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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 18, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 18, 2009
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Journal HELP WANTED LOST & FOUND HELP WANTED GARAGE, YARD SALES GARAGE, YARD SALES HELP WANTED FRESH LOCAL fish, delivered Thursdays. 206-499-0175. O6/18- 7/9 GRASS HAY for sale, you haul, 360-427-2402. And two 185SR14 tires, 8 lug studded tires plus rims. B6/18 LADY OF the Lake an- nounces her "Half Year- ly Sale"- spectacular sales all month: 50% off clothes, shoes and bags. There is an un- believable selection de- signer pieces and the best items will go quick- ly - don't delay! Also, all outdoor furnishings are on sale as well as the entire "house" in- ventory. Find the per- fect Father's Day gift at the Lady - anything from an Hawaiian shirt to a wonderful book or a vintage fishing pole, a quirky hat or great painting. Whatever you're .looking for - it's here! New this month is a gorgeous antique roll top desk with glass front bookcase and a 5 ff tall carved American Indian with full headdress. The Lady is proud to exhibit the work of numerous local artisans includ- ing Walden Design's stained glass, Shep- herd Soaps, Laura Ko- erber's reliquary, Frank Isaac's photography, Bob Boyd, artist black- smith, mosaic yard art, rare and unique books, bejeweled sportswear and handmade statio- nery. These artists and 20 others will be par- ticipating in our fifth an- nual Art Fair the week- end of July 1 lth & 12th. We will have numerous jewelry artisans, hand- made purses, different types of yard art, and surprises for everyone! Save the weekend and meet us at the Lake! Lady of the Lake, 1085 E. Pickering Rd. (across from Spencer Lake Re- sort) open Thursday- Monday 10-5/accepts VlSA/MC - 426-8632. L6/4-25 ANTIQUES PET SERVICES DODGE PARTS - Turn your 2 wheeler into a 4 wheeler. I have every- thing. Call, let's make a deal, 360-426-3543. Mc6/18 STEEL BUILDING package - 18x21, door and anchor bolts includ- ed. Regularly $8,200, now $4,845 plus code adjustment. Other siz- es available. Big and small erections avail- able. Source #1AQ, 360-621- 1160. $6/11-18 FIREWOOD - FULL cord: $100 U-Haul; $150 delivered; $200 delivered and stacked. Delivered July 11. 360- 229-2393. H6/11-18 PRICES REDUCED: Ramps and decks. 4x4 deck was $562, now $499, etc. Woodsmith, 360-426-0820. L5/14tfn VENDORS SIGN-UP for Hoodsport 4th of July celebration July 3-5. For booth informa- tion call 360-877-5301 or e-mail sunrise@hctc. com. Fireworks and auction Saturday, July 4. Music, raffle, food, arts and crafts, wine tasting. Reservations aboard the Merrie Ellen Schooner. B6/4-18 MINI-STORAGE unit lien sales. Saturday, June 20th. Approxi- mately 32 units to be sold by open bid. Sale begins promptly at 9am. First sale at Cen- tury Mini Storage, 190 W Sentry Drive, next to G/Ills Ford off Hwy 101, Shelton-Matlock Rd. Then moving to our oth- er facilities upon com- pletion. Please register at the office the morn- ing of the sale; located at The Pavilion left side of the building in back. For more info call 360- 427-3295. G6/18 WORK WANTED [BILL McTURNAL ENTERPRISES1 Septic Inst~llalion, Site P~pmtion ° Driveways Graded & Graveled, Land Clearing, Excavating , Hauling, DangerTree Removal, Demolition, Drainage , Forestry Consultant, We Buy Timber 3 0.432-0971 36o.866-4594 BILLMEg~I ~N Journal's Super Crossword Answers IEIVIEINITBMILILIEB EIEIRt I IEBTIEIN D ISlE T T OBS T E NBS W E D E D O S Puzzle on page D-2 FRONT PORCH sale. FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 1311 E. Island Lake 8am-4pm, 2600 SE Drive. Playpen, organ, Arcadia Road. Kids' light fixtures, clothes, clothes, household, toys and lots more. Sat- crafts, lots of miscella- urday only, 9am-4pm. neous. C6/18 Cancel if it rains. T6/18 HUGE SALE- Dad died, Mom wants to move. 70 years of stuff. If it ain't here it wasn't made! 611 E. Emerald Lake Drive, Grapeview. June 26, 27, 28, 9am- 6pm. Mile marker 5 on Mason Lake Road off Hwy 3. $6/18-25 SHADOWOOD COM- MUNITY-wide annual garage sale, Saturday, June 20th from 9am- 3pm. Bargains galore! 