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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 19, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 19, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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sup Youth Married In Ceremony In Burien Nazarene Church Saturday 01ON is at home no:,&apos;, e.onva'escing Sandra Wing, who taught in Shel- ward Diesen of Bremerton and wife came from Juanita for a many years," arrived Saturday her pet (log. Mrs. Hatmum 'will son arrived from Ft. Brags, Calif. Arlene Wells were married Church of the by the R.t,v. Air Patrol of the Calif. her Mas- Education as a at Western University. son of the E. M. He IS a ra(l- State Was a t)io!ogy been active in as a junh)r for more holds the rank in a yel- dress with and carried white bible. She David's of Port Wore a n dress and :orsage was pink H. Hamilhm of State Aeronau- ;erred as I)av- rJ'Vid's brother, of Pacifica, atend the eere- Ceremony the entertained the nd memhers of r at the Cot- WeddinK Were served lat- of the groom's m(,l when ?aching at the anal S(:h(x)l of For Ill(, Will be slay- Where David at Wesl- er of the sum- at the Olson's they will I)(, hy Arhme's nd Arlene will in Tacoma, h t)e teaehin/ from maior surgery, which she had at thp Mtson General Hos- lfital May 20. She is a registered nurse at the hospital. Jean wishes to lhank all of her friends wha remembered her so well with cards and notes while she was confine(l. A real morMe buihler. Her sister, Anita Acherman of Pitlsburg, Pa., arrived Monday of last week to spend the sum- mer with Jean. Anita is a teach- and is looking forward to some relaxatitm, along with her assis- tance Io her sister. She will es- pecially appreciate the eoaler temIx, ratures of the Northwest. ('OMMITNITY CLUI3 Friday is pinochle night at the Lliliwaup Community Club hall and club members extend an invitalion to the public to join lhem. There are prizes and re- freshmenls and playing hegins at 8 p.m. Because it ccinci(les with the ,Ith of July, there will be no pot- luck su/)per and card I)arty the first Friday in July, states Presi- dent Elmer Edwards. The next l)inochle evening will be July 18. SURPRISE VISIT Surprising their relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Visser of Crescent City, Calif. paid a three- (lay visit at the Lilliwaup home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Visser. They arrive(i last Thursday and had the opl)ortunity to see other re- latives, in(,luding Maxine Visser's mother, Mz.'s. Anna Johnson and her brother, Bob Smith of Pot- lat(:h and his family. They left early Sunday and were to visit two of Pete Visser's sisters in Sedro WooDy before returning lome, where Pete is a commer- ('ial fisherman. ,I('GRAI)YS IN S[:MMER HOME Pat and Grace McGrady, who hav been spending a couple of months in the Goerge Drake Pot- latch home, rtloved Saturday into their own summer home in Lilli- wau]). Their sch(Χ)l-year tenants, Miss Sandra Kokko and Miss ton have re,turned to their homes in Marysville and Bremerton and will be attending summer school in Bellingham. (!AIJFORNIA FRIENDS VISIT Beautiful June days for boat- ing, swimming and just relaxing made this an ide time for lwl and Dave Collins to entertain some old friends at their Indian Beach retirement home. Lorene Matthews of Auburn, Calif., a' friend of many years, paid them an overnight visit Friday ngight. On Saturday they took Mrs. Mat- thews to the airport, where later they picked up other friends from Sacramento. They were Mr. and Mrs. K. Naito, former Seattle re- sidents, who have visited them when they lived at Cushman. The Natios are spending several days with them at their beach home. MORE COTTER GUESTS Enjoying having their friends visit them in their new home, the Mark Cotters have had a number of guests recently. Sun- day coming from Tacoma were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aronson, the Misses Hilda and Alice Gunder- son, and Mrs. Stina IIurlen of Seattle. Mrs. Lililan Richardson was a weekend guest at the Cot- ter home. The visitors had rides in the (3otter's new boat, which is to be named "Cotters' Caper". CATCIES FIRST SALMON It's always a thrill to catch one's first salmon, - or any first fish, for that matter. Carl Gleason, fishing on the weekend down near the I-famma Hamma, boated his first salmon, a blackmouth, adding another to the list of local fishing enthus- iasLs. The Gleasons have a mo- bile home near the Bates resid- ence atop of the hill overlooking Indian Beach bay. THREE SONS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Clarles Diesen of Eldon had Sunday Father's Day visits from their son, Ho-  Mason )ighl)ors and O U n :)rfl(X)n at a go- Incheon at |lie Moake. heen Mrs, neighbor for She has sohl to Sedro presented to he afternoon Those M: Sch- Crate dames Char- I,on and Goerge guest: of honor, f Lilliwaul), at I I roster, Faith • POStmasters Wanda Whar- early Sunday regional Con- Associa. region's Alaska, he and .rs, again, and or the con- home Father's was at the and Mike Is daughter rn Tacoma, Auto Glass a E(pert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Drugs I • Helena Rubinstein I • Comuetios • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic ComneU NELL'S PHARMACY 6th & Franklin Ph. 426.3327 Auto Parts * Automotive Machine Shop * Parts for all cars and trucks * 24-Hr. Service on Parts Les Fields Auto Parts, Inc. 