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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 2009
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JOURNAL CLASS SECTION! Serving Hoodsport, Union, Brinnon, Lilliwaup, Lake Cushman, Eldon and Surrounding Areas -'A Section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal • Thursday, June 18, 2009 Bridge opened sooner than planned Since the beginning of the bridge The $500-million bridge con- hydraulic system was upgraded for held on June 6 at the Salisbury The new SR 104 Hood Canal bridge opened on June 3, which was eight days earlier than ex- pected. The bridge provides a link across Hood Canal from Port Lud- low to Port Gamble, with estimat- ed travel at 20,000 cars per day. closure in early May, some drivers have been driving nearly 80 miles out of their way via Highway 101 to reach a destination. Hoodsport was hit hard with heavy traffic. On Memorial Day weekend, cars were lined up as far back as the Lucky Dog Casino. struction project began in 1997 and remains ongoing with full completion set for December of 2009. In the latest closure, engi- neers instructed tugboat opera- tors to remove sections of the old floating bridge and tug in three replacement sections. The bridge smoother bridge openings. Brand- new trusses on both the east and west entry points were installed: Also included in the improvement are wider lanes and shoulders to reduce congestion and provide safety for motorists and bicyclists. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was Point County Park to celebrate the re-opening and give thanks to sup- porters. Following the ceremony, people gathered in Port Townsend for the Hood Canal bridge reopen- ing bash, which featured arts and crafts, live music and great food. Talk of July Fourth celebration begins The latest question of the end of the fireworks show, town is "What are you do- buses will run from several ing for the Fourth of July?" locations in Shelt0n, Lake Most local folk know that Cushman and Hoodsport the biggest Fourth celebra- in order to keep traffic at tion in the county happens bay. Checking with the lo- in Hoodsport. With that cal transit system as well in mind, Hoodsportees are as the Hoodsport Fourth of revving up their engines July Journal insert for bus and getting prepared for schedules will help elimi- another fiery festival. Both nate unwanted congestion. Friday, July 3, and Satur- Alongside fireworks, at- day, July 4, from 10 a.m. tendees can partake in a to 10 p.m. events will take variety of Hoodsport fun. place in and around Hood- Local musicians will play sport. Fireworks will be live music, vendors will dis- displayed on Saturday at play and BBQs will flour- dusk.ish. An auction beginning Attendees are urged to Saturday around 2 p.m. will carpool or take the local feature donated items from transit system. Frank Be- local businesses in order to navente, head of the non- raise money for future July profit organization Hood- Fourth celebrations. The sport Community Events Merrie Ellen schooner, a Association, has noticed a restored ship built in 1922, large decrease in conges- will be docked from June 29 tion and traffic ever since through July 5 with sched- the involvement of the Ma- uled tours and wine tasting. son County Transit sys- Benavente invites people of tem. "Taking the bus is all ages to celebrate togeth- recommended. We have er this year. He also gives been known to pull in over thanks in advance to those 10,000 people and we affect who have contributed time, the traffic pretty heavily," money and effort in order to said Benavente. keep this annual event hap- On Saturday starting pening for the community. around 2 p.m. until the dmaB ealtyJ • Residential • Vacant Land • Commercial [] I~ ~Northwest 24380 N Hwy. 101 • PO 10 • Hoodsport, WA 98548 Donald R. LeMaster Broker C.C.I.M., C.I.P.S. G.R.I., C.R.A. Don LeMaster Br0~er 360.877.6353 Cell: 360-801-5143 Fax: 360-877-6395 Emal: 5660 FIREWORKS IN HOODSPORT kick off a whole summer of fun and recreation on Hood Canal. Oysters, Clams Smoked Salmon & More! • Affordable Rates • Timely Call Backs • Residential and Commercial Electrical Services 5673 + III1!! !i!!ll!!l!l!!l1112 One of the FEW waterfront motels ON the water within a reasonable drive Don't waste your vacation time driving to a far-away beach! • Clean Rooms • Kitchenettes • Deck • Dock • RV Hookups • Boat Moorage • Fishing • Crabbing • Outdoor BBQ • SCUBA Diving & SCUBA Air Station • Espresso N. 24520 Hwy 101 • Hoodsport (360) 877-5301 • • sunrise@hctc,com * $10 overnight mtmr~ • i~nse tn downtown shopping and eating • AcPoss from new tg,ggO Dutdoor picr~ tables available ~+me See Wh+t Youve Been+ M+SSINB Students Wanted for day & evening classes Unleash Your Inner Artist! Open • Handpainted gifts • Make-it-&-take-it 1-hr. classes $10 • Classes in painting, clay, scrapbooking & more! 24252 NI Hwy. 101 • Hoodsport (360) 877-ARTS (877-2787) Thursday, June 18, 2009 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page D-1