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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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glq 01 -- A 0N 30URNAL-- Published in '%'%r stma. town, helton, Washington Real Esta!e Angle.THREE P, EDROOM iu u.-e, 2 bath,, or Sa. hu':4,, living r(.)m, electr],' m' oil heal. C:,II ,I26-,1215. R 6/.i tfn h~/7 tfl, fi, NGLESII)E lhree\b~dr~ m - tw~ l'iroplacos, l:lrge family r,.mL dining' Two bed- roonl, all eh,ctriv, w/w cn,'pot. Italic, in IIi[I- 'eneed ~'~t 'd. F.H.A. te ' s $15 800 ).1111 aidi- by (,~'nl•'l', .126-.1'I00 aflel' ,5 or w~,ok- ~a'ge lot, ends. O 6/18 Ifn tel, .klso I-SLANI) L~tlee :-; bi,drli,,in I{(mle l)rieed )r:ler h)i. l'or (lUicl¢ sate. }le:lulii'nl viPw. $16,500 r~ a. " Jill Phone ,126-3265. r. 941 E. ~r 4:3 or P 6/1~ ifn s 4/2 if, barn, creek, 43 ad~'es. Approx'imatel~ 20 cleared, D'wton area. Phone 426. 8329. R 4/9 lfn , Real Estate ,, , Real Estate ' ,= TWO YEAP, OLD. ftlrnished house for W~LL CONSTRUCTED IIOME, down- s:tle, fllll iHt~elIwn(,, (,I1 (i~, fl. wa~er- ~own area. Large living roe]n, fire- l'r~*llt, $~750. T,.rllls. I{ol! ]~nl.llnklin,lflac~!, sepal'ate dinhi'g" room, l~l,'ge 1.ako Nahwatzel. ]i' 5/7 if. kitchen and bcdroolns, (two), hard- wood floors, foully instltatod, Ilot FOUl{ IlEI)I{()t)M m.aern home. ne~ Water heat, Full basement, attached oil wllll ('lll'll/leO. ])oIll)i(! gllrllge, heated garage. Call after 5:~0 p,m. llospilal locality, l(easonnlde. J)hone or weekends, 426-3015. C "3/26 tfn CAr',IN AT s'rETSON'S. $.1800, eom- FOR ,gALE-~:~--0WNEII ---Li~:in-g pletely furnished, terms available•ro(nn, kitchen, utility, ilu'ee bed- Call after 5 p.m, 426~682, rooms, 11,§ baths. Patio and Tented L 2/6 tfn yard. located on Angleside. F.It.A. aPlwaised, Call 426-4290 weekends or WILL TAKH h'niler house for my after 5:30 weekdays. M 6[4 tfn equity in $3(|00 house (dose ill. Phone 426-6953. _ ................... D.5/2£_._Lfn WELL KEPT 2 bedroom home, gond :H~TWEEN SHELTON and Iloodsport location, fenced yard, carport, Full" Legal Publications " NO. 8665 SPMMON,~ BY i'UI|I,ICATION IN TItE SUPERIOR COIIRT OF TIlE STATI,~ OF WASIIIN(ITON F()R MASON COUNTY III.ANCII IL P, ELL, a widow, Plaintiff, LEONARD ALEXANDEI~. 'and '"JANE DOE" ALEXANDER, his wife; A• O, LUTIIER and "JANE DOE" LUTHER, his wife: M. S. DAVIS and "JANE DOE" DAVIS, his wife: and WALTER BLAUVELT and "JANE DOE" .BLAU- ~:i~~:v/.~ ae,'es, 530 ft. highway front.- ~ge, lois of spring ~¢dt(!r, near lot ovo,'hmldng waler and n|olln- I n on j nL'l on. $1600 cash Phon~ rains. Three bedro.n|s, two baths 426-69531 D 5/21 ifn and den. ('Ilrl)ets, garage wiih work ....................................... silop, l'hone Union 898-2133. ANGLESIDE 3 bedroom home on cor- D 4/23 tfn ner lot. Family room, dining ro6m, ............................................................. fireplace, and radiant heat. Pilone IAL WANT A l tOME'.' See lhis one, Real 426-8078. S11/7 ,fn bll,Y. ]~il'St hol|se ()11 right, Weaver C|',.ek ]hmd, lefl Slud¢omish Valley. 2300 SQ. FT. --- l,'our bedrooms on F,y own,w. N 6/11 7/2 one floor, ])tlilt-in closets, two baths, hu'ge diningrll,)nl, i)l:lshn'od, hard- wt:.~l floors, everything you want .... ~ anti need ill .'l ]lolnc, Oae year old. Phone 426-2268. D 6/4 tfn other six you're ill Vestment, :).00 per tAT'S 67 of perfect Waterfront, 3 bedroom, living room with Mas- sive fireplace- kitchen has lots ~1~ Estate "enue on of cupboards - Ready ,to move land look in - Privacy, wooded area - ew homes. Come' in and check thisfor nany de- $18,500. SECLUDED FAMILY HOME--- ~al shingle This is the type of home most stone en- VIEW-SECLUSION- people dream of owning because of )edrooms, its secluded location and spacious nets, full BEAUTY This excellent home is Io- rooms. There is an extra large :~.S, rightcated in the area of better living room, huge dining room, r~cks Used homes - 3 bedrooms - bath andfamily room and kitchen on the ,i~res all a half - Basement - Recreation main floor, plus 3 bedrooms up- stairs to complete the plcture. This (e, so stoproom with fireplace- Kitchen W:lulr:O¢:rtedus;ne~3/~sJing" can be !is(---fromhas built in appliances - birch cabinets - patio - well kep~ Y J $ , • )0i~ ~ )ard - all this for $21,500. IMMACULATEII oI~, 3 ARCADIA POINT We will enjoy showing you this 'facto, din' Tiffs brand New home has a spic and span Angleside h,ome ftl kitchen dream kitchen with all built in 'cause we know you will appre- 16~ both in appliances - large and roomy ciate its many fine features. This alger-than, explains every room - party roomy home is well located on a ,'.e Spotlessroom off kitchen with built in corner lot with a pretty lawn and (1, Is all instove for outdoor cooking andloads of flowers and shrubs. There You to en- entertaining just open the slid- are 2 bedrooms, a most pleasing ing doors that lead out to a kitchen, convenient utility room deck all around house with and a separate dining room. There ERE View of Hope Island, Squaxin is a dandy garage---workshop too. and Steamboat, Also Mt. Rain.Easy to heat and easy to own at lad the ta- ier. The carpeted dining roomjust $11,750. Call Vince Himlie to- Parate din- has lovely corner fireplace and day. bedrooms, large living room with big pic- apace, full ture windows also has massiveINVESTMENT MINDED? !f. storage, fireplace- paneled-2 large bed- If you are, you will quickly rea- d there is rooms - full basement - room lize the value and potential in this attractive for more bedrooms - recreation Vz block of unimproved Mr. View You. $16- room 200' Waterfront - 3{,fi property. This investment is right Acres- $32,000. in the path of progress so if you act fast, you will be the winner. MT. VIEW LOCATION Just $7,300 and we can arrange ty's finest 3 large bedrooms - all plaster- some financing. neighbor, ed - bath and a half - living room carpeted also dining BUY THE WORKS!! room - lovely fireplace - electric Look, stack and barrel; a big cam- heat - large utility room - at- fortable 2 bedroom downtown one tached garage also separate home, completely furnished!! Full reigns su- double garage - yard is well price $3350. For more informa- landscaped. Priced for $17,- tion call Dick Boiling today. 000. av, ailable R4GHT SMACK DOWNTOWN milesof! What a beauty! The size is amazing: large living room with fireplace, all carpeted, separate dining room. Large • ~ kitchen with eating area. Z '.,... large bedrooms. Plastered-full basement - manicured yard - RANGE FHA appraised. HAS ISLAND LAKE, UPLANDS Well located South Side Up- land. 2 bedrooms (2 more pos- sible) 2 lots. Nice living room, kitchen, utility and attached 2 car garage. $9,750. EDGE OF TOWN COTTAGE Perfect for quiet living. 2 nice bedrooms, tiled bath, comforta- ble living room, bright kitchen, utility and attached garage. $7,500. FHA $400. can cover down payment and costs. 4 appliances included. BUDGET PRICED, SOUTH Olympic View. 2 bedrooms. Cozy living room, bright kitch- en, carport. Excellent starter home. $5,950. $500. down. CLOSE TO MARKETS 2 large bedrooms. Located on Hillerest. The interior is all new and beautifully panelled. Living room is a full 24' long. 'See it today. $7,250 with $575 ,dow~1. OWNERS LONG GONE Mt• View. 'We are instructed ,to sell quickly. Lovely 3 b~d- room home; nearly new. 1½ baths. Fireplace, big family room..Hardwood floors and tile. Spacious living and dining rooms• Birch kitchen has bnilt- in range and oven. Extra clos- ets. Lot 80' x 100'. Patio. As- sessed at $20,725. Priced to sell at $17,950. 