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June 18, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 2009
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If we don't have two commissioners we don't have a quorum to meet Continued from page A-1 on how this commission should operate is totally opposite to the manner in which it is now function- ing. I do not see this differ- ence as being reconcilable; I therefore must submit my resignation to be effec- tive as of this date." But McEachin said that all changed after he re- ceived Wyatt's letter and had a conversation with him. "Later that same day I was able to talk John Wyatt into re- scinding his res- ignation because if we don't have two commissioners we don't have a quorum to meet or do any business," McEachin said. Wyatt sent an e-mail to McEachin to that effect the following day. "Richard: As we dis- cussed on the phone (5/13/09) I will continue to serve until a new commis- sioner is appointed and confirmed," Wyatt wrote in the e-mail. "But in no circumstances will I serve beyond the 30th of June 2009." After that, Wyatt at- tended a port meeting on May 27 in which he and Commissioner Frank Be- navente appointed Terry Brazil as a replacement for Hamlin. But, Cobb's opinion from the prosecutor's of- fice is that the resignation "I expect there will be some ongoing discussion ... whether Mr. Wyatt is a port commissioner or not." could not be rescinded and that Brazil's appointment is not valid. "It is my legal opinion that Mr. Wyatt's resigna- tion was effective May 13, 2009 and his e-mail dated May 14, 2009 cannot re- scind a fail accompli," Cobb wrote in his June 15 letter to Mason Coun- ty Auditor Karen Herr. "That also means that Mr. Brazil's appointment to the Port was not valid as Wyatt was without au- thority on May 27, 2009 to second Brazil's nomina- tion or to vote on his ap- pointment." Cobb said this week that these matters could eventually "end up before a judge." "I expect there will be some ongoing discus- sion between the county and the port whether Mr. Wyatt is a port commis- sioner or not," Cobb said. "My opinion is that he is not and I spoke with the port's at- torney yesterday and he thinks that he is." Cobb said that in a situ- ation like this, county com- missioners can appoint what the law describes as "a qualified person" from the district in question. "That is primarily for the purpose of getting an- other body on the board," Cobb said. "They typically ask for letters of intent. Although that is not re- quired, that has typically She's knowledgeable about every detail Continued from page A-1 There was one time sev- eral years ago when five or six students accompa- nied by their leader suf- fered hundreds of bee stings while at Fort Flagler. Nurse Carol happened to be there too and stayed busy treating the victims for shock and pain. "Ev- erybody survived that one," she said. During a reception for Acocks last week at the school district's administrative office, it was remembered she al- ways gives out candy and toothbrushes at her house on Halloween. She said people bring their grand- children and tell her they got toothbrushes from her when they were young- sters. "She's so knowledge- able about every detail, and you're going to hear it all," Olympic Middle School Principal Eric Barkman said. He added he always got comfortable in his chair whenever he talked with her. "She was one of those who could talk for three "You've touched more kids than you will ever know." hours and make it lively and enjoyable," Assistant Superintendent Gordy Han- sen said. 'Tou've touched more kids than you will ever know," Superintendent Joan Zook said, while pre- senting Acocks with a certif- icate of recognition and ap- preciation from the district. She may be retiring from the district, but Nurse Carol plans to continue working at Mason General Hospital, where she has worked on Friday nights, holidays and summers. She and her husband, John, have a cabin at Lake Nahwatzel and she likes to go kayaking there. She also plans to stay involved in a lo- cal emergency medical group Seven other veteran employees are retir- ing this year from the district. They include Patti Tarrant, librarian with 30 years of experience; Bar- bara Skillman, para-techni- clan with 25 years; Donna Lantz, educational assis- tant with 25 years; Rich- ard Arnold, maintenance worker with 20 years; Su- san Wagner, librarian with 10 years; and Linda Flores, a teacher with seven years. Homeless man reported missing Sheriff's office seeks information By MARY DUNCAN The Mason County Sher- iff's Office is at- tempt- ing to locate a home- less m a n reported missing from his campsite in the Mill Creek area. David J. Curtis, 52, Shelton, was reported missing Friday, June 12, by family members, accord- ing to a press release from Chief Deputy Dean Byrd. "People familiar with Cur- tis have not seen him for the past nine days," Byrd noted. Investigators say Cur- tis maintains a room at a Shelton-area residence from time to time