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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 19, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 19, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Police Dispatcher I N iS ForCifyResicjns • The Shelton City Commission received the resignation of Thom- as Shtx, n as police dispatcher at TIM BUOHHOLz ER NAMED DEPT. s Week was ihe lnl guchholz of to the position shoe depart- &apos; He replaces left to assuFne Grays H!|rl)or has been in lhe 10 years, area whe:e .raised, is rent- als Wife llarhara Jimmy, ll In Project FOrce S k't. Ronald and Mrs. IS 1)at- d, two- Project at Ram- n airframe re- Air" Force's Reconnais- Squa- eonduet the invesliga- of the sea essential and air- who, hurricanes, In the multi- Oceanographic -'al Ex "" - Pertinent END :)R ItARDToPs • I% P8, Mags, $3295 ROBERTA. EKEN I'NB ANNOUNCES EKEN AS I'I,ANT FOIE,MAN Pacific Northwest Bell has an- nounced the assignment of R.- bert A. Eken as phmt service foreman in Shelton. tt: v iq I), in charlde of h.del)hone inslalla- lion and repair t [)cr:llons. Eken was a l)hmt service fore- man in Walls Walls tbe past year before his transfer here. Ite has held a wlriety of positions in the plant: department during his I3cll Syslcm c:wc:,', in:,lud- ing assignments in SIx)kane, Los Angeles iln(l Moses l;fl¢c lie and his wife (;erahline have two children They live at Four- lh ;rod Satsop. SIMPSON %VINS PLYWOOD ASSN. SAFETY AWARD The Simpson Timber Company's Olympic plant, loca'ed here, rc- ceivd the plywood industry's an- nual merit awar(l for safety at a meeting of the American Ply- wood Association here Mond;ly. The plant received the awar(l for having operated 136,79,t m:m- h(lurs without a loss-lime accident in 1968. "The industry has every reason to be proud of this record," Har- (;l(l H.. ]']vans, chairm'm of'the ass(>t'iation's safety committee said. "It represents a tremen- dous amoun of hard work by both management and employ- ees." "Accidens cost heavily not on- ly in pain and suffring, but in loss of earnings," he said. "That makes this record even more im- l)l'essi\\;'e." SIDEWALK 8ALE SC||E1)I!LEI) FOR JULY A citywide sidewalk sale is now scheduled for July 18 and 19 Gayle Wez revealed recent ly Wentz chairman of the Re tail O)mmitee of the Chamber of Commerce, said a majority of the merchants overwhelming- ly al)proved the sale. its meeting Tuesday. The resig- nation was accepted by the c0m- mission. Police Chief Frank Rains told 1be commission he would fill in with the present dispatcher staff on extra shifts while he is screen- ing applicants for the position. Street Sut:erin'endent Bob Tem- ple rep:rtcd that vandalism to street and stop signs the past month has been the worst he has ever seen it. Legal Publications ORDINANCE NO. 795 An Ordinance Dedicating a Public Right-of-Way in a Por- tion of David Shelton's Donation Land Claim No. 37. BE IT ORDAINED and Enact- ed by the City Commission of the C.ity of Shelton as follows: 1. That the hereinafter de- scribed property now owned by the City of Shelton be and the same is hereby dedicated to the public use for road and utility purposes : Commencing at the northeast corner of David Shelton's Dona- tion Claim No. 37 located in Sec- tion 18, Township 20 No, rth, Range 3 West, W.M,; thence 1,765 feet along the east line to the point of beginning of this de- scription; thence