16 ACRE, SUBURBAN Close in on Bayshore..5 bed- room home. Separate living ana dining rooms. The land slopes to salt-water. Ideal for a family of horse ~aneiers. Large barn, fenced. $16,900. TAKE YOUR PICK-- Select either of these 2 excellent waterfront homes and you will be headed for happy times ahead. One is a 3 bedroom, all newly decor- ated home and the other has 2 large bedrooms. Both are in ex- cellent condition throughout. Bet- ter make an appointment to see these today!! INCOME PLUS[! Here's a wonderful opportunity for some additional income[ Purchase this excellent 3-unit dwelling-- live in ,one and have income from 2ll Lots of room for expansion--- good close-in location. $10,000 on terms. MORE THAN A HOMEII If you want additional inoome with your next home, this is the spot. This close to downtown property has a oonvenient 2 bedroom-full basement home plus an additional rental unit. Everything is in near perfect condition from the trim lawn to the carpeted living room. There's a good furnace and fire- place too, so why not take a look today. LOOKOooo It's ,not very often you can pur- chase a 3 bedroom home on Angle- side for just $9,500, but here is a dandy. It's roomy too and most everything has been recently ~e- 0ecorated, including the extra large kitchen-dining area. There's also a carport and a small stor- age shed. Fenced rear yard for Junior. See it today and buy it to- day on easy F.H.A. terms. TOP VALUE-- Here is another goodie in a lower priced home. For just $11,750 (F.H.A. terms) you can move into this fine h,ome with full bzlsement. It has 3 bedrooms; a rumpus room, convenient kitchen, dining "L" and a living room with a choice Olym- pic View. ,TRADE YOUR EQUITY-- We can consider your equity in smaller home as a downpayment in this fine 3 bedroom Mt. View rambler. It's complete with attach- 10 ACRES, 4 BEDROOMS ed garage, fenced yard, fireplaoe, i A most attractive suburban built-in appliances ,(dishwasheri home, located on a fine trouttoo) and choice location. Priced toi stream. Living room and faro-sell at $15,700, and you can as-I tly room. $16,500. us today for more information. sume the existing mortgage. CallI .W.e have 2 budget prioed homes; 2 bedrooms; in County MR. INVESTOR-- [ near City Limits. Priced fromHere is a choice 9 acre site within $4,000. the city limits with excellent water and mountain view. Lots of po- tential on this one, so why not stop by and we will show you. Call 426.4666 @ Evenings Call John Devereux 426-8544 Sue Daniels 426-3434 A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 BO. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTI M E 121 Railroad Ave. SHELTON EVENINGS CALL VINCE H I MLI E--426-6501 KURT M A N N---426-3228 DICK BOLLING--426-3139 price $5950. Small down 42(;-2237 VELT, his wife; and all otiler per- G 6/18-7/2sons or p:lrties known or unknown ...................... claiming ony right, title, estate, lien or FO---~-~L-Ff-~-Y--0--VCNEI~.- TWo be-ci~ interest in the real estate described room home and one attic bedroom,I~ the ConuIlaint herein; Defendants. One-ear garage, lawn a'~d garden area, 1414 E. Dearborn. Will F.tI,A. TItE STATE O1~ WASIIINGTON TO or G,I. Willing to accept two bed- CItARLES E. SUMMEl~S .'|nd r~T,~- room trailer house as part pay- LIAN L. SUMMERS. his w~'ffe; A. O. ment. Phone 426-6785 or 426-6387. LUTHER an4 "JANE DOE" LUTItER, D 4/23 tfn his wife; M, S, DAVIS and "JANE DOE" DAVIS, h s wif'; and all other peraolls or parties known or nnknowa claiming any r gl t I th, eMale lien .... , ,, or "Interest " ill the I•C:d estate, des- crihed in lhe Complaint hcrcin,DE- tl/W I ANTAL FENDANTS : ~=~vv=- ~-, ...... YOU, and each of you, are hereby sumnloned Io appear within sixty (60) View lots with beach access $1,400 days after the date of 1he first pub- -- - -^ ~^~- ~nd em~ll llcatlon of this sanuIloI|s~ to wit, with- " ~ : ..... ill sixty (60) days nftdr the 28til day payments, of May, 196,1, and defend 1he above- onlitled acthm in the Superior Court r~r. ¢+ na h=nk fine ,,ravel b~a~h aforesaid and answcr the complaint .... *, ,*--*- , u . ,. v.,, of the plaintiff nnd serve a copy of septic