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Summer of Service set to begin
On Monday, June 22, President
Barack Obama will announce the
launch of the Summer of Service.
It's a national call to action; based
on his belief that volunteerism is
a part of the solution. Nationwide
or in your backyard, he's asking
us to do what we can. And we're
making it possible for you to get
involved in being part of the
during the
Summer of
Service from
June 22 to
Summer is
an important
time for vol-
students can
get extended
learning op-
families can
get outside
for outdoor
work, and
summer vol-
unteerism is a
great way to
find new friends and new activities
in your community. And talk about
cost-friendly, most activities are
free and volunteering at local fairs
and festivals will often get you a
discount on food, tickets or entry
The best part is that
volunteering can help you see
first-hand the problems people
in Mason County are facing and
inspire you to take part in more
ways you can help. As President
Obama said, "We are the change
we have been waiting for."
So, here's how to get started
making a change during Summer
of Service:
Join us at our Summer of Service
Kick-Off Party from 4 to 7 p.m.
Wednesday, July 8, at Heritage
Park on Capitol Lake in Olympia.
Learn more about the Summer
of Service, meet people from
organizations that could use your
help, and learn how to compete
for prizes for best volunteer group,
best volunteer family and best
Summer of Service project.
You also can sign up for two
important Summer of Service days.
Each day will focus on a specific
issue and participants will be
working on theme-related projects
throughout the community. Each
day also will include options for
youth and family volunteering. All
you need to do is sign up for the
day, we'll tell you where and when
to report to work. The Summer of
Service days for 2009 are Saturday,
August 1, which will focus on
the environment, and Friday,
September 11, which will focus on
If these activities don't fit your
busy summer schedule or don't
match our interests, we'll have
plenty of other ways for you to get
in the swim of service during our
Summer of Service. For instance,
you can join in on activities at the
United Way of Mason County's Day
of Caring on Tuesday, June 23. Find
out more about how you can help
by calling the United Way office at
426-4999 or visiting their Web site
at www.unitedwaymasonco.org.
And your Summer of Service can
include volunteering at events such
as Celebrate
(July 3-5),
the Mason
County Fair
(July 24-
26), or the
Taste of
Hood Canal
(August 8).
We also will
have a list of
one-time or
from various
in the region.
Look for
about all of
our Summer
of Service
activities at
the kick-off
party or on our Web site at www.
vol u nteer.ws.
All summer long we will be
interested in finding and promot-
ing more ways for people to get
involved. If you are the volunteer
coordinator or executive director
of an organization with summer
volunteer events already on your
schedule, we'd love to promote
them at the kick-off party, through
our Web site and through our me-
dia partners. Simply send a descrip-
tion of your event to Frieda Ray at
Sara Ballard is the executive
director of the Volunteer Center
of Lewis, Mason and Thurston
Fournier Group
Shelton Office
Announces New Office Hours:
10am-12pm & lpm-4pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
We can be reached by phone
Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 5pm
(360) 426-1641
With Great Appreciation to all who made this 65th year of Mason
County Forest Festival the very best ever! Thank You...
94,5 Roxy
Advar~:e Automotive Service
Aiec Sprouffske
Alex Gr-~enko
Aiycla Pearson
All American Design
Alpine Way
Aiysska Cedar Works
An'terican Red Cross
Angie Harvey
Ann Graham
Anytime F~ess Center
Arcadia Excavati~
Art Tozier
A & W Family Restaurant
~Ila Cepella
Bill Valley
Billle H~ard
Blaine & Deanna Maples
Black ~r
Bob & 3acque Whaley
Bonnie Potter
Brian Wheeter
Carolyn O~n
Castle & Coleman Logging
Cen~nnial Hospital Gui~
CFM Auto Body
Chloe Barrett
Chuck Robertaen
City of Sh~on, Public Works, P~rks ~ & Water Del~.
