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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 19, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 19, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.A FOR DO0% TO DOOR CON, T. EXCEL- AVER- GOOD AGE 8dewalks .8% 13.9% 25.6% opportunities for ... o.Z,e. 1.9% 9.8 22.6% ?"nagers .8% 4.1% I0.9% uzt, 2. 8.3% .6 0er people 1.9 6.% 17,3% bllc meeting place for teenagers' -0- 1.1% 8.6% Ilal activities Imming facilities 4.1% Q01fing facilities 7.9% ounds for children 1.9% elds for baseball & other sports 9.4% hrh & cnic areas 4.1% opPortunities .8% School .... ' a%ional pr. ogram 2,3 & oquinont 3.% school .... 2.3 4Ucatlonal program .8 [ns & ¢quipnont .8% School .... 2.3% 4Ueationl proEra m .8% BIdlngs & equipment .4% Lhr,y 3.o eoetaUrants 6.0 0tol & motels .6% h°PPJ*;Z facilities l. 1% 8lee & repair facilities 1.1% tr,c,est rooms in business -O- "rtunities for persons .... uie) ' 18 -O- ty planning & develo.ent .8 ,%eral aptera W eOl.y nce& attractiveness 3.%  of years lived in st Credo completed= BELO AVh- NO AGE POOR R P. l.  8. 18.8 . 14. 27.8%  3.4 2.3 28.9% 15.% 6.___ I?.% 2.% 13. 21.1% l.O 13.5% l.? .6% 2.3% 19.9% 17.7% 0. 28.9% l.3  5.3% 5.3% 32.7 20.0  5.3 3.8% 3Lz; 15.8%  7.9 I0.5 29.3 12.8% 29.3 8.6€ 3.8 n.7, 3o.5 7.9 6.8% .! 13.2 9.3 ?. . _I. 6.0% 15.8; z5. 28.2% 32.o  lo2 6, 6.o: 23,7 tSZ 19.5 8.3 n. 16. 0.% 18.% 18.1% 9.3% 3.0% 15.8 19.2  2x,4 .o  l. 2o.o; 2.6 . 14.3 13.5 .6 lo. . B.: 19.z co=nty= Under im,. - 5,6%! 1-3 yrs. - 9,8% -7 .s, - 13.9', 8-15 yrs. - 13.2%, Over 15 yrs. - 8th grade or less - 6.1%1 some high school - 17,.7%! high school rad. -1 some college - 23.7%1 college . - 13.5:; Total Response S owors 118 103 90 5o 43 14 Ill. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. I0. II, 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2. 25. 26. DAZLS OV SUy TZepZe CORT. B. TOTALS FOR MAIL OUTS - 20 XC5- Water pressure 16, Sewage disposal .9% Storm mter drainage @,2 Garbage collection 20,' Gas pressure(cooklng & heatlnK) lO,O Electricity 26,3% Telephone service . Postal service 18.8% News coverage by newspaper . Television & radio programs .2; Fire protection .2% Law enforcement & police protectien 7.1% Co'Art services 2.5 Zoning ordinances . 9 Lozal services 7.5; Medical s e,rlcos 0. Dental services 9,,6% Hospital services .I`$ Health dortent . Welfare sex,ices 2.5% Public transportation to other Co.m. .8. Public transportation inside the comm. Parking in business district Street layout Traffic sicnas & siEns Nalntonanco & cleaning of streets 27. Sidewalks Recreational opportunities for .... 28, Children 29. Teenagers 30, Adults 31. Older people 32. Public meeting place for teenagers' social activities 33. Swi,,ing facilities 3 , Go]fin S facilities 95. Playgrounds for children 36. Fields for baseball& ether sr%s 37. Parks & picnic areas 38. Public mooting place fer large rps 39. Cultural opportunities Elontary school .... 40. Staff 41. Educational program 2, Buildings and equilxent Junior }gh school... ' 3. sff . Educational program 45, Buildings & equipment Senior high school Staff Educational program Buildings & equipment Libra 7 Restauxants Hotels & motels Shopl.!n facilities 46, 47. 8. 9. 50. 51. ,B. 5.8 Z.7% .e$ 3,8/ ,e Z.Z ).S .% .. ,.6, .2 4.2 :).e z.7% }0% 1.7% ,e :.M Z.9 BEIX,/ A- AVER- EO GOOD AGE AG  z. l.? x.. 6.3 24.6.$ 6 . % zo.o .$ 9. . 23.8 2. n.9% 9.6% 1o.8% .9 27,1% 9.6% 7.5 o., 29,2%  ,.$ 6,3€ 28.9 z5,e%  18.3% z7.5 lo.e;' 22.l%  15,8% 9,2% z,.o 28.9 25.0, 3.8,( 2.9.( 2.1  n.'d, .  xT. zo,  7.5 xo.o% 16e3. z9.6  14,2 2.; .6 6,7. XB,B% xg,z  ZB,8!, 9,z.( ,€ X5,4% 2=3. Z9,25 2.1% 6.7% 15.8%  19.6-% z,9  2o¢  x4,6 z:,e%  2o.c ZT.l 16.9 13.3  z3.e z7.5 lT.l: },o XB,B to,e 2.c Ze,3  .%o% 9.3% Y. z9,2  8,9 , 29, ..9 .e$ .z , .%e zs.9 .3  2.6-. D,3%  8,B% ,6% 35.t% 29,6%  6.9€ 2.2% n,6 lt, 6 i 30., .r, 20. I;Z 2 0.4% ll, 7% :rhursday, June 19, 1 - 8helton.Mzumn County Journal - Page