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June 19, 1969 |
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Morton Strikes Out Nineteen
To Lead Babe Ruth Slaughter
local Babe Ruth League record.
The contest was a real slug-
feet. Morton got his two homers,
a double and a single, and Doug
Ing blasted a homer and a
single for the Hawks and Rob
Settle hit a triple, a single and
Pat Morton struck out 19 bat-
ters and went five-for-five at the
plate including two home runs
as his Lumbermen's Hawks mur-
dered the McCleary Cubs 20-2,
last Thursday at Mountain View.
His number of strikeouts was a
Lecjion District Tournament
stole three bases.
Morton drove in 8 runs with
his five hits. Len Crume came up
with three hits, Dan Morgan had
two more, and Ray Krumpols a
double for the winners.
SRA was beaten on Tuesday
when OK Reefers waxed them,
17-5. For the Reefers, pitcher
Terry Knight struck out 14 and
Clyde Rains went two for four
at the bat.
I SI ÷ d F J ly 19 20
s a e or u - day 16-0 in the season's first
Babe Ruth shutout. Clyde Rains
Twin 3-team double elimina- the winner in the third game. hurled the goose egg at the Ios-
tion tournaments July 19-20 will Stadium and Wilson go in at ere. Elmer Herrell bopped five
determine the 1969 American Le- the opener at Heidelberg with hits in as many times at bat
glen 4th District baseball champ- Lincoln meeting the loser, then for OK and Mike Nutt had four
ion, a conference of the six team the winner in afterpieces, runs batted in and a grand
managers decided last week in Since all six teams are corn-
Shelton is grouped with Lacey
and Puyallup in a play-off at
Western State Hospital while
three Tacoma entries will dupli-
cate the action at Heidelberg
Park in Tacoma• Victors in the
simultaneous eliminations then
meet in a best-of-three game se-
ries at Heidelberg the following
Lacey and Puyallup are paired
in the opening game at Steila-
coom July 19. Shelton meets the
loser in the second game and
mitred to' Connie Mack League
schedules it w as impossible to
work out a home-and-home slate
for this year• Next year, with
looming additions to the Legion
family, the Connie Mack affilia-
tions probably Will be dropped.
In the meantime, immediately
ahead of Shelton in Olympic Con-
nie Mack League play are games
this evening at South Kitsap,
Sunday afternoon at Port Town-
send, next Tuesday at hem e
against East Bremerton, and
next Thursday at Central Kitsap.
slam homer.
Jim Pauley Ford took a pair
of Babe Ruth games last week
when they beat Lake Cushman
Developers and the McCleary
Bears 10-2 and 6-0 respectively.
Dan Larimer picked up the vic-
ory in the first game and Neal
White put on a spectacular per-
formance for the second win. He
struck out 19 batters and made
another play at first base unas-
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man is being piped into
fill the 7.8-acre pond for
I)Ond for cutthroat
Water flow, from left,
Jr., executive vice
president of Pacifi(. Land Associates; Ray-
mend E. Peterson, Tacoma City Light
Cushnmn power project supervisor, and
Ted Hoffman, State Game Department
aquatic biologist.
Lose Practice Tilt, 9-1
In op-
last week
of the
• 9-1 victory
Mack ag-
for field-
six of
ngs, giv-
an un-
his own
first was
Senior Carlson's extreme wild-
ness caused his early descent
from the hill. Of six batters fac-
ed, he struck out one, walked the
other five to force in two runs
and left the bases populated to
account for another pair scored
on an infield grounder and a
single off his rescuer, lefty Bruce
Cole. who then yielded two ad-
ditional Olympia tallies in the
following inning on three singles.
dram had one of the others to
elewlte his 3-game plate mark
to 5-for-8, including a triple and
a double. Kevin Dorcy and Jin
Corey logged the other hits, both
singles. The line score:
Olympia 014 100 2 - 981
Shelton 000 100 0- 171
Batteries - Stewart and Han-
• sen : Wittenberg, Carlson (3),.,
Cole (3), J. Corey (5) and R.
Junior Jim Corey worked the
last three frames, retiring the
first seven swatters he faced,
then was nicked for two runs
on a walk, a beaten out bunt,
an infield out, and a single. He
struck out five for a total of 16
in eight innings during Shelton's-
three pre-league practice games.
Shelton's lone run was rapped
home by catcher Rusty Corey,
who slashed a triple to right-
center behind Curt Stracke's sin-
gle to center in the fourth. Cor-
ey and Stracke each banged two
of Shelton's seven hits. Bill Lan-
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Thursday, June 19, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11