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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 16 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ- Published in "Chrisfmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thl .... :- 11 i ....................... r ..... i -- .i For Sale For Sale Sporting Goods Wanted Pets, Livestock For Rent Real Estate ~ARBIE DOLL CLOTHES! Unique iHOOVER FLOOR washer, $25; Ken- APACHE CAMPING TRAILERS --IWH~L CARE f). c l d "m tr (lderly AT STUD --m Registered Arabian -- LAWTON APTS., furnished and un-]ANGLESIDE CORNER lot 90 x 120 TItREE B~ bags, exclusive. The Wax-NzWool[ more 3000 W" Heater, $10; Wilson] H, H. Blake sah!sman. For infer- peoph~ in your hobm. Experienced. ]]]N Nat f. 'l:stnut, 15 hands io~ fnrnlshed one hedrooms apts, Ample for sale• Phone 426-8563.'No Satur- age (dec shop, 1303 Olympic Highway Soutn. [golf clubs {rod cart, 2550; metal_poker mation phone Union 898-2342 evenings Ph(me 426.4838 ]~ 5/28 tfnblood line will 1 i ~e grade i~mres storage• All utilifies included except [ day or Friday night calls, please. Vic~v~ ~aJ ............. /= a_/;~u ~zn tame ~zo; oaroeeue ,~o; steak gmwes [ 6:00 p.m,weekends• Send fro' frec I'HANDY ~h~., ---7~.qA--~X~.~T'~. "with vet, Cert. H (). R w ~ at. 2 lights, Reasonable. 7th and Pine Sts, I NAY FOR SALE --- $25 per ton. Phone I $5. American F o~torla glass- J brochure. B 5/7 tfn ] think it"ca~a't'-be~xef, O~,~'ll ,~you Box 627 (Agate Di:d.) phone 426: ] Plmne 426-2121. 5/16 tfn ....... _&7/4 tfn TWO--~D FOR SALE ........ It~[d'~;o()d-blbnde finish I~rtable (conversion) $5; Antique "~)oat~i~ -- ]6 ft. H(,llywood-style,._~.?2~_'2_. 426-3_0 .... __ 2/12 trn 1) . . Ci:~m~;t~nt~YaCl.ta~b FOR SALE -- Five acre tract ~A mile Road ~or . -' "--' , -- ) ~.•~.~.. .)...•.~ ¢~an "u* .class andn and 40 I p Evinrude motor WA.NTED---1006 recappable tires OKH - .table. with two..!eaves,^four match-[ t,;;e;.":r~m~t~';~s. 'r'{a;'£..o ,:b',~st*~of" 'draw-I $750. Pbone 426-'8491, ' W 5/7 tfrlRubber Welders Mt:Vlew. 1/10 tfn ~'Sg:Ft~Id~ u•on[ Oly.mpia ttighway on Arcadia wood. ~lt z~oau. 'rl~rce bedroom hurtle, sand- panes ) lng cna]rs. ,~zo, Fnone 4z~-4z~t. .... .. ers "$10, Phone U~i0n~ 877-5540,t J~OAT'FOR SALE Z± 195.(t-Ghissl)i i;-18' t]-i)U~SEW()RK--wANTED-b~,--clay--~]: sa(hih,s'i~n,l bridles, lm'/ludil~g ~Juxlior I " ' M 6/18 tfn I stone fireplace, wall-to-wall carpet garag(, . z'.:------~-~--v,..-......--__.._..____F ~(.a..t.In ] - M 6/18 Seafair Sedan with twin 1959 Evin- hour. Plume 426-8457, B 4/16 tfn sad(lies, Coniact I-I. O. Rowe, at. J GATEWXY--~.OXR-TMb~N'~S --~ Fui;n: I in livlngroom, wood furnace, double Nice ~ art garage. Also new drilled well. $8500 ..... 4548: " ' " C 6/4-18 I nursery seat, play l;en. baby swing, I ['rieasiiS~'(ngi"E'9~r' o?'ex';;'asa":~ ~':'~']_._ CaH 426-4378. ...... V 4/1.6 ttn HORSE SHOEING d,,ne in Mason area. Watt,,• and heat furnished. I Coenty, your Hace m" mine Jim Adults. Inquire 119 East Cedar. Ph. IA BRAND---Ni~)'---fa,~t).)r.--~-fresh ..... fi/;dt~ | 18 cu. ft. Freezer. Phone 426-6090All items lit -e~ ..... (:,o.~ ",..:..m, .~..' I WILL DO IRONING l~ ]ny home Hills. Call 426-606,1 or 426-8876. I 426-,1895 or 426-4481. G 6/11 tfn ] ' " ..... 618 .... ~ ~ ................... " ' Mc / ( r. . , ., downtown area $1 00 per hour grade 3,~ H.P. vertical shaft re-] ............................................................ ] Full Price $1,)7o.00. Call 426-3357].) ...........,.. '.., : .