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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 19, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 19, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE RATES 16 words o Im-- $t.50 • 10 cents for each a(ditlonai word over t1 • FOUR (4) insertions for the pH d THREE (3).. • Classified deadline: $ p.m. TeIJY' For Sale FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Oisen Furniture, 4th and Cots. 4/14 tfn GARAGE BAI! Houhold Pets, Livestock K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle ing and pet grooming. Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/81 tfn POODLES FOR SALE. $25. Can be seen at Rt. 3, Box 347F. R 6/12-19 FREE -- Kittens to give away Sporting Goods PHONE 877-5274. One 9' Pram Boat, $20. One in-board out- board 14' boat and trailer. $35. 225 gal. oil tank and oil fur- nace $30. J 6/12-7/3 O'BRIEN COMPETITION water ski, used twice, $60. Phone 426- 1023 after 6 p.m., ask for Jeff. C 6/19 Personal CARD OF THANKS May we extend to our many 'lriends and neighbors and espe- cially to the hospital staff, Dr. Forrnan, Longbeac, Washington and Mason Countyy departments of the Washington State Patrol, our deep thanks for the flowers, sympathies and donations Riven us during the loss of our loved For Rent FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 108 tin gOO, etc. Thurmday and Fri- to good homes. Phone 426- day, 19th and 20th t 600 8o. 2878. B 6/12-19 BLth. W 8/19 ................................................. RABBITS for mile. Phone 423- INDOOR-OI)OOR CARPEl", $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at Oisen Fur- niture, 4th & Cola. 426-4702. O 8/1 tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and till- ers. See now at Mike's McCul- loch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28 tfn RUMMAGE BALE! P.U.D. Audi- torium, Friday, June 20, 9-4. S Cmrod by Navy Mothers N 6/19 WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-else rugs. Cultom-made draperies. We measure, expert Inmtaliatlon. Your utiafaction is guaranteed. Free eumates You're always welcome at OI- sen FttrnJture, 4th and Cots, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn SILVYATONE Alto Saxophone, excellent condltion $136. 8ax stand, new, $I0. 428-2878. B 6/12 n JTEN TEMP. wall oil furnace, 200 bllon tank. Ideal for cabin or small home. 426-6150. W 6/19 FOR SALE or Trade  Gas winch, 2 floating druma. Ph. 426-2718. W 5/22 tfn FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at ZieRiar's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25 tfn WOOD FOR SALE for brick fire- eS, $12.00 cord, you haul 426-8889. L 6/19 1969 Dial and Sew If you or anyone else you know are interested in a good buy on a sewing machine, I have a 1969 model Dial and Sew zig se.g sew- /g machine that I will sell for "'  1/btee-  "at 0ympia 357-7761, a for Gary. A 6/5-26 I i i COLOR T.V. be at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cots 424-4702 i iiiiiiii i [ i 6162. F 6/19-26 3 YEAR OLD Welson Shetland pony, bridle & saddle, $175.00. Hoodort 877-5749. Kay Mc- Henry. Me 6/19-7/10 Produce For Sale STRAWBERRIES - Okerstrom's. U-pick (we pick on order). Choice field. 9 miles on Tum- water-Yelm highway, Merid- ian road. Dial 491-5183 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Bring containers. No children in field. 6/12-26 Sporting Goods 14 ft. STRIP-BUILT boat, good condition, 12 h.p. motor with trailer. Phone 426-2148. See 417 So. Second. P 6/5 tfn OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-trained me- chanics. Hood Canal Maxina, Union. 898-2252. 4/3 tfn GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, HomeLite Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252. 