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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington ....... L~ _. m __ I , i 'i od. li"iiu I iceAt il ................................................................. Skokomish k .verv Home | i k Thursday of 11 slipped ~ hile¢ i ~ • returned llonL© By Frances C~tto ,daughter of Tacoma, with her chil- Mrs. Haines and Roland Willson had a. dessert pa.rty and eveningI ~_.. ~u u_L.._.- n.__Jl ~_ WMh___L ...... .Jt hospital with LILLIWAUP -- Nearly a hund- [ dren. [ had 100O aces and Mrs. Aaro and of cards at the Pat MeGrady home. ~ ~§~]]'~ |n| i~ ll~l~lr~nv~l~ | which she expe red patrons of the Lilliwaup post] "It was very rewarding" said Matt KaaFe, 1500 trump. Father's Day will bring many l IilU~IP lgdBU|LV|I$ |I|| |~ ilgVll#L|V~V~ ! weeks and the! office and friends of PostmasterII~rs" Evans when comments were Friday evenin~ July 26 is the, dau later and. n,u-~visitiUgts o tlleS°nSCanaland P q~ KAMILCHE ..... Monday night and were a~ay, a week, arriving ed by a walldn..~, Faith Evans turned out Saturday]made on the successful affair and[datc o}" the nex~ car}i p,)u'ty, t(;It°urists } ^ .g s. or ~;:~.~.~:~ t~,.o nlnl~'in~ ~t~ft~ ~Y~@ of last week the home of Mr. and home just ahead of the devastat- i. Jimmie ~,~,~ afternoon for the open house held lthe extra work she and her hus-]which the public is invited." ............ e .................... . ........... l" ' ' una~J {t ..... ~,~ ,.c-,~v,,- p,--r ,-. ,~ r~,,~, ||l~fB§| ~,Je,AU~ ~Ir,~ Jack Avery of the Kamflchemg floods m that area .ospltal S in the remodelled and newly-equip-iband had done to add to the at-i ,~l[,,~ ~,,,., ............... ).. ~ ..... u, ." ........ ~,'s ~a.~ ,r~.~Kr; .... • . " ' ' ' " d ~ ov ~ ~,~,u, ~com,~ s ...... ... ,...~:~:~.~ ..... +~... n~ ' ~h(, 'vmmal ...... point road wa:~ completely destroy- Mrs. A1 Lord delegate spent aration. ped.. post. office, building. Comments tractiveness of, the bmldmg, an / ...r.M s. _,~..~,Vnn~o -.s.~e..~,~ ~ r-.~ ..e.~ u Vance i)y the visitors throughout the af-Ithe grounds. 'We appremate the/h.,lne l.~s' wo,Uo,n 'v ...... ~ ..... ~' :::mc~t~'e"brela]~l~i~t;~ {~in'~" ~.iven~ tt ,~y .~Iary vaney ed by fire. Avery was at work and week at the State Grange Convert- Victor OttOQ ]:' .~ ,,' ........ ~_5... : .:~ ~'.~ ~,..[~.~ SKOKOMISI-{ -- Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Avery and thc two children tion at Wenatchee. Mr and Mrs. arrived at the~ tcrnoon showed community appre-'~cooperation of our neighbors anti ]~.~=~. ~,,~:: ,,~.'"~'~,'~:,,,7"~,,:=~,,~"~ ~naen~t,~Cma~;,sn,~{S,b,,~T~c x~.~;~ Harold Hunter have as their house ret;u'ned l~'ome about 8:30 p.m. to Herbert Nelson also attended thethe Martin eOtac clarion of the modernization re- friends in preparation for the }d'~'i~*h"|~"" N"~'l~''~f'*'NorSh'~L~'l'~]~,~,,=~,c ....... " ....... :. ,'. ,~r~.,,.~.:~. guests Mrs. Hunter's brother andfind the house in flames, none of convention and also enjoyed vist- from long B ' sults and the special efforts made]opening. We are surp~4sed and[=~£~%:-~-o,~,-~'~=~n~'-a,,,-~."~,,"i,~-'~h~ .... ~ ...... ',,s ~ .... se ..... ~ , e ........... • "'~" ......................... ] ~:,,,,~, a . -: +~ o .) m ~" v~,fe Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lancaster the contents were saved. The Ave- mg points of interest in the area, turn to Oaklan! by the postmaster and her family. ] pleased w~th the response to our [ Vance.~ ~ ~ "'" ...... ; ......... t " " ' ' ..... . ......... trom Andrews, rex. Sunaay after-zy's had lived in this home about a Rockey Reach dan] and the beaut~- Mr. and l~r~. Flowers were. everywhere, through-n invitation." / --:.-:Mrs-- F'~rroll" Simmons .... ot venice, ] Mr. [L1]~I £v]rs, .Jolln A., ~.