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 Electrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances flHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Auto Radiators • Repaired and Rod Out • Auto Glass Installation • Body & Fender Repairing and Painting WHITEY'S AUTO BODY (behind Klmbel Motors) 707y2 S. 1st 426-3604 Floor Coverings • Linoleum a Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 Auto Repairing I • Major Overhauls • Brakes & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups Special Winterizing ED'S SERVICE 219 SO. let 426-1212 Masonry • Flrephmem • All Brick and • Block Wo MASON'8 MASON RY Phone 426-2278 Beach NOTEs PROM NElL I l"y Beauty • Complete Hair Care • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'8 BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Building Supplies- a mber • erwln-Willlams Paint (Kern-Tone & Kem-GIo) • Cabinet Hardware ' GRANT LUMBER CO. 607 S. 1st 426-6612 Paint C and C Paint Co'.Ca-Wall • Co'-Ca-Namel A-Plex • Brella-Plex GRAYSTONE of 8HELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 I Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Bedm, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 u. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 upright. , and many 7:80 Chain Saws New and Used • Rentals Oregon Chains & Accessories Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., dally ..... MlkePe MCmllooh 8hop 2215 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-49 l Custom (binets Quality Built CMstom Cabinets Bank Terms Available John and Jerry Bunko Better Built Cabinets by B & B CABINET SHOP Talor Towne 426-2042 Building Supplies l • Sherwin-Wtlliams I I Paints-Oarpets-Wallpaper I I • O, omple/e Building Supplies I I • Plastering & Supplies / I Nye Co. Building Supply I / Free Delivery I L 42-1224 01 Cole Roed I Travel • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel ReB. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4134 TV Service "' ' • Radio - 'IV • Phonograph. • CB 2-way Radio LEROY'8 TV 8ERViCE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 I I Signs' 3-D Magnetic Car and Truck Signs W. A. LEIMBACK Hoodsport Phone 877-5783 I I fro:n their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Die- sen of Kirkland. Mr. and Mrs. b'red Stevens of Shelton were al- so guests. A third son, Edward, with his pre-Father's Day visit the week before. FRIENDS FROM CALIFORNIA Lottie Itannum, described hy Elma White as "a dear friend of from Oakland to spend some time here with her. She drove to Lilli- waup, despite an arm fracture which was "on the mend", as suring friends she was not going alone. Her compardon was Susan, be remembered here as manager of the coffee shop at Rest While Park when Charles Ellis was in charge of he boathouse. Monday, coming in their camp- er, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thomn- tat1 were dinner guests that night at the home of Mrs. Start White, Mr. Thompson was a fellow stu- dent of Elma's in Caifornia and she had not seen them for 30 I) I) StICL9 14ygr Ode Bra- d HALl: GALLON € LARGE i!GG$ Farm Fresh Grade AA Dozen Carton FRESHIE GELATIN 6 Popular Flavors 3 oz. pkg. € FROZEN VEGETABLES Polar, All varieties except Brussel Sprouts & Asparagus 10 oz. pkg. GRAPI :FRUIT Coachella Valley Pink FOR ONLY € € JUICE DRINKS 00o00oo, 4/9400 ALL FLAVORS 46 oz tin APPLESAUCE B, oo .,bbo,. 5/$1 Golden Delicious 15 oz tin PANCAKE MIX Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake 65  or Waffle 3/2 lb. bag FRESHIE SYRUP o, =, 28  GREEN BEANS .,,a .,,aSliced Cut 303°r tin 6/Sl SWEET CORN W.,,a WallaCr.amSty,e 6/$1 or Whole Kernel 303 tin 3 SIEVE PEAS wa,,a wal'a 5/51 303 tin SPINACH Wa,,a Walla 30:3 tin 6/$1 MARGARINE Golden so,t,...g 3/7q, PAPER TOWELS Kleenex Oeslgnerjumbo Roll 3/99 COCKTAIL SHRIMP PearIpacific 4VaoZtin 2/89 DILL PICKLES Farman's,.her,eg.,sOroz ja, 69 ’ BAR SOAP D,., .. o,, .a,. s,.. 58 € 3 ct. wrap MAJORETTE DINNER Ma°ar°ni ,,o, 18' & Cheese pkg COFFEE CREAMER Presto NoR-Dairy , o.,.r 42 < All Grinds COFFEE,,, t,n,, S lbt,i,|ogS ig mm  HIGHLAND COFFEE (IbAlltinGrlnds65€ 2tl 1.28 HIGHI£HD COFFEE A'' °"nd' , ,,o $1.89 WARFJ4OUSE DIRECT PRICES * WHY PAY MOREl * • LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED • STORE HOURS Men. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Friday: ........................ 9 a.m.. 7 p.m. Saturday:. ....... . ....... ,.. g a.m. - 5p,m. ; Thursday, June 19, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15 mmimm I