2/15 tfn 15 HORSE EVINRUDE, rebuilt, excellent condition, $125.00. 426-8775. E 6/19 14 ft. COWAN MARATHON rac- ing boat, over 50 m.p.h. Won 13 trophies past 2 years. Owner in service, $125.00. 426-8503. N 6/5-26 Work Wanted PRIVATE TUTORING, Seventh grade math and English. Ph. 426-4256. R 6/12-7/3 HGH SCHOO GIRL wants ba- ltting jobs in Shelton, days. ne 426-8410. D 6/19-7/10 SEWING AND IRONING, rea- sortable rates. Phone 426-6258. H 5/22-6/12 OLDER WOMAN wishes to baby sit infant or younger child or sit for elderly. Experienced and x)od reference. Phone 426- 4838. B 6/19 tfn Help Wanted RETAIL SALES clerk, some ex- perience. Any knowledge of photography helpful. Ziegler's Studio. 426-6163. 6/12-19 ................................................................................ DENTAL RECEPTIONIST ca- 16' PACIFIC MARINA boat, 50 pabale of assisting, experience h.p. Evinrude. Priced to sell. $350.00 or best offer. Hoods- port 877-5336 S 6/19-7/10 PRO FOOT row boat. Call 426- 4096 in evenings. C 6/19-7/10 FOR SALE or trade for what have you  20' inboard con- variable boat, asking $900. 426- 3483 before 5:30. H 6/19 tfn BRIDGESTONE MOTORBIKE, 175 twin. Excellent condition, $375.00 cash. Phone 426-6091. .... R 6/19 For Sale FOR SALE or trade: 500 gallon fuel tank. Want to buy 14 ft. boat trailer. 426-6286. W 6/5 tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eelis & Valley Appliance Cen- ter. 6/5 tfn FOR SALE -- Utility trailer, ex- celkmt condition. Call after 5 p.m. 426-4649. J 6/19 E,RLY AMERICAN console pi- ano. Like new, assume low ayments. Phone Adjustor, R 2-5282, Tacoma. T 6/12-19 [IIL,IONS OF RUGS have been cleaned with Rlue Lustre. It's America's finest. Rent electric shampooer $I. Coast to Cca#t 6/19 YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut and wrapped. Expert cut- tang and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6528. S 3/27 tfn gxl5 AI WOOL rmmet broad- loom rug, excellent ¢ondltlon, $40.00. Phone 426-4496. Mc 6/19-26 COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, 19c, 5x7 enlargement, 896. Z i • g I • r' s Camera Shop, 124 No. 2rid. 4/17 tin RPOSSESSED -- 1 year old Lowrey piano $650. Cost new $805. Johnns Music Box, 205 C4t. 4-4502. J 12/12 tfn preferred. Write Box 50, c/o Journal. 6/12-19 WANTED: Paper boy for down- town area. Afternoon Seattle Times. Call 426-8965. G 6/12-7/3 MAN OR WOMAN to supply Consumers with Rawletgh Products. Can earn $5 weekly part time, $150 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, 306 Ad- eline, Oakland, Ca. 94607. 6/12-19 Wm'D ....... --CIRK ,typist to work in office part time. Good credit reputation required. Call 426-4252 after 5 p.m. G 6/19 SSMAN: -' Part ''or -ful! 'tme life insurance agent. Train at $150. weekly with 102 yesx old highly respected life insurance compeny. Write Equitable of Iowa, 1712 6th Avenue, Taco- ma, Walnon 98405. 5/29-6/] 9 GIRL TO LIVE IN to help in the home. Call 426-3648. H 2/13 tfn Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for un- wed pregnant teen-age 'glris. UGN Agency. Collect calls ac- cepted. Florence Crlttenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178. 8/29 tfn CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those for theix help and kindness during the loss of our son and brother, Raymond Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Temple Roland Temple Norman Temple Shirley Frost 6/19 Used Cars FOR SALE -- 1968 Plymouth Fury Ill convertible, I0,000 or- Iginal miles, covered by war- rarity. 