~ • 5/14 tfn FOR-RENT-LL-'35-~-Ti~s-et]:~]i~r~2 dirt F E da U 1 ¢: I non rtxo oolq 2vt s IJnal lOSi om placement engines for mowers or I TOP SOIL, gravel, fill " • • • Iy,., o • 426-629o evenings and week- ] ~ ~ ~' " ' " "' ' ~.-? ..." Two H()LSTEIN feeder-bull calves ] bedroom. Phone 426-3169• B 5/28 tfn ] .... " •o ns deep ........ -- tillers, $32,95 exchange. Cooke's, 219 [ Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn [ ends. H 6/4 tfn I _oa!19: .................. 0/~a un for sale. Ph(,nc 426-8792. I MILL-CREEK~Ivi()TEL~6h-(~--AKd [ drilled wcll,.excelhnt water ~upply, LOCAT]}t~ South 1st, 426-2412. C 6/4 tfn | REDUCED --- 7 x 35 binocnlars, coat- [ i~ViNRLi~)-~--~-d--i_~o-~n-eI]~-0t~t.b0~dJ [ MEN WANTED ----TlTail~--f()r" Open- B 6/18 I two hedroom cottages. Call 426-4420. o acres, (3 ~/z pasture), 1 ~,~ nlerch- Dearoo~ .. ~fi~'i-0:i~7-~-'~;¥~-Ki?v'~,i~--SW~"~. ....... ,~, .... __ .,V~7;# I ed lens, guaranteed,, ,Regularly, mer $34,50,ho Sabre Cr_ftn boats. Sales~* nd service°" .... ings iu welding (all phases) hea~y antable timber, young fruit trees Will: .aett go, d condition. Call 426-6178 morn- ] NOW $29.45 at Zlegler s Ca _i%S ...p ] Hood Canal Marina, Union Wash ] "J-OtIN'S POODLE PARLOR -- Co'-~= I Highway 101 south. S 6/11 tfn ] oermes and fine garden spot. 426~ consicler cquHnncnt operator. We have StlC- plete poodle grooming, address, 106]BEAUTIFUL_--{i~re~--b~ln-'-llo-tl~-I ings between 7 a,m., and 8 a,m. at'- | ....................... ;~/~_ tm I Phone 898-2252 '3/21 tfn [ c2ssfully t!'ai.~md, thousands l~0r over A2~6c~d!a St. Appointments o nl~,;..CallI comph,teiy 'furnished, fireplace', [ 8563. No Saturday calls, please, up. Balat ter Sa'tUrdays.' T 6/4-18 I BEST OFFER OVER $100 -7 ~argel40--i{I)--S(2oTT-ou[ifo~u,(l--n~-~)-tor_-(;|~;~:'l ~z years• wnte o0x ~, c/o J•Ot.~z~nat. 3~ODE'~ ........ A 5/21 tfn $25' .per ..... u-gO,m~ ..: .......... a z/;~ un piano, etc. on sheltered Lilliwaupl RN 3 BEDRO(JM-'h~u-S~__~i)~ 426-6958:._ 1~ksTT-~T¢.'~'TR-A'IL"ER~'-$~O(J'-fS"r [ /)scene and. Club Chair set, ~:oam [ tric start, reguhtr leg with co'ntrois [u-~v~--~.-~¢~-;-;~-;-~--~.~----.-~--~ '~° t~l! FOR SALE .... AKC registered Austral- I Cove. Available Sept, 1 until June 1 I baths, large family room flre'olac~J. , ~-ISSI-()I~ 1"_ o,,uHv ,n ~nn ouch w.~;:n~) ~,~ I runoer cusnlo~ a%;xcellen[, con~l~.lon I .t295 Also 71/,h D Mn)t|n ¢~th,~,,1) I~UIU l'/klLN'l'll~i- ,~'IU an(:[up AlSO --a---. ................ e ......... '- ' f *- • -/2 .a ....... ' ............ %- ' • ' lan TeFrlel pupplt.s, males or re-[ $85 month References required. Ph• I W/W carpet, built-in kitchcn "-l)las-' 127' x. 66! • utt,n son a~nr, ~ a/~ ~e IPhone 426-8635• T 3/26 t n 1 ~35 Phone a')a ~r,a~ ..,,.~.,.~ ' [ housetrailers boats etc Phon,~ ..................... - ..................................... , ' " ~ Bex 137, Shelton. t hone 426-6940. I ] tered, uncrowded lot, (8 act'es) 4] watertr~ ~BA-~D---NEW--~i-0-t~i~L---f~--~o-la¥o-id/REDU~wyer's 500-watt 35-mini S 6/11-251 426-4322, Inquire 1202 Cota St. zl)ales. Weann, Star Rte. 2, I Hoodzport 877-5535. Mc 6/11 tfn miles south of Shelton -- 426-8894. I 5-3057, "~ camera -- ~eru~tto~al camera at a | ~lde.proJector withr.emote co.strut. I ONF~--NEW~-'-t%iPi~bYED--i2- ft: Mus:l--- R 4/9 tfn F 6/11. tfn ..... I sensational $139.50, Ztegler'a Camera | ~egularly ~aa,va,.~luw ;~t~v,aa .at ~)e- [ tang runabout glassed with solid I BABY SITTING done daffy or hourlyI~EW-su-P-idLY--°-~~fi~ 1 lteal J~_Js]~lbEe 17..-;=-~- .............. B 5/21 tfn ton. She 2 13 fin gler'a ~amera ~nop 8/~ti un ra o a ...... " in "~y home Any age Fiease hone five acres good well water, at a bat'-' Hlllcres~l ........ up.__ ............. 2/.'_____ [ ........ -- '____- I ah g ny transom. Motor pad, hft- ] ..... "~..~ , • : -. ,.,P. •. in, Also greeting cards of all kinds, 1' ] ~.VlALL MODERN tw-o-bodl:o0in h&n~ LARGE 2tie FOR SALE OR TRADE -- One Jaeger [ REMTNGTON Clmin Saws outcut, out- I ing handles, and drain plug. Price ] --__~'°~t_'_ " 5c apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378, [ HOME on Capitol Hill, 2 bedroom, den, | glaiR. 1~ miles from Shelter on [ below cement mixer, trailer type, 3~ sacks, [ last 'era all, Cooke's, 210 So. First [ slashed to $178,00 for quick sale. [ DAY CAR~~l~Hd---in--my V 3/19 tfn dining room, utility, hu'ge living x~rcadia Road. Phone 426-8590 ..... ' ..,~ condition, A-1. Call 426- 8626 days. St. £ahone 4_26-'2412, 8/29 tfn Phom~ 426-6977' . Me, 6/]1. 7 /. '~ home. Close to Pioneer, • School S 6/11 tfn [FOR SALE -- Round --oak- tables, old ] ~UTBO-A~ b-~t_-V~ro-o-d ] (Agate District). Call 426-2024. room, bath and half, hardwood floors. [ l/l[]~-~.~--|l....... [ ComI)lete with all appliances, rugs ]-- ~ B 6/4-25 VIEW 1~ E 2/27 tfn b--N-~;--I~~~I'-~~e.-~.x= | China closets, boats and motors, ] with fiberglas over-lay• $400. A-1 ] ................ ~_]_ ...... IYKI~Ut:~II~[,IIt~IUIlU[~ and dropcrles. Lots of outbuildings FOR SALE "2 By. 6~t--n-~ I to spem~ cellent towing, good condition [ boat trailer, refrigerators, washers, I condition, Phone 426-3711. B 6/4 tfn I IRONING DONE -- 9Oc an nour, one ' -- Ion 3 lots. Phone 426-4541. ~ oearoona ~urnmhed or unfurnished ] throughout, lights, license, re.ady-to- [ bicycles.. Articles. of allkinds, includ- t B-(~A'T'~'. -MO-T-ORS~TP.~./~ ] day service if desired. Call 426-4593. DRIVERS lr~ n ~g-prelmrali aa f)r I F 6/18-25 house on large lot, 70' x 120'. Hard- I go, Phone 426-8385 or 426-4412, / nLg antiques, .t-lerD's ~eeon¢l ~and I ment' at Walt's Marine Su~'nlv nn / L9/19 tfn written and driving tests. Beginners ] ~T~7~---Tf~-~-~-'-----XT-")~,~-~--:-7~. -, wood floors, tully plastered through- ] ....... S 5/21 tfn |Store:.nalf ~dlc_North of S_hel.lon on [ beautiful Hood Canal. Phon~'~I-~o'oda- ] AL~i)E-R--I~-(JGS--wffni(Vd~--T0-p---pi:ices ,und r(' f.'(~'~..~ (~.' .:o..•'.,es. ..... _.(,p .... ~ ..... ,..,.,..-@m ~. t),~ ~A~.,~ ou ~t '( ,c.I ........ , ., out. Fireplace, patio, Call d26-2206 I ..... I0"0R-A--FREE--~IO(YR-of-be-a.~[~.-~H [ r4t2_y_tew. 4Z(6-~3Z. li ~l/l~._tl~ [ port TR 7-5244, 1/19 tfn [ paid. Shelton Hardwood Co., on v ( C tll ( ( l 't Tart) ~ t LE 7-5422 waterfront, hulk-headed. New 3 bed- after 5, H 5/28 tfn . • ~ ..... ah~! r,)om modern home with attached I~-(~----~E-~o.r--~9---t~-e~-r--~]" ~-ve for a Merle Norman Cosmetic demo ITHO~S ORGAN --- ],20 Bass cnord, | | John's Prairie• Phone 426-3464. ......... .... . I garagc. Owner." Phone" 426-6852. " I - -; ..................... ~- ......... - R 6/18-7/2 onstratlon. Elalnes phone 426-4582. [ $250. Johnny's Music Box 205 Cots- I ~--~---'~"~ / 5/28 6/18 WILL GIVE 1)rlvaie lcss.ns o~ clalu- _ ............ ] older home. Newly decorated. Walk I I now nu • o town location, near high school[ followirtg'- E 6/4 tfn | ' 4/16 tfn ] Ul~t~Ut %J~bL'~ |15h~I=(T'=T'IME--[iitci:~;-icw(ii~--'f°~:-t~)/lbli(i net or lut.r nmthenmticts and read- | FOR SAI 1)'--82 feet Hood Canal water- and hospitals, price $10,750. Call 426- ] ..... ~T},~i~'(~--~iT~N-~'--~dc~b--"o-r~E'|BRAND N~W COLOR pack Polaroid l | opinion surveys. College background ~.1! ~,~m~n) 4,~h~ mix'Ca o~ the/ Price reduced to $13950 [1955 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR (xc(l ent preferred n )t ess, ~t t Fxpcrieneekn~ Top ten member. ]~ho!lo 426-[ front, two-bedroom home, well, ce-1__2_125.. C 5/28 tfn _. .41 job, Contract or day work. Also |--Zle-g~crfl Cal~eraSh0P._ 1]..23 tfnl condition, good rubber, powcr steer-] desircable. Answer fully. Write Bex __6~5: ................1) 6/.18 tinmen( hulkbead and tidelands. Call THiR~J~-BEITR-O--O~M--~me-~'-~h'~-~-~t]~. I 1. Oltler ~ .... finishing by the day. Call 426-3608. | TRY OUR C~A~G. SERVICE --- [ing and brakes, $500. St. at. ], Box | W, c/o The Journal, Shelton, Wash. (AItD (il,;-AI~i;I~IIiciATi()N .... 426-8901 after 6 p.m. and Sundays. ] ity, plastered, har(~wood floors, fire- I large IO~ '~ M. E. WrighL 5/28 6/18 / ~.any tnousanas o~ items to cnoose I 70, Union. B 5/14 tfh / 6/11 7/9 The kindness' and symphatby of I ..................... E 6/18 tfn ] place, fenced-in patio, attached ga- I willing to ~/t~i~7-~b-EER~-da-~.~d-Fa~Vr: | Ir~L.I~a.r.~e^_desc°unts'....uWlle ~t~ | l'956--PLYMUlJTH--~iii~(irl~im(-- autcJ." ] WiLi~D0-IRONING-ii{~:dy-]iome, $1,(10 notghho,'.~ and friends in our ,'ecent 115' WATERFRONT 4'h seres 4 bed- I rage. $10,700. Pimnc 426-4652. ltouse ...... 0 ' $75. Two oil heaters, $10 each, Small I et2T,"" ~ ..... u..~ ..... u *~u~m~-~2.: Itrans.,4rdoor,8. Good condition, / per notu•. 15c for white shirts, Also sorrow will always remain with us room home large separate' dining [ 2128 J, cffcrson. H 5/28 tfn ~poo~u , : ...... • o~o .... ~ Its a pre('i(ms memory. Our sincereIrom~ breakfast room 18'x24' lie- WATER2VRON:T---]~'O~--on--P]t:ke-r]-ng " '2' tractorbike (boy's),$35 PhoneS15' Plano426.8369.$75. Garden ii'~"~ti~t~'rM*~,~'ruwl% ................. U,B.A." rubner l" | 2252.$4°0" Call cvcnings, Ray Hall,5/21426-tfn u | CallWi!! altcrd° b~by.,^sittlng i~l J~y~:3o p.m. a~6-~±32• homc, thanks and gratitude fur allthese ing t:o)m w/w carpet 'fireplace re-] Passage, two bedroom, all electric, 12, Nice "1 ' T 5/28 6/18 / stamps tor sale at the Journal, $1.28 /~9~---5-,-~-?~-'------~a---~i~.=--o-o.---A-.;,;-:= I P 6/11 7/2 tearful'ring acts "" I " " ' " .................. • each. ~q ~tr,,ot r~,.,. ~ot~ ~.) ~ ,~,~ --- ~.~o~, ,-.u~ oo .~-uw~ ............................................ m ..... ""o t creauon roon, mrge garden, fish[ w/w carpet, fireplace, landscaping,,I area. Un0° £a( lanuly o[ 1 APARTMENT size oil heater for sale [.~...-..~.~ ..~o~ .~v.~..~"~ '~'. | hardtop. Automatic. Good condition, WANTED TO RENT -- 3-5 hedroem ~ ' ....... ~ [ pond. Onl'y 2 ~ miles from Shelter bulkhead, electric boat launching, I ble. " ,-o,~ ,,-ndUion Phone 426-8792 /~u~m~,'~u~u&. ~2~.,~, service anu IPhone 877-5508 O K Lins(ott I house. Close to town Call d26-3381 ................... ~('w~s ~" t~tnt m:__ on Hanmmrsley Inlet. Call 426-2101. black Walnut living room and kitch-I ~'* ......... ]~ 6/18 | ~ppll~. J'o'h~• Phone 426-6106. I " " • ~L' 5/28 tfn ] Ext." 241. ' ' " T 6/1,;t-18-25 CARl) OF APPRECIATION H 6/18 tfn en cabinets, ceramic tile shower, two _ __Sfl~ ~LEX?-t~NOi~2--ffi~-d--STO-C-K--h--e-,di%tibSi | astor 2:00 p.m, Demonstrating)7 tta ] T'95;[-TZD'-°cfR--DOb'(~]']--d~i;~Jnet,'~- goi)d" ] ~/ilGli-SCHb0L-i3iiy-wi:iii[S W,irl( du,'- Tin; kindness and sympatl~y ef | • I large covered patios, wooded lot, [ 3. Pe~'m. :!ale. We are overstocked. $25,000/ .... .~.. ...... • . ~ [ condition, $550, 1056 4-door Dodge[ ing stnanmr. Yard and lawn workneighbors and friends iu our recent ] [[ clean beach, all tidelands; not three[lake. HaVe, wertll of me.rehandlse priced to go |Zy:nger~lth~a~trba~l~°r~or~%t~u~a~lo2 | Royal $350, Phone 426-8369. or whaL have yew? Plione 426-6217. sorrow will always remain wilii us asl|llT~ft~Tr~ -o~-'~r~13~/"t#'~.a[ II years old, $15,800. Phonc 426-6035 .