west 9(P from said east line 30.00 feet; thence south parallel to said east line 54.00 feet; thence west 9( from said east line to the east margin of city street named North 13th Street; thence southerly along said margin to a point being 60.00 feet in distance parallel to the east line of said donation claim; thence east to a point on the east line of said donation claim, said point being 114.00 feet from the point of beginning; thence north along the east line of said donation claim to the point of be- ginning. 2. This right-of-way is estab- lished for the purpose of provid- ing ingress and egress to and from the property lying to the cast thereof and shall be known as Professional Way and the city map shall be amended ac- cordingly. INTRODUCED in regular Commission Meeting this 10th day of June, 1969. PASSED in regular Commis- sion Meeting this 17th day of June, 1969. /s/ F. A. TRAVIS, Mayor ATTEST: Alma K. Catto, Clerk PB, $1445 Prix $1345 °nneville , PB, $1445 Prix $1145 TALINA 3, $1095 &LA SWIM PROGRAM BUS SCHEDULE Inter- I nter- mediate mediate CLASSES: 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm BUS STOP: Birch & 1st 8:15 am 9:15 am 10:15 am 11:15 am 12:15 pm 1:15 pm 2:15 pm Fairmont & Mason 8:20 am 9:20 am 10:20 am 11:20 am 12:20 pm 1:20 pm 2:20 pm Center & Dickinson 8:23 am 9:23 am 10:23 am 11:23 am 12:23 pm 1:23 pm 2:23 pm Cascade & Holman 8:25 am 9:25 am 10:25 am 11:25 am 12:25 pm 1:25 pm 2:25 pm Cascade & Ridge Rd. 8:25 am 9:25 am 10:25 am 11:25 am 12:25 pm 1:25 pm 2:25 pm Bordeaux Sohool 8:27 am 9:27 am 10:27 am 11:27 am 12:27 pm 1:27 pm 2:27 pm 5th & Wyandotte 8:32 am 9:32 am 10:32 am 11:32 am 12:32 pm 1:32 pm 2:32 pm Harvard & 7th 8:36 am 9:36 am 10:36 am 11:36 am 12:36 pm 1:36 pm 2:36 pm Kneeland Park (Turner & Oly. Hwy) 8:39 am 9:39 am 10:39 am 11:39 am 12:39 pm 1:39 pm 2:39 pm Lincoln Gym 8:41 am 9:41 am 10:41 am 11:41 am 12:41 pm 1:41 pm 2:41 pm Court House Alder & 5th 8:44 am 9:44 am 10:44 am 11:44 am 12:44 pm 1:44 pm 2:44 pm Callanan Park "E" & Monroe 8:49 am 9:49 am 10:49 am 11:49 am 12:49 pm 1:49 pm 2:49 pm King & "E" St. 8:50 am 9:50 am 10:50 pm 11:50 pm 12:50 pm 1:50 pm 2:50 pm Mt. View School 8:53 am 9:53 am 10:53 am 11:53 am 12:53 pm 1:53 pm 2:53 pm APPROVED: B. Franklin Heuston, Attorney 6/19 it TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Sanny Nordling Dies In Allyn • Sanny Sophia Nordling •died Friday in Allyn at the age of 87. She was a resident of Mason County from 1905 to 1944 and then moved to Seattle. She lived there until Oct. 1968. She was born on Feb. 25, 1882 in Nykarle- by, Finland. She is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. Douglas (Margaret) At- tridge, Belfair; two granddaugh- ters, Mrs. Ronald (Jocelyn) Bright, of Chula Vista, Calif., Mrs. Gordon (Bonnie) Egbert, of Winlock; six great-grandchildren and one brother, Oscar Matson, of Allyn. Services were heM Monday at 1 p.m. in the Batstone Funeral ttome with Pastor Carl Carlsen officiating. Burial followed at the Masonic Cemetery in Olympia. 