~lLtl~ ~)I noon the Hunters and their guests~;ear. The fire started in the attic, ful rock gardens at Ohme. Gar- Portland last~ ments°Ut thesentOffmefrom, beauhfUlcanal gardensarra ge-for I ter*-~nedLilliwau"Vw~t~C°mmunit''~ "oq,,~-5 ClUb~u .... en-. [] Calif ...... .... arrived Wednesday. to spend.]./ inSe,;~ttleKathryn. " , w~tn, .andtnen.'Carolyn. fl ~ugnt( ~ s,~ .., wil]~.~"i; ,~(°mel~°', - Rhododend~ ondr°xe ,. to Brinnon. ga~ dens.,, cud visited the eitheror the frOmgas hueS" faultT1]eyin planthe wiringto re-- denSMzs.nearLeroyWCnatchee.wh~te, of St. Mary, warmgtheir' .~'rand'dahome the occasion A guest register was,business mee~ng ~nd~evcnin~g"~of/~evcral daysas the house guestfor the wee,~e,m to pay a v axae,'s ' scntly 1 on Idaho ent --" ngat S mot • • . ' " o~ ±wr. and lv, rs. a 1~. ~.;a~to and th~i:o? 2: UlrdtearYs, V~;tsi"nTOny ;tu~ay at the servme, window, and .c°ffee I ")inochle~ frida-', ni~'hts in the corn-. / Mrs. franh..- Robinson. ' " M~'~ .... Sim- ~,j~,~n.~v]ng mSP h~at and. cookies wcle served in the I munity hall. The business meeting ]man~ ts--childhoor] friend He Mrs ~hVl ~slt:t~oMr. Carlos fathcl, ofl~I.~lan~:~latMlsjelChc~fnnGlCgde~s~s b:~ilvden~ndtra~:t pre (rz are .................. ¢ ' " of Mr and Mrs Arthur Johnson the Claud Wheelers have moved ' n a Mrs. Don White er. spend the s w) a. ! will be the last until the second~ Catto and ha- visited here at the Mr.~. Dortha Carey-Johnson of Thursday evening, from the Craddick house to Mr: and Mrs. Percy Adams are cuts, Rev. an¢ Canal postmasters assisted Mrs [ Friday in October The series of ! ,_ me o~ Mrs ~ :" ' • " "l e] Aberdeen former Lilliwaup rest- .._ ." .... ~ ..... Schneider s Prairie spending this week at Warm in~ She will • ' ' . ' . " • no • I . wa~to s parents, t ~. ' • , f l~loel'~ an(1 Allen ~rllll;fl ~ugene, " b. EvanSlhe, guestsm ;welc°mingThey: wereandMrsServmg, Belle [[card°ut thePartieSsummer.Wdl continue through- ]of] n'vnnu_ ..... thetr"'-~"e":"",'~l:¢r~hilt, ...... rode ce"'in ~."-~hm ..... ~L'l" "Jw'~t~"{'-~hq~" ¢]., V~p. [ de~t s;~ts a2~:~g.httte tl)]~_~rneMo.. O~t:: ~v~.c ;ts~t~igs t~i~:i g~;anddPar- is lV~s;erYdiLgU thN:~vm2t~ 2[ tShee~ t~ SP~.nDg?,gl~ eng::is home from Cen- ch~rchiCgm~ Strtne, Potlatch, Mrs.=BettyGood- ] Hostesses for Friday night's~ She has been enjoying seeing well-]and lvh's. Bill Ing, Tuesday of last S,.f~'~l.~, "c'allcrs at the S~auld'nS~ Petty home. trails Junior College and is work- week were paster, r~ooospor[; ~ars. wanaajpinochle party were Mrs. Walter S.[ remembered pl~aces in this vici-[ week. She and Mrs. N. J. Sccva liomc' "were Mr~ and Mrs A1]e~ This week is the seventh week of ing in Shelton. Mainwaring were hmche( L uests of Mrs J ev el Nilsen,.Cn.!on. arid Mrs. Ellen Moz-[Allison and Mrs. Esther Christen-]nity and was enthusiastic about] ~" " ~ g "" "" " Eina~'sson and "dau'~hters"" aug istic meetings conducted Folks camping at the Starcase Mr. and ~ett, suos~tu~e postofflce employee sen • • i . /our beautiful flowers, both culti-]L. Cattn and spent the afternoon ~ ... ~. , , s ' " by Rev. Marvin Moe of Port An- Camp above Lake Cushman last and Mr. an 1 m Scrabble Miss ~sth~ Joanson and Ron o s a w e at Lilliwaup ~ -~ , , c i p ay" g"' . ,q . .~.