2 miles out Cole Rd. - look for the sign~ $6/18 MULTI-FAMILY garage sate at Timberlakes, Raccoon Court. 8am- 4pm, June 19, 20. T6/18 FANTASTIC SALE, so much to see. Glass- ware, jewelry, antiques, furniture and even a canoe, and much more. Off Dickinson St. follow signs. Saturday, Sun- day, 10am-5pm. B6/18 MULTI-FAMILY, Satur- day only 8am. 3.5 miles north of Hoodsport on Hwy 101, turn right on Canal View Road. G6/18 SATURDAY 9am-3pm, big sale. Lots of new and different treasures. Glassware, motorized wheelbarrow, tables, chairs, ceiling fan, cof- fee tables, small cook- ing appliances, large women's clothes, lamps, Xmas stuff, rugs, books, some antiques all at cheap prices and clean. Free coffee and cook- ies. 881 SE Mill Creek Road, Shelton. E6/18 SATURDAY-SUNDAY, 9AM-5PM, 91 E. Heath- erwood Court. Lots of men's items, electron- ics, automotive, clothes, tires, bicycles, and more. L6/18 MULTI-FAMILY yard sale. Saturday 9am- 4pm; Sunday 10am- 3pm. E Aloha Lane, off Johns Prairie Road, by Sentry mini storage. Follow signs from Wal- lace Kneeland Blvd/ Johns Prairie four way stop, about one and a half miles. Brand new THH helmet, wood wind chimes, antique drill press, Home Interior pictures, VHS movies, books, clothes, Chin- chillas, lots of misc. C6/18 OPEN HOUSE and multi-family garage sale. 3 miles north of Hoodsport, Saturday, June 20th, 9am to 3pm. Tools, shrimp pots, and lots of goodies. Follow signs from Hwy 101 just past Tides Restaurant. J6/18 PLACE YOUR ad here. Just call 360-426-4412. GARAGE SALE at 732 E Mason Lake Drive E, Thursday-Monday, 10am-6pm. NO EARLY BIRDS. R6/18 HUGE YARD sale, Sat- urday 20th, 9am-3pm. Convection microwave, household, kitchen, tools, and lots more. 200 SE Sunrise Dr. (Shadowood) off Cole Rd., Shelton. T6/18 ESTATE/HEIRLOOM. 3900 E North Island Dr., Harstine Island. June 19, 20, 8am-6pm. Fiber- glass extension ladder, shower stall, crackerbox welder, upright freezer, gAs range, rugs, Bun- dy sax, black bamboo, small trees, craft sup- plies, Irg white bird of paradise, bunkbeds, trinkets, trunks, pot- tery, dishes, silverware, copper, brass, variety clothes and more... 1991 Ranger, 1986 Dodge Ram 50. Tools, old sports cards, jewels. B6/18 GIGANTIC SALE con- tinues. Tow bar, auto planer, HD table saw, wood shaper, band saw, jointer/shaper, jointer, 6" sander, HD vise, scroll saw, cement mixer, lots of hand tools. Cash only. 1041 W Carman Rd So. Friday, Saturday, Sun- day, starting at 10am. 360-427-5254. L6/18 SHELTON YACHT Club rummage sate. Stuff for boats, yards, houses... dishes, appliances, craft supplies, etc., etc. Sat- urday, 9am-4pm, Oak- land Bay Marina, Hwy 3, Shelton. C6/18 HUGE GARAGE sale. Friday, June 19; Satur- day, June 20, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Lots of building materials, household items, tools, furniture, girls clothing sizes 5- 6x, toys, books, and lots more. 670 SE Cook Plant Farm Rd., off Cole Rd. B6/18 CAREGIVER/PRIVATE care - to help you with everything. CNA active license, state caregiver training. Available days Monday-Friday. Excel- lent cook, first-aid, CPR, references. 