tank and water tn- ready your answer upon 1he nndersigned at- to build, $7.450. Terms. torney for the lflaintiff, at his office • below stated; and, in ca~e of your _ failure so to (l) ju(lglent will be Real nice devel,opment property rendered against you according to the available, demands of the con|plaint in this ac- • tion which has been filed with the IN HOODSPORT Clerk of said court. ".2" .......... [ The object of this action is to quiet utt tne nea¢.n - ~ homes lanascap,title in l)laintiff to real estate in Mason ed with creek. $6,500 - $15,000. County, Wamfington, de~ribed as: Terms. That part of Lot: 6 of Section 6. .......... [ Township 22 NortlL Range 1 West, on tne peach - ~, ano ~t oeoroom. W.M., of Lot 4 of Section 1, Town- $14'500 - $27.000 Terms I ship 22 North, Hange 2 West, W. • " " " M,, and of tidelands in front there- I ~f described aM follows: Beginning SOUTHSIDE at a point on the meander line of Hood Canal N 84° 53' E 381.3 feet and N 57° 11' E 362.95 feet fronl the 2 bedroom, like flew, ful base- govermnent meander corner com- .... '-n" ..... ~ .~___', ...... I men to Sections 1 and 12. Township men~, |a uu~;apeu, creeK, oeautiTUll "2 North Ran,-e 2 W(st WM" mountain and Hood Canal View, I ~unning then('e~N 57" li' 'E aion $10,700. I said meander line 347.63 feet ; I thence S 51° 03' E 138.9 feet to the ....... ...... I northerly line of Primary State neoroom, wltn z creeKS, 1;.:$U tt. I Highway No. 21; thene~ S. 38= 57' beach, $13,500. I 'W .alerts said nortimrly line of I highway ~30.5 feet; thence N. 50° ........... I 57' W 2.17.32 feat fo the point of (:,lose to AloerDrooK Z Deoroom I beginning" TOGETttER with all with p~rtio furnished, Beautiful ltidelands 'as conveyed by State of view, $14,500 ' I Washington by deed 'dated July • ] 1:t, 1936 and rer.ordcd i= Volume I 63 of Dec(Is, page 632, lying in ON THE BEACH I front of, adjacent to and abuliing 70 ft lot with home foundation I on 8aid I)rOl)erty, and southeaster- • ' ...... ~ ily of a line parallel with and I00 reaay to cuim, ana water $7500. ] feet distant northwesterly of said I m(iander llne, EXCEPTING for ~[K'hK'~I~ g'1&'~T&lr [ right of way pm'I)(,ses ow'r and ml,~,~JJJ ~LJZ'IJ.~IZ'IIJ I neross the Northeashu'ly 30 fcct REAL ESTATE Ith,,reof. Mrw~rt~D~n'r [against thn claim of the defendant, ....... v..-- i and any one of them. Phone 877-5211 [ GLENN F.. CORREA or 877 5277 evenin-- I Attorncy for Plaintiff - =a [Office & I)osl. Office Address: Union 898-2263 [ Bell Buildiag 121 St)uth Fourth tSreet , ,,, , -- r-- Shelton, Washington ....... 5/28 6/4-11-18-25 7/2 6t i i i , "Suburban Property Specialists" EXCEPTIONAL VIEW LOT Lovely Carlyon Beach has some of Puget Sound's most spectacular view property. With ownership of this big 73' x 253' lot will go all membership privileges and the satisfaction of ownership in this very fine country club. Water is piped to each lot and hard surfaced road offers convenient access. This would be perfect for a trailer location. Less than $50 per foot - LET'S GO SEE IT! HEY LOOK! 5 acres of rich ground on oil road with unfinished 3~room house. There's a garage and chicken housc and a good well. Here is your start at the modest price of $3500•00. Owner can be moved in 30 days! How about it? COMMERCIAL ACREAGE! Planning for the future? Need location for new enterprise? What ever your property needs let ua show you the several excellent commercial sites we have available. Your problem will be given confidential and careful assistance. EVENINGS CALL Diok Knauf ........................................................ 426.8110 Marden Stroud ........................................................ 