~-nt NeeU Watch your mail Friday morning / 8~eu~ them at Sh=lton Eleetr~ ~ " | T 5/28 6/18 E 6/18-8/27 a pr(,('5ous memory. Our sinc,u'e lhanks I J~tfllL)l~ DJE~I~L~tJ~VI | anytime, C 4/30 tfn "'~ " ---~, Ieor complete list. Come early willie | a~ ~.~t...a ~ ~a **~ [~GfC-s~C, i2/------iE~;2-~i~,V~=(-)iSV~]-£-t~ii I WANq~ED-'--~:--}:es],on,~i}ilc- person t(; and gratitude for all those comforting | ........~ .[rffi-m~r I LARGE OLDER-TYPE FIVE-bedroom ] with rem, v~,, • " le ......... - , ~ , . home, one mile from Olympic High-] ^ th~ re is still a ~ood seleetton. Sa ,s/_,~" ..... ~ .... ' ' " ' ) ' l • : " ..... g • -;' ' --'~ ~lrOR SKLIII Used st-el -latea -t"e"/ ~latoea plrkup w~th cattlerack. Call I baby-,~tt and th hg ~t houstwolk, acts. , II ULII¥11fflU ¥115YY II rest. untn a~ merenanms~ ~s .ore., le -- * ' ~ ' ~ v ,attc~' • 5 p m 426-868..' ~ L a/28r", tfn Phone d.6-628o') ..... aftt.z' ' o~" 1).hi. :Mr. and Mrs, 1 "~ul R. Gim~ ~ |1 way on Arcadia Road, 29 acres, all[ 4. Nice a AI sles final. Shel|on Marine Sup-/ pall ya a~.d sh_af~. All t~pea sal=]~,, - ..... ........... , , ..] W 6/18-7/" ~c~lred. creek across back property. [ room wadt~ ,~h, "..~ rTm,., ~ ~,,,,t~.r,, ]~a.q / vage unelton Junk Uo~arst antl/~uoo t~vt~; ~A ton r ~ :Kt p Custo n cao i " ' .,~ .. . I I Large Play Room - 2 baths - [ i ~a 1426-416o after 4 p.m, R 5/21 tfa I - /-- qua --..,.-.,.{;('""~" .... ,-i(;.h~n;~.~ ....... ~ _-%uHa. 6/18_ . [ ----.]Kill' phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn $v00 Call 426-88,6 an,u. 4 p.m. ltIGil ,,,,y wants, w,a'k ,..- for r~ent II double carport- Range- Dish- ]] 0NI'YBEDR00M iio/ii.,-i'hiF],a~l{ ifi,:~i; oe to~). • ~,~D'-~Ar ~.~ ........ 'r.')CG-'~'~;-~-~(iC-i',ffifCi~ | ~OR AL1~ -- Left--electron oI'-~: tl 6/18[ m~ summ(w and week ,nds. Lawn utility wired for 220, garage fenced $45,00 , . ..; .............t, euch Phone-"~a,~,e.426 4541 ...... l ......... - .... [ c~ndltloned ranges, refrigeratom," 19,)6cr" ................... MERCt,raY, m,mtery 4 dr: auh) l ~tnd g'trdon ..... w(,~k etv l)hun,,' ,,,%,%., C-~8,' ]¢()I{ RENT ..... Unfurnished 2-hed- | washer. Near Soho~]. $13,950. | ] yard. New ahlminum sidllag and ] .... .r ...... " ~ #:nu ifn / wasbera dryers. Eells & Valley AP-: t 'ass Far condition. Plmn' 426-8524[ .................... ~ ~/ n uU room h(n~,~e ncm' Grapcview, $5011 n l .... ._._ ..... ..... ~.-.,.--,-...-~....-.-."" ...... ........... [ pliance Center. 6/5 ttn =' after 6 p.m. I! 6/]8" llu[" WAN 1/,~D" ' Adull XVest.ern rtdmg' ' 'mtd-' m(mt:h, l'hm~,~ 426-6t .;~7. 6/,I tfn [[Ph 426-4428 [] Writer°t'f' S~B~,x.41701)Y~ rd Wyc ~offhus st )l)Sstatioaat d.oBt.o.'. ~" = ~'''''*'° 3 u"be04 stock of fireplace, ---- .... I dh .... Call 426-2,100. ,I ........... i, ioR 1elaN'r" /~ee~x Apt: 2 bedr0om; | " -r ..... fn |I merton. W6/18-25 garage, v "~'" '"g.;"'h'/.:S;':~.:-'(' '¢,'d ~[~ri-7,s ~nci / equipment. From fh'eglow to Frank- |.f~t n,nd Found I , x. o/!o ..!, unfurntshcd, garage, yard• Call La- [ I o '~/~o . I I LH,3AViNG-[SwiT--~- J;;;a~iifffiF',;7,i~ti:ihiy [ terms, prefe¢ ~nt ,)/-~ . ,,.c..- '..c ' ' "'g ........ ............................... Blssoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- [I |] located snudl h()me. Landscaped, ] _, ~- ' ~r.~ .a, --- .,m onS,, / lin stoves grates to glass doors WANT'1)'D .... L.tbor ,,~'ttnmt(, h r I tnhl- matu'ess .)ou. xnoac a~v-ov.o. ~ Carlso~a~rile d -ire la e ---" ........ 