426-4348. L 6/19-26 one, FxIwin Hun. Mrs. Edwin Huss and family 6/19 For Rent FOR RENT  2 bedroom un- furnished, duplex, Lights, oil and garbage furnished, two miles from town. 426-6802 before noon. W 6/19 iiii 1 - 2 BR Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Grbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mt. View Phone 426-8663 12/5 tfn MT. VIEW ELWOOD MANOR ' APARTMENTS - 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW. No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-6155 R. E. Wanted Listings Wanted • Homes • Acreage • Waterfront Tom Townsend 1000 QUALITY Imsine cands only $7. But prices also on all busineB need, including let- terh and envelopes. Speed- Eze Dupllcgtor, 105 No. Co- lumbia, Olympia 352-0420. S 6/5 tfn Eells A Valley Appliance Cnter MOBILE HOME FURNITURE -- We specialize in quality gm & Cots lit. compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- " Pho -44 Furnishln ture you're always welcome cmm 4th and Cots. 426-4702. ' " . Center 4/14 tfn Nye Building Supply Complete Building Supplies Weekly Specials Fibergbss FolI-Fmml Insdation Full Thick... ................... .7¢ sq. ft. Townsend Realty 116 N. 2nd • 426-1515 Used Cars 1967 ANS Pontiac Sprint. 2 door hardtop. Auto. trans. $2100. Call 426-8452 after 7 pro. J 6/12.7/3 1963 FORD GALAXIE 500, low nileage, new PolyRias wide tread tires, new brakes, good body condition, $795.00. 426- 4645. R 6/19-7/10 1963 PLYMOUTH Savoy, excel- lent condition, phone Hoods- port 877-5288 S 6/12-19 1965 SS V-8 hardtop with white bucket seats. Phone 426- 6510. B 5/22 tfn FOR SALE: 1958 Chrysler Sara- , toga or 1953 Chevrolet carry- all. Your choice $150 or best offer. 1526 Madison. 426-1072 after 5 p.m. J 6/12-19 '56 FORD V-8 for sale, $275. Good second car. Call after 5 p.m. 426-1409. T 6/12 USED CARS '63 DODGE Wagon '83 GALAXIE XL '62 CHEVY II Wagon '62 RAMBLER Wagon '62 CADILLAC Fleetwood (full power) '62 DODGE Wagon '60 MERCURY Hardtop ') FORD Station Wagon '66 MERCURY H.T. '66 FORD Country Sedan '66 COMET Sedan '64 RAMBLER ClINio 4-Dr. '62 T.BIRD, Yellow '|3 DODGE g-Pass. Wagon '63 DODGE 4-Door '68 VOLKSWAGEN Bus '63 DODGE Sedan TRUCKS '$6 RANCHERO ' INT. 4 x 4 'S6 DODGE -Ton '61 INT. Piokup Medium Thick... ........... .$1/2 q. ft. JIM PAULEY'S $herwin. William * PalMs " Cgrpots on the Cole Road • Phone 4264224 BOB --- BUS --- BILL Page 18.8hetton-Muon County Journal - Thursday, June 19, 1969 FOR RENT -- Trailer space. Walking distance to town. Car- port and storage. 426-3242. B 5/8 tn ONE BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, w/w carpeting. Heat, wa- ter, garbage furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin, Apt. 5 after 5 p.m. B 6/19 tfn FURNISHED MODERN apart-" meat, downtown. Water, heat furnished. Adults only. 119 E. Cedar. 426-4895 or 426-4481. G 6/19 tfn $7.95 RENTS a new pane. Sher- man-Clay, South Sound Center, Lacey. Phone Olympia 491- 3370. S 8/22 tfn Real Estate ONE BEDROOM house for sale on AnRieside, corner lot, good retirement home. Phone 426- 6122. Mc 5/29-6/19 FOR SALE! Large two bedroom home, 2 acres on creek, love- ly yard, good well, close in. $16,500 cash. Call 426-6547. N 6/12-19 WATERFRONT LOT for sale, Maon Lake Estates No. 2. Phone Bellevue SH 7-4530. H 6/19-7/10 PICKERING PASSAGE -- 250' of beautiful beach plus 2 acres upland, $25,000. Four Unit apartment showing 50% return on $4,000 down pay- ment. Ten units plus duplex shows 50% return on $20,000 down payment. $ $ $ Three Acres -- very nice view property, all cleared. $6,600. $ $ $ 2 B.R. home, 3 large view lots, nice. $7,950. $ $ $ 2 B.R., nice view, Hillcrest. $8,- 500. $ $ $ WANTED -- 1 to 5 acres with or without buildings. $ $ $ Wanted -- 40 to 50 acres suitable for Ctristmas trees. $ $ • Savage Services, Inc, Star Route 2, Box 189 Phone 426-8584 Lost & Found FOUND  Reddish-tan male hound, about 40 Ibs., At home of L. K. Webb, "Eldon". 877- 5484 (Hoodsport). 6/19 LOST -- Female collie dog, chok- er collar. Reward. F. Schroed- er, Rte. 3 Box 431-C Shelton. 