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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1,q 4 S ELTON--MA (5 OOUN V .TOURNAL PuNi. hod in #< ' , -- Ohr2.qfmnstm( U.KA.', ,%eRon,. Washington PACE 11 • ! Seattle Grand GIRLS' STATERS IN ELLENSBURG 3 HIS WEEK ' ;; Soctal Even t$ Session Enjoyed -" : Central By Local Jobies • Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 J ~d.e.grees at ............................... No. 37 who attended Grand Scs- W r. Satur- sion in Seattle last Tlnlrsday LT~r ~ t~ ~ 2atil Tine through Saturday reported three and Lin- work and fun filled, days. Attcn- the Scottish R~e temple nunlhered the Uni- 1200 Jobies and 315 adults. eonllnen- xvoro Je- I~ McKa Oaks, Temple. ced his de- at coin- SAW Awards were presented fin' the best scrapbooks and librarian re- ports at the Satnrday ramming session Highlight of this meet- ing was the awarding of ten scho- larships to members with higJ~ scholastic standings. Grand Bethel officers and re- presentatives for the coming year were installed Saturday afternoon. Bethel No. 37 was honored by hav- ing one of its men]bers chosen as a representative. Sandi Smith. chaplain of the local group, will se~we as Grand Bethel represen- tative to the Philippines. Grand Bethel officers are selected from honored queens and past honored queens ~vhile the Grand Bethel representatives are chosen fronl girls who are not line officers. Cheryl Bead, past honored queen, was selected to carry the Cana- dian flag and Diane Turner, mar. shall carried the Bethel flag dur- ing the flag ceremony at the for- mal opening of Grand Session Thursday night. Honored Queen :Marcia Dorcy, St. Princess Terri Turner and Jr. Princess Jan Powell were in at- AN ACTIVE MEMBER of the 1964 SHS graduating class, Kathy tendance at all meetings in their Archer is looking forward to attending WWSC at Bellingham in official regalia. the fall. She will major in education with plans of either teaching elementary school or English on the high school level. * * * * HOOD CANAL CLUB Kathy Archer gained some prac- The oldest of five children, Ka- .. PANCAKE BREAKFAST .. ~Acal experience in her future re- thy was born in Shelton Sept. 25, cation during her senior year at 1946, to :Mr. and :Mrs. James Ar- :Members of the Hood Canal. Wo- Shelton High school, A '64 grad- man's Club will put on a Fathers' uate, she took student teaching as cheF, 115 Birch St. Her brothers Day pancake breakfast from 9 a. one of her senior subjects. Her are Jim, 15, Doug, 12, and John, m. to 2 p.m. this Sunday at the hope~ for the future include being three months. Her only sister, P~latch clubhouse. Donation for an elementary or high school Eng- Nancy, is six. Kathy is a 5'8" adults will be $1; 50 cents for lisb teacher. She will attend West- blonde with blue eyes. children under 12 years. The pub- ern Washington State College in Her subjects during her senior lic is invited. Bellingham this fall to begin her year, in addition to student teach- training, ing, were chemistry, civics, home,~.~.,~- Kathy was an active student as economics and English literature. ~ ]~ ~, well as an intelligent one. She was number 11 in her graduating Baptist BibleS h~0~ class and a member of Honor So- C ciety. She also belonged to Girls' Athletic Association, Future Program Is Planned Teachers of America, Scarlet "S", Pep Club, Library Club, Latin Club, :Math and Science Club and"Ben Voyage" is to be the theme was in the senior play cast this of the vacation Bible school clos- year. She was president of Latin ing program at the First Baptist Club, vice president of Library Church Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. Club and Sgt. at Arms for Pep During the past two weeks, the Club• school has had a total enrollment Last yeer Kathy was chaplain of 289 and an average attendance for Job's Daughters. She turned of 260. out for tempts in her sophomore At the program, each depart- year and lists reading, riding ment, beginners, primaries, and bikes, swimming and sewing as juniors, will present their work her favorite pastimes, and