4336. D 3/29 tfn ] btdll ins. firelllac(~ partially furnish- ~ h~ve ~any wr a/~ 7/2 / all ~' p C . nat ..................................................... I ing small cottage, foundation, franle, " ..... "'/ [ View. 11/15 tfn LOST AT POOL NUOTARE -- Boy'sI l)lillwork r()ofing, tog('thev r s(pa- L, XWTON--XVA-~T~F,-N-~STBhcfi-e~giI~I cd if desired. 426-4232 : "= ead~.~ /'~-£~ '~'vl'.l m.hB,~ h .... , O,,~l,~v blue jacket w~th glasses in l)ocket. [ r~t(, Wr'ite St'n' Rt( Box 84 tl od- units, suitable 1or one or two. Corn-I [ ........... __, ......... E 6/18 tfn[.nave r h ~W~ | at apractical price! DeTray's Me- Glas;~?s badly needed, Pl~a,;e re- ] sport, Wash. pletcly furnished. All utilities in- '.--~,,~r ~-~ .... I , turn to pOOl• J b/.ll-J8 W 6/18 , |[ bile Homes, 1617 Fones Road, Olym- . ........ :_ ................................ : [ ........................... cluded. Rcasomtble, 7th and Pine. ] ALNIOLI~J~II)I~J [WATERFRONT -- View.--ci~oi(~(i--~102' nome yo II~lll~l~ I1 pie Wash, Phone 352-2907, LOST -- Wallet, downh)wn Thursday )i,~F, iTio1fs--y~7{~ia~: fa Y n all. Pl'o- Phone ,126-2121. 5/16 tfn /-~1" I~D ~EIK~I~ ] X 6o0' partly wooded 1)t (n Hanl-I .... ~l~|[glP t¢,_r~n'~ I| , 2/21 tfn afternoon. Conlact .l.I. Vest, St. St, l)ertv own(,i, hertz, wm'~ls work o[ ]~OWEF~ LXWN R-AKE-f))zT~i:~h[~-i~~i~ I ~tJl.~l)'l~lt~ lI~k.Pl¥112J [ mersley Inlet. Geu(h, slope beach, I i' ~] ....... ' .... • 1, Box 103 ~, Union. Money and any'kind. Please phone 426-8979 moss :rod dea(l gra,~s, quick and P~|x*~r] ]~-~w t'~u~lr ~.o1~I $7140 'terms. Call 426-4307D 6/18-25I ~Illl ,1~!~ For A SINGER machine, new I/ engines, ~hort blocks, parts in stock ._ pap(~!is needed.badly• ..... V 6/1!,18. ' T 6/18-7/2 ",'y. $2. p • , C "'s, '19 Sout~ I ~c~ L-A-R~GIC--iS-~I~]5-(~Si[--l:t~)M~--~I.tI~--Utiliis~ rt . a ..- .^ ~=...... a ,~et I/Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S.LOST --- 14 ft. boat. roulld hottonL ~W~i~TI~]Dil i:n:4-iini]:-A]mTi.tnmnt 1.)wild- 1st, 42(;-638!). 3/26 tfn . . or u~eu, ~u ~u u .,-= , ~ ...... ~.--~.~-~----..---=----~ ..... ~- .... 13 bedrooms, utflRy room, 1V2 lots. r,),,m, lirel)lace. ConH)let(.ly fern-[ A~ aa~3, u,), ~.. ~ It" First. Phone 426-2412. tul'qUO ~;e, : 1 r, '((I Jns de Lost n~a' in~r iu .c41"lC toll Ihon( d26- ) Fete t~x~z" -- TwO oearoom unlurn-I r-^^.a t..... ~.._ .~_ ,. v .... =ah¢--u ished on 10 acres. LItl'ge baru and ~-~o-u~,." all of these extras; Singer . . 8/28 tfn W'tl rwh ,~ G .... y If st' n 'p}(!l~-~e ...... -- • ' V ~;/I'R ife t h ~ ). r I ~-I)J~JU I.#U /ur I.dlIJ I ~, l~g/ know-how, Singer qua ,ty, lifooh FOR SALE ~-Any l(.n~th .~16 (.onla(~t IFa ~'~IJ)l'Se or ('all ('.oil ........ • S e~a up, fluent. H£t water heat, I Y ..... ~,1).,i,,.. ~,~ttl Cr(,ck Ro,ld. 426-34,)0 ~ cry utilities, range and refrlgera-] No Saturday calls vlease or 426-8580. '~G;,ty/8-25/ .~innee ~xvice Don't take [/ per cord. Delh, ered Shefton" ~lnci'x~c- Union 8!)8-2268 ........... , tot furnished. Holly 1-till Apts. Ph. I " ~ " --'"= ........ i P • • , o n , ~vJ o/~-~,) 426-6593. ~ B 5/18 tfn[ Phone 426-8563 r. ~ "--'---- ........... L.... a li In ty, hone d26-3689 N 5/ 1 tf r : Classified Service SEPTIC ?AN~. rooms and 2-room aparlments. LIn-[ r~ ens, dishes, utilitics supplicd, 426- |.~ LAKE NA] or a rc " " |[ 2'-, ,,. M ~/28 fn ,, TI~T~,d'i'AI .U ./3,'U'I! IJ.N.'-4 ............. : i ..................................................... j.~),.)~.x=x~.~..