426-8354. S 6/19 LOST Will the person who took the double clothes rack from the Fair Grounds please return it. It ,is the property of the Floral Dept. and will be needed to dis- play hanging baskets at the time of the Fair. If necessary, Mrs. Craig Eliot will be glad to pick up the rack. Phone 426-8337. C 6/19 Business Opport. FOR LEASE -- Shell Service Station, good location, high gallonage. Call 426-3322. G 6/5 tfn R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchangor. 426-6592 8/18 tfn Real Estate FOR SALE: Two lots on corner of 2022 Jefferson St., Mt. View. Phone 426-I084. C 6/12-19 READY FOR TRAILER -- Lot 6, Maple Beach Estates, Lake Isabella. Water, lights and sewer. $4,500. 426-8077. D 6/12-7/3 ISLAND LAKE building sites, on the water or back property. Good location. Phone 426-3265. P 6/5-26 PURDY REALTY Wynwood Center---P. O. Box 410 Gig Harbor -- 857-2121 2 miles fim Shelton, Lake Is- abella road. 3 B.R. house, 3 acres, drilled well, $9,950.00. Easy terms. 340' waterfront x 800' deep in a cove. Low Bank. ½ wooded. Can purchase all or part for less than $60.00 per ft. Near Allyn, approx. 9 acres. 650' on State Highway. Wooded. $5,- 950 and terms. 300' of waterfront in a cove. $22 per ft. Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; 426-6911 evenings and weekends Hof Wea÷her Specials- BEACH COTTAGE . . . This home has many features to eoy. With approximately 80' oz excellent waterfront and an outstanding view this 2 bed- room home is a great oppor- ttmity for retirement seclusion. Electric bszeboard heat keeps you cozy during heavy weath- er. This is salt water frontage with good fishing the year round. $27,500 with terms available. SHORT ON MONEY? But you need 3 bedrooms to .hold your family. If you do nave aptely $1,000 to use, let us show you this 3 bed- room home with 1  baths and fireplace. Will sell on FHA terms and u been freshly painted and put in top shape. Even has the pleasant feature of a small brook in the front yard. Located near our down- town schools and shopping areas. Has small I bedroom home on same property for use as rental or Just right for your favorite in-law who still doesn't want to move in with the kids. $17,000. $23,950 . . . But wait until you see this 4 bedroom home in the downtown area. This home is in excep- tionally good condition, fully plastered, and very tastefully decorated. Has carpeting, dish- wa1r, disposal, and drapes. Owner s willing to do some dealing so feel free to check with us and look at a great hoe. DOWNTOWN... This is an older home but sure ves you that wonderful feel- g or being a real family home. With 4 bedrooms and 1 bafhs there is plenty of space for the growing, family. The outside of the home is Just as attractive. Plenty of lawn, garden space, shrubbery, flow- ers, and a large 2 car garage with spacious work area. 'nis is an excellent opportunity to assume a good loan since the interest rate is only 5%. You can't afford not to look for only $13,950. ACREAGE , . . We have 2 dandy pieces of land for you to see. One is a good 5.3 acre piece in the Ishhnd Lake area with plenty of road frontage. Even has a drilled well and ample trees for pri- vacy. Priced at $7,000 and in an area of new homes -- well worth walking over. Another piece that is very suitable for home construc- tion would be this approximate 8 acre tract near Lake Nah- watzel. This is one that is cer- tainly priced to sell for $3375 with good terms available. WANTEDII -- LISTINGS... We have clients looking for your home! The number of listings available are quite ecarce compared to the num- ber of families looking for a change. Today is certainly a seller's market If you' and the wife have been thinking of a change -- don't delay, Rive us a call and we'll help you move the property. RECREATION . . . With these very warm sum- mer days upon us, this is the time to leave for the week- end and enjoy a quiet retreat. We have lots located all over Mason County to satisfy your needs. Just tell us what you have in mind and we'll show you the lot. Prlce start as low as $1500. A. ROY DUNN 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Evonlngo Call: DON BROWN - 426-6888 A. ROY DUNN . 