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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 19, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 19, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ha r&apos;ef,iv{,d imps{m Timber 'd l;,{mnflalio n ,chohtrshil} i011Ol.,d al ;I {Iiilll(!l. ;it tho lnD.Va f el. l+,rjd;ty f'V(,liDl,, fl'(}lll row, al'O l)(}li}as I{Isoii ali(I ScOtt lhlhn; Ia{.k i .\\;\, h:ll i ( ;l ilvor, I;l';ltlC,+,-4 t{i+ ,. I all Myol'., (.hair}el;in {}I" the schohirshii} c<nll- Illill{o file' ,<"qill/l).'-4()ll: ,<'4to\\;l + I,(}()ll{+V aiill Ilill l,<){}i',{!y, +inip+{}li liul)li( + i(+,]iitiollS rt'ln'e!- !qlt;tl i\\;'{'. PrOblems? kNDARD tELToN % 426- 441 I Duggers Visi'l" A'I" Graylands Mr. and Mt'. tliitl{I I)u!+'- 14{'1" viMh,d Mr+ alid Mrs. \\;Vail(,]' l)+ivh, +el (;i'+lylaiid Frid:ly. Mi's. lkiv{,, lh(, for'm(,}' l,.'sI{q{,lit, }{an- {hd, W;l Ii'4. l)ti;F£oi" I{ Hl,ht>l ' in ;t counly school in N{}rlh Da- k(>la, l:lI<)]" l;itlhl ii] (]onli'+llii, v'ht,l'l, Mi's. I)tlKI{+l"S h{'}lh(,r wit> ;i PUl}i]. +\\;h's. l iavit, \\;vii4 (}riTin:ll- 13 fi'<}lll M+lxwt,ll, h,wa. iler ('(}tl- Mii i m+trPicd t+) Iql(l<m C()nll{'l', i cousi{i of Anita l)uI411{'i'. M{'s ({}{]ll('l" L';IVI' lho l)+ivii,'s ml{h'('ss hi 3,II's. /)tlL,j. 3, ;ill{t thief, +l II'i(,iid- ship was l't+Stllilt'd iiti(,1' .11} y{';i{'+. ViMlinq ttw lJtl',.((+l' ()Vt'l' l"alll- oi"s ])ay wt,r{, lht,ir ;oris +iild fanlilws, Pat and Mai'ilyn I}tl- {,,Pi' ;tii(l ('+tl'l +il]d M;l{'Wi}'ol. AI ll+lldin<.( lh{, t,';il ht,{"s ])+l 3 I}:ili(;ll,:( , til'l,;ik[il,;l ;it Ill{, ]to(J(] (?lil;il \\;I(OIII;III'N, {Ilul) IP(}ll] lh{' \\;'qlllc) <vt'I'iL MP. and Mrs. Ilal'- o1(I lhlnl{,i', tMIil lhlritei', Mr. arid ;end M I',. 1.2i'ic ,jlih()h il. 'l + P+ ili(I Ml's. C"+ltJd ])ll:ILTl'l', ,MP. ;rod 3.ll's (.i;ll'l I)IIKK('i', Mr. al]d MI'S. (]. I';. I+iiPkl{Lv ilIid MI'. el{lit .'Ii'S. 1;ill [ hnHl'P ;}lid f;irl+iI) . 'I'li, [+t't,;il.:tlSl, +tel ;Itl{itlH] I,'+lI hot"+ I);i) ov,{ll is or\\;'t,d I}{qw{,,ii a.lll, iilld il<)Oli. ()ill' hitil<h'{,(l }Jill} fitly w+'t'{, SOl'red I};ilic;ik('+, h;lltt, {'.<--(k,', +wan!x(' iuic(,, co[fe, and milk. E l_ II is lightly serious about what a fine savings program he and the others at "%ll,i,TlintY Federal Savings and Loan can offer ou There are three programs -,lly dividends are the ABSOLUTE most. As:Gene .... you'll e? ''''" THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVING.