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Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 2009
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Thursday, June 18 LEGION BASEBALL Capital at Shelton, 6 p.m. Saturday, June 20 LEGION BASEBALL Narrows Baseball Club at Shelton, DH, noon YOUTH BASEBALL Mason County Youth Baseball All- Star Tournament, MCRA park 9 a.m. Sunday, June 21 YOUTH BASEBALL Mason County Youth Baseball All- Star Tournament, MCRA park, 9 a.m. Tuesday, June 23 LEGION BASEBALL River Ridge at Shelton, 6 p.m. Coming up • The Shelton High School summer pool schedule for June 22-25 will include swim lessons, open swims, water aerobics, lap swims and private rentals. Call the pool at 426- 4240 for more information. The schedule is available online at • The Shelton Kings Youth Football sign-ups are Monday, June 22 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, June 27 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Timberland Library. The cost for flag football is $25.00. The fee for minor varsity is $75 and the cost of senior varsity is $100. For more information, call Todd at 239-0282. • Registration is available for the Shelton Parks and Rec- reation summer programs. For more information on the sum- mer programs, contact the recreation office at 432-5149 or stop by the office at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street. To have your event listed in the sports calendar, get the information to the Journal by faxing it to 426-9399, e-mailing it to, or by mailing it to RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Gridiron Continued from page C-1 there. They have tutors and they see the potential with him even though he struggles with academics," LoaLoa said. Jordan's older brother Janus also moved from Shelton to Salt Lake City and was an all-state player for Cottonwood High School. Jordan said the move from Shelton was hard at first, but realizes it has helped his future. "Ever since I moved down here, the teachers and coun- selor see to it that I get the help I need," he said. '~hey know I am on the football team and look out for me." Afo admits he misses his parents and other aspects about life in Shelton. "I really missthe weather in Washington. The weather here is either too dry or too hot or too cold," he said. While Afo's future in football remains in doubt, there's no doubt his poten- tial is limitless if he re- turns to the field healthy. ranks him No. 24 at his position nation- ally and his coach at Cot- tonwood believes his young star will make an impact at the next level. "Jordan is very physi- cal presence in the middle and he is very athletic and has tons of potential. He's 6-4, 300 pounds and can do a back flip flatfooted. You just don't see that kind of athletic ability with a big guy like that," Cottonwood coach Cecil Thomas said. "That's what got him into trouble with his injury- the back flips. If he comes out of this thing healthy, there's no doubt he will excel at the next level." Regardless of his future on the gridiron, Afo realizes he is lucky. "I said a thousand prayers when I was on that hospital bed," he said. "If I can't play, that is life, but I really want to get back and play my senior year." Quadra Paws celebrate with fun run The Quadra Paws 4x4 Club held its fourth annual fun run at the Tahuya For- est near Belfair. Nearly 100 participants arrived to try their hand at games and questions in an attempt to win prizes donated by local businesses. A food drive for the North Mason Food Bank was held at the fun run. Participants brought enough food to fill the rear of an SUV and do- nated $200 in cash. The Washington State Patrol district office in Bremer- ton also