- .! ' . . " , . ~ele. t Kamilche Church. Various e kend were Mr. and Mrs. C. drove to Au ~ " t 2ars. Christensen s daughter, rate I and native blooms. Much of hxv( ly spen~ th( wc eKeno with h z hes ~urprise visitors were Mr. and lMrs Frank R Phillips who re-Iher time has been spent playing] .................................. ~. ,~ " ~ ~' c u "c of the area have been Blackwelder, Mr. and Mrs. Harry where they Mrs. Joe Oakley of Seattle. Mr. I cent'ly arrived l~y air from Ankara I golf on the Shelton-Baysi~orc/ NEW MEMBERS her parcuts, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid participating. ~immons, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stans- 'of the flet~ Oakley is from the regional post- ~ Turkey, with her children, was a I course, a pleasing contrast 'to the] Seventeen new members were Joimson. MISS CAROL MARSHALL of bury, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cole, Ward. office department. They were din- ~guest at the club affair Mrs. [ overcrowded golf courses in Call- ] given membership cards and wel- Pare Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Seattle spent last weekend at the and joined on Sunday by l~r. and Mrs. Anni net guests later at the Goodpaster ] Phillips' husband is stationed with I fornia. ~ corned into the First Baptist Mrs. Bill Hunter, celebrated herhome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ed Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.turd;ty even home in Hoodsport. ] the army at Ankara. Their daugh- I Sunday 16 members of the fatal- [ Church June 14. A reception was 6th birthday Saturday with a Chester Marshall. Harry Simmons Jr. of Olympia. Mrs. Myrtle RELATIVES of the Evans faro- ~ter, Louise, arrived earlier to stay ly gathered for a salmon barbecue] held following the service honor- group of her Valley friends. TheMr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor VIOLA THOMAS, four year old ily from Seattle and Tacoma were~with her grandmother, and the/at the Catto beach home. Among~ing the iollowing: Ricky Aitken, children enjoye~ playing their fa- spent 3 days at Boseman, Mont. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert present for the open house and iihree sons, Robe~, Michael and those present were Mr. and Mrs. iJulie Archer, Debbie Bariekman, vorite games and eating cake ann ~ spent the weekend with them. i Bryan followed with their mother. Pat McGrady, Mr. and Mrs. Vic-~Christy Carlson, Lynn and Bruce ice cream. Those helping Pare to i iu --i They included Mrs. Florence Ross, ~ Prize vrinners at cards were: [ tot Robinson and son, Frank, of| Deffin})augh, Charles Beerbower, celebrate were Brad Lyman, Deb-i ~'=~L=m~ ~]~'~A~]I--J ' ~- -j ~l | | motller of Mrs. Evans; a daughter, ]Mrs. John Aaro and Roland Will-[ Bremerton, the John Robinson/ Mr. and Mrs. James. ..... Doherty, Cam bier John~onRedman RJaynee AnnCleveland'Calkins Ker-Liz ........ nsmn _ .,_,__,,,Mamma, ,,,,mnn n,m ,,,,,,a~a Mrs. Cliff Nelson and children, and ison, first; Mrs. Nels Morken and family from Tacoma, Pierpont]Doherty, Cheryl ~rytness, r~OCKy y , a , , v L a brother, Jim Ross, with Mrs.~Fred Johnson, second; Mrs. Frank i l'4obinson of Seattle and his fian-]Howarci, Chuck Carey, DannyGary, Kathie, and Bert Stevens, A | ||| | | ~" • Ross and their two children, all lB. McIntyre and Fred Martin, pin-icee, Miss Lorna Jean Main, of] Schnitzer, Dale and Don Whinery, her cousins Ja.yne ;and Greg Hun- i~||~m~nm ~1[~ |t ~|~|~ of Seattle;Mrs. Robert Wahl,] ochle and Matt Kaare, door prize.Tacoma. On Saturday the group ] and Debbie Carr. ter and special friend and helper, 11~|~|||||~ll||~ ||q~lL~| |! * |~|~|||~ Linda Coffey. • MI~ ANIi MR,~. Alex Donald- By Sandi Tlnwma, n is a summer guest of the Syd An- son visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sha- HOODSPORT --- Excellent fish- derson s. rer of Allyn on Sunday ing has been reported from Lake ~v~r. and Mrs. Bob Gray and Guests 'last week of Mr'. and Cushman Resort the average of girls from Centralia visited with \ Mrs. Humphrey Nelson were Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Brownfield. Mrs. Harold Hunter and Mrs. Agnes Hanson of Shelton were re- Valley at Agate. