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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 19, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 19, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00What's li[00 Visi+ors To IC Dine Tuesday  ,om'"am"qm''mm"------'qm."qm,"D---'gm"Im-- '''v I hold a friendship dinner Tuesday in the Memorial hall at 6:30 p.m. Guests will arrive from the e MARGE FORD stands ,)ver her two great weaknesses in life, children and dogs. 14er 2-year-old daughter, Teresa, is (me of the seven Ford offspring, ller Australian Terrie,', Red Dawn, represents a string of purebreds owned and shown by Merge. Marge's Life Requires Simplicity In Cooking ]y club ]fie centers around her animals. She l)plongs to the Aus- trMian Terrier Club of America. She lves ,) Agate Road with her husband, AI and their five girls and two boys. MEAT I)[IMI'LIN(6S 1 recipe baking powder biscuit d!ugh V., lb. ground cooked meat !,::i tap. salt 1 dash pepper 2 T. minced onion 3/,t cup condensed tomato soup or % cup c×ked tomatoes ltA CUlZS cooked gre:m beans. Roll biscuit dough /i inch thick and cut into 6 inch squares. Combine remaining ingredients, divide mixture into 6 portions • Fast and easy explains Marge Ford's preference for "Meat Dumlflings". Wi,th seven children and a yard full of dogs, horses, rabi)its, ducks and chickens her reasoning leaves liRle for quest- ioning. Merge begin showing and rais- ing dogs ahout seven years ago, just Ixffore her family nmved from Kermewick to Shelton. She started out with it variety of breeds, but now keet only Aus- tralian Terriers. ller Aussies include a co)wn- ership of an international cham- pion, and one dog hacking only five imints for a U. S. Ommpion- ship. In addition to her canines Marge main+tains three horses for Kelso, Olympia, Tenino and Bremerton lodges. Those on the dinner's commit- tee are Mrs. Willie Quinn, Mrs. Doris Buck and Mrs. Cecella Cornell. Mrs. Gladys Nelson sup- plied the entertainment and Mrs. Martha Clark provided the table decorations. The executive meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Dorothy Todd on July 1, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Rachel Valley and Mrs. Nellie Rossmaier will host the next regular meeting in the Mem- orial hall on July 8. Inspection will follow at 8 p.m. Bank Awards 4-H Gran÷ Marlene Schmidt will receive a leadership grant for board and room from the Seattle First Nat- ional Bank today at a noon lunch- eon in the Compton Student Un- ion Building of Washington State University, Charles Jehle. of the Pullman branch of Seattle First National Bank, and Sanford Nelson, of the Seattle office will host the affair, Miss Schmidt is one of 36 jun- ior 4-H leaders attending the 4-H conference in Pullman this week. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Schmidt, of Shelton. LDS Church Plans Rummage Sale • The L. D. S. Church will hold a rummage sale and auc- tion Saturday at Olympia High- way South on E!linor Street. The rummage sale will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with the auction beginning at 11 a.m. Such merchandise as appliances and televisions will be available. SHS Grads Leave For Guam • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clothier and their two daughters left , i 'JI/ TODAY'S WOI00CH_00 Karen Pe÷erson Exchanges Weddin 9 Vo, In Conn. • Miss Karin Stansfield Peter- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stanley Peterson, of Guil- ford, Conn., was married June 21 to Thomas Ernest Sheldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robert Sheldon, of Media, Penn. His maternal grandparents are Mrs. Ernest Carlson and the late Mr. Carlson, of Potlatch. The Reverend Hal McIlwaine Helms performed the ceremony in the First Congregational The bride's gown was of silk organza in candlelight color, trim- reed with lace applique's. She carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaids wore dresses of canary yellow made with