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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 2009
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jou RNAL OF RECORD MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdic- tion during the past week include: Negligent driving: Bri- an J. Cozzie, 1621 SE Cres- cent Drive, Shelton, first degree, $645, 90 days, 89 suspended. Driving while license suspended or revoked: Steve Leon Stewart, 50 SE Picadilly Drive, Shelton, third degree, $550, 90 days suspended, and possession of less than 40 grams of marijuana, $800,90 days, 89 suspended; Jack Ray Toom- ire, 2058 NE Green Glen Lane, Bremerton, third de- gree, $400, 90 days suspend- ed; Crystal A. Botsford, 741 East Bayview Drive, Shel- ton, third degree, $250, 90 days suspended; Koty Lee Ewing, 1611 King Street, Shelton, third degree, $193, 90 days, 80 suspended; Ma- teo Raymundo-Lopez, 1121 West Kamilche Lane, Shel- ton, third degree, $343, 90 days suspended. No liability insurance: Crystal A. Botsford, 741 East Bayview Drive, Shel- ton, and speeding, $745; Gail Yvonne Singer, 1929 Washington Street, Shelton, and speeding, $670; James Richard Sutphin, 91 North Hoodview Place, Lilliwaup, and expired vehicle tabs, $766; Shanon R. Meadors, 2726 36th Avenue NE, Olym- pia, $550. Speeding (over $250): Dennis R. Bradbury, Trap- per Creek, Arkansas, in a construction zone, $251. Over legal weight: Joe Gordon Logging, 'Incorpo- rated, McCleary, $250; Ac- tive Underground, Limited Liability Company, Shelton, $293. Unlawful fishing (over $250): Paula M. Hill, 11 SE Cabana Avenue, Shelton, over limit of oysters, $300; Gary R. Jackson, 7641 Nor- mandy Street SE, Olympia, over limit of oysters, $300; Karen G. Jackson, 7641 Normandy Street SE, Olym- pia, over limit of oysters, $3o0. Other offenses: Eu- gene Thomas Hartshorn, 620 East Centerline Road, Grapeview, violation of court order, $545, 365 days, 185 suspended; Anthony Alan Krueger, 101 Sadie Lane NW, Bainbridge Is- land, possession of under 40 grams of marijuana, $250. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Municipal Court Judge George Steele's jurisdiction during the past week in- clude: Third-degree theft: Joshua Lee Duran, 942 Cas- cade Avenue, Shelton, 365 days, 355 suspended. Criminal trespass: Cur- tis Anthony Boysen, 1920 Laurel Street, Shelton, sec- ond degree, $213, 90 days, 87 suspended. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Joshua P. Faught and Brandy Dawn Faught. Maricell Cruz Lombardi and Michael Lee Lombardi. New Cases Washington State De- partment of Revenue against Shawn W. Kinney, tax warrant. Arrow Financial Servic- es, Limited Liability Com- pany against Lindley Wicks Jr. and Jane Doe Wicks, commercial. Washington State De- partment of Employment Security tax warrants against Helen F. Johnson; Jeremy D. Martinell; Debra McDougall. Sun Auto RV and Marine Sales, against Dave Ken- nedy and Sue Kennedy, un- lawful detainer. Dynamic Collectors, tran- scripts of judgment against Michealene Tresner and John Doe Tresner; Mark G. Brewer and Tracey Brewer; Emmie Joy Miller and Ste- phen J. Miller. Discover Bank, commer- cial claims against Lori E. Hatfield and John Doe Hat- field; Stephanie R. Hills and John Doe Hills. Midland Funding, com- mercial claims against Zane Hansen; Elizabeth Witten- berg. Wynwood Land, Limited Liability Company against Alexander Hernandez, un- lawful detainer. Citibank South Dakota against Barbara J. Slack, commercial. Richard Walker and Pa- mela Walker against Aman- da D. Elia, Linda Newsom and Ron Lyle, unlawful de- tainer. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiv- ing permits during the past two weeks include: Steve Brown, 221 SE Weston Road, Shelton, residence, $234,532.81; Nita Huckle, 4130 East Agate Road, Shelton, cov- ered porch, $6,113; Carl Ehresman, 80 East Dun- vegan Road, Shelton, resi- dence, $164,469.78; Philip Plattner, 1580 East South Island Drive, Shelton, resi- dence, $288,691.37; Woodis Sundstrom, 21220 North Highway 101, Shelton, resi- dence, $219,721.78. Every Frida is Container Da ~ Y Y : m: .............. • Bring your own container and I will put ~iiiii;: in flowers for FREE* while you wait! *(All you pay for is the fl ..... !) ]~t~i~ WEDDINGS ~: Flowersqoseph Mt. View • Shelton (360) 292-0920 ...... Rob Kamin, 1997 East State Route 3, Shelton, resi- dence, $118,354.20; Larry Sukert, 11 West River Drive, Elma, garage, $48,885.12; Tracy West, 621 SE Phillips Road, Shelton, residence, $197,602.58; McDonald Land Company, 3084 West State Route 108, Shelton, replace trusses, $31,584; Pat Christensen, 60 East Skyview Court, Shelton, covered deck, $5,686.02. Brad Wilson, 220 SE Cook Plant Farm Road, Shelton, garage, $69,103.04; Ed Hedlund, 20 West Mary M. Knight Road, Elma, barn, $22,690; Julie Gold- smith, 20 SE Bluff Loop Road, Shelton, pile wall sys- tem and deck repair to sta- bilize bank, $65,250; Ann Winebrenner, 370 SE Johns Road, Shelton, repair roof damage, $5,800; Harmony Hill, 7362 East State Route 106, Union, greenhouse, $24,065.36. Warren Jewell, 551 East Woodland Beach Lane, Shel- ton, residence, $176,957.72; Michael Avgeres, 11734 East State Route 106, Union, garage, $43,453.44; Mary Larson, 1160 East Wilson Way, Grapeview, garage, $18,256.48; Rich- ard Deno, 7900 East State Route 106, Union, garage, $19,900; Jerry and Jill Otto, 9241 SE Lynch Road, Shel- ton, garage, $55,637. Brian Herseth, 2291 East Phillips Lake Loop Road, Shelton, garage, $24,895.20; Marlin Brown, 191 West Pine Acres Way, Shel- ton, addition, $35,088.24; Steve Boad, 770 West De- light Park Road, Shelton, garage, $29,421.60; Blue Herron Condos, 6520 East State Route 106, Union, re- pair foot bridge, $9,593.80; Mason County Christian School, 470 East Eagle Ridge Drive, Shelton, roof, $166,284.80. No value was listed for the following projects: Mark Tomlinson, 840 East Libby Road, Shelton, residence; Robert Krueger, 1700 East Shelton Springs Road, Shelton, manufac- tured home; Green Diamond Resource Company, 4044 East Mason Lake Road, Shelton, grading of earthen berms and removal of ma- terials from site of former Shelton Gun Club. Bill Dotson, 640 West In- sels Road, Shelton, modu- lar home; Bruce Lewis, 730 East Mason-Benson Road, Grapeview, manufactured home. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, June 9 Trespassing was report- ed on property in the 1500 block of Center Street. A caller reported finding a motorcycle hidden in the bushes in the 300 block of South Sixth Street. A caller complained about fireworks in the area of West Euclid Avenue and South Seventh Street. A vehicle prowl was re- ported in the 600 block of Bellevue Avenue. Wednesday, June 10 Vehicle vandalism was reported in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard. At 11:12 a.m. officers re- ceived a report of a suspi- cious vehicle in the area of Choice High School. Thursday, June 11 Trespassing was re- ported at a residence in the 900 block of South Seventh Street. A burglary was reported at a residence in the 1000 block of Cascade Avenue. A caller said a man was sleeping in a sleeping bag on a table at Brewer Park. Vandalism was reported at Shelton High School. Friday, June 12 Around 1 a.m. a caller reported witnessing an as- sault in the 100 block of If you take care of your car, your car will take care of you. We're here to help you keep your car dependable at a very reasonable rate. Custom exhaust work, brakes, even tune-ups and oil changes, from imports to motorhomes and everything in between, quality and trust: That's Hometowne Service! N 0 M ETOWi~II E • ~i:: (360) 426-10Zl /~,~R m.