360-464- 5554; 360-432-3539. B6/11-7/2 "QUEEN OF The Odd Jobs"- Housekeeping, gardening, painting, etc. Competent handy- woman will help in your home. 360-426-2887. J5/28-6/18 PLACE AN AD in the Journal Classified sec- tion. Call 426-4412. P/T FINANCE Clerk for busy health care facil- ity. F/T benefit position. Hours will be M-F, 8am- 5pm. Set up payment arrangements for pts with balances, contact acct. guarantors to re- mind them of their fi- nancial obligations, pro- cess Community Care and Property apps. for Board approval, work with designated collec- tion agencies. Must be able to move intermit- tently throughout day, speak English lan- guage, use computer, function independently, have flexibility, personal integrity and the ability to work effectively with other staff and clients. Go to www.markreed. org for application and send to MRHD, Attn: Mindy Portschy, 322 S. Birch St. McCleary, WA 98557 or via email Min- EOE. M6/18-25 PRN RN for busy hos- pital Emergency Room. Must have ER experi- ence, be licensed in WA as an RN and have cur- rent ACLS. Our shifts are 12 hour shifts and they may vary depending on the need of the facility. Must be a team player. Go to www.markreed. org and download the app or submit resume to MindyP@MarkReed. org or mail to Mark Reed Health Care District, Attn: Mindy Portschy, 322 S. Birch, McCleary WA 98557. WOE. M6/18-25 F/-F NIGHTSHIFT RN position for busy ER. Three 12 hr shifts/wk (6pm-6am). Must have ER experience, be li- censed in WA as an RN and have current ACLS. Must be a team player. This is a benefit position. Go to www.markreed. org and download the app or submit resume to MindyP@MarkReed. org or mail to Mark Reed Health Care District, Attn: Mindy Portschy, 322 S. Birch, McCleary WA 98557. WOE. M6/18-25 MASSAGE THERA- PIST needed. Full- or part-time work. Apply in person at Advanced Chiropractic, 628 Alder, Shelton, 360-426-6325. A6/18tfn IN SEARCH of a bright, motivated individual. Medical billing, profes- sionalism, computer skills, typing and cus- tomer service is a plus, as you will be interact- ing with patients. Full- or part-time available. Send resume to Blind Box 669, C/O The Jour- nal, PC Box 430, Shel- ton, WA 98584. $6/18- 7/9 Finding meaning in your work is more than fate. It's Providence. Provi- dence SoundHomeC- are & Hospice is seek- ing an experience C.N.A / Home Health Aid to provide in-home services to patients in the Mason County area (Greater Shelton area). This experienced pro- fessional will have a min of one (1) yr experience as an Aid in an acute/re- FREE hab facility, prior home health exp pref. Req: Valid C.N.A License, PickITpet CPR, WA State Driv- ers License & insured I~WASTE9 vehicle. Providence is calling. To apply, visit, www.Providencels- l.h l ~ARS, Keyword: 49360. Providence W/thor 1360 ~1~13 065~1 Health&Services/san Without Titles! . . Equal Opportunity Em- ployer. P6/18 CARPENTER/FRAM- ER. General carpentry, honest, reliable. 360- 490-2870. R6/18-25 HELP WANTED. Sand- wich artist. Apply in per- son at Subway, 19392 Highway 101, located in Twin Totems Store, Shelton. Must pass background check and drug screen. T6/11-18 HELP WANTED: Local newspaper seeks someone to process legals, paginate pages, write obituaries in addition to other duties. Must know Macs, InDesign, Word and Photoshop.Will train right candidate. Three-plus days a week, $10 hour. Send resume or info to dan@masoncounty. com. $6/11-18 SAIL ON In Espresso now hiring. Experienced baristas apply in person at 1891 S. Hwy 3, Allyn or call 360-710-6940. $5/28-6/18 MASSAGE THERA- PIST needed. Call 360- 427-8684. C4/2tfn MYSTERY SHOP- PERS. Earn up to $150 per day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. Experi- ence not required. Call 877-334-7794. M5/28- 6/18 FOREVER FRIENDS Childcare has one full- time and one part-time R E L I A B L E opening available. Your HANDYMAN, "small