(:; AND LOAN ASSOCIATION , ..... II OLYMPIA • LACEY • SNELTON • Heine Office Branch Branch +iltll G Capitol Way 4131 Market Square .tl] Railroad Avenue Only: Hours-- .Monday Through Thursday 10 ta S Friday 10 to S:]O Southside: Silver Stars Ridincj Club Has Meetincj Last Week B\\; XlIU',. ILl,'} . I{l{.ll'l'( IIA .'-;(Jt 'Tt IS 1] )},; il\\; el" i[l' I{iciiliu C'Itll} eliot \\;Vi,dib,+<t,, Ot,'llitK ;ll the PUD I)uildin. TIIfiN,{' l}l'esonl W({P{, M+iko i{+(l {'t4ii t'(di, ,)'tllie Zic'iiq'. ShcqTy ('l'<mqtii+l. l,oo ]i<4mp, Iill I>,ca, Shtqh,y lllil Tl';icy ]{PO\\;Vll. Toio. +t{ll] 17city \\;lilt'till, "PIII;I Kiilll,lll+ t']r'i(, and C;iI'[il, ['}tliSO S(.hnddl. I)OPolI{' Loo. I){}lly l2I'tlt-h:t, l.iIl+ {la P{l'l'int,, I';{)nie l:;oolk, l+ill- (tlt. Alvin ;inil ,](,nliy IIihhqw;indt. ,{, OIli, l)o{' aI'lc] l{}lllli{, TilJ- hits. Ji,noll ]IopI} \\;\;m +t \\;iMtt}r "I'}wy to+ik ill the Kon ;ill(I Ghl- t+l • Olsf)l] I;mily ;t, {{,\\; lilt'ill+ hops. l('i]l}}('p:-, (ti'(?ll.S{'tt ttlltlt{' I,:1'+ ;i{h'; ;end II'Hil ri<te. t{{,IP(+shtiwnl, w{,{'(. '+'l'\\;{'+l IJy [)(}{ ;lIl{] IT,(mni( TIt)I}ils. ll'. ;ill(I Mrs. I<{,nn{,th Aicht,r had a [ai'owoll dMncr last SLut- {|;1) rlw P;ilsy itn{I Johl}ll) .<,l,{ql- cot', Toni lind Sh;ln{' who \\;Viq'(' h'iivirlq fop Ohio. Atlrendin tile (lilnil,I" \\;V{!l'O ll's. (]atht'rin{, ,I()lillstiil (,t I>{,b;iI, 5h' and 1i':-;. C'hal'les .I{}i'{! ;l/ld two foster childPt.n. Mr. ilIl{I ][I's. l)enny Smilil +i{l(I {l;lu+j/h{i. {}l Olyi}'ll}iit+ .h' ;In(I 5h's. XIi('hll{'l [,;tlIGU'I'lt}' t+'k ;til(i chihh'{'n (}[ {}13mlii+t. Mr+ +i{l{t Mrs. I,{,\\;vi{ + A(.h<, ll Sllolh):}. Xli +- ;il]tt 2MI". ( "( B.'is l{{}'.{P rs oI Ta nvlcw<}iid. ,\\;li's. I>;ililill{ ' ('{)h,nl lil ()t (}}?,ill- Ida, M{'. llid ,h's. ,]f)hll .'gl}{'ih'l'i" ;Pll(l h()s, Mr. ;l{i(1 .\\;ll'. t'.2(,t}il,' and {l;itl!.T]lhq' ilii(I 3,1r+ liid Me's. I<{'i]ii{'il] APril{,}' .El' Ml'. ;ind lls. ,hJhnlly Sl){,ll(.I,t' "J'(}ili ;Ind .Ehill{,, .',ht) hffl l;il M(}n(lay fop Ohio, will slop ;ill(| viMI ,Ml'. K(,In]{,lh At't.h(,P' si;h,i" Me'. arid M{'s. ,]ohn Talb{}i (if I-h'ol,:t,ll I h)w, 1X'o h., ii{l<l lib,Jr 141'andilui Ar(.h{,i' ()f ]/Pokon ]o\\;\'. ,N.'Oi). on lhe way. The IJvo \\;Vil'(,. l-tl Chill llll,l ll l|i(, lit)(i}{, {)|' (h(,{'vl I';cd{,ll 'Pl'itlPsdiy ;l[ h'I'll()(}I]. Mt!lYlt >oI'4 \\;%'{';'{' I}l'r I)H P;n< I<:l' lhoir l+l{;+i I}i'(+l} and .t+lh,z"s I}Pouh| Oil{, h;ilf d(}z('n co(}kh,s h)r iho l{{'d (31', ;. Mrs;. I><'{le!l sorv(,(l r(,fr(,sh- I}'IUI]|S, Th{' [+iv<' \\;Vi{'{'s i,/'(, h;t\\;'ii}-; l picnic arid Im'(,lJ{i-( .J{itl(, 2.'1 ill lh( + t}oine <}f ;lll{..v l+]vPIolh. "l'hc Aclh)ns t-ll {;hill lil{,l tl lh(! h(}l]}{' {}f l{';{d{,l" T(}l'li Mal,ori ,) urit' 2. t:]:iK .'4l]tllC iill(l 't-tI plcdl4(' \\;\'('I'O ]('(l [)3' L,{!1311h, Clwislens(,n. Those attendin7 were Lri Is}v- KI'{,n, l)al']t3n{, FerPis, ChPisly t31t- con, Chris RickaPds, Teresa Mur- ray, I)ou Lane, Mary Sue Car- Heart Fund Report Is Given • As of Juno 1, a total of $2,- 733.:{1,1, coni{'ibuled by Mason County residents to the 1969 Heart Fund Campaign, was Pel)rte{l I)y Mrs. Guy Beckwith, County Iteart Fund Treastlr(,P. The break-down of donatiors is tteart-to-ttear! city drive, $631.04 Business firm donations, $275; Rainbow Girls Ta Day sale, $115.37; Moosc Lodge dance pro- cceds, $46.25; memorials $'/95.50; containers, $13.43; Not-at-home envelopes returned, $54.25 and county contributions, $802.54. Tho chairmen of the fund drive wish to thank all workers thPouO]out the county and city who helped with this campaign. Tiffs total exceeds the 1968 fig- ure. Heart Memorials may be sent to Mrs. Maybell Daniels, Heart Memorial Chairman, 713 Frank- lin Street, Shelton, phone 426- 3080. Church Plannlncj Kids Crusade • A Kid's crusade will be con- ducted at the Shelton Assembly of God Church beginning June 23 and continuing through June 27. The Crusade will be nightly from 7 - 8:30 p.m, for Boys and Girls from age 4 - 12, Sharon Warren, from the local Assembly of God Church will conduct the crusade. She is well qualified as she has worked with children for many years and ser- ved as a youth evangelist while a teen-ager. Short pumplife? Chevron EP Hydraulic Oils protect your hydraulic sys+ tern agannst wear, Increases pump life. CALL YOUR STANDARD OIL MAN IN SHELTON C. C. COLE & SONS, 426-4411 "Standard Oil Company of California I son, l(enny Cai'son. Danny Se- w(,ll, I)an;l Christ{,nsen. Tr'J{,y De M(,iP(}, I?