-p~, ~~0~:''+ "~:::'+ : ...... ~1~ .... :~ 0021 WE HAVE GAS GAS DELI GROCERIES OEmEH,a,L LAUNDRY STOP~E I ~ " .0 • Laundromat • Cigarettes • Groceries • New Prices • Worms • Lots of Convenient Parking • Truck Parking TOO! Hwy 3 across from Bayshore Gollt www, MasonCou ntyFair, org 360-427-7789 PROPANE Coming Soon/ 24/7 LEVEL 4 TRAUMA DESIGNATION ..... :::~i~iiiiiii;ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii~, .............. +~;i;iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ..... (360) 42 6-16 i ! ....... .... South First Street. A caller reported seeing two men smoking suspected marijuana in the bushes by the transit stop in the 500 block of Cota Street. A caller from a business in the 2500 block of Olym- pic Highway North reported someone sending threaten- ing text messages to an em- ployee. Vandalism was reported at a residence in the 1200 block of Franklin Street. At 9:50 p.m. a caller re- ported people in the Sixth Street Park. Saturday, June 13 Just after midnight of- ricers responded to a report of a disturbance in the 100 block of South First Street. A caller from the 600 block of West Sunrise Court reported harassment. A vehicle prowl was re- ported in the 1800 block of Pioneer Way. A caller complained about noise in the 1600 block of Ridge Road. Sunday, June 14 At 2:27 a.m. a caller com- plained about noise in the 100 block of South First Street. Just after 3 a.m. a caller complained about a loud party in the area of Summit Drive and Arcadia Avenue. Officers responding to the call at 3:49 a.m. requested assistance from deputies. A caller from the 1700 block of Stevens Street re- ported receiving threats. An assault was report- ed near the intersection of Pioneer Way and Stevens Street. Monday, June 15 An assault was reported at 4:20 a.m. in the 700 block of West Alder Street. Vehicle prowls were re- ported in the 1200 block of West Harvard Avenue, in the 1900 block of South First Street and in the 1500 block of Wingwood Place. Officers responded at 11:12 a.m. to a report of a disturbance in the 2200 block of King Street. A caller from the 300 block of South 12th Street re- ported harassment. Vandalism was reported at a residence in the 1000 block of Turner Avenue. A 1988 Toyota was stolen from the 1000 block of Bay- view Avenue. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail recorded populations as fol- lows during the past week: Wednesday 95, Thurs- day 87, Friday 88, Saturday 86, Sunday 88 Monday 88, See Journal on page C-6 JULY 24-26 Pick up a copy the 2009 Mason Couaty Fair Exhibitor's Handbook and Premium Guide or view online and enter to earn cash, ribbons and bragging rights while supporting your local Fair! Go to to enter online! Shelton Locations Caboose Del's Farm Supply Mason County Senior Center Our Community Credit Union Shelton Timberland Library WSU Extension Office Outlying Areas Hunter Farms Lilliwaup Store Matlock Store Belfair Locations Belfair Animal Hospital North Mason Chamber of Commerce Olympia Federal Savings Belfair Timberland Library Hoodsport Locations Hood Canal VIC G & M Hardware PUD#1 Hoodsport Timberland Library Allyn Locations Union Location Allyn Knit Shop Union Square Deli Port Of Allyn FREE gate admi don, exciting NPRA rodeo, a TltKILLIN6 carnival, draft hone ride ... now the tint ever... Calling all Mu ician hnd ! hllgenres welcome-Rock, Countr~ Classica~ + lfl place 41000 Blues... but stage space is limited! Submit a + 2M place - +500 recording by email or mail for a place in the competition! Details &applica~n online! + $rd place - , 250 From animals to zithers - there b a category for every age and interest. ENTER THE WHOLE FAMILY~ Thursday, June 18, 2009 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page C-5