40 and 8 Elects Officers 6 SHELTON At Recent Meeting Here Thurs & Fri. Paul Newman • lredric March • Richard Boone In "HOMBRE" plus James Donald & Andrew Kier in "5 MILLION MILES Sat. dL Sun. Warren eatty & Paye bunawa, y in "BONNIE & CLYDE,, plus Robert Mitehttm in "THUNDER ROAD,, Wed. June 25, $1,50 ear "MINI SKIRT MOB" "ROAD HUSTLERS" McLean as Conducteur, Glen . Voyageurs of 40 and 8 Voi- ;urc 135 re-electelt Chef de G:lre I,]d Richards for a second term ns their chief officer during bal- loting at their June promenade last we'ok in the 40 and 8 Club. Richards' fellow officers in- ch!de Phil Durand as Chef de Train, Clyde Coots as Corres- pendant, Glen Stewart as Com- missaire Intendant, Harry Pozor- ski as Aummon;er. AI Einarsson as Garde de la Porte, Jim Dur- and as Lamp!ste, Gale Albrecht as Commissaire Voyageur, Dr. B. N. Collier as Medicin, Bruce Gate Opens 8:00 8how StaPle Duck Boy Iniured In Accident Correa as Avocat, Bill Dickie as Publiciste, Roy Clinton as Garde des Prissonier, Len Osterberg as Drapeau, and Mary Anstey (3- year term), John Luhm (2-year term), Jay Umphenour and Fra Travis (1-year terms) as Chemi- net with Joe Rank as a hold- over Cheminot. Pozorski, Coots and Dickte were elected delegates to the Grand Promenade in Yakima July 22- 23 with Phil Durand and Mel Dobson alternates. Voyageur Tom Alexander of Grays Harbor Volture 91 was a visitor. The voiture's annual $100 contribution to Legion baseball was approved. The Offioe of Stanley B. Covert, M.D. will be closod Man., June 23 thru Tues., July 1 • Donald Kunkle, 7, Shelton, suf- fered a broken leg and numerous cuts, bruises and scrapes when the bicycle he was riding anti a car driven by t)bert E. Coots, Shelton, collided at Washington and D St. Sunday evening. The boy was taken to Mason General Hospital where he was treated for his injuries and re- leased. i Table Tops, Mirrors, Aluminum Sash, Shower and Tub Doors, Storm Doors and Window Glass Penneys Dacron polyester pillows $1145 STANDARD SIZE LA WHITE GOOSE DOWN The National Bank of Mason County WAQONs • Is paying the highest legal bank rate ' on cedif]cate accounts. Open or $895 ER $4as $49S REDUCED THRU SATURDAY! $3 REG. $4 NOW Standard 20"x26  finished size BIG, FLUFFY DACRON ' FIBERFILL PILLOWS GOING ON VACATION? Leave Get a pillow for every bed in the house and save. You'll sleep your dog with us if over 20 Replacements of all kinds in comfort with soft Dacron* polyester fiberfill pillows. Cov- lbs. Also pasture for 2 horses. Mel-Ru Kennels 426-2387. See . . . ered in pink or blue cotton ticking in stripe or floral. " '"' SHELTON GLASS CO. UTILITY BOX TRAILER, 4'x8 ...... bed, endgate and side racks, 710 Cedar • Leroy Dale • 426-1152 ..... <7; .. " .... <, $50.00. Trailer hitch assembly, ....._  $10.00. 426-4031. n 8/z9 Call for Free Estimates /" , ..... .... ..... ,::...  ....... ... ''" ,:. :; € 00RTIFICATi[S ,, ::i:::::.i,, %, ': , " : INVESTMI !HT =,,.,.- II II Now get personalized pillows to suit your preferencel Da- €l :RTIFICATES cr°n® polyester fiberfill around a p°lyurethane f°am c°re" Ill IB Penn-Prest cotton cover with nylon zipper. Zip off, machine wash, tumble dry and never ironl LI,, REG. $13 NOW 11 muchw transfer your account this coming interest period to.... Your Home Owned Full Service Bank 426-6577 Main Office Branch Office Belfair CR 5-2816 MEMBER F.D.I.C. Shelton €O. 426.8234 REDUCED THRU SATURDAY! CASUAL SUMMER SANDALS Reg. 3.99 pr, 2,0,'7 Perfect little thong sandal for all your summer casual outfits. White vinyl with adjustable an- kle strap, Shop Daily to 5:30 p.m. ,.,. a.,, 2 for $7 Bits of brassy hardware trim up this antique gold smooth leath- er sandal.., and it's made in Italyl -::::=::::: Fridays 'til 6pane L  Thursda June 19, lg69 8hal Count Journal 6