June 19, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 19, 1969 |
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Judge Hopeful List Is
Sent To Governor Evcms
• The names of three Olympia
attorneys have been submited to
Gay. I)aniel J. Fvans for consid-
eration for the third Superior
Court Judgeship for the Mason-
Thurston County judicial district.
The third judge was approved
IWA Voting
On Contract
With Simpson
• Membrs of IWA L'.al 3-38
here began balloting his week
on a pad)posed cowtract htween
the union and Simpson Timber
Ballots on the prolasal were
received this week hy the h)cal
union from the IWA regional of.
rice in Portlarl. They were dis-
tributed to members and must
be returned to the regional of-
fice for cotmting by June 27.
ResulLs of the election will
probably be known the week of
June 30 - July 4, he local IWA
office said.
The I)rOlx:med contract calls for
a 30 cent an hour pay increase
this year arm six l'r cent the
next two years.
AIRMAN lLobert I. Tibblts,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
A. Tibl)lts, Shelton, has (.am-
plated basic training t
La(,kland APB, Tex. lle, has
been assign,M to Sheppard
AFB, Tax., for training as a.
nmdical services specialist.
Airman TibMts is a graduate
of tShelton tiigh School. ..........
by the recent session of the State
The names of Frank Baker,
Frank Thorl)e and Barrett White,
were submitted after a poll of
the memIx rs of the Thurston-
Mason Bar Association.
Baker and White are practic-
ing atorneys in Olympia and
?rhorpe is the judge of the Thurs-
ton County Justice Court.
Seven attorneys had anplied
for the new judgeship and had
been on the list voted on by
the bar association members.
Others were Francis Walker, a
l)racticing attorney in Olympia;
John Champagne, assistant at-
torney general assigne(l to the
Highway Department; Jane IX)w-
die Smith, assisant attorney gen-
eral assigned to the Iteallh De-
partment and Bernard Lonc.tat,
administrator sec.urities for the
Department of Motor Vehicles.
Jury Hearing
Case In Cour÷
• A Mason County Superior
(yotJ|r'| jury trial went into its
third (lay Wednesday.
The case bing tried is that of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seward,
Olyrnpia, against Mason County
PIH) 3
The couph' are seeking $85,000
in damages and for injuries re-
ceived by Mrs. Seward in a Ira,-
tic. accident Jan. 4, 1968.
A car driven by Mrs. Seward
and a PUD vehicle were in-
volw,d in a collision on Highway
3 south of I,lfair. She claims
the PUD vehitde was parked in
the roadway at the lime of tilt,
Presiding at the trial is Judge
William F. LeVeque from Pierce
Members of the jury are Mar-
ilyn Viger, Anna Marie Pyle,
Judith ]lansen, Patricia Yunkers,
Jt)hn McCoy, tlarriet (hoplak.
Linda err. Vin Connolly, |,]1(1o1
Todd, James C'ormier. William J.
tIughes and Sally Kimbtq.
• Dr. (;eorge Radich, Shelton
optometrist, was named presi-
dent-elect of the Olympic Opto-
metric Society at a recent meet-
tins. of tl 'q'(p in 'laymond.
Now.our Plymouth Valiant
Is just *99" more than
Ford Mayerick.
Here's what you get for $99* more:
._- ..... Valiant Maverick
1. Passenger Capacity Six Four
2. Luggage Space m 14.5 cu. ft. 10.4 cu. ft.
" 3. Rear Seat Hip Roe 57.2 In. 46.1 in.
-4[ Horsepower 115 105
--v-e-- 153.4 sq. in. 106 sq. in.
Brake Lining Area (Bonded) (Riveted)
%ase 108 10a
--7.-Front Tread Width 55.5 in.
8. Front Suspension Torsion Bar Coil
9. Body Protection 7 step dip Spray only
& spray
e.5o13 600x 13
Vinyl & Cloth
10. Standard Tires
11. Interior
12. Glove Box
13. Concealed Spare Tire
14. Power Brakes Available'
15. Manufacturer's
Suggested Retail Price*
All Vinyl
Yes No
$2094.00 $1995.00
*Oad on manufacturer's sultllested IltaB Ilca, af|lKtlve May 3.19, 0 stlndsi'd 6.cyl. Vllkmt
V-]00 2-door sedan led standard Mavelk 2.door Sedln, PIicII llK:ludl Federal excise tax and lesdudn
sLHe and local taxes, destlnstion chafl[as, optk)nal equpmflt (such as whffaw|ll tires and
wheel €/avers pictured) and deelnf prnparsUon charles II any.
tOolianal at id,s Cost.
