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June 18, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 2009
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Impasse continues at Union fire commission By JEFF GREEN The brouhaha at Fire Dis- trict 6 rolls on, with a com- mission remaining divided over the results of an inves- tigation by the Washington State Auditor's Office. On Tuesday, Fire Dis- trict 6 Commissioner Steve Grout defended his action in February 2008 when he voted with Commissioner Barbara Bodin to approve a reorganization of the Union fire department, which in- cluded a promotion and pay raise for Grout's wife, Dee. Grout said Tuesday that he found out Jim Nutt, who he described as a valuable member of the department, was being wooed by an- other fire district in 2008. Grout said Fire District 6 Chief Rich Heinrich asked him what could be done and Grout told him to do what- ever he could to keep Nutt with the department. From there, Heinrich re- organized the department, lining up Nutt and two oth- er paid members, including Dee Grout, for promotions. Grout said in more than 20 years as a Union fire com- missioner he never once vot- ed on his wife's sal- ary or position. But he said when newly elected Commis- sioner Steve Levette, who was on vaca- tion in Hawaii at the time, didn't show up for a commission meeting, action on the reorganization had to be taken soon. Grout said in March of 2008 a new separate prop- erty agreement between his wife and him was drawn up and Dee wrote a check to the fire district to cover for the difference in her wages between the time of her promotion a month earlier and when the new separate- property agreement was filed. Grout said he was offend- ed that it was made to look like he voted for the reor- ganization for his personal benefit. He said he would do it again to save a valuable member of the department. "I have worked very hard for this district the past 20- "This nitpicking has got to stop. This department deserves better." some years," he said. "I have spent thousands of hours and hundreds of days serv- ing this district. Not once have I asked this district for a dime." Union resident Ed Bind- er said no one questioned Grout's integrity. "You've gotten sloppy as commis- sioners," Binder said. The fire commissioners need to develop policies to cover conflicts of interest and oth- er issues, he said. "My greatest wish is this whole thing would blow over," added resident Don Chenoweth, who earlier in the meeting received a cer- tificate of appreciation from the department for his role in a recent water rescue on Hood Canal. "This nit- picking has got to stop," Che- noweth said. "This depart- ment deserves better." "I do not think it's about Steve Grout," said resident Mer- lyn Flakus, who has filed to run against Grout this fall. The audit report said the vote was not proper, therefore there was no vote, Flakus argued. Grout responded that Chief Heinrich is respon- sible for promotions and de- motions in the department, adding, "that vote doesn't matter." There was no legal requirement for a commis- sion vote, he stressed. Flakus said the commis- sioners could have voted on the promotions of the two TOO LATE .TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Robber pleads guilty to reduced charge By MARY DUNCAN A 30-year-old man who participated in a robbery last December in codefendants who are which a fake Rolex charged withfirst-de- watch was stolen Pfeiffer, Kelly and gree robbery are set for trials this month. changed his plea on Monday in Mason Reese acquired They are Matthew County Superior Peterson, 30, of 941 Court. theirfirst "strike" Valley Street, Shel- Samuel Edward ton; and Leisa Ki- Pfeiffer, of 2833 Lin- under the state's yoko Pfeiffer, 20, of dell Road, Olympia, .;¢, _offender 10 SE Springs Place, pled guilty to an ijeT's~..,,.e]~..,jj Shelton. According to court amended charge of sentencingact. documents, on De- second-degree rob- bery. He had been cember 19 Shawn charged with first-de- Morrow