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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 19, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 19, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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dli A d L O fN R I A " " T I n9 n ove - afure evea s rt'nsfnc a ent" I F-Uth Walter's vided the inate qualities for her class, a dislike for still-life. erl0oking Hood later artistic initiative. Recog- Now her early [)reference to- She employs both pallet knife el' Partiality to- nizing ths creative desire in wards the outdoors appears in and brush technique, yet finds i8 aspect of her rill of her paintings. Edith fre- the former more satisfactory. In ed With an ear- qmntly features • scenery and medium Edith uses only oil but lling pro- animals in her pictures, but holds hopes to try water color in the near future. Edith, her husband bought her a set of oil pains last October and registered her in an art In recalling the past 9 months of her painting career Edith at- tributes the most credit for her advancement to her instructor. In addition she claims the copying of other works in order to learn varying brush strokes and techni- ques assisted her development greatly. Edith's present art studio mere. ly consists of any space avail. &' .D {" .£.! ' able within her home. With the &rUe TozJer completion of the new addition Collegiate Spotlight to her house, though, she plans to moe her brushes and can- vas into the den. Edith has lived in Union since PAINTINGS frequenl.iy from deck of rards, and the first picture cenery or animals. Those completed by Edith, displaying the elk in original of the I lamina thei natural hahitat. ountain scene taken Peerson Reaches 97 Tomorrow 1940. She has one daughter, Di- anne. When not occuppied w;th her painting she enjoys sewing and bowling. Her pictures will be on display at Mell Chevrolet during the fol- lowing week. Bridge Club Meefs Here The Shelton Bridge Club met Monday night at 7:15 p.m. in the PUD auditorium with seven tables in play. Winners for North - South were Mrs. Keith Cole and Ron Zei- daks, Mrs. Eva Aamodt and Mrs. Bertha Walker and Mrs. Ed Dud- ley and Art Doran. • Paul Bunyan of legend weigh- ed ten times a normal man and traveled with a giant blue ox. Together they logged the forests of old miraculously performing feats of wonder. Mason County's contemporary Paul Bunyans of the Forest Festival earn their fame in a different manner. Yet occasionally a certain resem- bhmce remains to the traditional grandeur. Artie Tozier, our 1967 folklore symbol, traded Paul's blue ox for modern construction machinery, and moved from Babe's grazing grounds of anti- quity to the new Lake Cushman development area. Unlike that most famous log- ger, though, Artie exchanges the woods every fall for the benefits of a college campus. During the past two years, since his grad- uation from Shelton High School, he has attended Olympic College more versified than the legend- ary hero he represented. His range of employment during the school year included gardener, furniture store salesman, gas station attendant, and most re- cently detailing cars for the Ford Garage. Attic plans to continue his education in business administra- tion this fall either at Western Washington State College or Cen- tral Washington State College. He hopes to graduate in a little more than two years, but has no immediate intentions as to future position or location. Like his original predecessor, Artte finds few leisure hours. During the summer when not oc- cupied by his construction job he water skis and works on his car. Artie lives with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. (Bud) "YEAR-OLD Itammh Peterson poses next *llsh in her front yard. :o.. . ;.._ .......-...-...--.-.'.. Dzzlinst. :::::::.:,..:.:.:. tt7"_,truly fashionable-- :':"'" ...... ' ',€t,, ow o -, .:.:.:.ii:i!:i:i:: ,, n me most :,:.:.::..'