Get our unbeatable deal on a great car:
Valiant, same car new price.
.. 00..ow0.
( ......... ( i" *: ........
( ," ,' (" • N'
AL HOPP, hollon s(ql()()l t(,a(.her, will I)e the instruc, tor
|'or th( llnllll(q' l(e('reation l'rogram tenms t)rogranl. Les-
sons will be given at Knerland I)ark from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Monday thr(mgh Friday starting June 30. l,re-registration
forms are availal)le at ('it), I lall f()r l lw l)rograln. The bas-
ketball an(l volley ball iwograms have been changed to the
Lincoln anti l}or(leaux s(.hool gymnasiums 1)ecause of work
being done on tim l ligh St,heel Gymnasium this summer,
Arnold Fox, (.hairnmn of the I'ark and Recreation Board.
said this werk. These I)rograms, ahmg with the swimming
program at the l'o()l N()utaro, under the direction of Aleca
llu(hhdl, will all start ,Jun( 30.
• Ri(.hard I). Slettedahl, Urfion.
was one of 157 University of
Washington sl)ring graduates who
receive(l military service colrl-
missions through ill(' I(()TC pro-
grants there, lte WaS COlrllllissiotl-
ell a second lieu(el]sill ill ill('
Door Plant
Shut Down
• Simpson Timber Coml)any's
McCh,ary I)or Plant clos(t this
week due to the weak markets
for residential doors.
l)ave Leland, door phmt man-
mzer at McCleary, said door man-
ufacturing, cutting yard and
maintenance operations closed af-
h,r the regular shift Friday, June
13. They are scheduled to resume
Monday, June 23, when produc-
tion will I)e limited to 80 per
cent of present plant capacity
(from 1,900 to 1,500 doors a day).
The production eutbaek and init-
ial reduction of 20 door plant
jobs will continue indefinitely.
Construction of single family
residences, the only market for
the McCleary plant's product, has
been declining for the past three
The conditions have also re-
sulted in a two week vacation
AIRMAN William L. Keyzers, at Simpson's Albany Oregon Ply-
son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. wood Plant, effective June 23.
Keyzers, Shelton, has com-,
pleted basic training at
l,aekland AFB, Tex. Ite has Demo Club Dance
ben , assigned to Lowry • The Mason County Democrat
AFB, Colo.,, for training in Club will hold a dance at the
the mmltions and weapons Fairgrounds June 21 from 9:30
nlaint(rnanee field. Airman p.m. to 2 a.m. Music will be
Key zers is a 1968 graduate provided by the Walt Allen or-
of Shelton High School. chestra.
SUN-PROOF so,..oo00 i
.. . Latex House paint j
Latex House t'amt ....... I
..... tr - - es :5 "'"
t nepamt that s etcn .
and shrinks with your house. ,,
Many paints crack and peel when your
house stretches and shrinks with
variations in temperature. SUN-PROOF
LATEX expands and contracts with the
house. Tough. Long-lasting. No primer Gallon
necessary over most repaint surfaces.
Summer Sale Price .,,....,
Reg. $8.97" c .....
Summer Sale Savings on Sun-ProofOiI-Base
House Paint,too! $6.47 PerGallon ! '
W,,e ..# ee#r ,.e# ao#v Co,I (
707 S. 1st St.,
1332 OI S. 421 |22
Page 2- Shelton-Mason Count' rnal Thursda' June 19, 1969
Timberlands Library Sets New Rules On Service
• Trustees of Tinllerland tLe- r'ison, director of lhe Timberlands and towns in the five-county asked to pay a f
gional Library decided at the re-
gular meeting May 22. tile dis-
trict can no longer i)rovide free
library service to residents of
t:ities and towns not contracting
with the district for library ser-
This means, Mrs. Louise M()r-
IAb/'ary, said that residents of
Shelhm who use tilt, Tinfl)erlan(l
facilities will l)e asked 1o pay
a fee of $7.50 a year.
The Shelttm lit)rary does not
contract will/ lilt' Timl)erl:lllds
district for service as do city
libraries in several oflmr (.flies
Unpaid Tax Interest Ra÷e
Increased By Legisla÷ure
• The increased interest rate
authorized by the 1969 legislature
for delinquent property taxes ap-
plies to all l)ayments made on
or after the effective date of the
act, Attorney General Slade Gor-
ton said today.
The increase from eight to ten
percent of delinquent taxes on
real and personal prol)erty taxes
become effective May 8, 1969.