and camps near the banks of Mill Creek offBinns Swiger Loop Road. Byrd reported negative results from a search of a campsite off Picadilly Road where Cur- tis was staying. Curtis does not own a vehicle. "Curtis is known to take off for long periods of time, but his mother has told the investigators it is unlikely he would have missed his son's graduation," Byrd said, "and witnesses say he left property behind he would not have normally left." Curtis is described as a white male, 5'2", weighing 120 pounds with red hair Investigators do not sus- and blue eyes. He is known pect foul play at this time; however, the investigation "His mother has told the continues. Anyone investigators it is unlikely he would'with informa- have missed his son's graduation."whereaboutsti°non the of Curtis is asked to call to have medical issues in- the sheriffs office at 360- volving seizures, Byrd not- 427-9670, Extension 226, ed. or 911. [-IOND~ Power David Curtis, a homeless man, has not been seen for over a week Octogenarian pleads guilty to theft An 81-year-old Shelton man admitted stealing mon- ey from a homeowners' road company when he appeared June 8 in Mason County Su- perior Court. James F. Allen Jr., of 91 Jinee Lane, pled guilty to a charge of theft in the first degree. He is scheduled for sentencing on July 13. According to court docu- ments, he took money from the Geneco Road Mainte- nance Company in a series of transactions between July 2005 and September 2006. Allen is the former secretary-treasurer for the organization. The theft was reported on January 22, 2007, but Allen reportedly had signed an agreement with the board of directors to repay the funds. He only made one payment so the offense was reported to law enforcement. Two defendants changed their pleas on June 15. Kathleen Willis, 34, of 1025 West Gallagher Road, Shelton, pled guilty to un- lawful possession of meth- amphetamine. She admit- ted she had meth when she was arrested on November 28, 2008. The standard-range sen- tence would be six to 18 months if her offender score is five and 12 to 24 months if it's a six, Judge Amber Fin- lay explained. She will be screened for drug court. If she is accepted and successfully completes the requirements of drug court she will be allowed to withdraw her plea and the charge will be dismissed. If she is terminated from drug court she will be sentenced under a standard range. If she is not accepted into drug court her sentencing is set for June 29. Shadow Williams, 22, of • 330 East Lakeshore Drive East, Shelton, pled guilty to an amended charge of resi- dential burglary. He had been charged with first-de- gree burglary. In exchange for his plea the state agreed to dismiss a charge of viola- tion of a court order. In his plea statement he wrote, "I entered the resi- dence of David Young in vio- lation of a court order." Williams, who faces a standard sentencing range of from 12 to 14 months, is scheduled for sentencing on June 29. Comments about this story may be directed to re- porter Mary Duncan at: maryd@masoncou nty. com or 426-4412. aU= Day Weber~ One-Touch* Silver Grill 22-1/2" diatom, 0ne-Touch Cleaning system, oo-rast aluminum vent and ash catcher, triple nickel plated cooking grate,, porcelain-enameled bowl and lid, 8105207 Assemblyrequimd. 25% OFF All Patio Furniture Under The Tent Celebrating. Father's I • Day J s329 Weber* Performer Grill 22-1/2" diam. charcoal grill ignited by gas. Three recessed too( hooks in freer, removab)e eharooal ~orage bin, large Thermoset work sudacs. Limi[ed lO yr. warranly. Black or 6reeri. 8187338, 8187353 Tank sold soparata~ Available by special order only at some IosoUons, Hedge Trimmer ~5..3o ruth..era,~g,me. |~ dH,EK;~ 3-5 hr. recharge time. 7153588 -- Limited quantity available, while supplies last. Sorry, no rain checks. ........ 329 Weed Eater* Electric Trimmer Replacement 12" cutting Trimmer Line path. Push-btrtton .065" diam., 40'. :~,~ conversion Comrnercia! grade. :~i to edger. 76804 7499 After 815 MaH4n Rebate ::,:::: Black & Decker* :::: Electric Edger ......... 2 hp motor. Trench 'n Edge ,~: ii~/ Full 2 year warranty. 7099013 Umit I reba~. All Season Garden Hose 5/8" x 50'. Flextech technology resists kinking. Solid brass coupling. 7204191 1899 Nylon U,S, Flag ~~~---"- ~ 3' x 5'. Embroidered"~ stars, sewn stripes, 81015 . _: .............. ,r --Matt from NH 30 Seconds® Outdoor Cleaner i Gets rid of algae, moss, mold, and mildew growth and the spores that cause regrow~ w~in 30 seconds. Use on wood, paint, concrete, masonry, metal, cloth end plastic. Won't harm plants. 7130834 : i:: ii :: or., 7130792..d5,99 ~~ITST~'ET]i;]:!III~ilII Grill Daddy Pro Grill Cleaning Brush Cleans with the power of steam. Removable brush v~ith heavy-duty stainless-steel brisUes. 8230617 12" High-Velecity Floor Fan 3 speeds. 360° rotation. Aluminum blades. 6102040 Sty/es may va~ TRIMMER .......... MSRP '41 900 $379 i FIEI:A ~f" MSnP$3790o] f~~ 4~(~" Hardware Thursday, June 18, 2009 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-5