" :' " .... urn-"June 2,), 1964, the executrix reserves /D. ., " ~" ~:I P ~ , J =
) ~ 1 an 1 ds lck Leonmd Un tbl o
room of the above-entitled court, ]n |bar ilmrked or designated for cutting the right to "ebw, t I 1 y d a bi ¢ • . , t e t attend but ~' ~ .--_--.i.
~!:;:nltCour~la~l...!~ ~/elto.n~` M?;~on |on an area embracing 257 acres" nzore DELORES SIMMONS ]sending gifts w(rc Mrs l'loy( • ~C~,~ ~ I
• a',a . g~u,, at wd,C~l ulUS "o[ less withi: ..... :: %" " Executrix ~, ' ' . '
) ' ' , I ~ecuons ~ a u lo T. O_T~-~ i;' "(~('~I:tT~TI~A ,Barlow, Marge t ord Mabel Kldd
and llace any person Interested in said |21N R 6 W surve,,ed' 8cctlon' S4 .......... , .............. M --" ' ' , [ ~ [2;,:i~ I I m~
t zx IS Al Davis
Eslste may appear and file objections /~ 22 i~l ~" '" "" ~'~: " ..... ' Attorney for Execu ". I '" .', ~ " S Nichols, I • i,~(~,,~
e t f ' , .,~. o w. W.lVl., partzally
th r o and .e°ntest~ the same. |surge--e-', y.u, ~'ing,am~ ' ~toca ...... mason Bell Building : Estelle Bunnell and Ginger Hick-J ~ |;~ ~ ~ |
DATED tlus .Sth day of May 1964. ~o~ t ' "
lr A]'I~'~A *N)f '~rA¢~.~"I~T'~ ' ]C m y, Shclton Cooperative Sustained 121 South Fourth Stree.t son I ~ }~).#~ ~ ~ 1
..... .¢ ..o,a ~.... • / ~ld Unit, Qlympic National I orest, SheltonWashington " • I V t::*q ~ i m
6/11-18 2t Satu]day evening callers mthe ~~
~.~ ~,~ w. " o~.~ ....... *'~"" |~on Timber Company Seattle Wash-
" ................... In z " ' ' ' . NO. 2808 '
............... .,..., gton, ,n Joiy 6, .64. The ,:at,- NOT,,,,,: OF TOO Lair/.'- P.la ,f. ='v
• ,. ,; ...:=,a,... " /mated volumes are' 9 000 M board
]21 South ~0urth Street cet o.. Do!glas-f)r, .7,000 M board ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOK ........ • •
• , " leeE el Western |IeUUOCK anu otuer I)ISTRIIIUTION '_~ '" I ~.
Shelton, Washington 6/4 11 18 25 4t species and 400 M board feet of west- IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE ~ARS 3 wheel baud saw an( motor, | ~ ~:k*v.~.
' '" " " ern redcedar. The mininmnl accept- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR uracil very little, $50 cash,Phi,m, ] ~ ''
426 2046 ~ ,.
---'--------'--~ able bid per M board feet is as for MASON COUNTY .__!. "' '. M 6/1~-25/
NOTICE OF ~ATER RIGliT lows' Douglas=fir $2345 western flea- In the Matitr uf the Estate of LOST---()-N}2--~-~ ', .......... -;.-" ; ..... ; 4
.... lock" and oU£r sp;cl 's h .20 ,h a ', . , .... u,.. ,t w ,,,,,,t
FRANK O LOCKWOOD Drc as d. I)( (" " "- - • * '
Sq~£~,,~..wa..SHIN(~..N. oFI'~U~western redccdar $9,15. This includes • -- ........ _ _==.:.. ~ .... a:n ~t rmvsaort~l)llli [(wud
NOTICE IS HI~,I¢.EBY GIVli]IN ~nat ]-'h,t,,, ~or ~no'o ~" I *, "' ~ ' '
.::~.l~.~.t)~r~.v.l~tJtL t)r' W A'~EJI~ Ll~./- the following rates, per M board feet Marhm Garlond, Jr., the Admhlistra .... 2-'_n_e 4"~D?,,?o: ............ ~ 6/25-7/2
Su( rICES, .oeI)aruncnL ol t;onscrva- for stunma~e (lncludin~ denosit' for for With Will Annexed of Ule ahove ItENMORE Washer hi good o)er0.1ill~"
lion Olytnp's Sa . .- -- , , o .- ~
• . ~._..~.. , le ales bettcrnlent). $3,(gJ base late cstale, has filed his fimll aceeunt aud rendition,autonmlie fall4')6-3',72
........... plus'an additional $1"9,95 for Douglas- )etitien for distribution with the before 4 p.m., 426-6098 evenings,
~,i~tttmuuyv...Snar,ynR. Frank-lir, $2.00 base rate plus an addl-above court, and lln, court is asked ............. $6/18-7/9 ,up
lin (if Shclton, Waslflngton oli May tional $11.70 for western henllock and to settle said accouut, distribute the ..................................
