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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pay Tile eXChange No. Odd Fellows And ] Wives Hosted By Ruby Rebekahs Members of Sheltoa Lodge No. 62, IOOF and their wives were entertained by members of Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 at the re- gular June 12 meeting. Dining room tables were decorated with the three links emblem of the Odd Fellows. Refreshments were in charge of Mesdames Ira Yule, Ma- rion Helser, Wilfred Jackson, Marie Smith and Eva. Willis. Entertainment consisted of a community sinK, a reading by Mrs. H. L. Alexander and a Friendship Train skit by Mrs. V. M. Jackson mid the Misses Dorothy Schwieter- ink and Mary Dobson. The Jmle 26 meeting, which will convene ai 8 p.m. in the Odd Fel- lows hall, will feature a memorial Service conducted by Mrs. Dave Price, chaplain. : EAT OUT OFTEN-- 1934 Olympic Highway North on Mountain View LUNCH -- DINNER --- Fried Clams ~ Oysters Hotcakes .Anytime = OUR OWN PIES! '." ,~FGOOD COFFEE INN Ea. t of :Facing the Canal eialt-y: -- CHICKEN CHOICE STEAKS Phone Union 808-2322 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner ,qh lfnn, Wa. hmfffnn ,~',,~ i•1•: 4 miles from }toodspm:t on Lake Cushman e Water in the Panoramic Dining Room CHAR,BROILED STEAKS SEAFOOD , CHICKEN ._the LIARS, DEN Banquets-- Parties 877-5388 for reservations if desired On Hood Canal near Potlatch on Highway 101 ST--. LUNCH --- DINNER ~pecialty -- EN (finger-lickin' good) ture SEAFOOD, tool i88 ~. Take-Out Orders! EAGLES INSTALL FRED STUCK, RUBY LORENZEN AS HEAD OFFICE HOLDERS FOR ENSUING YEAR . # L :L?: .... {' ~0*,r >~ AMONG NEW OFFICERS installed f, or the en- suing year by the Eagles Aerie No. 2079 and its auxiliary June 9 at the airport hall were Fred Stuck (center back row), president for the aerie, and Ruby Lorenzen (center front row), new auxil- Bridge Club Sets Next Monday For Master-Point Night ,/ ;=% iary president. Installing officers were Mable and Johnny Bartell (left) of Kelso with Leona and Wendell McCraskey of Olympia (right) acting ~s installing conductors. School Glass Reunion Highlights Vacation Trip For Croppers Attending a 50th aaniversary reunioa of his ldgh school gradu- ating el ~.~s in Everett last week was highlight of a vacation trip tor Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper. Catching up on lhe years made far a busy tiny and evening as 50 of the 90 member.~ of the Class of 1914, which was the first one to graduate from the Everett High school, were in attendance. The Croppers began their vaca- tion by visiting in a former home- town, Port Angeles, for three days where Mrs. Cropper attended the %Vashington State Garden Clnb annual meeting. They had a chance to visit with several former Shel- ton couples. From Port Angeles the vaca!ion- ors went to Seal tle. where they also lived at one time, to visit and relax with old friends before con- tinuing to Everett Belfair VFW Gives Flag Sets To Ohurches Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club president Gordon Bennett announ- ced at Momtay evening's meeting ~R m~ster-point night will be held Y QUEEN 221 North lst st next l~onday when the group in Shelton meets at 7:,~0 p.m. in the PUD Recognized as THE place for thick SHAKES auditorium. All people playiug that and smooth SUNDAES, and NOW from night will I)e able to play free the DAIRy QUEEN'S ldtchen- HAMBURGERS following Morday l~o,.'th-souti] winners lhis Men- Sad FRIES. Phone 426-8091 day night were ]V[r. and Mrs. Dick RE 'URANT 3 miliisWest or Belfair and PASTRIES on Itood Canal ~riety of DINNERS e Crestview 5-5321 Perry (Olympia), Mike McNeil and Bob Bennett. Mr. and ]V[rs, Vernon Partlow and Eva Aamodt and Jack Graler (Olympia).. • Winners for east-west were Ag- nes Murray and Bill DcWoert (Olympia), Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hartley, Percy Bean and son, Steve, (Olympia), and May Graler (Olympia) and Jane Bennett. A joint public installation of of- ficers was held by Eagles Aerie Sets of American and Christian flags were presented to the BeN fair Community Baptist Sunday school and the Full Gospel Sunday school last Sunday by the Nuel Curtis Post and Auxiliary 5372, Veterans of Foreign Wat~. Commander Kenneth Orandy and Mrs. Gordon 3. Squire made the presentation at the Baptist church while Mrs. James Huffman and Miss Vallie Willey presented the flags at the Full Gospel chUrch. Commander Grandy gave a short No, 2079 and its aux]'liary June 9 at the airport hall. Installing of- ficers were Mable and Johnn5 Bartell of Kelso, with Leona and Wendell MeCrasky of Olympia acting an installing conductors. The Gig Harbor drill team assist- ed. New officers for the aerie who were installed include Fred Stuck president: Curtis Cammack. vice president: Frank Mako. ch'~plain; Earl Leggeti, inside gua~'d; Ernle Stuck, outside gttard; Frank Mar- ler, secretary; \Vinston Asche treasm'er: Gib Maltett, conductor Albert C. Lord. Lynn Cole mid Wally Dundas. trustees; past pre, sident, Lester Dorsett. Auxiliary officers included Ru- by Lorenzen, president; :Myrtle Swearingen, vice president; Mable Cammack, chaplain; Mable Long, conductress; Dorothy Eads, inside guard; Agnes Lung, outside gamrd; Opal Asche, secretary; Florence Marlcr, treasm'er; Clara Stuck, Bertha Lord and Winifred Morket, trustees; Jean Dorseit, jr. past president. ROYAL NEIGtlBOR S There will be a meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America at 7:30 p.m. next Monday in the Me- morial hall. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Willie Quinn and Mrs. Bonita Williams. Martha Dunbar will fm'nish the door prize. EAGLES AUXILIARY Members of Eagles Auxiliary No. 2079 are asked to wear [heir for- reals to the ,Tune 23 meeting at the airport hall. DRIVE INNext to 'rwanoh State Pa,'l, on Hood Canal in the Dining Room Phone CR 5-2354 MORNING CHIPS ~ FISH ANDCHIPS *ELUXE B~JRGER RS FOR ONE OR FAMILY of all the cars you could buy for under $2,400O_Q_0.o 'row think of this: Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick? ,?: . , 1964 Buick Special V-6. $2,343oo* Suggested Retail Price for Special V-6 2-door sedan. Price includes reimbursement for Federal Excise Tax and Sug. 8rid Handling Charges (transportation charges, accessories, optional equipment, state and local taxes additional), BUICK DIEALEI~ AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER IN THIS AREA: talk on the care of the flag and correct way to display it. All pre- sent at botl~ Sunday schools were given a small American flag in honor of its birthday. DIRT DOBBERS The regular meeting of tim Dirt Dobber Garden Club will be held at 10 a.m. next Tuesday in the PUD auditorium with a potluck lunche- on planned at noon. TO WALK DOWN THE AISLE JULY I I YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK DEALER! See the Buick Exhibit at the General Mot0rs~~-~--New York World's Fair_ , ,~ v¸ , , THE JULY 11 WEDDLNG plans of Miss Janet Lentz and David Sharpes has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lentz, Bremerton, formerly of Shelton. He is the son of M. T. Sharpes, Bainbridge Island. Miss Lentz Is a 1963 grad- uate of St. Mary's Academy in Winlock. Her future husband grad- uated from Shelton High School in 1961 and is now stationed with the U. S. Navy in Umatilla, Oregon. Vows will be said in St. Edward's Catl~olio church in Shelton. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses at the Mason county auditor's of- rice this past week were: Joseph C. Hansen, ~0, Potlatch, and Diane Jepsen, 18, Puyallup. Earl Deyette, 20, Tacoma, and Marlene Leeberg, 16, Shelton. Donald G. Andrews, 20, Shelton, and Helen J. Schneider, 18 Shel- ton. Stanley G. Zaniewski, 21, Shel- ton, and Janice Markuson, 19, Shelton. STATE MEET ATTENDED BY LOCAL WOMEN Shelton Garden Club president, Mrs. Henry Hansmeier, and vice president, Mrs. 3. C. Bridger, ac- companied by :Mrs. Craig Elliot at- tended the Washington State Gar- den Club annual meeting in Port Angeles June 10-12. The Olympic Peninmfla and Cross-Sound districts were hostes- ses for the three day event. Foursquare Plans Bible School Program The closing program for the Daily Vacation Bible School Cli- max will be held Sunday evening, 7 p.m. at the Fourquare Church. The theme ~for the Bible School this year has been "Jesus, the Promised Savior" and each day has bz~ought some significant pro- raise of the One who came that He might bring life to those who would believe. Each class will hav¢~ part in the program. The craft will also be displayed so that the par- ents and friends will be able to see the projects which have been completed during the two week period. The Sunday School will begin Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. The pastor will speak at 11 a.m. Rev. Charles Gosling, mission- ary to Costa Rico will be at the chnrch June 23rd with the service beginning at 7 p,m. Rev. Mr. Gos- ling will be telling of the work in that area --- showing pictures of the missionary program and giv- ing other interesting highlights. It Pays To Use Journal Want Ads i See our circular for the lid of Sizzling hot prizes on hundreds of bargains for your summer needs. - . t I II L | PRICES EFFECTIVE 18.19-20 RIGHT TO LIMIT Open Sundays 9 to 8 Shank Half '°'° 45' . AVG ......................... Lb. • Butt Portion '°'° 55' • Avg ....................... Lb. Hormel's Reseal Package . 5 varieties.6-oz. 1 Lb. Fresh local Ranch AA Med ................. Betty Crocker Ass't. Layers 19-oz. Pkg. :CI~OCKER All- Purpose 40-oz. Pkg. Oream or Kernel Corn Cut Gr. Beans or Peas Tastewell 16-oz. Tins Mix or Match Thump|n' Ripe California ............ Lb. Large Fresh Local, For Tasty Salads ........ HEAD Large No. 1 White Rose California Potatoes .................... 10/69¢ Plums ca,,f Burmosa Sweet 2/25* Lge. Size ............ Lb. |11 II I I PACE 1 L ?[ ;'!i 7 i~i!! i:1