em- pire waists and puff sleeves. They carried informal lx)uquets of summer flowers. Miss Peterson graduated from Vassar College in 1967 and is a student at the Law School of the University of Washinglon. pleasure riding. Presently only and place I portion on each June 6 for Agana, Guam. They Church. The bride's attendants her children ride, but Merge square. Bring edges of dough to- will snend the summer ¢aaehlnt7 were Miss Nancy Zinn and Miss plana,, t the sale ain : getbe 4n ,fp Of Jne .., :" u-d=,'-,--'-,. t'Olliri ba t, xll  ina college." ......... Toni aMdlle Sheldon, the bride- groom's ster. Timothy Mark- She eompleles her minialure leaving square Oling. Bake in Both are former graduates of ham Sheldon was his brother's anim;d king(Iron with a barrage he! oven (4501 i0 minutes, re- Shelton High School and regular best man. of rabbits, (lucks and chickens, duco heat 1o %0 and bake 20 teachers in Bellingham. She is Quite appropriately Marge's on- minutes longer. Serves 6. the former Nita King. MISS KAREN BURGESS and Paul E. Bake plan on a No- vember 3d wedding in Salt Lke City, Utah, with a recep- tion following at Shelton later in the month. She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fenton Burgess, and he Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Bake, all of Shelton. Miss Bur- gess graduated this June from Shelton High School and is presently attending Mr. Lee's Beauty School in Olympia. Mr. Bake is now employed at Certified Manufacturing Co. Larsons Announce Bir÷h • Mr. and Mrs. Dan Larson, of South Bend, announce the birth of their first child, Danelle Rae, born on ,Tune 12. Mrs. Larson la the former Judy Rains, of Shelton. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Armstrong, Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Larson, of Park- land. in II I I ill II II I Jill I I Illll I For Fuchsia Hanging Baskets, Begonia Baskets, and Begonia Pots and Bedding Plants See Mud Clay • Spencer Lake 4:I6-67:15 I i I iii I II I I i IIII ii iiii I I Mr. Sheldon, a 1967 graduale of the Wharton School of Fin- ance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, is also a stu- dent at the Law School of the University of Washington. Shelfon Jayeffes ROUND THE d To Meet Today huTOWN'b,Nl00 • The Shelton Jayettes will hold a meeting today at 8 p.m. in YEIIYIDAY, , . . , the horr of Mrs. Roger Ander- Roger Anderson. son with Mrs. John Tarrant co- Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court hosting. The Grays Harbor and Centra- lia clubs will attend the gather- ing. GRCC Accepts Shelton Grads • Four Shel¢on High School graduates have applied for ad- mission fall quarter to Green River Community College. They are Billy Lee Bead, Ro- bert Dunn, Helen G. Carper Mc- Keown and Richard Tibbita. Anderson, Hoard, house annex, Port commission meeting, 8 p.m., court house. Navy Mother Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD conference room. Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., clubhe. Mason County Democrat Club, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium. FR/DAY, JUNE $0 Navy Mother's rummage sale, 9 a,m. - 4 p.m., PUD auditorhlm. VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Mem- orial hail SATURDAY, JUNE 21 L.D.S. rummage sale, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., auction, 11 a.m., at Olym- pic Hiway S., Ellinor St. Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base- ment. SUNDAY, JUNE Shelton churches invite you to aend the church of your choice. MONDAY, JUNE  County commission meeting, 10 a.m., court house. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m., PUD auditorium. GoodwiU truck in town. Phone 426-4847 for pickups. TUESDAY, JUNE 24 Shelton Welcome Wagon Club, i Williams Taken • The following SheRon High School seniors have been accept- ed at Washington State Uhiver- sity for the 1969 fall semester: Merridee Anderson, 1826 Laurel St.; Bruce B. Hoard, Island Lake Dr. ; and Linda C. Williams, Star Rt. ii ii iiii i n i i ill IIIII -- GLENDA'S AIRPORT IN & OUT Featuring 29' Burgers 2, Olympic Ave. Maon County Fair Board meet- ing, 8 p.m., at the fair grounds. Degree of Honor friendship din- ner, 6:30 p.m., Memorial hall. City commission meeting 2 p.m., city hall. