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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 19, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 19, 1969
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A FORUM ABOUT MATURE WOMEN RlffrIEED WOMAN Dear Miss Brookfleld: I am past 65 and am secre- tart €o the bead o[ a large com- pany. I started at this job as a girl. My elderly employer now plans to retire due to illness, and I will have to retire, too, but I am not looking forward to it. I have lived alone for many years. I have a widowed sister, living at some distance from this city, and she is beg- ging me €o share her home when I stop working. I have only a few casual frinds in this city and would like to Join her. But I also prize my independence. What do you suggest? M.S., Los Angeles Do M.8. : I suggest you try Ben Frank- lin's solution for solving a di- lemma. On a sheet of paper di- vided into two columns, list the pros and cons of your sister's offer. After canceling out those of equal value, the remaining ones will really help you arrive at a sound Judgment. There are many arguments for and against your sister's offer. First, you apparently cherish old habRs born of years of in- dependence: the freedom to eat, nap or do whatever pleases you. So remember that living with others, whether a sister or a family, requires concessions on everyone's part to avoid friction and even chaos. But take into account that you have only cas- ual acquaintances in your own city. Your sister will at least provide company, as well as a helping hand to brew a cup of tea when you're bedded down with a cold. Be sure to be frank about whatever reservations you have about your relationship with your sister. It R were really a warm one, I doubt that you would hesitate at all to accept her offer. SURLY HUmSANDS Dear  Meld: I know my husband reads your column so I hope he'll see this. Why is it that all the advice about being kind, sweet and gen- tle is directed at us women? Shouldn't this apply to men as well? We're supposed to be sweet when all sorts of. th at, golm wrong ar ulmet tm ,the day - the dishwasher " Vverflowlng, the plumber who failed to show up, and a son sick wRh a virus. But just let a few minor problems crop up at the office and husbands think they're entitled to come home surly, grmlapy and ready to take out their complaints on the fam- ily. I don't think it's fair. Do you? K.C., Portland, Ore. Dear MJm. K.(t: I am with you 100 percent. And if your husband reads this and still doesn't try a little TDC (Tender, Loving Care), I sug- gest you tack a note to the front door: CYPPH (Check Your Pel- ty Problems Here). PET PROBLEM Dear Miss Brookfleld: I am in my 59's. unmarried, and live with my elderly mother. We would bo'.h like a pet. Our problem is this: she wants " cat and I want a doff. What shall we do to resolve this argu- ment ? R. O., Danbury, conn. Dear R.O.: Make up your minds quickly, before you start fighing like cats and dogs. ttave you a problem as a mature woman, or with one? For advice and help wirte to Margaret Brookfield, Information Center on the Mature Woman, 3 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. MONTY FULLER, Class of 1969, whose picture did not appear in the Shelton High School Senior special sec- tion. TIDES FRIDAY, JUNE 0 Low .................. 3:59 a.m. 6.9 ft. High ............... 8:11 a.m. 8.7 ft. Low ................... 3:11 p.m. 0.8 ft. High .................. 10:35 p.m. 12.2 ft. SATURDAY, JUNE Zl ................. 4:53 a.ra. 6.1 ft. High .................. 9:23 a.m. 8.1 ft. Low ................... 3:53 p.m. 1.9 ft. High .................. 11:05 p.m. 12.1 ft. SUNDAY, JUNE ZZ Lw ........... ...... 5:41 a.m. 4.9 ft. High ................. 10:41 a.m, 7.7 ft. ................. 4:41 p.m. 3.3 ft, High ................ 11:35 p.m. 12,0 ft. MONDAY, JUNE ZS Lv ................ 6:35 a.m. 3.8 ft. High .................. 12:11 p.m. 7.8 ft. Low .................. 5:29 p.m. 4.7 ft. TUESDAY, JUNE $4 High .................. 0:05 a.m. 11.8 ft. Low ................. 7:23 a.m. 2.4 ft. Igh ............... 1:47 p.m. 8.3 ft. Low ................. 6:29 p.m. 6.1 ft. WEDNESDAY,  U High .................. 0:41 a.m. 11.7 ft. Low ................. 8:05 a.m. 0.9 ft. High .................. 3:11 p.m. 9.3 it. ............. 7:41 p,m. 7.3 ft. ffURSDAY, JUNE Z6 High ................. 1:17 a.m. 11.7 ft. Lv ................ 8:47 a.m. 8.1 ft. High ............... 4:23 pro. 10.4 ft. Low ............. 