Coach MaU Hin~ & The SI-18 Fo~tl T~m
Coffee C~k Expre~,o
Cooler S~i¢~
Cut Rate Auto Parts
Dale Eimiund
Dane t~r~t
Dadene McCaltum
Der~ & Linda A~ff~s
Darrell C ~@.~r~
Debi Harvey
Diamond Excevating
~lDg~{ Printing
O R Gardner, CPA
Dusty Watts
Delight McKay
Edge of the Earth Paints
Enterlainmont Fireworks
Ext r Aute Baby
Gary On
Gateway Rental Center
Green Diamond Resources
Gordy Ou te
Hiawatha Inc
Hunter Construction
Jac~ia Ouellette
Jessica Gray
Jim & Vickie Sawyer
Joan Menke
Joesphs Flowers
John Ta~nt
JX Construction
Kath, y Burbidge
Kapot~in Air Sports
Karen Everett
Katy Mak
Kay Pea~n
K~S Radio
Kevin Phillips
Kid{ & Teresa Miller
Krt~as Town Kiwanis
Lake Limerick Pro Shop
L~ Creek Casino Resort
Ltoyd Prouty
Lynch Creek Floral
Lynn Harvey
McFa~d Cascade
M:¢k Spmuf~ke
Manke Lumber Company
Mariano's Fine Jewelry
Martin NeOn
Mason County I.ti~
Mary Jo Ce~y
Ma~)n County Sh~ DepL
Mirlk; One
Michael Sobotka
Muriel Miller
Lir~ Gtover Spreuffske
Uncla Trail
Lori Sed~
Mason County Forest Festival Assoc,
Mason County Garbage & Recycling
Michael & Malody Gill "40 Et 8"
Mike & Metanle Witlig
Mike Oblizalo
Nick Earsley
Oakland Bay Jr High
Old Navy
Olympic Fabricetions
Olympic Physicians
Optimist Club of Mason County
Our Community Credit Union
Pare Schlauderaff
Papa Murphy's Take 'N' Bake Pizza
Paradise AmL~ements Carnival
Pat Ayers
Patti Case
Per~ct Reflections Auto Body
Phyll~, & Denise Gunther
Pinnacle Signs & Designs
of She~on
Rick Ryan
Rachal Hanson- Web Mas~
Renegade Guns & Loan
Rick Thombrue
Robert Trail
Sage Book Store
Shalton Fire Department
Sharon High School DECA Club
Sha~n High S¢~l NJROTC
Sha~n Pot~ Del~.
Shalton School District
Shen Wdlan
$haryat Balcling
Shuab Ellison Tires
Simpson Door
Simpson Timber Co.
Skookum Rot~/
Srnokin' Mo's
Snell Crane ~rvce
Stacy's Autornot~
Sue Your~lo~
Tami Er~s~m
Tern Robe~
The 8quaxln I~ar~l
Child Development Center
Thomas Printing
Tom Chambers
Tom Moran
Transmis.,~ns Plus
Treasures Th~ Store
Tupper's Floor Covering
Vanderwl's Garage
Vickle & Ruben Nun=
Vikings Floors & Interiors
Vince Smith
If we have missed anyone, I am
very sorry, but know that your
help was very important to us,
Mason Count Forest Festiva!
Vo~t~ are a~ys m~led.
• tf you are interested ~ase give
me a call 42B.1098. Debi
Next Mes~g ~ember 2rid
at B:O0 at Roosters in the meet-
ing room.
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 18, 2009
Justice Kandoll and Meredith Appel
Wedding day will be
July 11 at Chapel of Grace
Robert and Melanie Ap-
pel of Shelton announce the
engagement and upcoming
wedding of their daughter,
Meredith, to Justice Kan-
doll, both of Lacey. He is the
son of Jacqueline Stenstrom
of Poulsbo and Michael
and Deborah Kandoll of A1-
amogordo, New Mexico. The
wedding is set for Saturday,
July 11, at the Olympia
Chapel of Grace.
The bride is a 2005 grad-
uate of Shelton High School
and a 2009 graduate of
Saint Martin's University
with a degree in criminal
The groom is a 2004 grad-
uate of North Kitsap High
School, a 2008 graduate of
Saint Martin's University
with a degree in criminal
justice and is presently at-
tending the Thurgood Mar-
shall School of Law at Tex-
as Southern University in
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