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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 2009
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Wine competition set at Alderbrook The fourth annual wine competition will be held Sunday, July 12, at the A1- derbrook Resort in Union. This year's competition is open to all Washington State wineries and ama- teurs. The exhibitors will sub- mit their wines for judging in 33 different wine catego- ries. The wine will be judged and awarded gold, silver and bronze medals based on appearance, aroma, acid- ity, sugar, flavor, finish and the general quality of each wine. Last year's competition yielded one gold, 14 silver and 22 bronze medals. Five professional wine judges will be responsible for the wine submitted for competition: John Cruze -- World- class chef and food director for Mason General Hospital. Lenny Young -- Wine di- rector for the Water Street Caf~ in Olympia. Bob Bently -- Profession- al wine writer for the North West Press and wine judge. Dianne Pickering -- Pro- fessional wine writer and wine judge. Amy Jane Corley -- Wine buyer and restaurant opera- tion manager for the Alder- Competition is open to amateurs and Washing- ton State wineries. brook Resort in Union. The fair wine superinten- dent this year is Barbara Umfress. Make sure to get your wine in by the July 2 dead- line. Ship or drop off your exhibits at Mason County Fairgrounds, 751 West Fair- grounds Road. Additional funds awarded for emergency food and shelter in Mason County The Emergency Food and Congress to supplement lo- Shelter Program (EFSP) cal efforts to provide food Board of Mason County and shelter to people who has awarded $21,108 to have needs for food and supplement emergency shelter because of unem- food and shelter programs ployment caused by the cur- in the county. These funds rent economic situation. have been made available The agencies receiving through the American Re- funds are: A Gift for Spe- covery and Reinvestment cial Children, Coalition of Act of 2009 (ARRA). These North Mason Churches, funds were appropriated by Community Action Council, Community Kitchen, Faith in Action, Hood Canal Food Bank, Mason County Shel- ter, St. David's Episcopal Church and The Storehouse. The local board, chaired by Beth Johnston, is made up of representatives from the community, including recip- ients of services. Su~er Crossword NO CONTEST - Answers are on page D-3. 5872 Move your sofa. Call us at 426-4412 and you'll be sitting pretty. A Journal classified furnishes a way to sell unwanted items and cushion your bank account. Couch your intentions in 15 words. What can you buy for a PENNY? Wouldn't it be great i~ you could do anything ~ ~or a pennY'?. something it, you can~" An ad this size workS Shelton-Mason County ~ ........... 227 West Cota Open 8am-5pm Monday-Friday (36o)426-4412 Page D-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 18, 2009 Shellfish in your front yard workshop in Brinnon Washington Sea Grant is offering "Shellfish in Your Front Yard," a daylong workshop that will teach participants to identify, cultivate and safely harvest shellfish on their beaches. This free workshop is scheduled for Saturday, June 20, from 9 a.m. to the Brinnon Center, 306144 Highway 101 in Brinnon 4 p.m. at Community North U.S. in Brinnon. Pa rt ici pa nts about the of bivalve shellfish grow beach type methods for tidelands with and mussels. will also focus protect water harvested be safe to eat. Workshop include local will learn biology shellfish, which best on their and various enhancing clams, oysters The workshop on ways to quality so that shellfish will instructors shellfish farmers and Washington Sea Grant staff. One-on-one technical assistance will also be offered