426.8277 Call 426-8277 Anytime Rt. 2, Box 46 Shelton, Washington II I OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 INCOME TAX & BOOKKEEPING SERVICE WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE :BROKER PHONE 426-3530 (i) 80 Acres, approximately 35 cleared, house, barn• :Good Christmas tree ground and some timber. Full price $14,- 500•00. Terms. (2) Private lake with 30 acres, some timber. Price $29,500.00. (3) Approximately 230 Acres with livable farm house, 2 wells on property, excellent buy at $23,500.00. 20 per- cent down. (4) 4 Bedrooms, T V Room, dining room, large living room, fireplace, automatc heat, on conmr lot, FHA Terms. $24,500.00. (5) Bedrooms, Dining Room, automatic heat, Fireplace, large lot, double carport• FHA Terms $15,800.00. (6) (7) (8) (9) 2 Bedroom, automatic heat, fireplace, large corner lot, FHA Terms. $11,000.00. 2 Bedroom home furnished $4,000.00 3 Bedroom Home, fireplace, Dining Room, Daylite base- ment, beautiful view of the city, excellent residential dis- trict. Full price $21,500.00. Beautiful view of the Olympic Mountains, five good lots surrounds this nearly new home, fireplace, lots of built- ins, large garage with storage room. $21,500,00. Easy Terms. (10) (11) ~(12) 150 ft. with tidelands, good level building spot. No Bank, excellent gravel Beach. $75.00 per foot. Terms. 490 ft. Hood Canal Waterfront. $30.00 per foot. Easy TenThs. Approximately 7500 Ft. of Hood Canal %Vaterfront with tidelands. Approximately 80 acres with some timher, Full price $60,000.00. Terms. (13) Floating Marina, 80 ft, by 12½ ft., 2000 gallon capacity plus galley. Full price $5600. Terms. Open Sundays 9:30 to 3 p.m. Lega._... i Publications NO. 35~ No'rICE TO CItEDITORS IN TIIE SUPEIHOR COURT (,)t," THE STATE ()I," WASIIIN(~TON FOI{ MAS()N C|)IlNTY in th., Matt(,|' ¢,1" 1he Estate of LILIA O. J()IINST()N. I)e('ensed. George C. J.luwt,m is tile sppohded and (tualified Exe('uto,' of said 6stale. All persona having elaims against said deceased are re.lllircd to serve the sa|no in dupli('ate, duly verified, on said Executor or his attorney, }h)bert L. Snydcr, at the address below stated, and file the same with thc Clerk of maid Court, logether with proof of such service, within six months after the dnte of first pul)lleation of this n(iti¢!e, or t]l[~ Sll|ll(! will be i)arred, DATE of first I)ublication: June 4, 1964, GEORGE C. JOHNSTON Execul.r 2032 Stevens Slreet Sholt,m, Washlngton Robert L, Snyder Attorney lit Law 125~ N. 5th Sh('lt on, W:lsh]llgton 6/,~1-11-18 3t NATONAL I~ORERT TIMB]':R FOR SAI, E WYNOOCH]Vi~ 1964 No. 1 Public notice is hereby given that pur- st|ant to the provisiolls of Section 5 of Publi(" Law 273, 78ti~ Congress (58 Slat, 132-]6, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Cooperative Ag|'eement for the Management of the Particil)ating For- est Propcrties in the SInqton Coop- erative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and betwef.n the United States of An|erica and the Simpson Tim~ber Company, dated December 12, I946, all merchantable timber nmrked or de, s- ignated for cutting on an area embrac- ing 285 acres, more or less, wlthAn Sections 16, 17, 20, 21, T. 22 N., R, 7 W., Sections 21, 22, 26, 28, T. 22 N. R. 8 W., Sections 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, T. 23 N., R, 7 W., W.M,, surveyed, Wynoochee Block, Grays Harbor Coan- ty, She]ton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit, Olympic National Fo/'~t, Washington, will bc sold to the Simp- son Ttntber Company, Seattle. Wash- ington, on 3uly 7, 1~4. The estimated volnnles arc: 6,000 M board fee.t of Douglas-fir. 5,900 M board feet .of western henfloek and other species and 2,100 M board feet of western redecdar, Tim minimum acceptable bid per M board feet Is as follows: Douglas-fir $13.70, western hemlock and other species $6.80, western red- cedar $8.35. This includes the fol- lowing rates, per IV[ hoard feet for stmnpage (including deposit for sale area betterment): $3,00 base rate plus an additional $10.05 for Douglas-fir, $2,00 base rate plus an additional $4.15 for western hemlock and other spec- ies and $730 for westarn redcedar and $0.65 for slash disposal for all ~pecies. The prices bid for stumpat~. shall he considered as tentative rates subject to quarterly calendar adjtmt- merit upward or downward by 0.5 of the diffoxence between the average of the monthly Douglas-fir region in- di(~s, aM calculated by the Forest Service for ttm three previous months, and tile followint~' ha.