~.t~..L ~ ),-, 2081. ~,3 2/28 Ifn" is ARRIV NG SOON from factory, 10' x ItOUSE TRAILER TOWINC., nnv- 56' two bedroom Admiral ntobilc where in state. Robert Shmnat(~, 2(~/2 500-gal., 750-ga1., 1000-gal. THE SINGER COMPANY 117 E. 5th Olympia Dial 357-7586 This is the only authorized Singer Machine Company ad on this page PROPELLER RepairService homc, French provincial, all elec- East State, Olympia, 1)h,)ne 357-5358. tric. $6,195, Also two-horse Cirele J 6/11 tfn horse trailers from $,to0. Ma. on Coun- ty Trailer Salcs, Agate District. Ph. SAND AND GRAVEL, ~op ~ol], peat 426-8032. R 6/11 tfn soil, custom tractor work. Johns ........................................... Creek Sand & Gravel Co,, phone 426- SPEED QUEEN washer and dryer. 3552. 9/12 tfn Good condition, Very reasonable• 325 West "I" Street. 426-8111 after 6 p.m• RI~R-IGERATORS and f~eezer~, re-: S 6/]1 7/2 conditioned, reasonable. ~helton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cots, phone ornA b.t-- ._.z/!:8 tf . Sporting Goods FoR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason 428-2278. 8/1 tfn SKI BOAT ~ 16 ft. convertible with , 80 h.p. MerCury, trailcr. Take Honda ~V~i-t;0N--~LL--SPRXY]-Exte~b~ ,, in trade. Call 426-2055. J 6/11 tfnand interior. Free estimates. Work - __-=-=---_ --= guaranteed.Bennett Painting Co. T6 ~LF., aU Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn Morse singlc control and Ride Glide steering for 15 ft. boat. Motor corn- CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy. pletely reconditioned and tuncd, A-1 accurate precision grinding. Now at eoudttlon, Sell for casit or trade Saeger Motor Shop. Hlllcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 ttn HUB REPLACEMENTS tIundreds of new and recondl= tioned propellers for ~ll popular makes of outboard motors. ¢ Western Wright Marine 1525 Commerce, Tacom~ OPEN SATURDAYS BR 2-5065 4/16 tfn | 1 I ~] ~ Jl kll I I I I NEED A FENCE Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of dlstlnotlon by Versapanel. Installed or do-If yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per mont~. Fast guaranteed servloe or, do- livery. FREE estimatoe. Glen Watson. Ph. 426-3170 V ?/26 tta [ Prompt - Guaranteed Se ce I WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 $. let 426-4553 Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, cutting Lem ke's Service 426-6779 Glenn L, Probst Olympia 352-2255 11/21 tfn tl// I ul, t HAND SAWS I & TABLE SAWS J SHARPENED I. 2oo E, PINE J 426.4867 H 4/4 t, fn J__ i~ I i ,k| iii ...... Art's Bulldozing! Ex~avatin%-~DirtCement Gravel Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Ho0dsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn for pickup t.rucl¢. H, O. Rowe, at. 2, Box 627, Sl~clton, phone 426-8032. R 5/28 tfn i~i~2-~V, KS-P~ XVXL-0~ ~o-a-C -i-6- K. with 1962 Mercury 70 h.p, outboard motor, electric starter, 1963 Holsclaw boat trailer, 1200-1b. cal)aeity, all in excellent condition. Phone 426-2252 evenings. H 4/2 tfn at Bardin's, 526 Franklin. 12/5 tfn FOR-SAL-E-~r trade: 17 foot Plywood cabin boat. 1940 chev. good motor and parts, 426-4514. W 6/18 tfn L _ I Must sell this beautiful pastel colored 1964 model Zig Zag machine. Machine will make buttonholes, blind hem, overcaslb and do em- broidery work. Still has new machine guarantee. Will sell for only $45.00. Call 357-7761 6/18-25/2t M---C UELb-CH CHAIN SAWS LOW AS $124.95 Sales & Service --- Sharpening B & W Marina ~- Union, Wash. 898-2355 -- 5th & McReavy d/9 Ifn ii nn HAIRCIJTg at 211 Wcst Cota Adults $1.50 Kids $1.00 VERN'S BARBER StlOP Call GEORGE PLEWS for power shovel work Trucking --- Logging Bulldozing PHONE 426-3703 3/12 tfn ~" -- ............. r ......................... ~ .... :: ~----B-LTY scrap Iron, batteries, radla- torm, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Jnnk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn FURNA~ CLEANING, repairing, in- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426-6121. ROO~NG, blown rocl~ wool Insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Paintlng Company, 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn Larry'a Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4828. 