child will receive un- jobs done right". All conditional love and types of repairs, inside fun-filled days. Large and out. Light carpentry, fenced playground and trim and moldings, bike area. Country set- Electrical fixture ting only 2 miles from and plumbing fixture town. Lots of referenc- replacement. Tile work, es. USDA Food Pro- assembly, installation, gram, DSHS accepted. Licensed and insured. Call Danielle at 360- HARST*915CP. 360- 432-8780. M5/28-7/2 427-7022, 206-245- 5274. G6/11-7/02 IN-HOME DAYCARE has openings. Preschool BARBER NEEDED for program and USDA pro- Hoodsport hairshop. No gram. Call for details, clientele needed. 360- (360) 427-3763. R1/ltfn 877-0064. B6/4-25 OLYMPIC COLLEGE Shelton Campus PART-TIME LIBRARY & ARCHIVES PARAPROFESSIONAL 2 Immediate Opening The Library & Archives Paraprofessional 2 will perform journey level technical library tasks. High school graduation AND three years experience in the functional operations of a library including one year beyond the entry level OR equivalent education/ experience. Wage: $12.75/hour. Open until filled. For online application and application requirements, visit our web site: www.olympic.ed u/employment. Human Resources is located at the Bremerton Campus on the 5th floor of the College Service Center or call (360) 475-7300. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. HELP WANTED Process legals, paginate classified and legal pages, paginate news pages, write obituaries plus other duties at local weekly newspaper. Must know Macs, InDesign, Word and Photoshop. Will train right candidate. Three (+) days a week," $10 per hour. Send resume or info to LOST: MICKEY Mouse bomber jacket - $600 reward. 360-427-4492. G6/18-25 FOUND GLASSES - Did you lose your read- ing glasses at Fawn Lake garage sale? Call 360-427-3810. Y6/18 LOST: FEMALE cocker spaniel, black, white and brown, red collar with bell. Near Callanan Park on Mountain View early Saturday morning 6/13. Reward. 360-462- 9595. W6/18 FOUND KEYS, Vander- wiggens' parking lot, 6/15/09. Please identify, call 360-426-1681,8am- 5pm, Monday - Friday. $6/18 LOST: MAN'S wedding ring. Gold nugget style with 3 diamonds. Re- ward. 360-426-5976. B6/4-25 PAPERED BLUE brindle American pitbull terrier for sale. 360-791-3732,,\raykin32. K6/18 FREE - PARAKEETS with cage and lots of accessories. To good home only. 360-432- 0699. H6/18 TWO BOXERS for sale. 1 purebred, newborn male available now, $400. 1-year-old pure- bred male, white/check- ered, available now, $500. 360-490-1982. O6/11-7/2 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Cats and kittens available to indoor only homes, adoption fee. Website, contact 360-584-0594 or 360- 426-2455. K6/4-7/23 STAR PUPPY or agility fun? We help you have both! New classes start every month. Puppy K, Basic Manners, Rally, Agility, Show Conforma- tion and more! Classes or private training. Cer- tified trainer, Karen Cannard, CPDT. www. or 360- 432-1478. C6/18-8/6 IN-HOME DOG train- ing and behavior repair. Gentle, convenient, ef- fective. 30+ years pro- fessional experience. September B. Morn, 360-432-3633. $6/1 ltfn PLACE AN AD in the Journal Classified sec- tion to buy or sell. $$$$$ Call 426-4412. PLACE YOUR ad here. Just call 360-426-4412. Shelton Health & Rehabilitation Center Immediate opening for registered Nurses • $3,000 Sign-on Bonus! Competitive wages! • All shifts available Come join our friendly caring team! Please contact Leah or Linda at 427-2575 or stop by and see for yourself why we are Shelton's premier nursing facility ~~ Shelton Health & Rehabilitation Center ~00% ~ O-~J~.~ 153 Johns Courl: 360-427-2575 Thursday, June 18, 2009 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page D-3