~e tndices: Doug- las-fir 111.08 (D). westexn heml~'k and other species 99,55(B), western redcedar None. Such adjustmenls In tim price for stumpage shall be appli- cable to timber scaled during the three-months l)eriod fo|lowing the quarter for which the adjustment is conll)uted. In no ev(}nt, howev0r, shall the paynlcnt rates for each quarter be les.~ than the base rates as stated aheve. When the adjusted rates by species are lower than the base rates. the difference between the total dof lar value of timher cut at adjaated rates and at base rates will be re- corded for each speei(~. The stump- age rales for any species will not bc iucreaset] ahove the base rate un- tii the subsequent adjusted rates ab(we base fetes develop all aectlnUl- lated total dollar value in excess of I, EXCELLENT SUMMER COTTAGE Located on a nice 50 Foot Lost Lake Lot. This one features 2 bed- rooms, living room, kitchen and bath. The house is partly funfish- ed. There is a dock, water system and nice yard• Will also leave boat and trailer. Full price is $8500. 3ank terms available. LOVELY WATERFRONT HOME 100 foot salt water frontage 700 ft. deep. Welt wooded and beautifully landscaped• .Niee 2 bed- room, nearly new home. Excellent heating systenl, fireplace, good deep well. Top property in this area. Better see it this Week. $19,- 500. ANGLESIDE DANDY A very comfortable modern 3 bedroom home in a top area. You'll enjoy the spacious kitchen, 1½ baths, raised-hearth fireplace, wall-to-wall carpet. The fine 2 ear garage has workshop area and lots of storage apace. A very good one at $15,500. Terms? Of Course! • LL AMERICAN BEAUTY Achievement in home design and arrangement! This is a nearly new split entL'Y, 3 bedroom home in perfect condition. It's located on an excellent view lot and features a sandstone fireplace in living room. Very attractive dining room with glass doors to patio. Built- in appliances in kitchen, 2U, baths, super family room with fireplace. Two-car garage, workshop ana utility. The FHA price is $19,- 750. As nlodern as tomorrow. Make it yours today. ATTENTION I NVESTORS! 100 ft. Hood Canal, South Shore, water, electricity, small cabin - $9000. You can't find mmty lots! at this price in this A-1 area. Better see it now! A MARV~ELOUS .VIEW HOME Nearly new, tri-level home, fea- turmg living room with fireplace wall, dining room, lovely modern kitchen, family room, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. A top Angleside lot. If there is a fine new home in your future - dpn't miss seeing this one. $23,900. LOT Nice 50 foot Island Lake lot. Only $3750. AI REALTOR Eves Call: Mary Voss .................. 426-8074 A. Roy Dunn ............. A26-4601 PHONE 426-6863 126 Railroad i , ii i II PAGE the recorded aeelnlltlhl| e(] di rforence for nil species. I(" ve(l(lestcfl t)v tile SLate of ~'ashington or by (II'ay~ Ha,'- bov County Ill' I)y l|lly 1)O]'S(,I! (leelo{~d to hllve a re:l~;Olllll)h~ illleresL ill lhe prnposed sale. or in its t¢!r|||S, II lnddic hearing will he ileh] hi the office of the ~l~oresl S|lpervisor, Post Ol'('h'e ]~;uild ins, Olympln, WasIH n;d en, on lhe 2611~ day of •hnlo, 19{;.I, al 2:0R p,nl. PDT. i{oquests fin' public hear- ins will not I)e consi(]erod nnless |'((!(~ivod ill llle office of tiw l,'~)l','st Supervisor. Post Offi(,e Ruilding. O]ynll)ia. %Vashington, on or I)efore June 19, 196.1. Daled June 1. 1964. Lloyd G. (~ilhnor, Forest Supervisor, Olympic Nalional Forest. 6/,I-11-18-25 ,It MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ..................... 6:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO SERIES Are We I)eveloping Our Talents? Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY, JUNE 21 Praycr Hour (Wed.) 7:30 ia.m. lf):15 alto. Robert S. Wick, Pastor KGY-1240 KC, Olympia 0 .o co,. SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1964 I~',O_~" , 9:15 A.M.--Coffee Time ~ %~1~--I%~ l/tt 9:30 A.M.--Guest Speaker ~=~.~)~.~,~:~/L, JUD HOLLOWAY ~% ~" "~ ~ ~j; J ~.~/y P, ictures of L. K. Powell & Glen Canyon =~ " ; ~_~4~ 10:00 A.M .... , .w-~,~,-~-~_ "WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?" VAIl OOL 9:00 - 11:30 A.M. -- JUNE 15-26 4-year.old thru 6th Grade I 50¢ per student (3 or more per "family $1.50). ......fIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ....... Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1964 Father's Day I ...... 9"30 A M Sunday Sch,,,,= I Morning%Vorship I .... ~ .... I Broadcast Over I 8:15 & 11:00 a.m.--- I IIIIII I "Head Trouble or Heart T~ouble" I IInIi I 6:30 p.m.--Youth Groups I I%IllMl~ I 7:30 p,m.-- I1280 - 11:00 a.m. I "HOW DAD'S THINK" I! Wed. 7:30~Bible Study Fellowship & Prayer Why Not Visit The Friendly SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street ~ Mason Yotmghmd, paslor Sunday School Classes For All Ages .................... 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship .............................................................. 11:00 A M Christ'~ Ambassadors .......................................................... 6:00 i~[M' Evangelistic Service ........ : ................................................... 7:00 I: .~q:[ 7~h an4 Franklin Family Worshipt Service: 8:30 a.m. Classes: Sunday School & Adult 9:20 a.m. 2nd Worship Service 10:30 a.m. "A Qrowing Church in a Qrowing Comnmnity" Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Phone: 426-8611 ,,, ST. DAVlD;S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m.--Holy Connnunion. 11:00 a.nt.--Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer i, J, ii FIRSTCHRISTIAN CHURCH ..... Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ..... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetingm 5:30 p.nx Worship .... ........ tt~00 a,m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service -- ~,,I i MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHUR-C-H MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy. So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School ......................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class .................................................................. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ........................................ 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. u i ii i i North 4th and Pine Btreets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8.:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worshfp Services 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowsihp i i i [ i ,u,i, , , RRST OHUIlOH.OF OHRIST, SI)IENTIST I 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. l Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11 a.m. l Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. t Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to [ 4 p.m. ~fon. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. I / WELCOMES YOU Morning Services Evening Servioes Sunday School .................... 9:45 Training-Union .......... . ....... 6:30 Worship ............................ 11:00 Worship .............................. 7:30 13th & East E. St. E. A. Ormsbee, pastor 910 E. ,Dearborn 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School Rev. Lewis Wysong, Pastor 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. D.V.B,S. Closing Program Tues. 7:00 p,m. Rev. Charles Gosling Missionary to Costa Riea 6/'18 It lil !:i ii, ?i i!{