arranged gree robbery. He is sched- Road, Shelton, received to meet Leisa Pfeiffer, uled for sentencing on nine months, who wanted to buy a Ro- June 15. Pfeiffer, Kelly and Reese lex watch for a Christmas Two codefendants in the acquired their first "strike" present. Morrow said he robbery also pled guilty to under the state's persis- knew the watch was fake second-degree robbery and tent-offender sentencing but she did not. have been sentenced. Ja- act, which mandates a sen- Then a dark-colored son Reese, 34, of 2025 Ad- tence of life in prison with- SUV, driven by Kelley, ams Street: Shelton, was out the possibility of parole pulled up and three men sentenced to 20 months in for persons convicted of prison and Patrick Michael three "strike" offense. Kelly, 42, of 220 SE Ryan Cases against two other with bandanas over their faces got out, police report- ed. Peterson, Reese and Samuel Pfeiffer were in the vehicle. The men took the watch and Morrow's wallet. At his sentencing hearing Re- ese said no one had a gun and that a flashlight was used. A Shelton police officer stopped an SUV under the Highway 101 overpass on State Route 3 just south of Shelton. It was registered to Kelly who was driving and exited the vehicle. Peterson reportedly fled on foot and Reese, who was a passenger in the vehicle, took off in it driving south- bound on Highway 101. The vehicle turned onto Ryan Road, hit an embank- ment and two men fled from the vehicle. Reese and Peterson were arrested. Samuel Pfeiffer and Leisa Pfeiffer were arrested after the incident. "The food is wonderful:" "1 love the variety." "Before ! moved into Alpine, ! asked people who lived there about the food and ! heard nothing but compliments. Now that ! live here, ! agree completely." Dan Davis, Chef Meet Chef Dan, the man responsible for the good food at Alpine Way. With over 25 years of experience in all kinds of kitchens from down-home diners to fine restaurant dining, Chef Dan says that he loves the challenge of pleasing the residents and visitors who eat at Alpine every day. From perennial favorites like Crab-Stuffed Salmon, Barbecue Spare Ribs and Chicken-Fried Steak to new dishes like Rosemary Chicken with brandy cream sauce and Capuccino Angel Food Cake Mousse, the residents at Alpine Way always have a choice at meals. "For some of our residents, there's comfort and pleasure in familiar foods like grilled cheese and tomato soup," Chef Dan says. "Others like new things. Each person has a favorite type of food whether it is soups or salads or desserts. That means that everything from the Steakhouse Mushroom Soup to the Bourbon Street Chocolate Pecan Pie is important. What a pleasure it is for all of us in the kitchen to serve so many of our seniors each day." Chef Dan's scrumptious meals are just one more reason to consider making your home at Alpine Way. Car lustalla on EnloeCustomAudio & Detailing One Room . o, . Entire House Call Beth Johnston, RN, manager at (360) 426-2600 for information, a complimentary lunch and a tour. RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE 900 West Alpine Way, Shelton 98584 Dave says -- $20 OFF or Boat Detail or Audio Installation! Purchase required for audio installation. Offer expires July 31, 2009 ". - Jr:rm • Car Audio. Video • Alarms Sales & Installation . Auto & Boat Detailing Call Dave or Andy 360-545-6608 680 E. Johns Prairie Rd 0 Shelton other paid members of the department in February, then come back later to vote on Dee Grout's promotion when Levette had returned from vacation. "We didn't want people to think the chief was uni- laterally doing things," Commissioner Bodin said. "There is a violation of state law," Levette said of the conclusion of the citi- zen hotline investigation by the state auditor's office that Grout had a beneficial interest in his wife's em- ployment and salary when he voted on the departmen- tal reorganization. The fi- nancial gain continues, he added. Levette recommended the commissioners seek some kind of legal guidance on the matter. Grout said it has been resolved. Bodin said she wasn't willing to spend district money on an attorney, "which will bank- rupt us in a heartbeat." Grout and Bodin voted against Levette's motion to seek legal counsel, defeat- ing the proposal 2-1. But on Tuesday afternoon, Le- vette said Bodin, as chair of the commission, called for a special meeting at 10 a.m. this Friday to dis- cuss seeking legal counsel, which was recommended by the executive director of the Washington Fire Commis- sioners Association. ONE ROOM cabin, completely furnished, includes utilities. Rent by day, week or month. 