}bbi I)eMoiro. Des]h, {'];tyh)n, Solina C]ayl(m. John (?layton, "IsI'i]{,t, Mats(}n Mike 2llls()il }}lid (?]l+'Pyl Nolan Sunda. t,'tlests of 5h'. and Mrs. I+ tt. At'h{' a{/d \\;Vinsi{){ werc +\\;h' and Mrs Jt'sso Asche Iz}ri • ,litl I{t+n:l tl}. h" I{t .,II's AI'I K,lloi'liil,,_., and Iw() (tatlThlel's. ii\\;'t,P .Iii1',4 u{Hi}u. ()N i li'ilJl rid{, Sl{l]{]iy woI'{, ?,Ilk{' and Celia S<'otl. I-'(} P, ish< }. ,h£1i(' Zi(,lel'. ,l;ly Ui]li}h,.,notlP and [')c Tib- I}il<. lIl sI)Jl{' t}I" the wal'i]] (];ly they {'(}d{' iitlotll ')() i]]lh" iih}IIm the \\;Vyno+}{.h(, R i\\;'{'i' Visil<)l's (If" ,I{" i{](] XII'.'-; f:[il\\;' t(i';ll('li:l \\;\','l't' [l" iil]{l IPS. JohN ('o{}],:;IJil il],t ,[8{'1,:i{'. Pmll ('(})k- s(in +}I Kil.'41il}, [{uth l/tn'ien of t]l',,m(,l'toll. [l'+ Hn{I XII's. \\;Vall('l' t(i'Hl{h;i. MP ;ill{l .Ir.,-; Alfred Kld()Ull, .,I(,\\;,.. Kini illd ,h}(ti .Me'. ;{n{t Ii's. Gh,{} l{l'itl ha. MiP- h;it.,] dli'](t Sh(,llt% iil}(t ,h)hn Kral- (.till. X[i ', ;}lilt M1's ,h}hn C(}(iks<>{] ;liid ,)a(,kie, Ptltll (]{}ok(}il of le(i| - k;il}, l{ulh lhii'i,{ ol l,l'Olll('l'loi mid M'r. ;tfi{I Ml' P,i', I-1' h.ha {,l;illi {lit,qill .ElilidH3. P<itil {'{}{}kson an(l P, uth lItiPien Sl}Oill lh{, wt,l,k/,i](l \\;\'ilh lh{, ,Ji}hi] Ci)l}k- < OIl'S, Fredrickson A÷ Lackland I All're;in G/'{'/ L. Fred{,rick- ";(ill. NI}ll Of h's. Nooil];I M. ICl'iS - kon, Sh('llon, hm-; I'ec{,ivcd his fliT! U. . Air IPoP('o duly ;issi,_,,{}- tnonl al'hw {:r}ml)l{,lin basic tl'ilin- i{]T ,1 I,ackllnd AI:IL Tox. Tho ilJPrll;in has I)(,on ;issiKil(,d it} ;i IIYI;i <)l ih(' 'l';ictit.;ll Aii' {Olllllliin{] ;1| ]:(}rl)(,s At+']>,. Kan., f{)l' I i'll ii]i Ii,... , 8lid {1111,,' ',l; }in ilhlsti';ll(}{'. Aii'Ilian Fr{,del'icks(}n, ;i !l;illlllill, ()f Sti,]l{){i Ileal ,{.h()+)l, ;ilh,]idod lliii'l]h,y ,%.ho(d (ll Ai'l it} ,E(,iillh, IIM Iiltl(,{', l};ili] \\;V. F{','{leI'iuk4oli. lives ill [{an- tlo. FLESHY GALLS, su{'h [is tlw {}lit, sil()wn (}n tht, I)i{'turt' hol'O, art, sli()Wili ii I} oil s<)lil(, ;iz;ilo;i plallt il this lhiio ()r ,v{,ai' ('(}lilily l,]xt(qish)u :\\;{,ili l llir()hl Villi I)t'l{cil sahl illi wofq,:. Tho lill, will I)+, i tmh, ,+ro{,il (}i' whitish {.()h)r. The extoll,i<)li l{,iil said h<' I'O('(lliilil{qi<l. halill lih,1.;iii, [ha  Ills if th{,i'o :11'o ll(}t too iiltlliV {ll' fill,Ill. If ihpro HI't, too IliHIly fop this liioth<)d, Sl}l'ilVill \\;vith Zin{,I) will h{,I 1) {'olltl'{)l |]lelli. Tht' I]xluii,,.d()n Sei'vi{,o li;.is ii. lllilh,tili ",\\;za]oas ili<l I{hl)(t{)- (h'lidi'(}iis" availMd{, iii lho ()fl'i('f, hi ilia lia.oilioiit ()f th{, I '()sl ()ffi('o. Clappe Gets Medal In Vietnam • St)o('ialil lC()ul ' John H.. ,"4t)(''. 