21, 1964. filed application for pcruflt other species, $8,65 Ior western red- property to the heirs or persmlS an- JUST LISTED: If you ~'ant a place in
to divert the public waters of Island Cedar and $0.50 for Mash disposal titled thereto, discharge, the Admin- the eountry, this will b~' hard to
Lake, in the amount of 0.01 second,lor all species, The prices bid for istrator W. W. A., and close said as- beat. Lueated on a 30-~ r¢ tract. 0t'
foot, sub,teat to existing rtgh~s, dur-sturapage shall be considered as ten-tatc. , 8 ,,ties uut. Nea,'ly n,,w 2 ,,dr ,,,n at our NO-TRADE PRICE! Get a Full Set
ink irrigation season eadh }'car for, tativo rates sub~ect to quarterly cal- Said account and petition will be home with fireplace and ~l)at:Jo[Is
the purpese of irrigation and as need- : cudar adjustmont upward or down- heard by the above court, in the Pro- kite.hen. $]1,950. Call A, Roy Duns, ' ' ~'
ed for fir(, protection that the up-Iward by {},5 of the difference between bate Dcpt. thereof, at the courthouse Realtor. 726-6363. or Eves 726-4601 * TUFSYN
proximate poiht of diversion is Iocat-[the average), o£ the monthly Douglas- in Shelton, Washington, on Friday. or ,126-8074.
ed w thin> Lots 14 & 15, Block 2, Cor. I fir reelono indices, ........... .. o,d,.,,1.t,.,z... -..hv the 17th day of July, I964, at the ............. 6/18 Tdp[e.t¢-pered¢ordsf0~'exl(#Sm
recthm Ilat of IMand Lake of Sectl0n |the Forest Servii:e for the Ulrec pre- holn" of 9'.30 a.m.. and ,lily person hov- I~OUND: l-0-fi-."" g;;:ee;~ };iyw';:,d-skiff * 3-T RAYON
To,.nslltp 2o N., Range w. vious nlonti,s a.d the to.owing base i,lg thereto mu.t present 1he r.seu.d off I oodspo. Flida,...", : *..---..-.----.-'
in Mason County. indices: Douglas-fir 116.85(E), west- same on or before, sold time. 8'77-5362. . ' W~
Any objections must he accompanied crn henllock and other species 93.78(A) Dated this 5th day of June. 196,t. i JL~lt~ &'~-~..$s .L m_/']kl"]t~J~kUV]~l~ ,,p,;
by "t two dollar ($2.00) recording leo western redcedar None. Such ad- LAURA M. WAGENER .................... 1r 6/18
and t hd wiih th~ State Supervisor of
""a" " ~'- : _. : " .. ; ." justlnents in tho pried for stunlpage Clerk of the above Court FREE oz~e--gih)i/ii"-~,i:'-A-iiilh"W -ro,,t i tires with the same fine Go0dyears that tome on the newi.191
w ter ltesourres within Enlrty (30)shall be applicable to tinlber scaled Marion Garland. bevr to Jim Howell Jr. at. 1 Box
days from Juno 18, 1964, during the three-months period fol- Attorney for Estate 72 A at Mhzol's A aad W. D,..e-ln : Save 25% on the No Trade-In
Witness nly hand and official scal lowing the" quarter for which the ad- Office & P,O. Address: on Mt. View. i
thts 28th day of May, 1964. jltstment is computed. In no event, 205-7 Dietz B]dg ..................... 6/18 i ' ofa NEW SET of Goodyel
/M,.G, WALKER . ~ • howevor, shall the payment rates forBremerton, Wash. 6/]1-]8-25 3t Galbraitii Gol?--(~i"iiez~--g{(;~vsgi;i,g(h,us THE SAME .... SIZE NO TRADE-IN PRICE-- L
~z~,~upcrvlaor o~ waft..... caeb quarter be less than thc bane ...... gr,zss --, Graystone of Shciton 711~
st '. ourccs, e/]z-l~ ztrates as stated above. When the ad- NO. 3552 and Park St.