_:.:,:,: l'Pafoot this season. :i:i:i:i:i:!: iiiiNiiiiii rM s15 "the family shoe store" 107 S. 4th Shelton • Itannah Peterson will cele- t)raW her 97th birthday tomorrow. She was born in Austin, Minn., tm June 20, 1872. Seeking opportunity she arriv- ed in Seattle on June 5, 1889, the day preceding the fire of that year. Evertually the 17 year old girl found employment as a house- keel)er. She didn't move to Mason County until 1922 when she set- tled in the Agate district. Pre- sently she resides on Delanty road. Mrs. Peterson is a member of the Rebekah Lodge No. 75 and the Order of Eastern Star. She still keeps her own house and remains attive with her cooking. She has two sons, Chester Rns- senberg and Alvin Peterson, both of Shelton. Her two daugh- ters, Elsie Drislayn and Selma Karatko, live in Seattle and Smithville, Tex., respectively. The remainder of her family eon- sists of six grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and four great-great-grandchildren. Smokey Saya" Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires ! East - West winners were Mrs. Bill Batchelor and Mrs. Roy Rector, COl. Ed Dudley and Yas Ito and Jack Graler and Rex U mphenour. The Bridge Club meets every Monday night. All bridge payers are welcome. WWSC Grads ]:our Sheltonians • Four Mason County residents received degrees from Western Washington State College during commencement exercises on June 13, in Carver Gymnasium. Denton L. Bailey, Susan Kay Hartline and Frederick Paul La- Mont, all of Shelton, earned bach- elor's degrees in education. Seth Coles, of Union, was awarded a bachelor's degree. Sale Is Tomorrow The Navy Mothers are having a rummage sale tomorrow at the PUD auditorium from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those wishing to donate rummage may call 426-2068. in Bremerton. However he car- ries with him a portion of the Paul Bunyan spirit, taking 15 credit hours a quarter while on the average working 50 hours a week. In many ways Attic appears Tozier, at Skokomish Valley, and has an older sister and one younger brother. In the line of pets he prefers his two quarter horses to Paul's Babe. Whoever heard of a giant blue ox any- way? Ft. Lewis Timber For Sale • About one million board feet metal contaminated) and an un- estimated amount of substandard (pulpwood) timber, are available for cutting and removal from a portion of Fort Lewis according to the Seattle District Office, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Bids will be opened in the Seattle District Office at 2 p.m., July 3. Invitation No. DACA67-9-69-256 offers 1,000,000 board feet of saw- log Douglas Fir and other spec- ies and an unestimated amount of timber suitable for pulpwood. Some of the timber contains im- bedded military metal. Interested persons may inspect the timber between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, except holidays, Arrangements may be made by calling the Corps of Engineers Representa- tive, Bryan L. Turner, Bldg. T- 7985 (North Ft. Lewis) at Taco- ma 967-2004. Bid forms may be obtained from Turner or the Real Estate Divsion, Seattle Dis- trlct, U. S. Army Corps of En- gineers, 1519 Alaskan Way South, Seattle, Washington 98134. DISCOUNTS FOR YOU! STYROFOAM ICE CHESTS Kleenex. 88’ Tissue Dispenser .... .ow Girls & Ladies Sandals °ow 88€ 32 Qt., Reg. $1.49 ....... now 99’ 42 Qt., Reg. $2.49 .... ,now $1.89 Straw & Beach Sun Hats now FREEZETTE FOOD CONTAINERS 1 Gal. size, Reg. 98' ............. now49€ Ice Cube Trays 2/79’ Gal. size, Reg. 59' ......... now30’ Styrofoam Cups,. .............. now 471 lSm?erSsiizZe:tReg. 98', 3'S ....... now49€ lOOs & Patterned gO's: Za tys0l Spray $1.69 Paper Plates now u,, Family size. Kitchen Terry Towels, 3/99€ Scope Mouth Wash ..,. .- 991 Thermos Bottle ,.,°%o:.ow $3.66 Empirin, 100tabs, reg.$'.35 ............ now 991 Plastic Hamperette "" n"ow $2.99 lY' Space Saver Rog.RUbbermaid's1.7g, now 99’ Rastk Canister Sets "'' $3.66 Salt & Pepper Sets Reg.Matching'89€, now 66’ Aqua Net Hair $pray.007;*&p0049€ 120 €ota @ Open Daily 9:30-6pem. i ImlBI hop Mell I Year-End Prices'69's i mpala Sport Sedan R. $3867 Now $3113" I Delta 88 Holiday Sedan Reg. $€9 .ow $3494 Hdf-T0n 8' Fleetside Pickup ' o .-$2977 -AIR CONDITIONED- Gg Caprice Sedan 69 98 Holiday Sedan 69 98 Luxury* Sedan 69 Impala Custom Coupe 68 98 Luxury Sedan Full Power, Stereo, FM Radio, T & T Steering, 6-Way Seat, Vinyl Roof, N.C. Warranty $4295 67 Caprice Sedan 64 T-Bird Convertible 67 Custom Vista Cruiser Hydra, Brakes, Steering, Power Windows, Radio, N.C. Warranty 66 Custom S00 4-Dr. 352 V8, Cruleomatic, Steering, Radio $13SS 68 Camaro Sport Coupe 67 Camaro Sport Coupe D $S 66 Corvair4- r. . • . • 65 Malibu SS Coupe . • $149S VW Camper $129S 66 Custom LeSabre Coupe . $194S 6S Rambler 330 4-Dr. 67 Fury III Htp. • • 65 Valiant Wagon • • . . $99S • . $10SS . . $1195 68 Custom El Camino 155 h.p., Radio, Steering, 13,000 miles, N,C. War. Mell Chev-Olds Guiok Parts- Service Dept. I I011/' I • COMPREHENSIVE . .._ I IWI I IJ I "c°ms'0N .non.- oat. I --.aff:N I • TOWING Lese- Rental Cars FULL COVERAGE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE • BODILY INJURY • PROPERTY DAMAGE • MEDICAL PAYMENTS • FAMILY PROTECTION lst&Greve 426-4426 "Since 1927" June19, -Mason County [] g