8:47 p.n% 8.1 ft, |AI=UCO INliURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS o, your Vmily Auto Insurance, cdl: Reeky Hembroff Apmy W, Fnklln - ,1!11.U57 ke'll treat you like a son...sot e number! Johnson Is On Midway . I Radioman Seaman Leslie R. Johnson, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Johnson, Shelton, is stationed at the U. S. Naval Station on Midway Island where President Nixon met with South Vietnamese President Nguyn Van Thieu June 8. Midway is located halfway be- tween the United States and Asia. It is part of the Hawaiian Chain of Islands but not a part of the State. Used by the Navy since 1938 it is today primarUy a refueling stop for ships and mllitarT air- craft. Midway also has a large Search and Rescue Center with an area of responsibility of more than one and a half million square miles. Leslie Johnson IT'S TRANSFER T Let our "crew in blue" your savings account from where in the nation • • . LUTELY FREE . . . no red • . . just bring in your and we'll do all the Cv52t52Sa00gs 1st & Railroad -SheRon • Safe Deposit Boxes • Drive-in M ° no finer fit at any price. and2 Great Na Your Shopping B 'eft fiberfill padding shapes ,,ands for ............. FI BERFI LL ........... • ::: niiracle blend " L ;=,'' ::,(i'5 :,,!! , ;'' Dacron, nyhln, STRETCH STRAPS stwe00ch strap bra ... i cotton YOUNG LOOK (Style 6070) You could pay a lot more for a bra with all these pluses. "Soft fiberfill wilt shape you into a perfect size. Stretch straps extend from V-shaped front to a low, wide back. And there's built-in comfort and free- dom with stretch back and under cups. White. A32-36, B&C 32-38. d flf-t by BESTFORM ° Silky smooth Dacron polyester, nylon and cot- ton stays fresh and cool always. Famous eriss. cross bands shape, lift and separate you into a 0nly Bestform offers you new, youthful figure. White. A32-36, B & C32-38. such a great little figure! 3.00 FUN & FROLIC STRETCH SPORT BRIEF PANTY GIRDLE . Fashion-pretty Snowflakeprint (Style 5210) Step-in brief panty " "Just-right" control for of acetate, cotton, Lycra spandex young figures gives light-weight control just where needed. Flat faggotted ", Lightweight and front seams make it ideal under easy-to-care-for, too! the most clinging shorts, slacks, You'll know you've arrived in the or swimwear. White. Sizes S-M-L- world of fashion whel you color- XL. match this panty girdle to the 250 Snowflake bra. It always keeps its shape and yours. (Style P.3100) . One size fits all. 2.00 I PNo 8 - 8helton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 19, 1969 (Style 6026) Add a full cup size of soft fiberfill padding to cups of pretty nylon lace, elastic side sections of acetate, rubber, Dac- ron polyester, adjustable stretch straps, and scooped back. It all adds up to the bra. White. Sizes 32-36. A and B. 3.99 Color Coordinated ALL STRETCH BRA - Cloud-soft fiberfill makes you a perfect cup size Comfy stretch sides and straps.., free your every move t Lovely lace cups for a pretty lingerie look (6077) A bra that's practical, comfortable and fashionable too! Choose your colors, then match to its own panty girdle, brief, slip and bikini. White. 32-36A, 32-38B, 32-380. 400. PERMANENT PRESS PADDED BRA - Stays fresh, white, and new after repeated washing - Adds natural contour with a touch of fiberfill *k Stretch section between cups assures extra comfort (Style 6013) Fabulous value at a low, low budget price. Luxury de- tails like lace top cups make this bra a great buy. White. 32-36A, 32-38B, 32-38C. 1.59 HIGH , Unde t" Perfect fm, fuller figure -k bre Now's t superb .s love the bra, too. 40B, 32 3. Color Coo, sPORT t A sure girl Cool, (5277) colors. matchff and b Pink-Ice, S-M-L. SIDE STEP Lace-Over-Lightly LONGLEG PANTY LONG LEG PANTY lacy lightweight * Cross'°v'ar Is8 panels fra' lk" Double-paneled for slimmer tits thighs l tummy, thighs, hips ,,k Won't blnd or rida up ss you PLAYBACK glUl=":r "[^ CONTROL PANTY . Natural shapingwith $,torwalk Now yo,, e,,,, ,.(,,,vc,'l all yo,,,'shwkhlgsto panty reinforced back pansl "k Filiurs taming control panels hose. Amazin,,z new con,.el)t gives you a smooth, -- front and back LStyte5870) Slimming nylon and "" A lightweight controller (Style 5719) You can always ,.()mf',)rtabh. fit without bulky garters. T'nique ycra" spandex takes inches off A wonderful new experience in your torso. Front and side panels (5730) This Iongleg slims you thigh comfort and freedom. You'll predict where the Playback ,.ut'f. hold your Im.,, firmly but gently in i)lace. a let you look and feel younger, and trims y.ou and gwes you that be amazed too, at the way this will be--in place. Only the Si)ecial mesh insert lets you sit, stoo l) or bend Natural shaped back panel too. perfect sulhouette. Made with panty firms, shapes and controls special back section moves whih, your stoeking. stay up. Tummy taming Pretty stretch lace cuffs add nylon, Lycra ® sp.andex. • ,- so your figure. (Style 5800). White. • • • beauty and comfort. White. S-M. strong yet so cool. wn,te. :-M- S-M-L-XL. when you move. Never rides i)a,cl 'Oml)h'tes the smooth line. White, S-M-I,. L-XL , L-XL. Style 5600 - Short leg version, up, never slips down. White, .95 with LONG stockings. Only 13estJ 5.00 7.00 "x'$5.9 5 For beat fit, wear Hold-Up such a gn' FIJ) TO BUYI ! Open Fridays 'til Cash-Charge i "For Value it's 3rd & Ra IF Lay Away. |