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport hall. Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., Mem- orial hall. Eagles, 8 p.m., airport hall. Mason County Credit Women, 7:30 a.m., Timbers restaurant. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base- merit. Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. Mason County Hospital District Commission, 10 a.m., court house. THURSDAY, JUNE 26 Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. Golden Age Club potluck, 6 p.m., Memorial hall. EFFECTIVENESS OF DEODORANT Q. Is a cream deodorant more effective than a spray 4eodorant ? A. Not necessarily. The ef- fectiveness of the bacteria- killing material in a deodorant does not depend upon the form of the deodorant or its means of application but upon the glands of the individual using it. WHAT FORM OF DEODORANT? Q. Why are deodorants sold in so many forms and pack- ages. ? A. ManUfacturers axe sim- ply responding to the personal preferences eta heterogeneous buying public when they pro- duce deodorants in different forms. Nells Pharmacy lgmey 1 =6-16s mete & st.--4= I ol Deny a:s0 to 7:so J Try our 99' Fish Baskef! Fountain Service Operated by Carl & Glenda Ettlln @ @ Open Sunday to Thursday, 10 a.m. - 12 midnight Open Friday & Saturday, 10 am.. 3 Lm. @ • Orders to Go-- Phone-426-1466 Looated next to AIPport QPooery N I nl I Sl S I lmmm II I ..| ., Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 19, 1969 The Welcome 00Vagon Meets • The regular monthly meeting of the Shelton Welcome Warren was held at the home of Lynn Minn:tugh with Gini Ixelx, rt as co-hostess. Mary Bailey, feattu'ed speaker, explained the I)UrlX)Se of the Happy IX)lphins, a swimming program for Rogers School. She closed with a request for volurl- teers. Jeanie Del_,on attended as a guest of the club. A Coffee gathering will be held oll June 2-t. :It 1 p.m. in the homc of Judy Hone, Holly Hill Apls.. Apt. No. 2, Olyml)ir Avenue. Sheltonian Named l To Sliver Scro I' / ). • MaW Connolly, of S elton, )  was on(, of the ;t(.:denli(,ally ou|st(lll(ting tll)l)tq'cl;ISSW Ol]] (! n / named to Seattle University's Sil- vt'r Scroll. Miss Connolly, (I;Itlghhw of Mr. .:llld M:I'S. ,latllcs i':, C(mnolly, ShelttII1, is ;t jtlllior tlllljorillg in lltlrsillt:. Slit, is a 1966 vra(t- uale ()1 Shelhm Iligh School. Meet Postponed • The [)()I1]()[11 Gralge /11('('tJ¢) scheduled for Sunday at Fair llarhor will lie po:tponed 1o a latcr dale due to the ('on/lic¢ ()f time with the l[(lrst.ine l'ri(le Olmnin,,z. C, ET Rll) O!." PAINTS and thin- ncrs as soon as you are finish- ed with thena, l,ct,t)in.,, z lhem arOtllM leo long coui(l lead to an exl>h sire situation if th('y arc not handled properly. MR. AND MRS. GIBSON LORD, of sheltOn, engagement (>f their daughter, Conni Joy, ,aml)les, s(m of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sa nil)lea' ton. B()th are former Shelton High SchoOI [.ord is ('ml)hLved in Olympia. iier fiance Junior ('ollege and is l)resently serving in the No weddillg date has been set. Triple Honor For An • Thr('e surprise celebrations from the honored Mr. and Mrs. Wally and some Anderson ,>n their 25th wedtling ties threw an anniversary, the AnderSOn Their ([:ttl/ll(,r, ,lrs. Carter E. Mrs. t(;h,nda) Taylor, caught them un- ees at file ,xi),ctt,dl3 with at family get- Bank er. the presen Mr. Anderson's elTil)loyePs sary cake SUMMER SHOE CLEARAHCE / SHOE DEPT. 3rd & Railroad SOCIALITES Regularly to $20.00 NOW $1 CROSS TOWN WALKING SHOES PEGGY LEES, WHIPS DRESS a.d CASUALS All Colors S In Group. Values NOW to $12.00 0 PERSONALITY'S • BEVERLY BUSKINS Values to $16.00 solo $11 NOW r and SUMMER ITALIAN SANDALS Values to $10.00 SA90 S690 NOW I and DRIIS Regular Jn and In men)' VolueS