represent the countries they have heen studying on "Around the World With Christ", the Bible A Series Of IO 'school theme. Everyone is invited to attend. SMILES OF ANTICIPATION showed on the faces the Evergreen Girls' State. The annual event gives of (1. to r.) Teddi Travis, Terri Turner, Reta Carte leaders from' each school attending an opportunity and Joan Quimby as they left for Ellensburg this to participate in the study of city, county and past week-end to spend the week on the CWCEstate government. campus as Shelton High school's representatives to * Government is taking first place in the conversation of 350 high school girls this week as they gather on the campus of Central Washington College of Education irr Ellensburg for the annual ses- at's oo Is Planned To Start June 4 ...... " .... " & 'Iamie Cummings, Olympia IIb~~ ,~ For Information Contact : =!~ Ala. Ford, Phone 426-6940 _____FACIHG ______TRAFFIC , CARROT RING is Leona Osterman's contribution to our collection WINNER, AAA TRAFFIC SAFETY of recipes. Filled with a cooked vegetable and topped with a cheese POSTER CONTEST mushroom sauce, this main dish can be made to serve any num- m bet of people by changing the size of the mold used to bake it in. i With Leona in the above Journal photo is Kerri, one year old, • and Darren, three., An unusual main vegetable comes afmost to top. Bake in 350 . • • , degree oven 45 minutes to one iflmh ~s thin week s reciue FIll the . . " . . . center of Leo ~.^..:..'_,. ,-,~. hour, or until set Let stana a~ou~ rot Rinz with =-o,-, hoan~ hens 5 minutes on cool spot to draw or cauliflower, an°'cl-t'o~'t~"-',_ ,_ w,th'"~-a from. sides and bottom, . Turn .°n cheese inushrt,.~m ¢~u**t,o selwlng platter. Fill center with our f m'l 7 ..... . ". ". " green beans, peas or cauliflower: Yoticeac~aYnWiU sit up. ans take SAUCE: 1 can cream of mush- carrot' eat ces a}[e, those non- room soup and 1 Tbsp. cream of have been ers. wont reaime .mey cheese soup thinned to desired latter is e~tmg carrots undt tne consistency. Serve immediately. p " " . ea.. ,Leona, a native of Shelton, met Bob when he came to Shelton to work on construction of the Cor- rections Canter. He is originally from Juneau, Alaska and now works as an engineer for the Simpson Timber Co. at its new plant. The Ostermans' have two youngsters, Kerrl, one year old, and Darren, three years. Last year Leona was president of the Vickie Lee Orthopedic Aux- iliary. This. year she is state di- rector for the Jayettes. Her hob- bies are reading, sewing and mu- sic. • ¢ $ ~1= CARROT RING Grate enough carrots to half fill a greas ring mold. Grate an o~ion on fine grater until mushy and sprinkle over carrots. Crush to 6 soda crackers and sprinkle on top. Add pats of butter on top of crackers. ]flake a custard' base using 3 to 6 eggs according to size i of the mold. Instead of using su- gar, add salt and pepper. Pour custard over mixture until it Ghrislian Soienee Servioes Are Set The first chapter of Genesis -- coupled with explanatory passages from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy --- will form the nuc- leus of the Christian Science Bible Lesson-this Sunday entit- led, "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" The Golden Text is from Psahns (33:6): "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth." And from Science and Health: "All that is made is the work of God, and all is good" (p. 521). The Summer Reading Club is in full swing at Shelton Public Library. ~he theme of the Club l this summer is "Big Game Ant-! mals of North America . Any boy or girl who has a l~lbrary card: can join. Reading one book is the admis- sion to the Club. The member then gets his membership card, on which he ean record the authors and titles of the books he reads. For each book read, he adds to his card a sticker with the pic- ture of one of the game animals. At the end of the summer, those who have read 18 books will win a red ribbon; those who have read 10 books will win a bhm rib- bon. The winners will be present- ed with their ribbons early in the school year. :Many fine books, beth