360-898- 1247. U6/18-7/9 YARD SALE June 20th, 9am- 4pm. Furniture, oriental rugs, one 8xl 1 area rug, quality ladies' clothing size 12-14, men's cloth- ing. 201 SE Maplewood Lane, off Lynch Road, Shelton. G6/18 2005 DODGE Grand Caravan with wheel chair rear lift and Jazzy Scooter SXT. 36,000 miles. Call 360-427-5490. B6/18tfn FREE TO good home. Two dogs, both male not neutered. One 1-7/2 years and other 10 months. Sadly we have to move by the end of the month and can't take them with us.Very good with kids. Would like to keep them together. Please call 360-868-2673 or cell 360-229-3903. B6/18 BRAND NEW! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, community pool, W/D hookup. No smoking, no pets. $1,000 monthly, $1,200 deposit, background check. 360-490- 7068. N6/18-7/9 SMALL JOBS: Drywall, painting, roofing. Decks, roof cleaning and moss removal. Licensed, bond- ed, insured. DEYETC* 911B7. D6/18-9/3 NEAR TOWN, 1/2 acre, 2 bed- room, 2 bath, large carport, Recently remodeled. Available August 1. $795. 253-537-9215. A6/18-7/2 EFI IS now hiring for a P.T. Janitorial position. Basic janito- rial duties which includes clean- ing and washing of cars 20-25 hours per week, M-F. Position starts at $8.55 per hour. Must have GED/HS diploma, pass a criminal background check & drug screen, be 21 or over with a valid WA DL. Applications and full job description available at EFI 2009 Railroad Ave M-F 7:30- 4:30. EFI is an EOE and drug free employer. E6/18 TWIN BED, nearly new mattress, $60. 360-427-9070 W6/18 YARD SALE, June 19th-20th, 8am-3pm. 1806 SE Jones Road. All proceeds benefit Relay for Life. C6/18 50" MITSUBISHI projection TV. Paid over $2,000, asking $300, cash only. 360-877-9532. K6/18 ON-SITE ESTATE auction! PeEII, WA, Saturday, June 20 at 11am. (Preview 9am-Sale) Featuring a house full, 3 buildings and a barn, and 2 shops full of stuff! Every- thing from furniture to fish tanks, tons of trailer building supplies from the owners' trailer company, 2 electric cars, a Ford Taurus, Clark forklift, trailer mounted trash burner, Yard Machine, MTD riding mower, appliances, vin- tage rug beaters, competition bows, commercial pallet rack- ing, DeWalt radial arm saw, 10" table saw, rear tine tiller, electric yard sprayer, vintage wheel bar- row, tons of hand & power tools, shelving, storage bins, benches, miter saws, ladders, plumbing, piping, electric hay elevator, stamping supplies, loaded tool boxes, primitive cabinets, roll- top desk, nice gun safe, dress- ers, armoire, art, buffet, JVC flat screen, wall curio, glass shoes, sad irons, bookcases, Knack job box, truck box, trailer axles, met- al fence post, boat trailer, stock watering bins, commercial air compressor, job & scrap metal, trailer fenders, gas water pump, chains, trailer hubs, post hole au- ger, several trailers, shop press, floor jack, chain saws, parts cleaner, fencing, disc sander, Clarke MIG 130 EN welder, car ramps, trailer jacks, work tables, hardware, table top drill press, new trailer tires and wheels and building parts, ball couplers, light kits etc., hay knives, pick a rod, tree trimmer, full tool boxes, 100s of tools, pipe clamps, misc. lum- ber, wood, scaffolding, tow bars, tires and wheels. Follow auction signs from the bridge in PeEII. Info at 360-791-6085 or johnny- J6/18 I$ (360) 918-9100 ! I i I I LACEY i I .......... ! k l ST00L~,~yBI~. *See store for complete details Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 18, 2009