~-"~7'~. ~ ~'~.... justcd rates by speclcs are lower NOTICE TO CRI';DIT(IRS 6/]8-7/9 ,it FAMOUS GOODYEARS ,r~.,...,.k~,,,,,, FIRST 3 TIRES= '
• .u*s~.~ u.~ nr,~a~u than the base rates, the difference IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF' THE
NOTICE IS tlEREBY GIVEN: That between the total dollar value ol STATE OF WASInNGTON FOR, Leg I THAT COME ON 600xla -
the Board of County ComnlJ,sioners tinlbcr cut at adjusted rates and at MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) ... Pubileatiol s ~o~
did on May 25, 1964. pass a Resolutioff hase rates will bc recorded for each In the Matter of the Estate of 1964 CARS s h0~ 13 , 4.SSe.e
declaring their intention to establish species. The stumpage rates for any JOHANNA C, ANKER, Deceased, NOTICE (IF WATI,;It Rl(i11T 7.00x 14 | 27.05each ~0CHt
a County Ro,ld, declaring that said i spar,as will not be lncreas(~d above NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN that AI'I'L1CATION NO. 18528 " ~] 7.50x14 28.65eachl "i ~0CH'
STATE Otr WASHINGTON OFFICE 8.00 x 14 3].35 each !
zoad was a public necessity, and in-I the base rate until the subsequent the undersigned, Evelyn E. Carlson, OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- ~i t~0Cgg
st, rutting theAr Clerk' to arrange for]adjusted rates above base rates" de- has been appointed "m(l has qualificd SOURCES, Depurtme'nt of Cons,,r-
8.50x 14 34.45 eacll :~ NOC'~
publie Hearing at which time tbelvelop an aeemnulated total dollar val- as Adlninistratrlx of the estato of Jo- 6.70x 15 28,65escV~ !~ t~0CH~
County Engineer would report as to/uc In excess of the recorded aecUln-:hanna C, Anker, deceased; and that vation, Olympia.
its IleCe.~sity, and uther d~tails. / ulated difference for all species. If all persons having t'.lainm against the TAKE NOTICE: 7.10x 15 ~ 31.35eac1~ ~ ~0Ctt~
That Earl L, Nelsou (tfTahuya, 7,60 x 15 : .34.45 esc I ~ ~0.CH~
Said County Enghleer, iiaving here-/ requested by the State of Washington : said deceased or the said estate are Washiugton on M [y 28 ]96i fib .~ 8,00 x 15 39.05 each: NoCHt'
tot(ire bleated the proposed road.'fur- or by Mason County or by any person i hereby requtred to serve lhe same,,, . .... , , . ~d , .-
nisllcd the following description of:deemed to have a reasonable interest duly verified with the necessary vou- plicatmn for permit te d v(rt the I ill)- 8.20 x 15 39.70each ~ N0CHIt
talc termini of said proposcd road, in the proposed ~sle, or in Its terms, chars attaehed upou the undersignedlie. waters of an Unuamed sl)rtng ill , ,
which will bc posted by tills Notice: a public hearing will be held in the Admlnlstratrlx or ]l(q" attoraey of rec- theto existingaul°unt t)frights,0,04 second-fort[i( n ~t ot slvSUb}ect' for *Plus Tax on fOtlr tires.
Description (Revised) A. Burkhart office of Lhe Forest Supervisor, Post ord at the law office of :13. Franklin dun]e~tic tlm~ and during irrigati(m Whitewcil]s Iliad ovoiloble ot slightly
Right-of-way Easemen[ Beginning at Off tee Building, Olympia, Washing-:Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton,
Ilm N,E, Curncr of the SE!i of the ton, on ,the 26th day of June, 1964, Washington, and file mwh claium l(t- season fur irrigation each y.ar for II~e ~-
Section 7, Township 21 North, a,t 2:00 p.m. PDT. Requests for pu~- gather with proof of service with the purpose of gvoup demestie sup ) y aid Need only one or two tires? Ask for
Range 1 West, W,M:., this baing the lic hearing will not be considered Clerk of the above entith,d Conrt h'rigation lhot the approximate point y D?
NE corner ef tbc Burkhart property, unless received in the office of the within six (6) nlonths after the date of divrrsion is h,eated within SW', NO Mona wn! ~I
thence S(,uth 88o 54' W 695.85 feet to Forest Supervisor, Post Office Build- of the. first publication of this notice, t)f NW~ .f NE~ of Seetiun 19, Town-
tl,c i,litia, pot,it and o,, line wi,b ing. O, ympia, Wash,,glen. on ur be- to-w.: 28 May 19 4. ,,r all ,:lai,,,s not