2/13 tfn Wanted. Summer homcs, rcmodcling or n~Jw eonstruetlon, Vcry reaeou- able. Phone 426-2401. l-I 4/9 tfn ~T--~--~L-/S-s-Mt~i-a~dsK Jim Pauley Inc. 50f Railroad Ave, Phone 426-8281. 4/28 tfn and tcehnieian. "Regular Care Pre- vents Costly Repair". Call Olympia 943-3712 or 357-6622. or Sheltou 426- 8267. G 3/12 ttn Light or Heavy CONSTRUCTION . Land Clearing • Road Building • I~xcavation • Hauling (large, small) • Equipment To Rent or Contract (large or small) Stacel Contracting Co., hm. Hoodsport Phone 877-5312 4/9-tfn "---- ...... T~ ....................................... HHH Stt awbtJ n 3r Season Plan Now by the flat, picked by us, with hulls off, ready for you to wash and frceze or jam. Estimated price, $2.50 per flat. By the flat or box, ,our deluxe pack with hulls on, es- timated price $2.80 per flat. We're all set to take your orders, Phone 426-6084. Estimatcd tinle t,o start picking. June 15. Chestcr Roscnhcrg, St. Rt. I, Box 142 D - rcmcmhcr we're on Highway 101 right by Skoko- mish river bridge, midway bctwecn Shclton and Hoodsport. 6./4-25 ,Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Bclfair. 8-18tfn Across from Belfair P.U.D. Final Nursery Sale, Doctor says I must quit• Examples of Bargains 600 Azaleas values to $2.50 ............ $1.00 each 1200 Perennials Regular $2.00 to $2.50 doz ................. now $1.00 Doz. 2000 Heather reg. up to $2.50 now 25¢ to $1.00 each 4000 unusual ground covers reg. 25¢ to $1.00 now 10¢ - 50¢ Star Rtc. 1, Box 55 Belfair, Wash. Phone CR 5-5952 6/].8-25 SEWING MAGHINE Free Estimates Other Makes Free pick up and delivery Call 357-7761 Our people are factory trained. NECCHI-ELNA CO. 6/18-tfn NEW ANi) USED APPLIANGES WASHERS (all brands) DRVERS DISHWASHERS FREEZERS Refrigerators (both deluxe and Lhosc perfect for sltmmer cabins). All used appliances have becn thorouohly rcconditioncd and all arc guaranteed. "JL's Lhc SOl'vice ;tflel' thc ~;tJc [hal cutmL:¢' LEM WARREN REFRI ERATIOH 2nd & Cota 426-2445 5--' (I Hope) and Clean Your Gooling Syslem 6 Month Guarantee on all work We Fix Them Any Size Large or Small Service 1st & Kneeland Wc Carry Cores In Stock Sunday, June 28-1:00 P.H. ~"., Mi. North of Shclt.on on Highway 101 (ncar Mt. View) Boais Molors Oak Tables Old Ghina Gloseis Miscelhtll(',ous Of all ldnds PRIME WAT] BUY NOW FOR Choice 60 to 70 ft. wooded waterfront lotS Lake Nahwatzel, in the heart of the Olympics. Twelve miles west of Shelter" Excellent beach, safe for childrcn. ing, water slding and fishing (stoct ....... Representatives on site from 1 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays during write H. O. 529 No. 12th, ShelteR, Phone 426-6651 or 105 feet low bank eastern fr0q room home with utility ground level basement. We port. Located between Allyn Phone 426-4027. " OUT OF STATE OWNER 5 UNIT GARDEN APARTMI 818 Pine St,, Shelton, Excellent occupancy, separate hea Choice location, private stream Hal Olstead, 811 Hillcrest Drive, Phone Shelton THIS DELIGHTFUL 2 BEDROOM SALE BY OWNER. LOCATED NE;/ $10,750. CALL 426-2125 FOR