1 {'l;Ipl)o. ;l'iL{}(,(I hi Clat}llC, 20, s{)n {)f 1%,I1". }}lid MPs. {'Ol]ll}ally A, 5111 lt;ill:lli()l}, 711] .J(}hri C];II}I},.L ]:It,]lii{'. i'(,vh,\\;'(,d {';l\\;;llr3', 1st (':lv:ill'y 1 )i\\; isi,lll lh{! Arrlly Colnlnendalh)n 1Vh,(IM /Ail'nl{)l}ih,i, {'i]lt,i'o(l tlw Al'llly Miiy 9f} hi Vi('lrlinl+ iii l"l'l}riiary l!ili :lli<l ulllillll{,h,€ 1 SI }ec, '| {lal}I}{" rect,ive(I lho l)ii4h, ll';liliii]K it FI. I,{,wis. lh, ;iwiil'd I'o1" lit'I'll}Sill h il(+lion \\;\;l si;llh)ll(,d ill l+'l thllk. I. i, whih' {!nq;ll4{,d in I.i'(}tlnd {}i}{l'i - I}{ff()r(, arrivhl {)v(wsi+;i,.; I;isl Aii- lion ;i,.,jiitl:.41 ;i tl(islil(, tin'c(, it} t,tlSl, lh, lls+} h{hl lliP {'ill}l+ Vieh];inl. I};ll II]f;inli'ylilliil Iki{lt,. II I Too many oils? RPM D[LO Multi-Servi{-e Oil is the one oil bet;t for t.)oth diesel and gasoline encjmes :2 4!;: CAt I YOt;f ,,TAN[')AF;tD OIL MAN IN St¢[L TON C (' CO[}  %OINI%. 42b -1411 "SI,Irl(J,lrd ()d C()tTl[}.l/l (}{ C*tll{O/lia Discover the INTERNATIONAL PICKUP / Here's the hottest combination of car comfort and truck-tough muscle ever to hit the road. 41% bigger brakes, double-walled steel box, torsion bar or I.beam suspension--and a choice of power from 145 hp. six to 235 hp V-8. Options include 4-wheel drive, autornatic transmission, bucket seats, wood-Brain side panels, air-conditioning and stereo. Come un and an International Pickup--before you take your vacation! Pick your power. from a 145 hp. economy six to a top-performing 235 hp, V-8. SUMMERTIME IS TRADING TIME! SEE US NOW! Luxuii(Jus colo{. co(}r(|i{lale(.'l fr} - teri{}vs Optlorlnl t)uill ill tilr- morldi llorii{l{t . , stero{}, too. SAVE EVEN MORE WITH A TRADE-IN The new Scout steers easier, rides smoother and plays rougher than any vehicle in its class! And now we're offering a choice of an economical four-cylinder, six-cylinder or the new 304 cubic inch, 193 hp. V-8. 4.-speed transmission, 4-wheel drive, the Scout goes anywhere ..... and comes back! "Do-it-yourself" body styles. SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF D-MODELS INCLUDING • TRAVELALLS • CAMPER SPECIALS • TRAVELETTES • SHORT& LONG WHEELBASE 6 CYLINDER AND V8 PICKUPS AT KIMBI00L MOTORS, INC. am am 707 So. 1st. St. Dial 426-3433 | i II Nil I i i I I Thursday, June 19, 1969 Shelton-Mason Count, Journal Page 17 m