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Evans and fa- mily of Seattle spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn. Linda and Karen Evans stayed for a few days visit wil.h ti~eir gr~nd-paI'ents. h~r. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson, TELEViSiON i Jennifer and Bruce Milton, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. STEREO-' and Mrs. Arth~zr Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. George Valley, Sue and Jan of :Island Lake were Sun- d~3" dimier guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley. Mrs. Eugene Brown had as her One Only GHEST.TyPE G,.E. *j Thursday - Friday - Saturday Only m CA.~.~ • 23 eu. ft. N • Thiu-wall Insulation O • 805 lbs. food capacity W • 658 lb. capacity • Porcelain interior • Door Shelves FAMOUS I I-INGH TV Weighs only 12 pounds NOBODY .UNDERSELLS MILLER'S APPLIANGE DEPARTMENT IN G,E. MAJOR APPLIANGES Slml) at home Free Delivery • actorj'-trained Service MANY VALUES IN USED APPLIANCES ALSO Easy Credit? You Bet! First Payment In August A Subsidiary of the P. N. Hirsch & Co. THIRD & RAILROAD PHONE 426.8215 PETE MELIN Manager eleven silver trout per person has the Norman Grays last Friday been counted. The lake is rising and Saturday. up seven to eight inch daily there- Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Colter moved fore all boat launching facilities to Olympia for,the summer. are useable. Mr. and Mrs. Millo Dilley of The Boy Scout Neighborhood Copalis Beach are now residents Patrol went on a camping trip of the Hood Canal. ,,' this weekend to nine streams. MR. AND MRS. Mick Simmons Those participating were Doug and Julie of Port A~geles have Underwood, George Miller, Kurt moved to Hoodsport. The eom- Grubb, Perry Hovey, John Greg- munity would like to extend a Dry, Jack Smith, and Robert and welcome to the new couple. Rick Fredrickson. The Timber Cats Pinochle met Anna Johnson is home after a in the home of Mrs. Arlen Nes- The five.week vimt with her daughter bitt. Prizes were won by Krem- Bennie and family Mr. and Mrs. Pete held Koenig and Mrs. Ann Fel- lind all Vis~,er in Crescent City. strom. Anna reported that despite the Jim and Helen Simmons spent MARTHA damage done by the tidal waves last weekend in Hoodsport. The citizens were responding magni- Simmons are from Shelton. guests the past week Mr. and Mrs. ficently in the rebuilding of their Harold Brown of Los Angeles. town. MR. AND ]'vIRS. Paul Hunter's Mrs. Johnson also spent time grand-daughter, Ci~risty Hunter with her grandaughtcr and family of Dallas, Ore. accompanied Mr. Mr. ahd Mrs. Don McMullen of !and Mrs. Roy Eells to the Seattle Santa Rosa. q'acoma airport Friday to see her Home for the summer is Judy cousin Steve Eells board a plane Nicholson from Weste[~ Washing- !or New York and from there he ton State College in Bellingham. with a group of students will fly io Europe on a tour. Mr. adn Mrs. George Barkl~V/" spent the weeke]~d -aiith Mr. and 1V[rs. Ed Kortnik in Seattle on their return Iiome from the Wash- ingfion State Grange Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Gec~rge Valley, Sue land Jan attended the wedding of ~ h~[rs. Valley's nephew, Richey Da- venport to Miss Jean Sporre of Salem, Ore. Satm'day afternoon at the First Baptist Church in Turn- water. Mr. aa~d Mrs. Alvin Hulbert, Donr, a and Mike and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hulbert and family also at- tended. LABOR COUNCIL SAYS LABOR GOSTS REMAIN STABLE In a staLement issued this week, the Mason County Labor Council said : Labor costs in the United States have remained relatively unchang- ed in the past several years, while labor costs in other, countries have zoomed: Labor costs are not necessarily increased by higher wage levels. It all depends upon what happens to the amount of goods or services that workers produce