collected food and donated it at the fun run. Troopers Jennifer Parker and David Huibregtse drove out with a car full of food Competitors take to the course last weekend at the annual Quadra Paws 4X4 fun run. and smiles for everyone. The event required par- ticipants to navigate a 10.5- mile off-highway course through the forest with checkpoints. Games this year included driving down a hill while holding a bad- minton racket with a ball balanced on it, pachinko and stacking blocks on a stick. Questions again this year tested the participants' knowledge in sports and ge- ography. Participants were also given a trash bag and given points for returning it filled. Prizes included a Warn winch from Northridge 4x4, concert tickets with a room and dinner at the Emer- ald Queen Casino, a shock system, an air-cleaner in- take system from Bay View 4x4, a gift certificate to Les Schwab and even a gift cer- tificate for a tattoo. LAKE UMERICK LADIES GOLF SHAMROCK TOURNAMENT, JUNE 10 The Lake Limerick Ladies' Club hosted its 24th annual Shamrock Golf Tournament on Wednesday, June 10. A full field of 72 golfers representing 15 area golf courses competed for both individual and team prizes. Tournament chairper- son Marsha Berry credited the large turnout to the reputation that the Shamrock has gained as a fun, good-value competi- tion. Kim Anderson, Capitol City, took Low Gross of the Field honors with an 81, while Jo Ann Lydum, Lake Limerick, won Low Net of the Field with a 61. During lunch at the Lake Limerick Inn overlooking the lake, every participant went home with a door prize and three lucky golfers won $75, $50 and $25 in the Pot o'Gold cash raffle. More results: Flight 1 : Low Gross: Karen Dob- son, 90; Low Net: 1~t- Karon Strada, 72; 2°d - Lesley Robert- shaw-Mosley, 72; 3~d - Mary Lou Wicken, 72; 4th - Izzie Hobson, 72; 5t"- Sharon Glass, 73. Flight 2: Low Gross: Marge Witcraft, 97; Low Net: 1~t - Ann John- son, 65; 2°d- Judy White, 67; 3rd - Leona Klein, 70; 4t" - Diann Mueller, 70; 5t" - Shirley Mitch- ell, 71. Flight 3: Low Gross: Luana Ellis, 102; Low Net: 1~t - Jeannine Jacob, 68; 2nd - Iris Zieman, 69; 3~ - Bonnie Mor- row, 70; 4th- Adele Scott, 71; 5th - Vickie World, 71. LADIES GOLF SCORES Accuracy Drive Hole 3: Flight 1: Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley, 38". Flight 2: Joyce Reynolds, 21" Flight 3: Diane Pollard, 2". Long Drive Hole 17: Flight 1: Kathy Barrett. Flight 2: Diann Mueller. Flight 3: Vicki Stor- ment. KP Hole 7: Flight 1: Janet Wei- land, 3'9". Flight 2: Gloria Wharton, 8'7". Flight 3: Bon- nie Morrow, 9'7". Team Best Ball Net: 1~t- Mary Lou Wicken, Luana Ellis, Marge Witcraft, Betty Dean, 112; 2~d - Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley, Shari Blackwood, Sue Fischer, Jo Ann Lydum, 114; 3rd - Marilyn Waldrop, Ann Johnson, Diann Mueller, Vickie World, 119. 9 Hole, June 12 Team Dice Tie for 1~t at 35: Team 1 - Eb- erhardt, Sharon Hadsall, Maxine O'Neill, Gayle Wilcox. Team 2 - Ann Wooten, Barb Villa, Barb Dennis, Pat Zulfer. Low Net: 33. 18 HOLE MEMORIAL DAY TOURNAMENT, MAY 20 AND MAY 27 Winners: Betty Dean and Mar- sha Berry, who tied with a score of 62. 9 Hole, June 8 Low Putts Flight 1:1st- Ann Johnson, 14; 2nd - (tie) Jeannine Jacob and Gall Gagner, 16; 3rd- Joyce Reynolds, 17. Flight 2:1~- (tie) Barb Eberhardt and Judy Bru- nett, 15; 2nd -- Barb Villa, 18. Flight 3:1st- Pat Wass, 17; 2nd - Clara Robinson, 18; 3rd -- Sharon Hadsall, 20. Pars: Ann Johnson, No. 1 and No. 4; Judy Brunnet No. 7. Chip-ins: Clara Robinson, No. 5 and No. 8. Low Net:Ann Johnson, 29. LAKE CUSHMAN LADY NINERS Low Net, June 9 Division 1 : 1 st _ Molly Frazier, 2~ - Vickie World; Division 2: 1st - Judy Keiffer, 2no - Peggy