new and old; can be fmmd on the library shelves. Some~ favorite titles are "A wrinkle in time"; "The horse without a head"; "Princess and the goblins"; "The hobbit"; "One morning in MaTne"; "The five hun- dred hats of Bartholon~ew Cub- bins"; ,'Alice in Wonderland". Summer is a good time to get acquainted with a new author, or to read on a new subject. Perhaps some members of the club will want to read something about the animals whose pictures they earn, although this is not neces- sary. "~ black bear's story"; "Foxes and Wolves", and "Wild animals of the far west" are some of the interesting m~intal books. Save on Falcon... America's tota_../performance compact! Trade now and save! We're celebrating the sizzling sales and scorching track record of our '64 Fords. Hottest trades in the West! Extra-high allowances on every Ford, Fairlane, Falcon and Thunderbird in stock. Be sure to check Falcon for size and bonus savings! And don't wait too Iongt Quimby and' 2~erri Turner. The girls were "clued in" on what to expect and what would be expected of them when they at2 tended a Girls' State Tea held in Tacoma recently. The event, which is sponsored by the American Legion Auxili- aries of Washington, was started ~n 1947 with 94 girls in attendance. Since then the enrollment ha's in- creased to the present 350 and will be increased further when facilities on the Ellensburg cam- pus pm~it. FORD HAS THE BIG RECORD IN OPEN COMPETITION! Since 1~2, lord his won It out of the I|st 13 bi 500.mlll.lnd.over NASCAR toad and track eventsl FORDS FORDS DATE TRACK FINISHED DATE TRACK FINISHED 5-27.62 Chlniotta, N.C. 1, 3, 511 6-2-63 {}flarlottn, N.C. !, 6, 7, 10 6-10.62 Atla0ta, 6a. I, il 9-2.63 Dadinl(ton, $. C. I, 2, 3, 4, I 9.3.62 Oarlln~ton, S, C. 1, 3, 7 11.17.63 Auiusta, Ga. I, 2, 6, II 1.19-64 Rlvetdde, Calif, I, 2, 3, 5, I 1-20-66 Rive~dda, Calif. 1, 6 2.23.64 Daytona 8each, FIe, 4, I 2.24.63 Daytona Beach, Fla. 1, 2,3,4,5,10 4.5-64 Atlanta, Ga. 1, 2 • 3-17.63 Atlanta, Oa. I, 5, 10 5.24.64 Charlotte, N.C. 4, 7, 9, !O PAULEY, INO,, 501 Railroad Ave. SALVATION ARMY TRUCK The Salvation Army truck will be in town next Tuesday. Dona- tions may be left on the porch at 325 North 5th street or phone 426-6564 for pickups. GOODWILL TRUCK The Goodwill tmmk wil be in Shelton next Tuesday. Anyone de- siring donations picked up should phone 426-4847. This year's Girls' Starers are sponsored by the' Shelton and Hood Canal American Legion Aux. :iliarie'S with financial assistance being given by the~ local Zonta Club and the Shelton Kiwanis Club. '-- ,t ' i'" "l The great engineering step pioneered by the Big Threc of automaking illdustry wllen Iht, y came Dill with the "'cot~p:lct" c'u's for 196(I was a great day for cl/r designers, l_II~ until this tilllC (h, sigllt'l'S :tll(l e]lgillt'~'~'s have spent nearly all of their creative effort on modifyiny models that were nlremly (h,- signed. This time tl~t,y gol o~ll their drawing board and sharp- ened their pencils with enthu- siasm. This was the challenge they had been waitit~g for. and ninny tlO\V ideas lollg stt)re(l ill tile dusty bottoms of desk draw- ers, were incorpol'alcd ill thos(, new models which mark the greatest rcvoluiiet] in aul.omo- tire history since the V-8 en- gine ia the earl~ thirties. These new models will be something to watch, all right. QUALITY SERVICE at a FAIR PRICE . . . For all your TIRE NEEDS . . PASSENGER, TRUCK or TRACTOR... NEW or USED tires available at MERV'S TIRECA# . . . 1st & COTA . . . 426-8104. Copr. 1960 Std. Features of Wn. i i i i u , NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances--No Commission Charges Mason County Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON make it a very special day for CANDIES FATHER'S DAY-SUNDAY-JUNE 21 THERMOS (IT $12.95 AMBASSADORS 2 Ibs, 4.25 ! BUY i i 2~O/o ' i I OFF Eleolrie Give DadNs favodte 1 Ib, $2:00 assortment in this special gift box. "re G.E. Electric Slmshine Kit was $ Jl 41 96 $29.95 .dr. JL e ASSORTED 1 lb. $1.60 CHOCOLATES 2 lb. $3.15 Dad's favorite--wrapped just for him Sunbeam Electric IN EVERGREEN SQUARE