426-4401 "k Real Estate FOR SALE: 5 lots at Union. Wanted: Land, houses, busi- nesses, real estate of all kinds. Call John Hubbard 426-2489 evenings or Daniels Realty 426- 1600. 6/12-7/3 Real MODERN Some watzel. Star Rte 2, MR. REALY INVEST NOWII! Here's your opportunity to purchase a would make a good building site. It's some cleared area. Good road frontage too. $7,500 with $1,500 down. Ideally located in COMMAND A LAKEI This is a dream made real by the ers of the fabulous property we offer bedroom home designed for full peaceful lake the property fronts on. scribe it further as our words just can't 500 Jewel. You might find it hard to see it. Call today!! ALMOST 1,900 SQUARE FEET FOR If you'll pardon the expression--"That's way the yard is developed is enough to tiful trees, flowers, shrubs, garden every corner of the big double sized lot. owned by the same family for profit from these years of fore it's snatched up. QUIET SOUTH HILL LOCATION This "neat as a pin" 3 bedroom home is be the happy new owner. It features 2 satile rec room, and a beautifully and patio area for those summer The price, just $18,500 with a low sume. Call Us!! BRAND NEW AND WOODED SETTING" The location is "PARKWOOD" o the tang is beautiful and all utilities are room home features the best in ances, wall to wll carpetng, and a new home is available at last year's $450 DOWN--S105 PER MONTH That's all you need to purchase this large nice location. New forced air gas fenced back yard. This won't last long, 20 CHOICE ACRESll Over 2600 feet of good country road area in nice meadow, balance 000 with terms that would be hard to beat NEED A SMALLER .PLACE? If so, why not see us about place for this compact, 2 plenty of space for a garden, fruit price is only $10,500. Assume a low loan, too. $00.00 PER ACRE Located Just 5 ½ miles north of Shelton. ing with over 1400 feet on county Hood Canal View from portions ten. 8= ACRES LOST LAKE ROAD Nice building site. 351 feet on road. $3,950.00. NEWLY REMODELLED This 2 bedroom Hillcrest home is ready owner Immediate occupancy upon yard, garage. Below $10,000. $7,500.00 ON CONTRACT TERM$1i That's a good deal!! The home is a 3 on a roomy tract where there is very the city limits, but where you will neighbors and congenial atmosphere. they call it, look this over. REAL ELEGANCEII Rarely in Shelton's historF has as nice new to the public. This 4 bedroom, 3 hand finished to the perfection of a by one of Shelton's finest builders. building a better home soon, may for a personal showing of this full" of surprises. $35,400. A RARE HOME We say it's rare mainly because we well-cared.for 3 bedroom home on on Mt. View for the price of $12,000 besides that, it has a practically siding. The only reason it's for transferre Hurryl! A COUNTRY BEAUTY . .. Here's the home that everyone's of living area, including a huge ing room, kitchen with built-in 3 good sized bedroorms, I baths, cluded with almost an acre of land. FULL BASEMENT-- Here's a very comfortable well-cared warrants your inspection ff you're lots of room for all members of lures are a good fireplace, oil and siding are pntctically new, tool HIMLIE 1717 Olymplo Highway N. EVENINGS CALL: DICK KNAUF 426-11110 DAVE THACHER 426-8636 -- CARb DICK LOLLING, Closing VlNGE HIMLIE, Broker