Newton; Division 3:1~t- Elisa- beth Miller, 2n~ - Sue Wilson; Division 4:1st -- Lorna Burgwin, 2°d - (tie) Gwen Gadberry and Phyllis Minteer. LAKE CUSHMAN 18 HOLE LADIES GOLF CLUB 18 Hole Match-Net vs. Par, June 10 Division 1 : 1st _ Kathy Johnson, 2~d - Cheryl Ulrich; Division 2:1~t - Elaine Close, 2~d - Betsy Sharp, 3ro - Sharon Bennett; DiVision 3: 1~t- Joleta Smith, 2nd -8obbie Maker, 3r~ - Gloria Carlson; Di- vision 4:1~t - Linda Sund, 2no - Jan Olson. KP: Judy Burke, No. 4; Cheryl Ulrich, No. 6 and No. 13. Chip-ins: Charlette Ocker- man. BAYSHORE LADIES GOLF Low Net, June 2 18 Holes - Flight 1:1~t- Har- lene Robbins; 2°~- Toni Stevens. Flight 2: 1st Kay Knudsen; 2°a - Lois Lemagie. 9 Holes: 1st _ Ruth Watton. Least Putts 18 Holes: Toni Stevens and Kaye Knudsen (tie); 9 Holes: Ruth Watton. Bird- ies: Harlene Robbins, No. 12. Chip-ins: Mary Lou Wicken, No. 7; Kaye Knudsen, No. 15. Points, June 9 18 Holes - Flight 1 : 1st _ Harlene Robbins; 2~ - Mary Lou Wicken. Flight 2: 1st- Marge Witcraft and Lois Lemagie (tie). 9 Holes - l'~- Pat Oltman and Kaye Knutsen (tie), 2°a - Billie Elms. Least Putts: 9 Holes - 1't - Billie Elms and Joan McComb (tie); 18 Holes - Mary Lou Wicken and Marge Witcraft. Chip-ins: Stacy Scoles, No. 17; Marge Witcraft, No. 13. ALDERBROOK LADLES GOLF ONES, June 9 18 Hole - Division 1: t~t - Nancy Gurnsey, 36; 2~a - Sandy Dunlap, 38 and Karen Dobson, 38; 3~d - Coralie Watters, 39. Division 2: 1~t - Karen Logan, 32 and Renee Youngs, 32; 2°~ - Karen Burns, 35.5; 3~ - Alice Chapman, 37 and Leona Klein, 37. Division 3: 1st - Anne Gilbert, 34; 2~ - Pat Johnson, 35.5 and Lois Rogers, 35.5; 3rd - Pat Stobie, 36.5. 9 Hole Division: 1't- Bebe Silvey, 0.5; 2na - Diane Budd, 3; 3re - Anne McGinness, 4.5. Flag Day, June 11 18-Holers - Flight 1 : 1~- Rebecca Danielson, No. 1, 15.5" from the hole; 2nd - Nancy Gumsey; 3rd - Gerry Lou Haselwood; 4th - San- dy Dunlap. Flight 2:1st - Marilyn Keller, No. 1, 12' 6" from hole; 2nd- Karen Burns, 3~ - Linda Cre- swell, 4th - Dusty Blair. Flight 3: 1st- Pat Johnson, No. 2 green, in the hole; 2~ - Maxine Baillie, 3rd -Deanna Hill, 4th - Donna Taylor. 9 Hole: 1st _ Carol Kelley, No. 1 O, in the hole; 2nd - Lana Clauson, 3rd - Joanne Nelson, 4th - Marilyn Butler. ~ ~i ' -.i :~ '!r~ L: JUNIOR GOLF CAMPS JUNE 23RD 24TH &26TH JULY 14"rH 15TH & 16'-rn 9AM TO 10:30AM OPEN TO ALL BOYS & GIRLS, BETWEEN 8 & 17 YRS OLD IF YOU NEED EQUIPMENT, WE WILL PR 0 VIDE IT FOR YOU. COST FOR EACH CLINIC IS $30.00 OR BOTH FOR $50.00 TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CALL 426-1271 BRIAN DAVIS PGA PROFESSIONAL BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE ! ! Attention past member or current resident..WE WANT YOU!! *For a limited time, you can join the Shelton Athletic Club for FREE!!! That is right -- no membership fee ($100.00 value). But wait, there is more! Sign up now and also receive the first month's dues on us ($39.00 value). That is a savings of $139.00!!! COMING SOON -- tanning beds and child care! Please present this advertisement to a Shelton Athletic Club counselor to receive your FREE membership card when signing up. We look forward to seeing you soon and hope we can earn your business/ Hurry -- offer ends on July 9, 2009/ Sincerely, -- Shelton Athletic Club Staff Hours of operation : Mon-Fri: 4:30am-9:00pm • Sat-Sun: 7:00am-3:00pm *to receive free membership and the 1st month free, a one year contract and auto pay program must be signed and completed. Senior & Military qualify for discount on monthly dues. SHELTON ATHLETIC CLUB Just South of Downtown Shelton on H hway 3 Stop in today at 707 South Fh'st Street, Call 426-1388 or us: sac@hctc,com Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 18, 2009