to all participants, as part of the Bivalves for Clean Water program. The workshop will feature both classroom and on-the- beach activities. Workshop participants will want to bring a sack lunch and mud boots or beach shoes. Space is limited, so pre-registration is required. To register or for more information, contact Teri King or Janis McNeal, Washington Sea Grant, at or 360-432-3054. Suspended sentence for Hoodsport man He's convicted of minor drug offense By MARY DUNCAN A Hoodsport man convict- ed of a misdemeanor offense in Mason County Superior Court received a suspended sentence Ronald Joseph Kvande Jr., 47, of 40 North Golden Eye Place, was sentenced on June 8 for unlawful use of drug paraphernalia. Judge Amber Finlay im- posed 90 days with 60 sus- pended with credit for time served. She ordered him to pay legal financial obliga- tions of $1,340, which in- cludes a mandatory $250 fine. ACROSS 1 Spasm 4 Honshu metropolis 9 Pinza or Chaliapin 13 Alice's restaurant? 18 Aroma 20 Jeopardy 21 Vivacity 22 Writer Rogers St. Johns 23 Start of a remark by 134 Across 25 Parisian pronoun 26 Raj address 27 "Gladiator" extra 28 Stick 30 "Glad All -" ('64 hit) 32 Lowe or Morrow 33 Valuable 35 Part 2 of remark 39 Barren area 43 "Under the Yum Yum -" ('63 film) 44 Mall event 45 Kimono cummerbund 46 Plunder 47 They may be personal 49 Donizetti ditties 53 Male kangaroo 55 More minute 59 With decorum 62 Abound (with) 64 Actor Ryan 65 Mongrel 66 Roger Rabbit, for one 67 "Fool" singer, Chris 69 Sailed through 71 "Lucky Jim" author 73 Compass pt. 74 Go-getter 77 Part 3 of remark 79 "The French Connec- 1 2 3 18 23 27 33 39 40 45 53 m 62 74 75 81 86 95 101 115 116 117 120 129 136 140 tion" name 5 Circus barker? 81 Comic Charlotte 6 "New Yorker" cartoonist 82 Kuvasz and komondor 7 Last name in piracy 84 Protected 8 Dismount 85 Veto 9 Hum bug? 86 Fruit-tree spray 10 Let 88 "- pro nobis" 11 Fusillade 89 Adult tadpoles 12 Looks like Hook? 92 Canvas cover 13 Lehar's "- Land des 95 Forsaken Lachelns" 97 Mobile homes? 14 Neighbor of Mont. 99 Dissolve 15 Jawaharlal's jacket 101 - Grigio 16 "Middlemarch" author 102 Maestro de Waart 17 Synagogue figure 104 Secular 19 Competitor 106 Dion's "Runaround" girl 24 Untamed 107 Plug 29 Cereal spike 110 Rohmer or Roberts 31 Nutritional abbr. 113 Shameless 34 Baseball's Cabell 115 End of remark 36 Beloved 119 Goblet part 37 Blow for a bounder 120 Mohammed - Jinnah 38 Tours topper 121 '72 Harry Chapin hit 39 Reggae's Marley 122 Buckwheat dish 40 Border on 126 Defer 41 Major- - 129 Shinbone 42 Kenton or Getz 132 Temporary calm 48 Adoption agcy. 134 Speaker of remark 50 Incongruous state 136 Happening 51 Isolated 137 Unmarried Mme. 52 Last word of the year? 138 Macabre 54 "Show Boat" 139 Man the bar composer 140 Brawl 56 Rely (on) 141 Actress Anna 57 Shoestrings 142 Man of Malmo 58 Promote 143 John - Passos 60 Type of roast 6t Heavenly hunter DOWN 63 Knight's quaff 1 Some turkeys 68 "There's - Out Tonight" 2 Pastoral poem ('61 hit) 3 Cold feet 70 "Moll Flanders" 4 Unlock, in poesy author 9 110 21 25 3O 36 47 70 78 112 134 138 142 72 Rotisserie part 74 - Lama 75 Wish and wish 76 Fairy-tale fiend 78 Swing a sickle 80 Student's ordeal 81 Airport feature 83 Mean Marquis 87 Perch 90 Submarine base? 91 Line of clothing? 93 Looked like 94 Asset 96 Palindromic name 97 Amos or Spelling 98 Jazzman Zoot 100 Asian holiday 103 Epic name in epics 105 Terra - 108 Absent 109 Old Testament book 111 It may be invisible 112 Breaks off 114 Worked in Vegas 115 Postern and portcullis 116 Martini garnish 117 Yak's turf 118 Jump for joy 123 Prepare prunes 124 Present 125 Enthusiastic 127 Jocular Jay 128 Extremities 130 Part of UPI 131 From - Z 133 Ford of football 135 Shoe width m~m mm~ 32 50 51 52 73 93 94 1 O0 106 127 128 143