in an hour. In the United States of recent years, productivity "has shot up- wavd significantly ..... especially in heavy industry. At the same time, real wages have tended to lag be- hind increases in output per man- hour. A recent study appearing in the Ap,'il Monthly Labor Review, pub- lishcd by the Labor Departmcnt, reported that lhe 1957-62 over-all increaso in U.S. unit labor costs was one or three percent, depend- ing upon whelher Federal Reserve or Bureau of Labor Statistics- Commerce figures are used. IN EIGItT other industrial na- tions, unit cost increases ranged up to 26 per cent. Ctlnada, had an increase of four per cent on labor costs, Japan 14 per cent, and "~Vest Germany 26 per cent. Considering production workers alone, 17.S. m]it lal)ov costs were liuchanged or Clown ihree percent, clOpol~di~K upoli 1he index used. Italian production worker htbor ('~)sl,s dee]illed OI1(~ pLq'(~ellt, Sxve-. dish costs were up 19 pete(rot, ailrt ]~1% lJ('h pl'odllcti¢)l] worker llllit labor costs Wcl'e ui) 20 per- (.(~nt. All of this gives proof that "hi~,'h" II.S. ~wlges are not chas- il~ this nati(m's g'o(,(!s out of world or don)esl.ic markets. Over ail, Lhe U.S. c(:nup('A.itiv(; position has iln]:)r()ved (:onsi(lerab]y. So fa~' as the IJ.S. suffers disadvantages ill world t, rad~% the problem often enough is ti~e unwillingness of U. iS. firms io taih)r produ(:ts especi- H iy e, onsiInler goo~ts ........ to tho re- MB. AND MI¢S. Roy Pierce were given a house warming party by friends June 12. They received a money tree for their flew home on Sun Shine Heights. Mr. and Mrs. George Behrens, E1 Cajon, Calif. are visiting the Jim Thurman's and the Gean Spauldings. The Behrens plan to leave ft)x' home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Anderson had weekend guests from McCleary, Dr. and Mrs. James Arima, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jenkins. Jane Shumatc is home for sum- mer vacation from Central Wash- ington State College in Ellens- burg.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kann and daughter~ of Longview were week- end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickinson. Hood Canal Community Cl~urch opened it's Bible School last Mon- day with a large enLhusiastio at- tendance. Mick Tarrell visited friends in Hoodsport for two weeks and has returned to Fort Ord, Calif. Miss Jackie Stacel is home from Clark College after graduating last week. Miss St.acel is planning to leave this weekend. Danny Tough of Toledo, Ore. quiremcnts of foreign markets. The JOURNAL GARS '62 DODGE DART 4 dr. Sed ........... "" 145 H.P. 6 - Auto. - Radio - Heater - Power $!' '59 RAMBLER 6 W'A'GON- '61 PLYMOUTH 4 dr ................ V-8 - Heater - Automatic '57 FORD STA. WAGON V-8- Automatic '56 RAMBLER WAGON 6 cyl. '55 PONTIAC 4 dr. '55 CHRYSLER 4 dr. '58 FORD PICKUP ..... '54 DODGE• PICKUP 6 cyl. 4 Speed Trans. Front & Railroad For Your Home -- Economical, For only a few cents a night you can light up your front yard and driveway, you can install a modern efficient light near your house or garage, you can banish the darkness around your patio or recreational area, Here's * An efficient and naire designed .... Visualize YOUR home with one or more of these modern, efficient lights. Think of the many advantages you will enjoy and the peace of mind you realize if your property is effectively illuminated after dark. * A built-in on the !lght as turns it off next * All brackets and complete installatl© * All electric power ation of the light, * Free maintenance burned out bulbs. The Low Cost Will Surprise You -- Get Details JACK COLE TOM WEBB ED TAYLOR Presiden.t Vice President Secretary JERI LiVE BETTER ELEGTRIGALLY - ~:-------22: "7" ~ -~ "'.'7--.==__-- .... -'= ....... ~=