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Patty Binion, MGH May Employee of the Month
Patty Binion, a two-year
employee in Mason General
Hospital's materials de-
partment, was selected by
her peers to be "Employee
of the Month" for May.
Her nominator described
her as "the best. She is
knowledgeable, warm,
friendly, considerate and
compassionate. Patty is a
great supporter of the hos-
Binion, who was born
and raised in Seattle but
lived in many parts of the
United States because of
her husband Pat's job, came
to Mason General Hospital
after working for a printing
company in Seattle. "In my
last job I handled the print-
ing, so when I came here
I was already very famil-
iar with everything," she
pointed out. As an employ-
ee of the materials depart-
ment, she orders and stocks
the supplies for many of
the departments at MGH
and does the non-medical
purchasing for MGH and
its clinics - such as forms
and printed materials. "I
love the customer service
aspect of my job," Binion
said. "Everyone is so nice
to work with -- so friendly
and helpful. There is a lot
of camaraderie."
Her supervisor, Merry
Antrim, described her as
makes a
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Patty Binion
"very conscientious about
every process in her daily
work life. Patty takes direc-
tion easily and her follow-
through is tremendous."
She has two grown sons,
Andy and Erik.
White Bear named student of month
Celeste White Bear of
Shelton's Choice High School
was selected as student of
the month for April. She was
recognized for her outstand-
ing accomplishments in her
school and was honored by the
Shelton Lions Club at a recent
regular meeting.
She has been involved with
Choice basketball and lettered
in fastpitch. She served as the
ASB president of Choice High
School and was the coordina-
tor of the 25th anniversary of
Choice High School in May.
Other activities she has
taken part in include Winter
Celebration, Little League
and the Halloween celebra-
tion at Choice.
Her community activities
include contributing time to
helping with the food bank
donations and with the bas-
ketball and fastpitch refresh-
ment stand.
She has been featured in
the Olympian newspaper for
an excellence achievement
award for high schools and
assessment awards at the
Standing Tall Conference.
White Bear plans to con-
tinue her education at the
Northwest Indian College.
Celeste White Bear
Local Curves and club members team up
to support victims of domestic violence
For the past month
Susan Counard, Curves
co-owner, has turned
her club into an infor-
mation center and col-
lection site for the first
Shelton Curves "Needs
Drive" for Turning
Pointe Domestic Vio-
lence Services. Members
and visitors to Shel-
ton's Curves club en-
thusiastically donated
much-needed supplies
such as toiletries, non-
perishable foods and pet
supplies for the local do-
mestic violence shelter
and its clients. Women
the year
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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 18, 2009
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