In a formal legal ol)inion, Gor-
ton said that interest charged for
nonpayment is not ;t part of the
tmx, but is a method provided
for collection of delinquent a-
Sheedy Ge÷s
Bronze S÷ar
In Vie÷nam
• Army Sgt. Lawrence B. Shee-
dv, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
]. Sheedy, Shelton, received the
Bronze Star Medal during recent
ceremonies in Vietnam.
Sift. Sheedy was presented the
award for meritorious service in
ground operations against hostile
forces in Vietnam.
At the time of the presentation
he was a squad leader in Com-
pany A, 1st Battalion, 327th In-
fantry, 1st Brigade of the 101st
Airborne Division (Airmobile).
The 21-year-old sergeant en-
tered the Army in January 1968
and was stationed at Ft. Lewis,
Wash., before arriving in Viet-
nam in June 1968. tie hohis the
Air Medal.
Mrs. McArthur To
Attend Meeting
• Mrs. Irvin McArthur, Mason
County .member on the Timber-
land Library Board of Trustees,
will attend the American Library
Association Annual Convention in
Athmtic City, N. J. this summer.
Mrs. I.uise Morrison, direc-
tor of the library, commented
"I just can't tell you how pleas-
ed I am she is going. This will
i be, a, wonderful opportunity for
her to see what other libraries
are doing and to bring back
ideas to the library here."
The opinion also cited a state
Supreme Court decision which
a rea.
Shelton was asked to join the
Timherhmds Library Demos(ra-
tion when it was started several
years ago, but, the Sbelton Lib-
rary Board and the city com-
mission voted to stay out of the
Voters living in unincorporated
areas of Grays Harbor, Lewis,
Mason, Pacific and Thurston
Counties voted in November, 1968
to establish a regional library dis-
t riot Incorporated cities and
towns are contracting for service
and paying equivalent millage on
assessed valuation from city
funds. Residents of contracting
communities use the library fac-
ilites without charge.
Residents of communities not
contracting for service will be
Sets Meeting
person per
1, 1969.
be issued to Chose
elude Rainier
Thurston County,
Pacific County,
Lewis County.
munities which
part of the Tim
participating in
.tion have until
decide whether
tract. They incl
vine, Morton,
and Mossyroek,
ruled that no consitutional right • The Mason County Planning Fer your
is violated bv the imt)osition of Commission has scheduled a hear- |
a :reater interest charge by sub- ins for 7 p.m. July 9 In the cam- IlOIl'lJl
se(ltlent s{atuoI'V eflitctnlens, missioners roonl of the court m,,-
Therefore, Gorton said, the ap- house on alterations, revisions write:
plicahle interest rate is the one and amendments to the present .... |
which is in effect when the pay- county l)latting procedures. W.O. -
ment is nza(h', not: when the tax The bearing is open to anyone ishlnl
was hwied, who has comments on the pro- __.,
The opinion was requested by posed changes.
Pierce County Prosecuting Attor-
ney Ronald L. IIendry.
Simpson Sets Ted's Steak H
• Simpsorl Timber Company's
stlnlnler shuldown schedule was
announced hy Max Schmidt, man-
agcr - Washinglon Timberlands.
The vacation dates begin with
the dosing shift of the first
(lay listed and work will resume
on the second date listed.
Camps Govey and Grisdale and
Company Railroad, June 27 - July
Shelton Insulating Board Plant,
June 30 - July 14.
Shelton Sawmills, July ,3 - July
Washinqon Plywo(xt (McCleary
and Shelton), Aug. 15 - Sept. 2.
McCleary Door Plant, Aug. 15 -
Sept. 2.
The Shelton boom and office
personnel will have slaggered
vacation periods.
Week market conditions in
some of Simpon Timber Com-
pany's products have resulted in
temporary shutdowns of some fac-
• fifties. The McCleary Door Plant
closed aft:er the regt, lar shift
June 13, and is scheduled to re-
sume ol)erations June 23.
on No. 101 North at Kneeland Center or F
Phone 426-3969 •
Choice of Potatoes, Soup, salad
and Dessert
Daily Special
thru Fri. Only $1
5 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sun. 6 a.m. to 8
more hours
Jar drive-up bankinl00
at First Bank
We're happy to announce that you can
now bank right from the window of your
car at our Drive-In Banking window
from 10:00 until 4:30 Monday thru
Thursday, and from 10:00 until 6:00
425 Franklin Street / HA 6-8295
Lawrence A. Carlson, Manager / Lyle W. Rushing, Assistant Manager